2013 Spring Friendly

I am going to stop now. Around the low 1800's. I really wish I had more time this weekend though. My final record was 40-1-8 and the loss was my first match thanks to a crit for my opponent. So really, I had a 40 game win streak and man was I on fire. Hope you all did well!
I'm currently sitting at ~1750 after 25 games, haven't been keeping track of W-L though. What would be considered a good rating, based on previous events?

Also, I'm using a Scarfed Flygon, easily my MVP. It's been so useful in handling all the other dragons (which have all have sub 100 speed), Excadrill and various others. Surprisingly though, I haven't encountered a single Flygon myself yet.
Depends on what you mean by "good." You can see the results of past competitions on the PGL web site.
That is worrying, considering they have stated that they are going to ban people who have a lot of disconnects from future events. If they are not able to determine which player disconnects, then does that mean they are going to punish people who have played against a lot of disconnecters?
If you look at past tournament threads, people have reported being disqualified despite not disconnecting frequently on their end, and I doubt all of them are lying. Supposedly Nintendo/Game Freak has plans to implement a better system in Gen 6, though.
When does this end in EST? I wanna know if I should pack it in for the night or keep going.

So far I'm getting good laughs with Scarfed Imposter Ditto. The best answer to dragon spam IMO.
When does this end in EST? I wanna know if I should pack it in for the night or keep going.

So far I'm getting good laughs with Scarfed Imposter Ditto. The best answer to dragon spam IMO.
I'm so glad I brought Zoroark this tourney, Those Dittos are so annoying!
That is worrying, considering they have stated that they are going to ban people who have a lot of disconnects from future events. If they are not able to determine which player disconnects, then does that mean they are going to punish people who have played against a lot of disconnecters?

Going by comments on previous tournaments and even other forums, I'm under the impression that they don't know who disconnected, therefore both players get a disconnect recorded against them. I figured it was the reason for that crazy formula they use to determine whether you had too many disconnects or not.

Shame really. It's built in to every other game easily enough and awards / penalises the players appropriately.
Weird teams so far. I mean NFE's without Eviolite, Special attacking Lapras weird.

Is Japan in this comp because I'm in their timezone and I haven't seen any Japanese names yet and what I know from GBU is that seriously know their stuff. It's pretty easy at the moment. My first 2 matches disconnected on me and I got paranoid that I'd get banned. But the last 10 have been smooth.

NOTE:From the 1st page. Yeah i knew about the differences in the pdf's that's why I checked. And yeah obviously its 3's.

MVP so far is Tyranitar! Stealth Rocks destroys all these Kyurem.
Am I the only one that thought it was done already?

I thought it would have ended last night @ 8. When I found out it didn't, I kept playing. Then I logged on this morning and it was still going. Don't quote me on this, but I think it ends at 8 tonight (which is weird, since it's already the 21st in Japan).

But yeah I got to call it quits. I did a pretty good job for someone who didn't play a lot and literally just threw a team together in about a day:
Is Japan in this comp because I'm in their timezone and I haven't seen any Japanese names yet and what I know from GBU is that seriously know their stuff. It's pretty easy at the moment.
Nope, no Japan.
I thought it would have ended last night @ 8. When I found out it didn't, I kept playing. Then I logged on this morning and it was still going. Don't quote me on this, but I think it ends at 8 tonight (which is weird, since it's already the 21st in Japan).
It ends at midnight GMT.
Going by comments on previous tournaments and even other forums, I'm under the impression that they don't know who disconnected, therefore both players get a disconnect recorded against them. I figured it was the reason for that crazy formula they use to determine whether you had too many disconnects or not.

Shame really. It's built in to every other game easily enough and awards / penalises the players appropriately.

Yeah, I actually videoed several ragequits and sent them to support.pokemon.com at the suggestion of a local TO. They told me that they can't tell whose fault a disconnection is, and they weren't even interested in my video evidence. At least they responded promptly. A lot of companies suck at customer service.

I plan to call out any high finishers I recognize as ragequitters on the Pokemon facebook page. Here's a more or less complete list from this tournament, including the person's rating at the time, for reference.

Manuel <1500?
Luke 1581 - Keldeo, W. Kyurem, Haxorus, Keldeo, Weavile, Arcanine
T-SPOT 1626 - Landorus, Thundurus, Metagross, Meloetta, Shuckle, Volcarona
Jay-P 1740ish
Daniel 1570ish - Sandstorm team, but he was too dumb to get his sandstorm going

BTW: I ran this monstrosity. I can't believe I didn't get MORE ragequits:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7JHN8GKzoo
Meh... 58-12-7 with 1811 rating. Not bad for a team that didn't have a way to deal with Keldeo...
My rating peaked at 1714 but I ended with 1685, after 43 wins, 11 losses, and 9 ragequits. Overall I really enjoyed it, although I wouldn't necessarily want the next one to be this metagame... I relied on Zekrom and Tangrowth to kill Keldeo. The first strategy worked only when Zek was healthy, and the second only if Keldeo didn't have HP Ice.. I shoulda brought Jellicent.

And did anybody else face BIGMAMA? I guess the easiest way to a 2001 rating is to leave when you lose...
Yeah, I actually videoed several ragequits and sent them to support.pokemon.com at the suggestion of a local TO. They told me that they can't tell whose fault a disconnection is, and they weren't even interested in my video evidence. At least they responded promptly. A lot of companies suck at customer service.

I plan to call out any high finishers I recognize as ragequitters on the Pokemon facebook page. Here's a more or less complete list from this tournament, including the person's rating at the time, for reference.

Manuel <1500?
Luke 1581 - Keldeo, W. Kyurem, Haxorus, Keldeo, Weavile, Arcanine
T-SPOT 1626 - Landorus, Thundurus, Metagross, Meloetta, Shuckle, Volcarona
Jay-P 1740ish
Daniel 1570ish - Sandstorm team, but he was too dumb to get his sandstorm going

BTW: I ran this monstrosity. I can't believe I didn't get MORE ragequits:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7JHN8GKzoo

no offense, but calling out people that rage quit on you won't solve anything and is quite childish IMO. just carry on and hope that in Gen6 they will implement a system for DCers. Trust me, we've all been through that one long, hard battle only to meet the blue screen of death.
Peaked at 1890, then lost to Jio near the end and finished up at 1878, I think that went pretty well overall. I lost track of my battle record at some point, but I completed 88 matches with <10 disconnections so I'm not too worried about getting DQ'd at least.
Thoughts about my team:
Genesect was a bit of a disappointment, since I got a SpA boost about 90% of the time for some reason, but it did its job pretty well even without the boost and was my go-to mon for soaking Draco Meteors in any case.
Scarf Zekrom was absurdly good, it saved me from a 1-3 situation twice and pulled out a few other narrow wins as well, while being consistently useful in the other matches as well.
Keldeo singlehandedly destroyed most of the noob teams, but tended to be a little lacking against more competent opponents. It main use was in beating Metagross when Landorus was unavailable for whatever reason.
Terrakion was probably the least useful mon on the team, and the set was worse - I only managed to SD a couple of times and the Lum never came into play. Overall it mostly played like a Keldeo that couldn't get past Metagross.
Landorus's Earth Power was probably the most used move on my team (with Zekrom's Outrage being a close second), it flat-out OHKO'd most things that didn't resist it. I'm tempted to call Landorus the best mon in the metagame just because it checks pretty much all the other top threats except Kyurem, Keldeo, and Genesect.
Finally, Ditto didn't come in handy too often, but when I was facing a Haxorus at +1/+1 I was damn glad to have it.
My rating peaked at 1714 but I ended with 1685, after 43 wins, 11 losses, and 9 ragequits. Overall I really enjoyed it, although I wouldn't necessarily want the next one to be this metagame... I relied on Zekrom and Tangrowth to kill Keldeo. The first strategy worked only when Zek was healthy, and the second only if Keldeo didn't have HP Ice.. I shoulda brought Jellicent.

And did anybody else face BIGMAMA? I guess the easiest way to a 2001 rating is to leave when you lose...

Actually, I battled that person in the last International Challenge. With similar results...

Originally Posted by Fat leadfoot9
Yeah, I actually videoed several ragequits and sent them to support.pokemon.com at the suggestion of a local TO. They told me that they can't tell whose fault a disconnection is, and they weren't even interested in my video evidence. At least they responded promptly. A lot of companies suck at customer service.

I plan to call out any high finishers I recognize as ragequitters on the Pokemon facebook page. Here's a more or less complete list from this tournament, including the person's rating at the time, for reference.

Manuel <1500?
Luke 1581 - Keldeo, W. Kyurem, Haxorus, Keldeo, Weavile, Arcanine
T-SPOT 1626 - Landorus, Thundurus, Metagross, Meloetta, Shuckle, Volcarona
Jay-P 1740ish
Daniel 1570ish - Sandstorm team, but he was too dumb to get his sandstorm going

BTW: I ran this monstrosity. I can't believe I didn't get MORE ragequits:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7JHN8GKzoo
no offense, but calling out people that rage quit on you won't solve anything and is quite childish IMO. just carry on and hope that in Gen6 they will implement a system for DCers. Trust me, we've all been through that one long, hard battle only to meet the blue screen of death.

Yeah, sorry. Forgive me if I get a little carried away. I entered with a joke strategy and no expectations, so I started caring about my ranking too much when I ended up crushing a ton of people. I ASSUME that they'll have a better system in Gen. 6. Same goes for GTS negotiations.

Also, anyone else see fewer high-rated opponents this tourney? I only saw one guy over 1700 (I peaked at 1704) and he disconnected on me. Normally I have an opponent over 1800 like one out of every 5 matches.
I can't believe how Reshiram didn't make the top 10 most used pokemon in that tournament. UNRESISTED STABs! The substitute set I runned for my reshiram just dominated the game thanks to Thunderus' paralysis support. My team was undeafeted except for that one match where my Gigalith's Rock Blast missed. This undefeatedness was all thanks to reshi+thunderus. I could've went further but I ranked 25th.
156th place, rating of 1724. Considering I did only 18 matches, all wins, and no d/ces (best part of it all!), I'm pretty happy!

As for team...

A severely Terrakion weak team that managed to win every match. Mamoswine mostly here because of unfounded fear of Landorus, who was eerily absent in all but one of my matches. Reshiram and Ninetales worked in perfet tandem. Like person above, I used Sub Reshiram, packed in Roost/Dragon Pulse/Blue Flare, and said bye bye to everyone after Ninetales brought in the sun. Speaking of Ninetales, she held her own until Reshiram was needed. Terrakion was used to stop opposing weather starters (a.k.a. Tyranitar), and with Sash and Quick Attack, instant win versus Sand Rush Excadrill. Kyurem-B was the least used of the Pokemon, but it was thanks to it that I was able to preserve a win streak. Physical based Genesect was king: get the Attack boost with Download, whack opponent hard with U-turn or Iron Head. Yes, Iron Head was possibly the best move in this tournament!
I am extremely pissed. I would have been in 22nd because I had an 1805 rating but I was disqualified. I personally only dced once and that was because my game froze but I was dced on 10 times. F*** That.
Since your game froze you triggered the one hour penalty... I'm pretty sure that anyone who triggers it is automatically disqualified.

54th... should have thought of how to beat Keldeo and Volcarona before I built the team...
Since your game froze you triggered the one hour penalty... I'm pretty sure that anyone who triggers it is automatically disqualified.

54th... should have thought of how to beat Keldeo and Volcarona before I built the team...

That is not true because it has happened before but I was still in the rankings.
So I got 186th position, not too shabby for part of a days work. I could have placed higher but wasn't motivated to continue.
