Black and White Kyurem

Off topic, but now that Mold Breaker is released, Excadrill can just nail Giratina-O with Earthquake since it does more damage considering STAB.

Earthquake = 100*1.5 = 150
Shadow Claw = 2* 70 = 140 :p

But in such case Excadrill can't outspeed Max Speed+ Giratina-O.
You may call me crazy but I have been thinking on using Iron head on the choice band set. It could run Outrage Fusion bolt Stone edge and iron head (Roost can help and all other moves outside of special are freeze shock and shadow claw). However going mixed isnt a bad idea too and Sub + Freeze shock could help him (Substituing SE and IH) since a one use item isnt what i would call attractive
You may call me crazy but I have been thinking on using Iron head on the choice band set. It could run Outrage Fusion bolt Stone edge and iron head (Roost can help and all other moves outside of special are freeze shock and shadow claw). However going mixed isnt a bad idea too and Sub + Freeze shock could help him (Substituing SE and IH) since a one use item isnt what i would call attractive

You're not too crazy.Kyurem-B entire physical movepool with 70+ Power:

Dragon Claw
Fusion Bolt
Freeze Shock
Shadow Claw
Stone Edge
Rock Slide
Iron Head
Zen Headbutt

Most of those won't hit a valid target at all.Zen Headbutt,Return,and Facade are completely useless.Rock Slide and Stone Edge only seem to be good against Ho-Oh,Lugia,Skymin, and Reshiram but you already have Fusion Bolt for those. Shadow Claw hits nothing Fusion Bolt/Outrage wouldn't. Iron Head doesn't really add any coverage but you could use it on Scarf for some LULZY flinches.Keep in mind though there are a ton of Fire/Water pokes to resist Iron Head.

I think I would run this for a Choice set:

Kyurem-B @ Choice Band/Choice Scarf
Jolly/Adamant Terravolt
252 Atk/6 Sp.Def/252 Spe
- Outrage
- Dragon Claw
- Fusion Bolt
- Freeze Shock

I heard CB Freeze Shock can OHKO a Ferrothorn but I haven't checked myself.Ice Beam would probably be better but again I haven't checked an uninvested hit against most targets.Gliscor's screwed though which is always a good thing.

Why doesn't this thing get Ice Punch,Dual Chop, or Superpower?All fit his theme and would help so much.
Whether or not Turboblaze bypasses Thick Fat is irrelevant, as even if it didn't, the two moves he compared would both have had their power halved anyway. And the point was that even though Kyurem receives Same Type Attack Bonus for Ice Beam, but not Fusion Flare, the two moves dealt the same amount of damage.
That's not exactly new to me, if to be honest. Turboblaze and Teravolt are just like Mold Breaker: they bypass abilities that hinder there attacks. This is why Shedinja does not counter Zekrom, and this is why Snorlax takes normal damage from Ice Beam and Fusion Flare. Here is the quote from Smogon's abilitydex about Turboblaze: "If this Pokemon attacks and the target's ability would prevent the effects of the attack from taking place, or hinder the effects of the move, the ability is temporarily nullified while the attack is in progress."
The point is not that Fusion Flare and Ice Beam both dealt a normal amount of damage to a Thick Fat Pokémon. The point is that, despite the fact that Kyurem's Ice Beam effectively has a base power of 142.5 factoring in Same Type Attack Bonus, and Kyurem's Fusion Flare apparently has 100 base power only, the two moves did the same amount of damage, making the creator of that topic theorize that Turboblaze may be responsible for boosting the power of Kyurem's Fusion Flare up to 150, and therefore revealing a previously-unknown game mechanic.
The point is not that Fusion Flare and Ice Beam both dealt a normal amount of damage to a Thick Fat Pokémon. The point is that, despite the fact that Kyurem's Ice Beam effectively has a base power of 142.5 factoring in Same Type Attack Bonus, and Kyurem's Fusion Flare apparently has 100 base power only, the two moves did the same amount of damage, making the creator of that topic theorize that Turboblaze may be responsible for boosting the power of Kyurem's Fusion Flare up to 150, and therefore revealing a previously-unknown game mechanic.

Oh, that's pretty goddamn incredible then. If this is confirmed, and is also true for Kyurem-B, then we must have been underrating Kyurem-B for no reason. Yay for ability STAB?
If it's true, then I'm most interested in the devastating power of Reshiram's Same Type Attack Bonus, Choice Specs, Sun and Turboblaze-boosted Blue Flare then, actually :)
Just imagine if this actually stacks up on Reshiram (Turboblaze) or Zekrom (Teravolt). Then their STAB moves would be REALLY powerful.
I'm not too sure about what to make of this. I mean, the guy has not given us any indication of EVs, IVs, natures or anything to make a damage calculation on. Ice Beam doing 35% to Snorlax sounds very much within reason, IMO.
I don't have access to B/W2 to test there, but in B/W1 Teravolt does not appear give Zekrom any sort of Adaptability bonus. Was doing the expected damage to Grimsley's Scarfty with a lvl 50 Zekrom with Fusion Bolt, Dragon Claw, and Slash. I will assume this remains the same in B/W2 and with Reshi. If it gives any secret boost, its STAB bonus to Fire/Electric moves if the user doesn't have it already have it OR Kyu-W/B has a hidden third type(BW2 hackmon tests go).


I'm not too sure about what to make of this. I mean, the guy has not given us any indication of EVs, IVs, natures or anything to make a damage calculation on. Ice Beam doing 35% to Snorlax sounds very much within reason, IMO.
Its not the Ice Beam doing 35%, its the Fusion Flare(No STAB) doing the same damage as Ice Beam(STAB), Fusion Flare should be ~2/3 Ice Beam so if Ice Beam is doing ~35%ish Fusion Flare should be in the 20%s
just wondering,exactly how many speed gira-o's have you seen lolb giratina cant afford to run anywhere near max speed. sorry for the terse post but im on my phone atm :/

No problem about the post :P

But indeed, Max Speed+ Giratina-O are just a few, but they exist, for example, i started to run one of these after being crushed by the Excadrill you mentioned. My Giratina-O has the CM + 2 attacks + Subs set, but generally the Mixed Attack ones need to maximize the two attacks so Speed is out of game for them, so i guess this kind depends on situation.

And Mold Breaker Excadrill wouldn't have the ability to sweep like the Sand Rush ones (but yeah, probably that kind of Exca will be used as Bulky Spinner set, not the Offensive Swords Dance).

VERY interesting, but i don't think this extra Electric or Fire STAB (if it really exists) works for Zekrom and Reshiram, because in such case Bolt Strike from Choice Band Zekrom would deal more damage in an specially defensive Ferrothorn than Water Spout from Specs Kyogre in rain, and about the same damage against some physical variant. And a Blue Flame from Specs Reshiram in the Sun would be more powerful than Water Spout from Specs Kyogre in rain, but we know that they have about the same power.

So if it works, probably is just for Kyurem-Black and White.
How much more, within damage rolls more or like really noticeably more?

Noticeably more. I can't test in numbers because I'm trying to RNG Reshiram at Dragonspiral Tower, and to test this, I had to catch both Resh and Kyu, and fight Shantal with WK, then turn off without saving.

Feel free to try yourself though.