Media Yu-Gi-Oh discussion

Samurai Warlord box


Without Priority, no one would be able to do anything in this game. Ignition Priority is what got removed. I know it sounds like a minor thing, and it probably is to most people, but it's just one of those things that bugs me for some reason.

But yes, joy to the world, Ignition Priority is gone. Rescue Rabbit can now be stopped with Effect Veiler, which is a cause for celebration by itself.

Galactic Overlord is getting released soon. Does anyone intend to pick up anything from it? Cardcar D is looking particularly powerful.

In other news, I finally finished up my Inzektor deck.
I am very curious to see what happens this weekend at YCS Chicago, with the ignition priority removal only coming a few days ago. I still expect the main 5 (Rabbit, Inzektor, Wind-Ups, Heroes, and Dark World) to dominate, but I think the balance of power might have shifted to Inzektors and Heroes, although Inzektors will not like to deal with the 2-3 Veiler that I expect most people to be maining. However, I wouldn't be too surprised if Rabbit continued to be the best deck of the format.

Will also be interesting to see what changes Galatic Overlord will have on the meta. Will Cardcar D be run in everything? Will Evolsaurs jump up to tier 1? And of course, everyone's favorite new archetype, Hieratics are coming.
Without gustaph hieratics will be high tier 2 low tier one. In chicago I expect dark world or heros to win because everyone will be running 3 veilers. Wind ups can work around veiler better than People think so it has a shot too. If Rabbit wins fml
I don't see Cardcar D being run in everything. I feel it's mostly for OTK decks or decks that just don't have their own draw power (Hieratics, Inzektors, Lavals, etc). I don't think Evolsaurs will jump up a tier, but they'll certainly get better.

I expect a Rabbit, HERO, and Inzektor top 4. I don't think Dragonsworn will make a large showing in this YCS, despite coming in second at Dallas (it was Dallas, right?).
Because of Cardcar D's effect of tributing itself and then ending the turn, I'd still rather run Reckless Greed. Greed might not be able to activate immediately, but it does get you an advantage early on and you won't leave you open in most situations.
Because of Cardcar D's effect of tributing itself and then ending the turn, I'd still rather run Reckless Greed. Greed might not be able to activate immediately, but it does get you an advantage early on and you won't leave you open in most situations.

Skipping your next two Draw Phases can be a death sentence. I'd much rather play Cardcar, maybe take an attack or two from my opponent, and then go on the offensive.

Or I could just set something like Torrential Tribute / Bottomless Trap Hole and then play Cardcar.
Imo Card Car D shouldn't be run in every deck. Decks that relies on inconsistent combos like lavals in the ocg were running 3 is a must to get sweltering heat and rekindling. I still cant wait for the rest of the lavals to be released. Wanna use them irl.

Also with ignition priority removed you can veiler CardCarD.

EDIT: On the subject on Cardcar vs Reckless. CardCar is best used early on(turn 1 usually). Reckless is good when you know you can OTK your opponent, or need that extradraw to win. If your not able to get a good hand to win after 2-3 reckless in a row somethings wrong in your deck.
Reckless should probably only be used in decks that can supplement it with additional draw power. Sure, a +1 is great for decks that make plays on one turn, but it takes a turn to set up and has a crippling cost. Cardcar D's drawbacks are generally more acceptable, and it has immediate usability in the first turn of the game. Even if it's Veilered that's simply one less Veiler your opponent can use to block any comboes relying on an on-field monster. Cardcar D is generally more effective than Reckless Greed, especially if you don't pull off the OTK. Now, this of course changes if a deck has access to more draw cards than just Reckless Greed. If a deck is able to draw into two, or god forbid three, Reckless Greeds, then it's better for that deck than Cardcar D. Take Dark World Turbo. Gateway, Dragged, DWD, Broww, Upstart Goblin, and Snoww all thin the deck, drastically increasing your chances of pulling multiple Reckless Greeds. Overall two Reckless Greeds only break even in terms of card economy (+4 draw -2 Reckless Greed themselves -2 drawn cards), but an immediate +4 draw is incredible, especially since it opens up the possibility of drawing into the third Reckless Greed and activating it before the next draw phase, totalling a +1 at the end of the two turns (though there's a decent chance you won't need the two turns). All of this without costing you your Normal or Special Summons, or your Battle Phase.

So in general Cardcar D > Reckless Greed in most decks that need the drawpower, but Reckless Greed >>>>> Cardcar D in decks with a healthy amount of drawpower. Of course, you could also choose to run both.
Reckless should probably only be used in decks that can supplement it with additional draw power. Sure, a +1 is great for decks that make plays on one turn, but it takes a turn to set up and has a crippling cost. Cardcar D's drawbacks are generally more acceptable, and it has immediate usability in the first turn of the game. Even if it's Veilered that's simply one less Veiler your opponent can use to block any comboes relying on an on-field monster. Cardcar D is generally more effective than Reckless Greed, especially if you don't pull off the OTK. Now, this of course changes if a deck has access to more draw cards than just Reckless Greed. If a deck is able to draw into two, or god forbid three, Reckless Greeds, then it's better for that deck than Cardcar D. Take Dark World Turbo. Gateway, Dragged, DWD, Broww, Upstart Goblin, and Snoww all thin the deck, drastically increasing your chances of pulling multiple Reckless Greeds. Overall two Reckless Greeds only break even in terms of card economy (+4 draw -2 Reckless Greed themselves -2 drawn cards), but an immediate +4 draw is incredible, especially since it opens up the possibility of drawing into the third Reckless Greed and activating it before the next draw phase, totalling a +1 at the end of the two turns (though there's a decent chance you won't need the two turns). All of this without costing you your Normal or Special Summons, or your Battle Phase.

So in general Cardcar D > Reckless Greed in most decks that need the drawpower, but Reckless Greed >>>>> Cardcar D in decks with a healthy amount of drawpower. Of course, you could also choose to run both.

If you think of the negative impact Reckless has, it's rather minimal. You might miss your two draws, but that's because you already have those cards in your hand. You're putting yourself ahead with two draws immediately and then allowing your opponent to catch up. Admittedly, I do only run Greed in my DW Turbo, but if I made a Rabbit deck I'd use it too, and I side it into Inzektors.

This is why I generally dislike the plus and minus concept, because it only measures card advantage in terms of quantity over the opponent. Cards like CardCar D might give you a nice +1, but it's costing you your Normal Summon and you can't immediately use what you draw. It's not a plus until your next turn, and you're leaving your Life Points wide open.

Also, here's the DW Turbo that I just made. I'm ditching Dragged Down because it's not that great of a card. Your opponent probably won't discard one of your DW cards, but take out your spells and traps or whatever you have. I realize the advantage you can have but I've always drawn the card in the least appropriate situations. My Side's just tailored to get around meta decks (Chaos Hunter for Chaos Dragons and Malefics Chain Disappearance for Wind-Ups and Inzektors, Devestation's for those beatdown decks, ect). I realize the deck's far from perfect but I don't feel like fixing it up before I post it since it's 12 am.

Also, here's the DW Turbo that I just made. I'm ditching Dragged Down because it's not that great of a card. Your opponent probably won't discard one of your DW cards, but take out your spells and traps or whatever you have. I realize the advantage you can have but I've always drawn the card in the least appropriate situations. My Side's just tailored to get around meta decks (Chaos Hunter for Chaos Dragons and Malefics Chain Disappearance for Wind-Ups and Inzektors, Devestation's for those beatdown decks, ect). I realize the deck's far from perfect but I don't feel like fixing it up before I post it since it's 12 am.


a few things: 1: When you use dragged down, you set all your spells and traps before using it, you your opponent has to discard a darkworld.
2: Thunderking Interferes with snoww, one of the best cards in the deck
2: A darkworld deck should never be over 40 cards
3: Theres no point in running a 1-card draw if you're already over 40 cards. Upstart is used to make a a 40 card deck act like a 37 card deck.
4: Gozen match is a side deck card, theres too many deck that it wont do anything to
5: Dark world can be one of the most powerful decks in the game, but its not very consistant. When building a DW deck, you wanna optomize your consistancy by only including the absolutly neccesary cards (Snoww, Broww, Grapha, gates, dealings, etc)

In other news, how about those meta changes since april? Wind-ups have disappeared and chaos dragons are the new big thing. I play machina gadgets myself, but I like it how a budget deck can top a YCS
Fiendish Chain blows. It's just another annoying -1 that "cool" kids try to pass off as a useful card. Stick to 141 cards.

What about book of moon? Just because something is an inherent -1 doesn't mean it's not useful. The key is knowing when to use certain cards and to be able to even advantage back up or gain advantage through it. Just my 2 cents. I think fiendish chain is...okay

On a side note, I played locals again for the first time in like 5 months and forgot how much I love playing in real life as opposed to on duelingnetwork. DN is great and all, but if you guys get the chance, play cards in person. So much more fun and fulfilling.
i think its more "if you can afford wind-ups and think its worth using a top tier deck, you can afford and use rabbit" and why wouldnt you use a far superior deck?
Woah, I wouldn't say Wind-Ups cost as much as a Dino Rabbit deck. I don't even think they're comparable.

I think it's more like "If you have the money for Wind-Ups, why not just buy three Dragons Collide Structure Decks and make Chaos Dragons" at this point. Dino Rabbit, even with Rescue Rabbit prices plummeting, as well as the Effect Veiler and Tour Guide of the Underworld reprint, still remains the priciest deck of them all.
Ahhh that DW Turbo deck posted above needs a lot of work.

Drop the TKings, drop Bronns, and hell, I'd even consider dropping 1 - 2 Trance. It's a good card, but you don't need it in 3s. You could even opt to cut the TGUs if you want - I'm really not a fan of them in DW Turbo, despite Balan's success at Long Beach, but if you feel that they're working for you, keep them I guess. However, even if you keep TGUs, I'd drop Sangan, and consider dropping Morphing Jar. Sangan hardly has any searchable targets in the deck, and since you've already got Broww as a searchable TGU target can bounce for Grapha, Sangan's kind of unneeded. Jar is an amazing card no doubt, especially in Dark Worlds, but the turbo build focuses a ton on making huge pushes quickly, and I personally find the card too slow. I'd swap in Beiige x2 in order to give you another Grapha target, however, so the monster lineup would probably be something like this:

Grapha x3
Snoww x3
Broww x3
Beige x2
TGU x3
Dark Armed x1
Trance x1

Your Spell lineup is decent, but I'd go with dropping Into the Void (decent card, but it only breaks even and DW Turbo doesn't want to discard everything at the end of the turn - they want to discard all at once during their turn and make their big push. You should also probably drop the Dark World Lightning, since while it's a decent card, overall Grapha's a better form of S/T destruction, since if you activate Lightning and they chain the card you target, you don't get your discard. Swap in 3 Dragged Downs - it's honestly one of the best cards the deck can run, and you're hurting the deck tons by not using it. Oh, and add one Upstart. This makes your spell count 16.

You're running too many unnecessary traps, and not enough of the good ones. By that I mean that you should be running Reckless in 3s or not at all. Gozen Match has no reason to be in main. Skill Drain can be decent in DWs, but conflicts too much with the TGU variant. If you really wanted you could throw in a Dark Smog to mess with Chaos Dragons, and since you have such a good first matchup against Rabbit anyways, its ineffectiveness against them isn't too important, but other than that, you really don't need much more than 3x Reckless.

edit: you could also main 2-3 MST since good rabbit players are maining d fissure and macro now
1). Windsong: Rukia is AWESOME!!

2). I feel like I am the only one now-a-days running a Mill deck.....

I mean, the duels I win are few and far between, but its always fun ruining an opponent's entire field with a set Morphing Jar #2 :P
We may not be seeing Wind-Ups all that much in top level condition, but just because we're not seeing Wind-Ups all that much doesn't mean they don't have broken aspects.

Ban Hunter.