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This question is about Pokemon Showdown:
Can you use stuff like Meleotta or Techniloom in OU? What are the restrictions, aside from obvious Ubers?
What's going to happen with the tiers at the end of June? All of Antar's data is from PO, and I don't know if he is able to collect data from PS yet.

If PS data isn't available, would tiers be updated with the data from PO, or would we wait for 3 months of PS data?
What level is are the Genes caught at on pokeradar?

According to Pokejungle, "A majority of Pokémon obtainable in the Dream Radar will have their alternate abilities and will appear between level 5 and 40, depending on your number of gym badges."

I believe that is the most we know at the moment.
What's going to happen with the tiers at the end of June? All of Antar's data is from PO, and I don't know if he is able to collect data from PS yet.

If PS data isn't available, would tiers be updated with the data from PO, or would we wait for 3 months of PS data?
I actually asked Antar about the tiers earlier today, and this was his response:
Antar said:
If I have any say over it, the cycle will continue. Updating the tiers quickly after a major upheaval is a bad idea, since it'll take AT LEAST a month (probably more like three) for things to really settle down after a change this drastic.

In the meantime, the suspect councils will have their work cut out for them banning truly broken things (Black/White Kyurem?).
If one would want to lead with Tyranitar, would it be better to put EV's into defense, or max out special defense. This is along with a boosting nature.

I am leaning toward maxing out special defense because sandstorm provides 1 stage boost.

Also, on another thread somebody told me that close combat from powerful pokemon like terrakion will always 1hit ko a tyranitar no matter what, so it seams to me that maxing defense is sorta pointless. Im thinking of going DD-tar with max HP and special defense. What would be better for a lead?
If one would want to lead with Tyranitar, would it be better to put EV's into defense, or max out special defense. This is along with a boosting nature.

I am leaning toward maxing out special defense because sandstorm provides 1 stage boost.

Also, on another thread somebody told me that close combat from powerful pokemon like terrakion will always 1hit ko a tyranitar no matter what, so it seams to me that maxing defense is sorta pointless. Im thinking of going DD-tar with max HP and special defense. What would be better for a lead?
Depends on what you want to survive, but X-Act's calculator can help you with general defensive EVs. Either way, if you're running a DD set you'll want to max Attack and Speed, or else you aren't making proper use of the boosts.
Are we gonna instaban soul dew or do we get a chance to play around with it?

This is a matter for the OU Council (or the heads of tiering) to decide. However, considering that last Generation we had a Soul Dew Clause, it seems likely that the clause will be re-implemented unless the OU Council think it deserves a re-test.
I have heard mention of the item "Swimming Goggles" several times.
Just to confirm, it doubles speed in rain but confuses you out of rain, right??

Anyway, I was looking for it on Pokemon Showdown but I couldn't find it. Is it under a different name or something??
I have heard mention of the item "Swimming Goggles" several times.
Just to confirm, it doubles speed in rain but confuses you out of rain, right??

Anyway, I was looking for it on Pokemon Showdown but I couldn't find it. Is it under a different name or something??
Where did you hear that? No such item exists.
I have heard mention of the item "Swimming Goggles" several times.
Just to confirm, it doubles speed in rain but confuses you out of rain, right??

Anyway, I was looking for it on Pokemon Showdown but I couldn't find it. Is it under a different name or something??

That's a long-dead rumor about a nonexistent item. Purge it from your mind.
I have 2 very different questions:

1- Does anyone know how to get shards in BW2? Is it as difficult/annoying as it is in Platinum?

2- This has more to do with the do you edit your signature? I wanna add moving sprites so if you care to explain how to do that too it would be really great...
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