BW2 Doubles Viability Ranking Thread

to quote DTC, the point of the definitions is to give a rough guide. it's not a legalistic system that needs to be adhered to word for word. so could we please stop hyper-analyzing all of the definitions and trying to use them to justify arguments as opposed to simply providing actual reasons? thanks

Politoed is clearly S rank, no doubt about it. Drizzle alone is already worthy of S Rank for a bunch of reasons (DrizzleSwim, Double STAB, Reduced Fire weakness) but besides that it has useful offensive presence and a nice support move. Nollan, I think you're missing the point here. The issue isn't if Politoed has flaws or not, since it does just like any mon. It's whether the positives outweigh the flaws enough that its an S Rank mon. Sure, Politoed isn't the best Water type support mon in the tier. In fact, Manaphy directly outclasses it in terms of a support set (has better stats across the board, HH and icy wind). However, Politoed has something that Manaphy doesn't, which is Drizzle. That means that a lot of the time, Politoed is a better pick than Manaphy if you're only choosing one. Besides that though, even though I just said Manaphy is better than Politoed, that doesn't mean Politoed is bad. It is still able to perform its role as a Rain supporter to great effect, and it's definitely not the dead weight that you're making it out to be. Also Politoed can definitely threaten Tyranitar as well, not just Ninetales (defensive sets have a 30% chance to make it useless with Scald and offensive sets can just KO it).

Your point regarding Tyranitar isn't as valid as it may seem, since while yes, Tyranitar can fulfill a lot of roles, that doesn't mean that people are choosing it for any reason other than Sand. If that were true, people would be using Unnerve TTar (which no one is). Sand is what takes Tyranitar up that extra notch, (gives it the 50% SDef boost that lets it tank hits alot better, lets it screw up other weathers, allows it to be an enabler for things like Excadrill to rampage) and Tyranitar would definitely not be touched very often if not for Sand, since then all of its flaws start to look a lot worse compared to its benefits (are you really gonna use a slow, Rain weak, Intimidate prone mon to check Trick Room instead of like Bisharp or a Taunter most of the time if not for Sand Stream?) In the same way, while yes, Politoed isn't the greatest at any of its roles, Drizzle + the ability to fulfill these roles fairly well is what pushes Politoed up that extra notch.

I think the real problem is that you're seperating Politoed and Drizzle and trying to analyze them apart from one another, when everyone will agree with you that Politoed's main draw is Drizzle. However, the fact that its best asset is Drizzle isn't something it should be penalized for, and the fact that it isn't the best supporter or attacker in the tier without Drizzle is no reason to keep it from S Rank.

Yeah but the entire reason why it is much better than all other Thunder Wave + Taunt pokemon is because of Prankster. In the fast paced metagame of Doubles, Prankster + T-Wave is a godsend due to it's ability to fill 3 roles in 4 moves:

1) completely shit on fast paced teams like Tailwind or DrizzleSwim spam teams with Prankster Thunder Wave. This also pressures them into switching out fearing death from one of your hard hitters, so you can paralyze more things n_n
2) completely shuts down Trick Room or the rare stall with Prankster Taunt.
3) actually does good damage with semi BoltBeam and 125 base SpA. It also sits at a near perfect speed tier of 111 allowing it to outspeed all the "fast" pokemon that sit from 100 to 110 base speed. Let me give you a list; Manaphy, Jirachi, Salamence, Zapdos, Garchomp, Infernape, Terrakion, Latios, Latias, Gengar i guess.
These are all pokemon that you use thinking they will be faster than most things, and getting the jump over all of these is a fantastic trait.

I think it is S rank for filling 3 awesome roles with a single set.

Ok I don't see how Prankster allows it to do any of those things significantly better than other things do. Your point #1 isn't as great as you're makin it out to be since speed is determined at the beginning of the turn, so regardless of whether or not you paralyze it that turn or not you'll still be outsped for the turn, meaning if you could live a hit with something like Room-W you can still paralyze the mon. The only thing that makes Prankster any better is that you can hit before a Sub but those aren't used much anyways and while it's nice, it's not S rank nice. Plus anyone could see a paralysis coming from a mile away so it's not that hard to simply switch out and hit Thundurus with the other mon. So while yes, it can threaten fast mons with a paralysis, so can plenty of other T-Wave users, and while it is better, it's not better enough to warrant an S rank. Point #2 is even worse than point #1 imo since stall is nonexistent and thus shouldn't be taken into account anyways, but even if you did, both stall mons and TR users are shut down by just about any Taunt user, regardless of Prankster (especially since Trick Room is like -7 in the priority bracket). Point #3 is more legitimate, but if you're running a speedy attacker set you are gonna be dying a lot faster since Thundurus loses its bulkiness. While the Speed tier is nice, it is easily picked off by either anything that lives a move or some good prediction due to Thundurus's middling uninvested bulk.

But yeah, basically I just don't think Thundurus is as good as the other S Rank mons. In my experiences facing Thundurus, it has never been a problem to play around for me. In my mind it simply isn't as threatening as an S Rank mon should be.
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The ability Prankster makes T-Wave better because it can act as a suicide paralysis spreader against offensive fast paced teams. A Rotom-W at 8% health is literally completely useless against a fast team; in fact you would probably want it to be dead so you can bring in a new pokemon. Thundurus, on the other hand can get a guarenteed T-Wave off (barring immunities or nice Protect mindgames) even if it as 1 HP. This is what makes it so much better than almost any other T-Waver in the tier.

Edit: also, I support Rhyperior for B rank because of the fact that it works like a boss in SandRoom etc etc. Though I would like to see some more comments on it before potentially moving it.
Yeah, whatevs about Politoed, its probably an opinion thing that is not worth discussing. The second post was really supposed to be me expanding on my reasoning anyway. Rain 2 gud.

On the Rhyperior side of things, I'm definitely not agreeing with A Rank, B Rank might be reasonable. It has a lot of attack, but even after a Sand boost, its SpD is pretty lacking, and it has no speed (which means it is going to rely on Trick Room a lot), and a large array of weaknesses, which can be neutralized partially by Solid Rock. Still, the question is basically whether its flaws are simply "notable" or "crippling", and whether it can consistently bring in efficient performance. Since its performance it going to be far from consistent if Trick Room cannot be brought up, I'm edging out on C Rank for now.

I'm still a bit unsure about Thundurus being S Rank, mostly because S Rank specifies that each role must be executed to "tremendous effect". 70bp Ice along with STAB 95 bp Electric does not seem like tremendous effect, at least not to my eyes. Thunder Wave is the most effective of these roles, but Taunt will not always stop Trick Room, due to opposing Fake Outs, Mental Herb, etc. Still, given it has priority, I think it might make our definition of "tremendous". Overall, I'm undecided in that area.
Edit: also, I support Rhyperior for B rank because of the fact that it works like a boss in SandRoom etc etc. Though I would like to see some more comments on it before potentially moving it.
Thanks man :]

I also have a couple more proposals. First off Abomasnow B-->A. Doubles is where hail can be abused more effectively than any other meta-game (once it's voted out of RU) because of the lack of ice types used in the tier as well 100% accurate blizzards hitting all opponents. His STAB combo is also obviously very nice as the grass typing allows it to hit other weather inducers fairly hard (barring ninetales).

Simply because of hail, i'd like to propose regular Kyurem-->B. Though it's not seen often, it is most definitely a threat. fantastic bulk of 125/90/90, a fairly good speed tier and access to the second most powerful blizzard in the game. It's reliance on hail and weakness to common types like fighting and dragon keep it from going any higher.
I support Abomasnow for A Rank.
While Hail is certainly more efficient in Doubles, Abomasnow is also the slowest of the four main weather starting pokemon, meaning it can be used to get your weather up first, and since Hail is pretty rare as a playstyle, it can simply be used to give other weather teams a rough day, not to mention how effective it can be under Trick Room. While it has a lot of weaknesses, most of them are patched up by the fact it can stop opposing weather, hit Politoed and Tyranitar pretty hard, and many of the weaknesses are patched up by Trick Room setters (i.e. Chandelure, Cresselia, etc), with which it will commonly be paired.

I'll also support Kyurem for B, but for different reasons.
First off, it has 125/90/90 bulk & Glaciate, which can be used to high effect for support outside of Hail. Chople Kyurem, a set I faced twice yesterday, was truly a pain to deal with, especially since its 130 SpA allows it to still hit hard with minimal investment. It, as mentioned by Leprechaun, can also spam powerful Blizzards in Hail, and Steel types can be beat down by Earth Power. With these multiple qualities, but a reliance on some (minimal) support to patch up its flaws, B Rank seems to be a great place for it.
The ability Prankster makes T-Wave better because it can act as a suicide paralysis spreader against offensive fast paced teams. A Rotom-W at 8% health is literally completely useless against a fast team; in fact you would probably want it to be dead so you can bring in a new pokemon. Thundurus, on the other hand can get a guarenteed T-Wave off (barring immunities or nice Protect mindgames) even if it as 1 HP. This is what makes it so much better than almost any other T-Waver in the tier.

Edit: also, I support Rhyperior for B rank because of the fact that it works like a boss in SandRoom etc etc. Though I would like to see some more comments on it before potentially moving it.

I guess I'm just not seeing it then. If i saw a fast sweeper that I needed paralyzed I'd be saving Rotom-W anyways. While yeah you could get off the last T-Wave and that's great and all, I definitely don't think it's such a valuable thing that it makes it S Rank (don't see things like that happening often when I face Thundurus.). Anyways I'm gonna stop talkin about this for a bit and move on to some other things.

Will talk more about it later but I think Rhyperior is C rank, Abomasnow is A Rank, and Kyurem is B Rank (I'd even say Kyurem is wothy of A rank personally).
I'd like to move Dusknior and Hippowdon up to C Rank.

Dusknoir is a more powerful, less bulky version of Dusclops, due to Eviolite. However, it has Fake Out immunity AND can hold a Mental Herb, which can all but guarantee your Trick Room going off Turn 1, unless the opponent can kill it first. although it is outclassed by other mons, it isn't entirely ineffective, and should therefore go up a rank.

Hippowdon in D Rank is baffling, as it is a Primary Weather Inducer. While it is outclassed by Tyranitar, it doesn't share its huge Fighting Weakness, has better bulk, STAB on EQ, and gets Reliable Recovery in Slack Off. While it isn't as great as TTar at setting sand, it still does its job and it merely outclassed in Sand Setup.
Yeah, i just tried the glaciate set Nollan mentioned and absolutely killed the ladder, Kyurem for A because now i see it is more versatile than first thought and does not require hail to be effective. I mean I know killing the doubles ladder isn't that hard but I beat a few relatively high ranked people and 10 wins in a row...

Edit: I feel i got a bit over excited... ignore this post lol
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I'd like to move Dusknior and Hippowdon up to C Rank.

Dusknoir is a more powerful, less bulky version of Dusclops, due to Eviolite. However, it has Fake Out immunity AND can hold a Mental Herb, which can all but guarantee your Trick Room going off Turn 1, unless the opponent can kill it first. although it is outclassed by other mons, it isn't entirely ineffective, and should therefore go up a rank.

Hippowdon in D Rank is baffling, as it is a Primary Weather Inducer. While it is outclassed by Tyranitar, it doesn't share its huge Fighting Weakness, has better bulk, STAB on EQ, and gets Reliable Recovery in Slack Off. While it isn't as great as TTar at setting sand, it still does its job and it merely outclassed in Sand Setup.

I agree with Dusknoir for C, mostly because every single time I face it my Dragon Gem Draco Meteor off of Hydreigon does 99%, no more, no less, no Focus Sash. In reality, it has utility under Trick Room, similar qualities to Dusclops, and the ability to hold other items, which really makes it worthy of C Rank.

Hippowdon is also definitely C imo, as that is where pokemon completely eclipsed by A Rank or S Ranks tend to go, and Hippowdon is obviously eclipsed by Tyranitar, there isn't much more to it.
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Jirachi for A Rank!

If you haven't tried follow Me Jirachi, you're missing out. It is an amazing mon, and with amazing typing, access to Helping Hand and Icy Wind, it's an amazing support mon in Doubles.

Edit: After some testing, it's really good, even without Follow Me, which is kind of funny because we threw it into D Rank kind of willy nilly without testing. It's Movepool is similar to Cresselia's actually, but better typing and an arguably better ability depending on what you need for your team. Although FlinchRachi is tempting to do, don't. It's not the right niche for it here and although Body Slam+ Iron Head would be wonderful to catch Excadrill with, it isn't worth the risk. So, I nominate Jirachi for A Rank as a support Mon with options of using a wide variety of offensive moves. If it can be argued well enough, I would support it for S Rank now with Follow Me, however, I'm not great at arguing that kind of thing.
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I'd like to propose Keldeo C-->B. The analysis given to Kel on this thread suggested it was completely outclassed by Kingdra or Ludicolo because of swift swim. Although both of these pokes outspeed Keldeo, Keldeo outguns them with a far higher base special attack. Also, it fills niches other swift swimmers can't in that it's a poke that works well outside of rain. In a weather war, i'd much rather be using a Keldeo than either of the two pokes mentioned above. Keldeo can even function on a sand team paired with Tyranitar as all the checks mentioned by Laga can be beaten with one of ttar's STABs. Along with its fantastic speed and power, it has access to icy wind and so provides good team support.
True, Keldeo can OHKO Tyranitar (and Abomasnow) and help win the weather war, but this is true of any fighting type. But this doesn't make it an automatic pick to counter sand, since it has to compete with the other fighting types in the game, especially the metagame-defining Hitmontop, even if they don't abuse rain. (And don't forget Toxicroak, who DOES abuse rain pretty nicely).

As for sand, I've never considered running Keldeo on sand (and can't remember seeing other people doing it), but i wouldn't really call Keldeo a rain counter. It suffers at the hands heavy hits from powerful swift swimmers, liking to take neither Kingdra's draco meteor nor Ludicolo's giga drain, as well as having weaknesses to thunder and hurricane.

In short, outclassed as an offensive rain abuser by swift swimmers, far from the best fighting type, doesn't fair well against opposing rain teams, but I can see it might carve out a niche to provide the glue on some teams. Probably C rank.
Jirachi for A Rank!

If you haven't tried follow Me Jirachi, you're missing out. It is an amazing mon, and with amazing typing, access to Helping Hand and Icy Wind, it's an amazing support mon in Doubles.

Edit: After some testing, it's really good, even without Follow Me, which is kind of funny because we threw it into D Rank kind of willy nilly without testing. It's Movepool is similar to Cresselia's actually, but better typing and an arguably better ability depending on what you need for your team. Although FlinchRachi is tempting to do, don't. It's not the right niche for it here and although Body Slam+ Iron Head would be wonderful to catch Excadrill with, it isn't worth the risk. So, I nominate Jirachi for A Rank as a support Mon with options of using a wide variety of offensive moves. If it can be argued well enough, I would support it for S Rank now with Follow Me, however, I'm not great at arguing that kind of thing.

Yeah, i just tried the glaciate set Nollan mentioned and absolutely killed the ladder, Kyurem for A because now i see it is more versatile than first thought and does not require hail to be effective. I mean I know killing the doubles ladder isn't that hard but I beat a few relatively high ranked people and 10 wins in a row...

Edit: I feel i got a bit over excited... ignore this post lol

I'd like to propose Keldeo C-->B. The analysis given to Kel on this thread suggested it was completely outclassed by Kingdra or Ludicolo because of swift swim. Although both of these pokes outspeed Keldeo, Keldeo outguns them with a far higher base special attack. Also, it fills niches other swift swimmers can't in that it's a poke that works well outside of rain. In a weather war, i'd much rather be using a Keldeo than either of the two pokes mentioned above. Keldeo can even function on a sand team paired with Tyranitar as all the checks mentioned by Laga can be beaten with one of ttar's STABs. Along with its fantastic speed and power, it has access to icy wind and so provides good team support.

Yes, I'm pretty much in complete agreement with Jirachi for A Rank, especially since it is the only use of Follow Me/Rage Powder that can tank all the Dragon Gem Draco Meteors. It also has many Cresselia support qualities, but is held back somewhat by Ground weakness. I'd view this as a good starting point, and it can be moved around while people are still testing sets and all that.

I'm just going to mention I think Kyurem should stay at B, mostly because it is outclassed in a majority of its roles by Kyurem-Black, which holds it back in many situations.

Keldeo I also can see as a B Rank, though it has a lot of trouble with speed control and Cresselia in general, it is great for helping Rain win weather wars, and is one of the few Fighting-types that doesn't get crippled by Intimidate. Still, once Rain is up, Swift Swimmers will be the better choice, so I don't really see it going past B.
True, Keldeo can OHKO Tyranitar (and Abomasnow) and help win the weather war, but this is true of any fighting type. But this doesn't make it an automatic pick to counter sand, since it has to compete with the other fighting types in the game, especially the metagame-defining Hitmontop, even if they don't abuse rain. (And don't forget Toxicroak, who DOES abuse rain pretty nicely).

As for sand, I've never considered running Keldeo on sand (and can't remember seeing other people doing it), but i wouldn't really call Keldeo a rain counter. It suffers at the hands heavy hits from powerful swift swimmers, liking to take neither Kingdra's draco meteor nor Ludicolo's giga drain, as well as having weaknesses to thunder and hurricane.

In short, outclassed as an offensive rain abuser by swift swimmers, far from the best fighting type, doesn't fair well against opposing rain teams, but I can see it might carve out a niche to provide the glue on some teams. Probably C rank.

I've been running Keldeo in weatherless, the sand was just a suggestion. I wasn't really looking at Keldeo as a fighting type i was looking at it as a special attacker and in this role it's excellent. it has a couple of spread moves, fantastic speed and special attack. Tbh i would use Keldeo on a rain team AS WELL AS a swift swimmer becuase as i said, Kel is far far superior when rain isn't up, definitely not C.
While Keldeo packs a punch and has Icy Wind access, it leaves a lot to be desired. While in Singles, it's one of the fastest Rain Abusers period, in Doubles it has to compete with Swift Swim abusers in the rain (which the two main ones completely outclass it) and Excadrill in Sand. It also has big problems against Cresselia, the premiere wall of Doubles, who can Icy Wind or Psyshock Keldeo down into nothingness.

Keldeo even has competition from its fellow musketeers in Doubles, with Terrakion being far better with type coverage and spread moves, pushing Keldeo further down.

Honestly, if it wasn't outclassed by a ton of things already, it'd be much higher in ranking, as a fighting type that doesn't care about Intimidate or Burns is a nice thing. However, it doesn't have enough going for it overall. I think C rank is a good fit for it and B rank is all it can really ever aspire to.
Rachi for A, It only need 108 speed to outrun max breloom and 0 spec attack with a neutral nature to ohko loom, + now it gets that annoying professional move follow me. Paired with icy wind jirachi becomes a great utillity mon. Though it won't replace Togekiss, kiss can set up tailwind as well as being a sponge.
Rachi for A, It only need 108 speed to outrun max breloom and 0 spec attack with a neutral nature to ohko loom, + now it gets that annoying professional move follow me. Paired with icy wind jirachi becomes a great utillity mon. Though it won't replace Togekiss, kiss can set up tailwind as well as being a sponge.

Agreed with this, although if Rachi got Levitate as a DW ability...
Just wondering, why is Salamence A ranks while Dragonite is B rank? Isn't Dragonite better, now with the lack of entry hazards?
Also, I saw Zapdos is A. What does it have over the S ranked Thundurus? (sorry for the questions, trying to learn Double because it seems super cool)
Salamence's Intimidate is arguably more useful in Doubles, while Multiscale can be worked around with spread moves + a teammate's direct attack, or weather. Since Outrage is unfavorable in Doubles, Mence's higher Special Attack allows for stronger Draco Meteors, and while Nite has arguable more special coverage it faces stiff competition with Kyurem-Black in that aspect. Also its speed is pretty mediocre.

Granted, Multiscale, Inner Focus (blocks Fake Outs) and Extreemespeed are pretty nifty, but Dragonite cannot fit the moves it needs to differentiate itself from other Dragons (Extreemespeed, Superpower, Hurricane) in one set, suffering from 4MSS. IF Multiscale is broken, Kyurem-Black or even regular Kyurem seem to be greater choices for a Dragon as a whole. While Nite's movepool looks like it could fit into Rain, Kingdra should always be considered first.

To recap, Nite doesn't seem as specialized as other Dragons are: Mence has Intimidate; Kyurem-Black/regular makes a better wallbreaker/cleaner and sponge hits better than Nite without Multiscale and doesn't mind/appreciates Hail as opposed to getting screwed by it; Kingdra is better in Rain than Nite is; Latios outright eclipses it as an outright special attacker; and Hydreigon can use Taunt or just smash Trick Room setters with its Dark STAB. It looks to me the only thing Nite can really excel at is almost uninterrupted Tailwinds, courtesy of its bulk and Fake Out immunity, and is at least better than Haxorus in Doubles.
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Just wondering, why is Salamence A ranks while Dragonite is B rank? Isn't Dragonite better, now with the lack of entry hazards?
Also, I saw Zapdos is A. What does it have over the S ranked Thundurus? (sorry for the questions, trying to learn Double because it seems super cool)

Zapdos is a good choice over Thundurus sometimes considering the following merits,

1) Far better bulk, which is very important when it comes to the #3
2) It has Heat Wave, which provides great coverage for the annoying Steel types and Grass types resisting T-Bolt
3) The most important; it has access to Tailwind, a very popular form of speed control as it helps your team outspeed what it otherwise couldn't, and Zapdos itself can do some serious work in Tailwind itself.

Thundurus obviously has the Prankster T-Wave and Taunt whilst having greater speed, which is what Thundurus has over Zapdos.

Edit: Welcome to Doubles :)
Edit 2: and Punch answered your first question very well ~
It looks to me the only thing Nite can really excel at is almost uninterrupted Tailwinds, courtesy of its bulk and Fake Out immunity, and is at least better than Haxorus in Doubles.

I reckon even in that tiny niche (inner focus + tailwind), the totally unseen Crobat might be better, due to its much higher speed, access to taunt, super fang (to ensure consistent damage to everything without even needing to invest in attack) and its status as a specialist Hitmontop counter (DGAF about close combat and fake out, murders it with acrobatics). I'll have to test that at some point.

Maybe Dragonite can do decent work as a bulky paralysis spreader, with roost giving you a reason to use it over Gyarados.
Ok this is going to sound incredibly stupid but Parasect-->C rank. This comes after a bad experience with one in rain. Although 60/80/80 defences look terrible, the durability of this pokemon is incredible in rain. The combination i saw was a rage powder Parasect with dry skin next to a swift swimmer. Parasect could tank a couple of hits after rage powdering then recover about 50% after leftovers and dry skin recovery from rain and a surf. It also has access to spore giving it a free kill on whatever actually threatens it.
Here's a replay of it doing work
Ok this is going to sound incredibly stupid but Parasect-->C rank. This comes after a bad experience with one in rain. Although 60/80/80 defences look terrible, the durability of this pokemon is incredible in rain. The combination i saw was a rage powder Parasect with dry skin next to a swift swimmer. Parasect could tank a couple of hits after rage powdering then recover about 50% after leftovers and dry skin recovery from rain and a surf. It also has access to spore giving it a free kill on whatever actually threatens it.
Here's a replay of it doing work

This I agree with, because while most Rage Powder/Follow Me abusers are better, Parasect can be a true nuisance in Rain, as Dry Skin healing (and possibly a large bonus from Surf) extends its durability. While it does have a lot of weaknesses, it also enjoys some great resistances, taking 1/4 from Ground, 1/2 from Electric and Fighting, Water immunity and so on. Its Grass typing also helps most Rain teams with Rotom-W and Gastrodon, both of which cannot even dent it with STABs, relying on Ice coverage to deal damage. Its flaws do require a fairly large amount of team support (Rain, Electric/Rock types for synergy against Flying/Fire, etc), but if you support its flaws, it will deliver. Simply put, agreeing with Parasect for C.
While Amoonguss fits snugly in TR teams, using Rage Powder outside TR and using a speedy Spore in TR, Parasect does not seem to have that benefit. Parasect fits well on Rain teams, but Rain and TR tend to clash in terms of playstyle. Unless you can incorporate the two effectively, Parasect will almost never get the chance to Spore due to its low speed and modest bulk, unless both opponents cannot KO you or more likely they predicted your Rage Powder shenanigans and went for your teammate (mission failed?). Parasect has Rage Powder and Spore like Amoonguss does, but can't use the latter well due to sluggish speed and attempts to use it outside Rain/in Trick Room would leave it outclassed by Amoonguss who has Regenerator, better bulk and isn't f**ked by Sun. I'm leaning for D, but C is still fine due to the unique support it can offer Rain.