Creative (and good) Movesets Mk II (READ THE OP FIRST)

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I prefer the DD lapras set myself, but do you realise that virtually no rock, electric, or grass type pokemon can actually OHKO Lapras unless it's a Specs Thundurus-T or something. I think to KO the DD set that's going on site Choice Band Terrakion has to resort to Close Combat to KO too...

And if you can't OHKO Lapras, you can't break through it thanks to that one-turn full recovery. Unless the move you're using has perfect accuracy, no drawbacks and more than 8 pp that won't be sufficient.

The main problem with lapras is actually removing enemy weather inducers and the pokemon that wall it to hell and back. Powerful attackers are what people switch into Lapras when they don't know how to deal with it.

@Leichi Berry/Leftovers/Evolite
Speed Boost
252Hp/252Def/4 Spe OR 252Hp/252Spe/4 Def
Bold Nature

~Baton Pass
~Swords Dance/Bulk Up/Mud Slap/WoW

The idea is to come in on a defensive pokemon, boost up, and Baton Pass out. You could run max def (to survive priority moves better), or max speed to outspeed more stuff initially. Phasers screw it over, so you might want to pass to Cradilly or use with Espeon or something. Mud Slap looks stupid, but it can buy you some time and allow you to successfully pass a sub. Its a shame this thing doesnt get Sand attack is Outclassed by Mud Slap. WoW burns any Phazer except for Heatran. They'll eventually have to Recover so they cant counter you forever. This is basically a Ninjask with a bigger movepool and no Sr weakness....and it resists Bullet Punch and Ice Shard.


Speed Boost
@Life Orb
252Att/252 Spe/4 Def
Jolly Nature

~Flare Blitz
~Sky Uppercut
~Swords Dance/Protect/Night Slash
~Swords Dance/Protect/Night Slash

Unfortionately you need Jolly to outspeed Lati@s at +1. Outspeads Scarf Genesect at +2. This is no Blaziken, but could be a decent cleaner on sun teams (and no one prepares for it).

@Leichi Berry/Leftovers/Evolite
Speed Boost
252Hp/252Def/4 Spe OR 252Hp/252Spe/4 Def
Bold Nature

~Baton Pass
~Swords Dance/Bulk Up/Mud Slap/WoW

The only Speed Boost Torchic that has been released was male and Baton Pass is an egg move so unfortunately Baton Pass is illegal with Speed Boost. Otherwise, I'm not sure exactly what this set has over things like Smash Passing since Combusken has pitiful bulk (60/60/60) and can't boost special attack.
Well actually, Combusken does learn Work Up so it could use that...

...if you wanted to use a massive gimmick.

@Leichi Berry/Leftovers/Evolite
Speed Boost
252Hp/252Def/4 Spe OR 252Hp/252Spe/4 Def
Bold Nature

~Baton Pass
~Swords Dance/Bulk Up/Mud Slap/WoW

The idea is to come in on a defensive pokemon, boost up, and Baton Pass out. You could run max def (to survive priority moves better), or max speed to outspeed more stuff initially. Phasers screw it over, so you might want to pass to Cradilly or use with Espeon or something. Mud Slap looks stupid, but it can buy you some time and allow you to successfully pass a sub. Its a shame this thing doesnt get Sand attack is Outclassed by Mud Slap. WoW burns any Phazer except for Heatran. They'll eventually have to Recover so they cant counter you forever. This is basically a Ninjask with a bigger movepool and no Sr weakness....and it resists Bullet Punch and Ice Shard.


Speed Boost
@Life Orb
252Att/252 Spe/4 Def
Jolly Nature

~Flare Blitz
~Sky Uppercut
~Swords Dance/Protect/Night Slash
~Swords Dance/Protect/Night Slash

Unfortionately you need Jolly to outspeed Lati@s at +1. Outspeads Scarf Genesect at +2. This is no Blaziken, but could be a decent cleaner on sun teams (and no one prepares for it).
Combusken doesn't have the bulk nor the speed to use these sets. The Baton Pass set is generally outclassed by Ninjask, who is quick enough to guarantee a Sub goes up no matter how fast the opponent is, barring some Scarfers. I have also tried Combusken in UU. Its nearly impossible to set up, due to its poor bulk, it doesn't force switches easily, and it doesn't hit hard enough. Sure you're getting 2HK0s, but they can easily OHK0 you back, and you die due to recoil way too fast. Its just not worth using Combusken when other sun sweepers are available.
Anti-Meta Exeggutor

Exeggutor @ Lum Berry
Quiet | Harvest | 252 HP 252 SpA
Trick Room
Sleep Powder
Leaf Storm/Giga Drain
HP Fire/Psychic/Explosion

Idea behind this demented palm is similar to TR Reuniclus - Come in to tank a hit, set up TR to screw with the opposition's speed freaks and do as much damage as possible. Similarly to Reuniclus, it has a pseudo-immunity to status and though it lacks the sheer power and coverage, it has also now become the fastest sleep inducer in the game.

A great lure/status absorber/utility in one.
Anti-Meta Exeggutor

Exeggutor @ Lum Berry
Quiet | Harvest | 252 HP 252 SpA
Trick Room
Sleep Powder
Leaf Storm/Giga Drain
HP Fire/Psychic/Explosion

Idea behind this demented palm is similar to TR Reuniclus - Come in to tank a hit, set up TR to screw with the opposition's speed freaks and do as much damage as possible. Similarly to Reuniclus, it has a pseudo-immunity to status and though it lacks the sheer power and coverage, it has also now become the fastest sleep inducer in the game.

A great lure/status absorber/utility in one.

Interesting, I could see this working fairly well. Exeggutor does have a lot of power, a lot more than most people realize and Trick Room lets it take advantage of that. While it'd usually have coverage issues Sleep Powder helps allieviate that, and gives you a 75% chance of at least incapacitating something. And unlike Amoonguss or Breloom or even Venusuar, because it's so uncommon people are less likely to send in sleep fodder and get something vital put to sleep instead.

Unfortunately I'm not sure how well this fits into the creative category, seeing as this set pretty much the set you just listed with a Life Orb instead of a Lum Berry. Indeed I wonder if a Life Orb might not be more useful, seeing as Exeggutor's bulk isn't enough that I imagine status being a huge issue in the first place, and I see this set being more of a one off nuke than something that can come in again and again.
Aww damn, I thought I was being original again lol. Nevertheless, it is a suprisingly effective set, even in OU. Explosion can obviously be used if you simply want a TR setter that can sleep something as well.
just an idea
hydreigon@life orb
modest/naive 252 Spa/252 spe/4 atk
-draco meteor
-fire blast

after a tailwind hydreigon outspeeds anything up to base 150s and positive nature base 85 scarfers. then can either hit something hard with draco or fire blast or u-turn out and give something else the speed boost
just an idea
hydreigon@life orb
modest/naive 252 Spa/252 spe/4 atk
-draco meteor
-fire blast

after a tailwind hydreigon outspeeds anything up to base 150s and positive nature base 85 scarfers. then can either hit something hard with draco or fire blast or u-turn out and give something else the speed boost

You're not the first to come up with this idea and it certainly does sound effective on paper. Of the tailwind setters available in OU, Hydreigon certainly is one of the best and one of the few that can really abuse its own tailwind effectively. My only qualm with the set you have listed is that U-Turn is of limited utility here since a fast U-turn does not protect the switch in or save a turn of tailwind. Simply put, just switching out to something that can abuse tailwind is almost as useful as U-turning out, and doesn't take up a moveslot. While it would help you if your opponent switches, I can't help but to feel that Hydreigon might benefit more from additional coverage like Focus Blast, Superpower or Earth Power instead, or maybe Roost to allow it to set up tailwind multiple times a match.

It's a good set though and it'd certaintly throw a lot of teams for a loop, at least for the 3 turns where tailwind is active. While it's not a completely new idea I don't think it's on-site or earlier on this thread (or its predecessor), so I'm not going to harp at you for not being creative :P.

That was a pretty decent first post, just next time you might want to add a little more explanation afterwards, like about why you might use tailwind over other moves and what Hydreigon has over other tailwind setters. But keep up the good work and flesh out your posts a bit and you should do fine here. Welcome to Smogon!
Tornadus-I @ Life Orb
Nature: Modest
Ability: Prankster
124HP /24 Def/ 252Sp Atk/ 108Spe
Sleep Talk
Focus Blast

The reason to use the Incarnate forme is because of Prankster, giving it priority in Rest + Sleep Talk, with this set it suprises many Pokemons like Breloom and Amoonguss. Since it gets priority anyways, max speed investments isn't needed, but 108Spe would be necessary to outspeed 252+ base 80s like Mamoswine and Dragonite. The rest of the EVs enhances it's bulk, now surviving Scizor's CB Bullet Punch (after SR) and LO Tornadus-T's Hurricane. It can also now run Modest, which lets it dish out more damage than before, LO maximizes Tornadus's power. Hurricane and Focus Blast gives good coverage with only one OU resisting the combo. Rain is needed for Hurricane, and Stealth Rocks would be nice too.
Tornadus-I @ Life Orb
Nature: Modest
Ability: Prankster
124HP /24 Def/ 252Sp Atk/ 108Spe
Sleep Talk
Focus Blast

The reason to use the Incarnate forme is because of Prankster, giving it priority in Rest + Sleep Talk, with this set it suprises many Pokemons like Breloom and Amoonguss. Since it gets priority anyways, max speed investments isn't needed, but 108Spe would be necessary to outspeed 252+ base 80s like Mamoswine and Dragonite. The rest of the EVs enhances it's bulk, now surviving Scizor's CB Bullet Punch (after SR) and LO Tornadus-T's Hurricane. It can also now run Modest, which lets it dish out more damage than before, LO maximizes Tornadus's power. Hurricane and Focus Blast gives good coverage with only one OU resisting the combo. Rain is needed for Hurricane, and Stealth Rocks would be nice too.

Assuming Sleep Talk gets the +1 Priority boost from Prankster, then this set is quite intresting. Suddenly, if Tornadous is asleep, checks like Mamoswine or Genesect have to risk a 66% chance of eating a Life Orb Hurricane or Focus Blast before they make the revenge kill. This set no longer fears status from the likes of Celebi or Blissey, witch is always nice. Thats about where the good news ends though. Sleep talk is just too unreliable for this set to become a staple IMO. You may find yourself needing to kill a Gengar or something, and you select Focus Blast in your sleep. Also, not knowing when you'll wake up is something thats always gone against Rest Talkers (in this generation at least). Overall this is extremely creative, but probably not great.
ah I've thought of such a set before, it's pretty interesting!

Also, not knowing when you'll wake up is something thats always gone against Rest Talkers (in this generation at least).

Uh, what? You ALWAYS know when you'll wake up if you used Rest... (unless your opponent uses an attack that wakes you up lol)
Tornadus-I @ Life Orb
Nature: Modest
Ability: Prankster
124HP /24 Def/ 252Sp Atk/ 108Spe
Sleep Talk
Focus Blast

The reason to use the Incarnate forme is because of Prankster, giving it priority in Rest + Sleep Talk, with this set it suprises many Pokemons like Breloom and Amoonguss. Since it gets priority anyways, max speed investments isn't needed, but 108Spe would be necessary to outspeed 252+ base 80s like Mamoswine and Dragonite. The rest of the EVs enhances it's bulk, now surviving Scizor's CB Bullet Punch (after SR) and LO Tornadus-T's Hurricane. It can also now run Modest, which lets it dish out more damage than before, LO maximizes Tornadus's power. Hurricane and Focus Blast gives good coverage with only one OU resisting the combo. Rain is needed for Hurricane, and Stealth Rocks would be nice too.

The biggest issue I have with this set is that because Rest is on it Tornadus-I has a 1/3 chance of doing absolutely nothing on its turn. That is just plain not acceptable for a Pokemon as frail as Tornadus-I. Remember that the sleep counter resets every time you switch out, so Tornadus-I is pretty likely to stay asleep once it uses rest. It's not likely it's going to ever stay in for 3 turns in order to wake up.

While the idea of a prankster boosted sleep talk is cool and all...
1) I'm not sure it actually works like that, I'd have to look up whether it does or not.
2)It's not enough to offset the fact that you have a 1/3 chance of doing nothing, plus another 15% chance of missing with focus blast. What you would gain in checking faster opponents some of the time you lose the many other times when you do nothing against slower and faster threats alike.

If you had perfect luck, it'd be great! But no one has perfect luck.
Hmmm I remember reading up on the sleep talk mechanics a few months ago when I realised that it negates the negative priority of moves. If only Tornadus got Whirlwind...
If I remember correctly though, Sleep talk should indeed give the priority boost to the attacking moves due to Prankster. Someone would obviously need to test that though because I cannot definitely remember.

Something which abuses prankster/priority phasing which is possibly pretty well known, however I have never seen it posted on Smogon:


Riolu @ Eviolite
Prankster | Impish/Careful | 252 HP 252 Def or 252 SpD
Iron Defense/Circle Throw/Hi Jump Kick

This thing is ultimately trollish. Although yes, it does suck for the most part, it has one thing going for it. Prankster Copycat. This means that it can set up a sub, roar, then use CopyCat to spam regular priority phasing moves. Set some spikes up and laugh at the opposition (provided you are playing someone bad enough to let you set this thing up haha).

In regards to the Tailwind Hydreigon set, it was actually posted in this thread a couple of pages back. It is still a very cool and creative set though.
Sleep Talk definitely gets the boost from prankster. It's blocked by Taunt, making it a status move, and all status moves are boosted by Prankster. Even Nature Power is boosted, as the numerous posts I've seen mentioning Prankster Groudon in Balanced Hackmons demonstrate.
Hmmm I remember reading up on the sleep talk mechanics a few months ago when I realised that it negates the negative priority of moves. If only Tornadus got Whirlwind...
If I remember correctly though, Sleep talk should indeed give the priority boost to the attacking moves due to Prankster. Someone would obviously need to test that though because I cannot definitely remember.

Something which abuses prankster/priority phasing which is possibly pretty well known, however I have never seen it posted on Smogon:


Riolu @ Eviolite
Prankster | Impish/Careful | 252 HP 252 Def or 252 SpD
Circle Throw

This thing is ultimately trollish. Although yes, it does suck for the most part, it has one thing going for it. Prankster Copycat. This means that it can set up a sub, roar or Circle Throw, then use CopyCat to spam regular priority phasing moves. Set some spikes up and laugh at the opposition (provided you are playing someone bad enough to let you set this thing up haha).

In regards to the Tailwind Hydreigon set, it was actually posted in this thread a couple of pages back. It is still a very cool and creative set though.

I can't stand this set lol, not because its but but because it can be so effective. I have been swept by this thing so many times on PO. If used correctly the opponent can swept by roar or at least take out a few pokes in the process.

Anyways for my set,

Articuno @ Choice Specs
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 Def
Modest Nature
- Hurricane
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Electric]
- Frost Breath

Articuno is Very underrated due to it's poor typing, leaving it 4 times weak to stealth rock. This set can be used on a rain team as a surprise factor, and as a poke that can put holes in your opponents team. Max SpAtk specs Articuno reaches an impressive stat of 475, and with STAB Hurricane in the rain with the help of Politoed can put a dent in any pokemon. Ice Beam and HP Electric for the infamous BoltBeam coverage and Frost Breath for boosting sweepers such as Calm Mind Reuniclus.
Actually, Circle Throw is incompatible with Copycat. Just thought I'd mention it <.<
How is it illegal? I was fairly sure that female DW Lucario was released.

What he means is that Copycat doesn't copy it for some reason. If you use Circle Throw and then attempt to spam Copycat, the move will just fail instead. I have no idea why it doesn't function in the same manner as Roar, but it doesn't for some reason.
What he means is that Copycat doesn't copy it for some reason. If you use Circle Throw and then attempt to spam Copycat, the move will just fail instead. I have no idea why it doesn't function in the same manner as Roar, but it doesn't for some reason.

maybe because it would be INSANELY broken ...?
Lol well it is already pretty broken even with roar. I did not know that though, thankyou. I guess the set should be updated then.
Articuno @ Choice Specs
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 Def
Modest Nature
- Hurricane
- Ice Beam
- Hidden Power [Electric]
- Frost Breath

Articuno is Very underrated due to it's poor typing, leaving it 4 times weak to stealth rock. This set can be used on a rain team as a surprise factor, and as a poke that can put holes in your opponents team. Max SpAtk specs Articuno reaches an impressive stat of 475, and with STAB Hurricane in the rain with the help of Politoed can put a dent in any pokemon. Ice Beam and HP Electric for the infamous BoltBeam coverage and Frost Breath for boosting sweepers such as Calm Mind Reuniclus.

What is it with everyone wanting to use Articuno on Rain Teams recently? The OU forums have been flooded with similar posts to the above.
This set is really not good enough for OU. Articuno's typing is terrible for a Choiced Pokemon, what with Stealth Rock. Articuno also simply does not have the power to properly use Choice Specs to the greatest effect. On top of this, Articuno's Ice typing is wasted on a Rain team most likely filled with Water types with Ice coverage moves. If you really want to use a Choiced, 4x Stealth Rock weak Pokemon, Moltres is almost always better because of the power it brings, as well as a typing that brings diversity to a team. And why not use Tornadus T, or even Dragonite if you want to have Hurricane? If its the Ice STAB you want, there's still Kyurem, and Dragon STAB is remarcably similar to Flying STAB. There's just no point of using Articuno when the other options are so much better.
The thing about Articuno is that it suffers from the popularity of Tornadus-T and Volcarona. It has similar counters to Tornadus-T, but it's much slower, less bulkier due to the crippling rock weakness and lack of regenerator, and it doesnt have the coverage that it has. If you wanna be original, sure go ahead. But it's not going to be effective in any way.
Not sure if this set has been suggested, is a real set, or is even viable (as I just thought of it and havent tested it) But here it is, a SubCM Reuniclus


Reuniclus @ Leftovers
Bold Nature; 252 HP/252 Def/4 SpA
Magic Guard
- Calm Mind
- Substitute
- Psyshock/Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast/Shadow Ball

With leftovers Recover is less necessary. Meanwhile with max HP investimate it can create large Subs to hide behind. From there it willl set up and then attack. Idk if it is viable, but it was just a thought of mine.
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