Pokémon XY General Discussion

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Nice find, Krawdaunt. It clearly looks like Mewtwo is emerging from something, with nothing more than what appears to be a stone above his head, glowing in a fantastic light.

But the animation shows Mewtwo is already in it's mega evolution form during this process, So that can't be the transformation from regular form to mega form. Unless it's how it returns back to it's regular form or something, idk.
Something to think about: Ampharos as it stands only learns outrage when it comes to dragon moves, through a move tutor at that. If the Pokemon only appears in the new form in battle, Ampharos will only be able to bring moves it can already know in its normal form with it. It isn't unbelievable but I doubt the extra typing is just for defense. Mega Ampharos must be changed out of battle in order to learn the moves it needs. I think they will be changed out of battle, even if temporary when holding the mega stone.
But the animation shows Mewtwo is already in it's mega evolution form during this process, So that can't be the transformation from regular form to mega form. Unless it's how it returns back to it's regular form or something, idk.

We don't know that. It started in a sphere and broke out of it revealing Mega Mewtwo. So it is still possible it's going from Regular -> Mega
I just thinked, if Mega evolutions are exclusive to Pokémon with their hidden ability? I mean, the event Mewtwo given away until September is based on the Mewtwo from M16, and the Mewtwo from M1 hasn't been seen transformed in the anime (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Mewtwo for M16 isn't the same as the M1 one)... and that event Mewtwo has its hidden ability Unnerve. Plus this Torchic is given away with Speed Boost, and I think it is somewhat weird to see a Blaze Blaziken transforming into a form with Speed Boost when we know regular Blaziken can have Speed Boost as hidden ability (probably Mega Blaziken's changes will only be stats-wise). If it's true, Shiny Mega Pokémon will be difficult to get without RNG manipulation lol, or even impossible for some of them like Mewtwo, but I don't want this will be true.

I also thinked something else, more likely ; similarly to hidden abilities in gen V, it is likely than some Mega Pokémon are programmed in the game data, but will be impossible to get until their Mega Stone officially release, like Lightningrod Zapdos or Contrary Serperior who are currently unreleased. I imagine some Mega Stones available in-game, from a Dream World-like feature, or held by event Pokémon. For example, I don't imagine the Blazikenite being available in-game or from a Dream World-like feature and I think it will be exclusive to this Torchic event, and I don't think gen VI Pokémon will release with their Mega Form for a while, considering gen V Pokémon with their hidden abilities where unavailable prior to BW2 outside of Zen Mode Darmanitan and Telepathy Musharna from BW1 in-game. Talking about the Speed Boost Torchic event, I hope it will be able to be female, so Speed Boost Blaziken will not be an event-only thing anymore... oh wait, Baton Pass Speed Boost Blaziken. That will be broken.

I wonder how Mega Stones will work in-battle. Maybe they will activate only when the Pokémon takes a hit? Or automatically change their form in battle if they hold their proper Mega Stone when they come into play, or after a certain number of turns? Or each Mega Stone will have its own activation conditions?

And I know how exactly will lock Mega Charizard : http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/vp/image/1364/23/1364230913195.png (I'm actually joking, of course)
I'm sorry, but I believe they are the same Mewtwo. It is actually based off the Mewtwo from Mewtwo Returns, as the end shows him in a faraway city.
I like all of the megalutions except Lucario. Could be because Luke's my favorite mon, could be because in my opinion Megalucario just looks too... messy. I like all the other ones though.

Also, Megamewtwo with insomnnia. And before the announcement, it was called Awakened Mewtwo.
I see what you did there Game freak.

(Also, does anyone else think Mega Skarmory would look really, really cool?)
Okay, let me get this straight.

They first reveal a new typing to balance the Dragon-type... but then reveal 6 Mega Evolutions (god knows how many there will be in the end) of previous pokémon who are pretty much going to shit on everybody else with those new abilities.

I hope this means every pokemon gets an Awakened Form.

Otherwise this is blatant favoritism.

Mega Beedrill, please?
I seriously doubt EVERY Pokemon is getting a Mega evolution. That would give us around 1298 Pokemon.:eek:

I highly doubt NFE mons will get mega evos, so the number should be significantly less than that. Also, they are technically formes and not whole new pokemon... SO just alot of new formes.

We all know Mega Formes will be called Super Saiyain. Cmon now.
Probably a question that has been asked before, but do you guys think Mega formes will be all end up being Uber? I have a feeling they won't, but of course it depends on stats among other things.
Ok i feel that if they make alot of the pokemon with mega forms (Dlc is possible) They can actually balance each other out. That or we can just send them to ubers from the get go.
I'm only against this because most of the new Pokemon look like trash. I don't think sticking some hair on Ampharos makes it much of a new design, or convey the idea that it's stronger.
I'm only against this because most of the new Pokemon look like trash. I don't think sticking some hair on Ampharos makes it much of a new design, or convey the idea that it's stronger.
I agree on ampharos, but Mawile and Lucario (Blaziken i guess) Have really awesome designs, mawile moreso. Also These new pokemon are going to shit on everything if left alone xD
Think of this. What if the Pokemon has to have Mega Stone used on it in battle? That would make MegaPokemon completely irrelevant in competitive Pokemon.

Otherwise, get ready for MegaBlaziken to return to ubers.
Also I don't see the problem with them hand-picking certain Pokemon to have mega forms. There's been favouritism like this ever since they started making cross generation evolutions. I'd prefer a select group of pokemon having new forms to every single pokemon getting one, or else we'd have far too many on our hands.
Christ could you all just shut the hell up and stop complaining? Game Freak gave us new stuff, so just roll with it. You're not the first one to say "hurr durr it looks like Digimon and DBZ" (trust me, not by a mile, read the past couple pages), nor are you original in saying "duh haha Game Freak ran out of ideas". People bitch about designs and mechanics every time a new game comes out, so why don't you grow up and shut up. Game Freak doesn't cater to your specific desires, nor do people want to see one-liner posts of "man I don't like the new designs" so please just stop. Lastly, power creep is going to happen every generation, so suck it up. Do you really think that little kids are going to want to run through the game with their Ferrothorn and Jellicent PP stalling and spamming Toxic on everything that moves? Hell no. So all your complaints of "oh no balanced metagame goodbye" are garbage, as chances are, metagames are going to get more diverse and offensively-oriented.

I personally really like the designs, and I'm looking forward to seeing their effects on the metagame. What I'm curious about is how they'll affect species clause and whether the Mega designs get any new moves. The effects that I think MegaMewtwo is going to have on the Ubers metagame are that: Mewtwo will have an easier time beating Darkrai with Focus Sash, as Dark Void is no longer a threat. Also, smashpass may take a hit as well, as Spore is not effective against MegaMewtwo, so Smeargle leads may have some trouble.
blitzle is basically saying all that is true now, bitching doesn't solve anything, especially when it's you guys, the same people saying "game freak needs to do something new with dis serez durr" and then shouting at game freak for not sticking to the copy/paste template for every single fucking gen, jesus stop your goddamn *hypocritical* bitching.

IMO These forms look extremely badass, Mega blaziken especially, I'm in japan right now and will be staying for a while, so looks like I'll be picking up the blue legends. special XY 3DS. That and getting the event for torchic day 1 or 2.

Favourtism is how pokemon are made, so don't you even complain about that, if favortism didn't exist, we would have nearly 200 pokes for gen 1. As there are LOTS and LOTS of designes in development times, but they pick out of which designes would draw in more people and which ones appeal to themselves most. So what if they pick their favorites? they put their heart and soul into making these games, let them have some fun with it
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