Finals Smogon Tournament #9 - Finals [Won by gr8astard]

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Phil that's not very mature of you. Have you seen dunks behavior at all these past few weeks? Actions speak louder then words but if dunk maybe showed a bit of respect to gr8 just once then maybe he'd get a rematch. Lol

I don't know man, double was pretty respectful to gr8 until he realized he was fucked up by his loopholes exploring and gr8 didn't give him a rematch so why would he do it this time. You're telling me he didn't do it in r2 but would do it in finals when there's a trophy and a 3ds waiting? I find it hard to believe...
I am saying that whether I believe him or not should not be taken into account because otherwise the decision would be based on some form of bias.

Also, I take full responsibility for my poor decision making in Round 2 and I apologise to both Double01 and gr8astard for having to deal with the consequences of it.
All I have to say is:


O wait, I was made a TD mid tournament...maybe I can do something about this (nonsense) =)
All I can say is good job for Dunk to reached finals and "congrats" to gr8astard.

That was a shit decision from gr8astard, no doubts, but I'm sure many people who are posting against gr8 would have done the same.
Gator sweep game 1, OU>NU game 2.

In regards to what happened in game 2, I have several reasons why I am not keen on letting DU redo the game. First of all, no such glitch has ever been reported on PO and I play there all the time. Second of all, there is really no incentive for me to be nice to him after the shit talk he did on the finals thread. I can redo game 2 for the sake of “fair play" despite the reasons above, but the team I brought in game 2 along with the one I have in game 1 are what I have most confident with. Me giving a redo won’t change what you guys think about me anyways. If the TDs forced me to, I will play him again, but I'm not going to do it to please people I don't care about.

Shoutout to my pokefriends for their continuous support, especially CTC for his help in team testing, Princess Bri for the good times we’ve had playing/teambuilding/trolling, John for being a john (what more can I ask for?), Joey/aim for being a great player and an even greater friend, Problems for being a chav that always supports me despite my harsh sense of humor, and Marth for being greater than smogon. Also to MOET, jas0n, Valentine, Vanilldux, Edgar, Case, Kimmy, Rewer, Blim, Gimmick, Jimbon, CheeseByMyself, Swag, and Oristeros my long lost friend for being bros. Shoutout to my teammates in the Wifi Wolfpack (DittoCrow, Malfoy, King Jorgen, Tiba, LL, KG, Fakes, Lohgock, DarkLoic, Taxi Driver, Sammy, Furai, SilentVerse, FLCL, KingOfKongs, SapphireBirch, PK Gaming, HellPowna, all of you guys fight on! >:]), and of course to the legendary Stone_Cold22, my good luck charm and the self-acclaimed nurturer of BKC, Lamppost, Dragonuser and Bloo to the men they are today. If they send me the t-shirt, it is yours because you asked for it first!

I am sure the guys I mentioned above do not condone what I did in r2 (including CTC & Problems who defended me from all the hate to the point of being obnoxious), but being the friends they are, they still supported me throughout the tournament. I may be undeserving, but you guys do. For the record, I wasn’t the one who wanted (or “pushed” as some people said it) to play early--I was on vacation at a friend’s house when double01 told me he wanted to play early because he’s going on vacation to Jamaica, and that is why I agreed to play without checking the ost thread. That doesn’t justify what I did, but it is the fact. I understand the guys who hated me for that reason, but lol at Lavos who was cool with me until before the McM game, then started publicly hating on me because people rode on the hate bandwagon right after.

Despite everything, I feel privileged to get the chance to play some of smogon’s best players, especially MCM and Heist who are both really chill. I also got to talk to a lot of cool smogoners like August and Malekith, who I respect. Give me a trophy with a *, a brown trophy (whatever that means), or don’t give me a trophy at all, I honestly couldn’t care less. Or give it to Lavos Spawn, I hear he is the LeBron James of pokemon and loves virtual pixelated trophies.

Special shoutout to Double01 for being the strongest tiger of them all. #undeserved #neverforget #justifiedhate
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Phil that's not very mature of you. Have you seen dunks behavior at all these past few weeks? Actions speak louder then words but if dunk maybe showed a bit of respect to gr8 just once then maybe he'd get a rematch. Lol

What do you mean? I just couldn't accept gr8astard being at finals after losing, there's nothing wrong with it, and I think now it's pretty clear that he shouldn't have advanced. I'm sure that if TDs could go back to the moment where they let gr8astard replay they wouldn't have taken the same decision. And please Stone, I think everybody knows how biased you are about this, after all, gr8astard is your friend lol...

I would like to say that I agree with kd24's posts, not only because they '''''benefit''''' me but because he's right at everything. And yeah I'm not mentally disabled so please stop saying I used the wrong team on purpose. I think it's just as easy as replaying the 2nd match with different teams (come on, gr8astard must have at least another team to use in case battle 3rd had been played, and if he needs another week to build a new team for the last battle, let it be ...) As for setting a predecent, read kd24's posts again.

And finally, I would just like to say that beyond this is good or bad for me, this is simply TERRIBLE for smogon's tournaments because it shits up smogon's reputation as a whole, so if I'm not getting the replay, I would just like to see this tournament cancelled because it would just be plain better.

Thanks to everybody that is reasonable and has supported justice, much appreciated.
This really is a shame.

I can understand the difficult position Earthworm must be in with regards to the decision he had to make. I can also logically follow his choice as the TD and host of this tournament. Hell, I might have even drawn the same conclusion if I were in his shoes (although historically, I have been more of a "go with your gut" type of leader).

What I am ashamed of, are the actions of gr8astard. There used to be a day when people would grant rematches if such an obvious mistake/glitch were to happen. It really is on the player to do the right thing, since from an official ruling standpoint, TDs have to do whatever they can to make sure "gaming the system" doesn't happen. Friends of gr8astard seem to speak highly of him and his personality, but I'm a firm believer in "actions speak louder than words," and his actions in this tournament have been despicable.

gr8astard, you undoubtedly took out some great players in this tournament. I respect your skill as a Pokemon player because of that. However, your lack of ethics and complete disregard for good-spirited competitive play have left a bad taste in my mouth and will forever go down as a shitstain on Smogon's history. I hope your trophy will forever remind you of the pathetic nature in which you "earned" it. Never has there been such a fraudulent win in an official Smogon tournament.



don't know either of these players, just the general situations, but I just want to echo phil's sentiments. seems there is a distinct lack of sportsmanship (some would call it "honor") these days. I don't know how you can take a win like that or pull that r2 bullshit and feel you deserved to win anything. Kind of shameful to see what is thought of as smogon's most prestigious tournament degraded like this. Pretty pathetic by all parties involved. And I understand your logic earthworm but I think the gravity of the match should have outweighed any precedential influence the decision would set.

too bad aeolus isn't around to ban every dumbfuck involved in this mess....
Gator sweep game 1, OU>NU game 2.

In regards to what happened in game 2, I have several reasons why I am not keen on letting DU redo the game. First of all, no such glitch has ever been reported on PO and I play there all the time. Second of all, there is really no incentive for me to be nice to him after the shit talk he did on the finals thread. I can redo game 2 for the sake of “fair play" despite the reasons above, but the team I brought in game 2 along with the one I have in game 1 are what I have most confident with. Me giving a redo won’t change what you guys think about me anyways. If the TDs forced me to, I will play him again, but I'm not going to do it to please people I don't care about.

First of all, how did I ''disrespect'' you in the thread? I checked all my posts and there's not such a thing. Second, I didn't bs ToF, read my posts please. Third one, didn't you have any other team? I'm pretty sure you did, and if you really think I brought a NU team of all things to scout you then you really have a big problem...
Alright so you're all cool with Gr8 a few months before all this shit kicked off, people start to hate you due to your idiotic actions so you think if you start to hate Hugo with everyone else people will start to like you again? Not cool boss.

i don't hate gr8astard, i actually used think he was a pretty cool guy, but the actions he took in the double01 scenario and now in ost9 finals are really starting to piss me off. it was his "idiotic actions", not mine, that led me to dislike him, thanks.

i understand gr8's a highly competent bw2 ou player, and i think he's not a bad choice for the recipient of this trophy, but the way he went about getting it was utterly disgraceful. he already lost, and now he's not necessarily breaking any rules but the way he took that game 2 win was pathetic. if gr8astard is so confident in his own skill, he should play a real game 2 with destinyunknown, and not ruin the finals because the other guy loaded his team incorrectly (which i definitely buy, dunk's not the kind of guy to try to scout out his opponent with that much on the line).

echoing phil's sentiments,
* indeed. what a terrible way to end smogon's most prestigious tournament.
This tourney was a disgrace before it even started, and even though I would've preferred GR8 to win in the first place it brings a little bit of satisfaction to see everyone hating the winner. #bansunrainlando/maybekeld/SOMETHING

Edit- Aldaron has been so kind as to remind me it's ALSO a single elimination tourney. How did anyone take this seriously.
First of all, how did I ''disrespect'' you in the thread? I checked all my posts and there's not such a thing. Second, I didn't bs ToF, read my posts please. Third one, didn't you have any other team? I'm pretty sure you did, and if you really think I brought a NU team of all things to scout you then you really have a big problem...

, johning for extended periods of time and making up excuses to extend deadline multiple times etc, very respectful.
He said he has the 2 teams hes MOST COMFORTABLE WITH not that those are his ONLY TWO TEAMS, learn to read. You are bringing up a glitch that is supported by very little evidence, (in fact none) and causing a shitstorm to save face, because there is every reason to fabricate the scenario and essentially disable one of gr8's teams then use this mob psychology to fuck him over. Face it, he's the better player and is willing to redo had TDs dictated that, but as quoted he wasnt gonna do it cuz some sensitive kids cry and cuss about it.
All this drama to cover up the fact that Gr8astard played better, and IS better than his opponent. Hugo muscled through players like McMeghan, Peachy, and Heist.. Did anyone else this tour eliminate such an impressive list of users? Vinc definitely didn't and he's talking shit. Lavos definitely didn't and he's talking shit. I doubt even the mighty Double01 would have mirrored Hugo's performance.

Congrats on the win Hugo, thanks for the shoutout, fuck the jelly jabba haters. Whatever happens, Hugo is the clear winner, and everyone else is a poor sport.
I see a lot of niggas that need to get off of this site and go get laid so they can see how ridiculous they sound.

Grats Hugo! Thanks for my shoutout :[

Edit: Lol CTC about lavos :)
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