Pokémon XY General Discussion

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If they did make an obvious ripoff, the moderators/artist should be able to call them out for plagiarism. The same should apply on any forum where an artist is claiming the work as their own, and the design is not to be used for commercial use to any extent. But I like to believe that Game Freak is wary of their artistic fanbase. If they ever did make a Pokémon based on any fanmade -mon, it would be a design that the artist has willingly given up the personal and commercial rights to use for themselves, since every official Pokémon and character is licensed by Nintendo.

OOOOR the artist could just ask Nintendo why they did this and if they could provide the artist credit for the artwork.
Yeeeeeaaaaaaah... Companies tend to not make good returns if they assume people will act out of the kindness of their hearts. Suffice to say that taking an artist's work would be considered far too risky by Nintendo.
I could possibly see them doing some kind of Design-A-Pokemon competition but I just know that that would get flooded with Dragon/Xs and Ghost/Steels with Levitate. It'd be unlikely.
If they did make an obvious ripoff, the moderators/artist should be able to call them out for plagiarism. The same should apply on any forum where an artist is claiming the work as their own, and the design is not to be used for commercial use to any extent. But I like to believe that Game Freak is wary of their artistic fanbase. If they ever did make a Pokémon based on any fanmade -mon, it would be a design that the artist has willingly given up the personal and commercial rights to use for themselves, since every official Pokémon and character is licensed by Nintendo.

Calling out for plagiarism, really ??? The artists actually WANT their pokemon to be implemented into the main games, particularly the CAP ones because their pokes are made to improve the OU metagame. If anything, the artists would jump of joy.
Bit of a scretch, but when i did this spriting thingy, 5th gen wasn't the thing yet.
As i said, bit of a scretch but it kinda distantly looks like Cobalion.
What if Gamefreak clearly used one of Smogon's CAPs as a base/inspiration for a new gen 6 poke?

I think it would be pretty fucking cool to get your pokemon turned into a real pokemon, credit or not. If we saw Mollux (probably the best-flavored and one of the more interestingly designed) in gen VI, regardless of whether or not smogon got credit, I think we'd all be entertained....

Or they could just give it like a 5% encounter in a place filled with 95% Koffings.
yeah, honestly, when i designed pokemon as a kid, it was my ~*~dream*~* to get one of them real [and a fair amount of my designs actually do look like the pokemon of generations 4 and 5 before they were released, heh], so i wouldn't really think that most of the designers would be angry.

if they weren't... well, i'm no legal expert, but the people creating fakemon are using nintendo's intellectual property as the basis of their work - so, if they complained about it, that seems like it'd be decent defensive ammunition.
yeah, honestly, when i designed pokemon as a kid, it was my ~*~dream*~* to get one of them real [and a fair amount of my designs actually do look like the pokemon of generations 4 and 5 before they were released, heh], so i wouldn't really think that most of the designers would be angry.

if they weren't... well, i'm no legal expert, but the people creating fakemon are using nintendo's intellectual property as the basis of their work - so, if they complained about it, that seems like it'd be decent defensive ammunition.
Even though the creature may draws its roots from an internationally known brand's intellectual property, it can still be argued that since it wasn't made by a Game Freak employee, it's not their right to use the design without preapproved consent from the artist to allow it to become Nintendo's property. They're good people, they'd ask you first and get you to sign some documents that would give them ownership of the design to do what they will with it if you didn't send something to them first explicitly stating that you allow the artists to use it however they wish.

I'm not saying you should file a lawsuit if you don't want to, but if the argument can be made that they ripped off your own fanmade -mon without giving you credit, it's certainly an option if you think it would do you any good as an artist to be able to legally say "Game Freak made my work into a real Pokémon"
yeah, i figured as much, but honestly, considering nintendo's history, if it really took off [probably not lol], they'd just pay you off to get you/your lawsuit off their backs. they've bigger things to deal with than a person complaining about a stolen design.
What if Gamefreak clearly used one of Smogon's CAPs as a base/inspiration for a new gen 6 poke?

Back when CAP was more of a directionless project (i.e. before we even knew whether we would be able to use the creation on a simulator), there was actually a lot of talk about sending Syclant to Game Freak and hoping they would put it in an official game. In fact, it was more or less the stated goal of the very first project. Even though we all knew that Game Freak wouldn't use our creation, most of us liked the idea of sending it anyway just for the sake of trying. Or we liked it in theory at least, since we never actually did it as far as I know. Back then, I think most of us would have been delighted if they had "stolen" from us, since we wanted to give it to them for nothing anyway. A lot has changed since then, but I kind of hope this hasn't. Easy for me to say though, since they never will "steal" from us, and since I didn't personally make any of the designs and such.

On a different and more relevant note, I think some people here have really been overthinking the whole France connection. When has a Pokemon region ever been more than a tiny bit similar to the real-world location it resembles on a map?
Back when CAP was more of a directionless project (i.e. before we even knew whether we would be able to use the creation on a simulator), there was actually a lot of talk about sending Syclant to Game Freak and hoping they would put it in an official game. In fact, it was more or less the stated goal of the very first project. Even though we all knew that Game Freak wouldn't use our creation, most of us liked the idea of sending it anyway just for the sake of trying. Or we liked it in theory at least, since we never actually did it as far as I know. Back then, I think most of us would have been delighted if they had "stolen" from us, since we wanted to give it to them for nothing anyway. A lot has changed since then, but I kind of hope this hasn't. Easy for me to say though, since they never will "steal" from us, and since I didn't personally make any of the designs and such.

On a different and more relevant note, I think some people here have really been overthinking the whole France connection. When has a Pokemon region ever been more than a tiny bit similar to the real-world location it resembles on a map?

I am not referring to the Kalos Region as being like France.
Many Regions before this were based on Japan, but hardly looked like the region of Japan it was based on. I'm saying they might base a Pokemon off of an animal/plant/item available in that area. Look how many Pokemon are based on Japanese legends, myths, stories, animals, plants, and items!
On a different and more relevant note, I think some people here have really been overthinking the whole France connection. When has a Pokemon region ever been more than a tiny bit similar to the real-world location it resembles on a map?

Because Unova didn't introduce a red, white and blue eagle wearing a Native American headdress?
Because Unova didn't introduce a red, white and blue eagle wearing a Native American headdress?

ever been more than a tiny bit similar
is the key here
sure you had things like Braviary, but for the most part things were generic rather than specifically to New York/America.
Or, aggressively Japanese (the kami, the dragons, munna & Musharna, Gothitelle)
Unova also introduced Inari, Fujin & Rajin as pokemon, not to mention the 3 musketeers and the all amarican zebra

That and a pokemon based on the panda (the very symbol of France doncha kno')
tells me that no, there won't be any relation between Kalos pokemon and french animals or mythology
On a different and more relevant note, I think some people here have really been overthinking the whole France connection. When has a Pokemon region ever been more than a tiny bit similar to the real-world location it resembles on a map?

I can't believe there are people still questioning this. In the original trailer Pikachu announced the game from atop the freaking Eiffel Tower; a monument that is also referenced in the Kalos Region in the same position--the center of the main city--as the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Furthermore, the sea is to the west of France while several countries border the east in the same way the Kalos map is presented.


Yes, Nintendo has said that the Kalos region is shaped like a star. Guess what, France kind of is too. They have just sharpened up the corners, especially the south-western corner, to make it more star-like. Also, Paris and the main city are in relatively the same location on their respective maps.

While you're right that no Pokémon game has ever tried to perfectly mimic the real life location the in-game region is based on, and that Kalos will not be any closer to a true representation of France than Castelia was to New York City, they seem (from the map at least) to be bringing it closer than they have before. They didn't even bother with putting a landmark in Castelia, such as the Empire State Building, which would've made the connection more obvious. Since they added the Eiffel Tower to Kalos it's pretty clear what they're going for.

EDIT: I guess I was wrong about the Eiffel Tower being in the center of Paris. I thought I remembered my French teacher saying that, but upon looking into it, it is nearer to the western end of the city. My point still stands though...
Well, the legendary Dragons were really more Chinese than Japanese...
But yeah, I get it. The Pokemon will likely have virtually no references to France at all except for one token mon that'll be so French that it hurts. I'm betting on it being a Mr. Mime evo, personally.
It does seem really weird that the Musketeers are in the America based region instead of the French one.
Unova also introduced Inari, Fujin & Rajin as pokemon, not to mention the 3 musketeers and the all amarican zebra

That and a pokemon based on the panda (the very symbol of France doncha kno')
tells me that no, there won't be any relation between Kalos pokemon and french animals or mythology

That and a pokemon based on the panda (the very symbol of France doncha kno')

doncha kno'

i am so done.

but yeah. i believe i remember reading in an interview that basculin's basis was because such fish live around new york. while i think that the geography of the region in real-life terms does have mild connotations for the pokemon within [see basculin], i don't think it'll be particularly strong. it never has been, after all. they'll do whatever they want.
i am so done.

but yeah. i believe i remember reading in an interview that basculin's basis was because such fish live around new york. while i think that the geography of the region in real-life terms does have mild connotations for the pokemon within [see basculin], i don't think it'll be particularly strong. it never has been, after all. they'll do whatever they want.
Oh come on, we now have a goat that looks like a mix between the traditional wild goat, an ibex and a shrubbery, all of which is very European/Eurasian.

It's perfectly sensible not to expect too much from the Pokémon in terms of theming, just because the Kalos region looks like France. That doesn't mean we can't go to town(lol) on the designs that are clearly based on something French.
yeah, very true, but they also have a japanese robin pokemon and a lizard-dog with floppy ears and a piece of the triforce on its face. that said, i'm really feeling excited for anything french they might put in, though - france has a lot of distinctive culture in it, from what i've seen and experienced myself - and i don't even bloody live there! i wonder if we'll see any gratuitous french people like that clown guy in the sinnoh games who asks you something like "aimez-vous des pokemon?" or something like that ider but it was cool that he was there.

OR fantina being revealed to have been born here would also be cool... though, admittedly, it wouldn't make sense in the japanese and french versions of the games, as she speaks english in those...

[also if they somehow mix la marseillaise into the game i'll die that's one of my favourite national anthems ever ;n;]
Yes, Fletchling's species name was enough of a reminder that they'll make anything they please, and that regional inspiration is not the grounds for artistic direction
That explains why the preview for the special had a quiz set up, then

part of me still wants it to not be a new type just to see EVERYONE EXPLODE


pokemon/zelda crossover CONFURMED!!!1

After hundreds of pages discussing the fairy type I thought no one was still in the mood for a joke...but looks like I was wrong.

Well, yeah. We all know that Coro Coro/ E3/ Pokémon Website will reveal that info before Smash airs this week.

Btw, does anyone know if we are able to watch the E3 showcase live?
After hundreds of pages discussing the fairy type I thought no one was still in the mood for a joke...but looks like I was wrong.

Well, yeah. We all know that Coro Coro/ E3/ Pokémon Website will reveal that info before Smash airs this week.

Btw, does anyone know if we are able to watch the E3 showcase live?

so far as I know, the XY roundtable is a behind closed doors thing
there will probably be liveblogs
Oh, sweet Mother of God...
Does this mean there's going to be a Pokemon whose cry is... w-whose cry is... 'Hey Listen!"?
...No, that's impossible. It'd be an attack if anything.
Although, we must keep in mind that, by Smash's standards, a new Fire version of Tackle would "change Pokemon Battling history."
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