SAND VEIL is the reason for RAGE, A Philly senior warstory

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Hi, I’m SP67 and this is a warstory of my time in Philly. My real name is Jonathan Hiller, and I’m a 13 year old homeschooler in PA.

SAND VEIL is the reason for RAGE
A Philly senior warstory


I started work on a new team almost instantly after November regs, but in my excitement, I seemed to miss the fact that the team I was building was really bad. It had some interesting ideas and spreads I made, but overall, I scrapped it about a month before the tourney for a team of

which was a bit better. The Ttar has a scarf and Rotom has specs. I did a TON of practice under alt on PO and on the GBU, and, while I felt the team could’ve been a lot better, I thought I was ready for Philly.


The big day finally came :D. I was super nervous, but excited. I made my little siblings a basic Zapchomp team with Scarfsnow and Metagross in the back, and we got in the car to go to Philly! The ride was about an hour long, and nothing interesting happened until we got to the convention center.
We finally made it!!! But not really, as we found out we came in the wrong entrance. We went back out of the building, walked a couple of blocks, found the right entrance, went up the stairs and…
HOLY CRAP!!! The line is HUGE. There were only 27 seniors in VA, but we easily hit the 100 mark here (I later learned that there were about 170 seniors). We get in line, I start freaking out because of nerves, and Rukario and Chilibowl show up! :D Someone I know, yay. We talk for a bit, walk around and find Cybertron and iss, and then me and my sister freeze hax Rukario and chilibowl to death in a multibattle. Good times.
We have to cut the battle short because we reach the end of the line. I get my epic green wristband and enter the playing area. There’s a huge number of people, and I hear they’re running out of seats, so I go to an open seat WHAT DO YOU KNOW BlitznBurst and his brother are right there :D. We talk for a little bit and Blitz’s brother steals my Togekiss plush and 3DS several times (gosh that kid is a ninja) while we talk. I get up to walk around and see Soul Survivor and InfiniteParalysis. Anyway, we talked until the battles started.

Round 1: Me VS. Fadi:
I’m going to go ahead and call matchup hax here. We started talking when we sat down, and he asks if I’ve ever won anything before. I said yes, I won the Newark Regional last year, and this kid next to me starts peppering me with questions, asks to see my medal, etc. He says he’s nervous now. Then we start battling. His team is mostly standered with a Swampert, but he gets a turn 1 crit, and I miss Icicle Crash turn two. I think I’m going to lose, but then some good prediction gets me the match. He was really good for his first event, and I think he could’ve done well had we not been matched up.

I found out that my sister is 1-0 as well, against GARCHOMPZILLA no less. My little brother is already 2-0 in Juniors.

Round 2
Can’t remember much, just a basic 11 team with a level 48 Haxorus (lol). Easy win.

Round 3 VS Andrew
This is where the title comes in.
We say hi and everything, he mentions his PO username is pokemoniskool (Pokemoniskool?), and we start the battle. His team seems very standered, and I lead with hitmontop and Mamoswine, while he goes with Zapchomp. I don’t remember too much from the battle, but he gets a crit costing me my Rotom, which I think costs me the game, but his last poke wasn’t Metagross, like I expected. During this time his Yache berry gets used up with his Garchomp, and it’s left with my Scarftar and Mamo against his Latios and half health Gar. He says he thinks I’ve got this, and I joke that I’m going to miss Ice Shard. Well what do you know. MISS NUMBER 1! Ok, his earthquake left Ttar alive, I can still do this. I Ice Shard again and Crunch Latios. Crunch hits and KOes, and I miss AGAIN. MISS NUMBER 2! His Earthquake knocks out Ttar and leaves Mamo with 14 HP. We’re both sweating now. I use Ice Shard a pray I won’t miss again. I MISSED AGAIN THERE GOES MY CHANCES TO WIN. I’m in a bit of a cold rage, but we say good game and move out of the playing area.

During this time I lose my Togekiss plushie, so I don’t have it for the next match.

Round 4 VS. Robbie (one of Cybertron’s friends)
We say good luck and start. I see basic rain the the preview, so I lead Rotom and Togekiss. He has Policolo, so I just attack. He FOs Togekiss and Rotom takes a good chunk of HP out of Poli (even with Wacan), and I switch to Ttar on a surf (activating Ludi’s Absorb bulb). Ok, no biggie, I can do this. His Poli protects, and I use RS missing his Ludi, Ludi KOes me, and Air slash leaves him with just enough HP so that he’s not Koed by sand. Later on in the battle it’s my Togekiss and Rotom VS Kingdra and Politoad. I forget how it happens, but I KO toad, and he gets a SPdef drop on Rotom with Psychic. I still think I can win, because if I just Follow Me and Thunderbolt, it’ll KO with specs. I Follow Me, and Surf KOs because of the freaking drop. WHAT THE HECK POKEMON!!!

Now, I’m really upset, so I just try to find my Togekiss to keep my mind of off it. This was the same round my little bro hit the run button by accident, so that just made it worse.
I finally find my Togekiss in the lost-and-found.

Round 5 VS Shawn (I think)
Nothing to hard about this match. Win for me.

Round 6 VS some girl (I can’t remember her name)
Nothing to hard about this either, although her game froze after we sent out our first pokes and we had to play again. It wasn’t to hard though

Round 7 VS BlitznBurst
Matchup hax!!!, Oh well, we didn’t have a chance at top 4 anyway. It was a good match, with some hax from me. I won’t say to much about his team, but the first two turns were a play by play of my round 4 match with Robbie. Good game, sorry we had to fight so soon.

My sister is currently 6-0 and my little bro is fighting Babbytron in the finals for Juniors. :O

Round 8 VS LudiImpact
You may have read about this match in his warstory. It’s pretty basic for me, I Imprison his TR with Chandelure and sweep. Good game.

I happen to see while they’re hack checking that I got 21st. My sister lost in the last round to a Chansy, and gets 9th. That was really disappointing, because she wanted a playmate and binder :/. Oh well. I talk for a bit, and then head to the terminal market for dinner. My little bro lost to Babbytron, so because of his run button problem, he gets 8th place :/.

My sister and little bro for doing so well with their first serious team :D.
All of the smogoners there being so nice. It was great hanging out with you guys.
The staff being so helpful.
PungentFruit getting 2nd! Congrats!!!

Hax of course. I really wanted some byes.
Having a run button in the game. Micah could’ve gotten 2nd :(.
Masters being delayed 3 and a half hours. I understand they didn’t have a choice, but still.
The lack of top cut obviously.

Overall I had a great time. Thank you so much everyone, for making this day memorable, and I can’t wait for Nationals!

Shout outs!
Brandon: Thank you so much for your team advice and for all of the encouragement you gave me.
Epic Demise: Thanks for team advice and encouragement.
Shii, Biosci, Kiwidawg, TheMantyke: Thank you guys so much for helping me with me and my siblings teams. There’s no way I could’ve gotten it in time without you guys!
Dimsun: Thanks for being awesome lol. It’s always great talking with you, and I can’t wait to hang out at nats.

And finally, thank you God, for blessing me with the ability to play Pokemon somewhat well, and the ability to go to these tournaments.

Thank you all!
I can only hope I can enter one of these when I learn the game better. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. Plus you got to experience it with your family. Congrats.
It was great seeing you Jonathan! That multi battle was extremely haxy but luckily it was the only major hax that happened to me all day :D I hope you get a chance to compete at nats with your siblings because I know you'll all do great! I know we'll hang out some more at the next NE regional :)
Great warstory, SP! I was the kid with Soul Survivor. It was really nice meeting you, you're a really cool guy. Great job on you and your siblings on doing pretty well, just sucks that you didn't get further, I was hoping you made it at least 7-1.

Wish to see you again at Indianapolis; hopefully you do much better there!
It seems like Togekiss missing brought you bad luck... Shame that you couldn't do better than at VA, but it's great to hear that you're still going to nats!
It was great seeing you Jonathan! That multi battle was extremely haxy but luckily it was the only major hax that happened to me all day :D I hope you get a chance to compete at nats with your siblings because I know you'll all do great! I know we'll hang out some more at the next NE regional :)

Yeah, that multi-battle was so haxy lol, I wish we could've finished it. It was great hanging out with you there too!

It seems like Togekiss missing brought you bad luck... Shame that you couldn't do better than at VA, but it's great to hear that you're still going to nats!

Yes, I blame my Togekiss missing for my loss round 4. That thing was supposed to give me Super Luck lol. It didn't do its job, but I am still going to nats, so I'll see you there!

Nice story yo!

I saw you freaking out when the Ice Shards missed. Must've been pretty bad D:

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was the round you were fighting Cybertron, and you were only two chairs away from me the whole time lol. I was freaking out. If any one of those 3 Ice Shards hit, I would've won, but whatever. There's always nats.

Thank God nats has a top cut!!!
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