Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 28

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Can someone help with HG Safari Zone RNG? I am confused by this section of Everstone's guide: "Go to the Safari Zone encounter slots and choose "Plains" as the area. Ignore the Priority Table part for now. Notice how every encounter slot for the Plains area has a different Pokemon + Level combination. What you're going to do is change your Safari Zone so that the Plains is the first area you walk into. Bring your Synchronizer and Sweet Scent user, and save in front of the man who you pay. Hit your seed, get into the Safari Zone, go into a patch of grass, and start calling Elm to figure out what frame you're on. Advance to the frame you need to be at and then use Sweet Scent."

Does this mean that I will always have to use the plains area, or should it be switched to the appropriate monster. For instance, I want to try and RNG a Nuzleaf which is located in the meadow area. Why then would I want to have plains first???

EDIT: Never mind, I need to read more carefully...
Balls for the following DWF pokemon?





Hiya. I'm Ryan and my wife and I are getting into Pokemon. I have a thread on the off topic forum but the gist is we're sticking with gen4 because:

1. We're poor and 2 3DS machines cost money we don't have.
2. GSC on the GBC were the best Pokemon games
3. Gen5 and 6 pokeymans look stupid.
4. I can't see in 3d so 3d games mess with me.
4a. Yes, the last 15 or so years have been very difficult for me, as a gamer.

0433-9736-2908 There's my friend code. Let's play/trade/shoot the... pokeymans? sometime.
Hello everyone! I am having trouble getting an EV trained Chansey with Seismic Toss.

If any of you have that Pokémon for trade, I'll be happy to trade one of these Pokémon for her:

Adamant Krookodile
Ability: Intimidate
Earthquake/Crunch/Rock Slide/Protect

Modest Roserade
Ability: Natural Cure
Sleep Powder/Sludge Bomb/Energy Ball/Leech Seed

Adamant Scizor
Ability: Technician
U-Turn/Bullet Punch/Superpower/False Swipe

Jolly Mamoswine
Ability: Snow Cloak
Earthquake/Ice Shard/Endeavor/Stealth Rock

Modest Rotom-W
Hydro Pump/Volt Switch/Trick/Will-O-Wisp

Adamant Bisharp
Ability: Defiant
Sucker Punch/Night Slash/Iron Head/Protect

Timid Alakazam
Ability: Magic Guard
Psyshock/Shadow Ball/Hidden Power Ice (70)/Focus Blast

Adamant Conkeldurr
Ability: Guts
Drain Punch/Mach Punch/Rock Slide/Protect

Take note that the Chansey you are trading must be bred and EV trained legitly.
Does anybody know where I can find a copy of the guide that allows Dream Radar abuse through RNG Reporter? I know there was one on here before the site went down.. =/
^ I'm having the same problem as Buckert; let's hope that that 20 images limit gets changed in these days.

Anyway, i'm looking for a 31/x/30/31/31/31 Modest Thundurus (Don't link me to Pokécheck), if you have it, CMT for it.
Does anybody know where I can find a copy of the guide that allows Dream Radar abuse through RNG Reporter? I know there was one on here before the site went down.. =/

I can't find it either, it seems to be gone. You'll have to wait for someone to write up another guide. You could also go onto the IRC channel, #smogonwifi, and ask for help there; there's someone who probably knows how to do it without a guide.
Simple question:

Can I use the IVs of the Shiny Haxorus in the Nature Preserve (or Benga's Shiny Gible for that matter) to find the SID?
@Cereza, Buckert, and Albus - Sigh.... Dang it. Well Guys, Looks like we're all in a huge mess right now. Thanks to that hacker, Rootinabox.

And I even lost my favorite avatar as well.
I've been out of Wifi battling since Gen 5 started, but need to get one of my simulator teams onto my DS. It doesn't have to be legal or anything as long as the stats and everything are what they should be.

Does anybody know a good way for me to get/create my team from something? Or will I have to get back into trading and trade people for them?

Thanks for any help or advice anyone can give me.
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