Silly Things You've Seen On The OU Ladder!

Last night came across a Sableye that had a dark gem; Shadow ball, Night Shade, Focus Punch (didn't see 4th move). He had a lot of other terrible sets, but that stuck out to me the most.
I just faced an all-Assist team with the other mons moves consisting of Dive, Dig, and Bounce. It was fucking annoying and just retarded. AND he had a Ditto with Leftovers.
I just faced an all-Assist team with the other mons moves consisting of Dive, Dig, and Bounce. It was fucking annoying and just retarded. AND he had a Ditto with Leftovers.

Haha, one of my friends did that before. Liepard with IronBall and Assist with the only callable move being Fly. It's basically 32 turns of immunity.
Stupid and annoying yes. But funny if you're using it? Yes.
Sash Gyarados

Substitute Volcarona

Leftovers Alakazam

Stone Edge Breloom

Sash Abamasnow

Substitute Ninetales

Twave Starmie

Lower ladder pls go fuck yourself
Stone Edge Breloom

It's actually quite good at catching common switchins like Dragonite, Salamence, Crobat, etc. off guard. I personally run it on my choice banded Breloom because Choice Banded Spore is OP. In between the threat of spore, the opponent usually stays in in fear of spore while I demolish them.
Sash Gyarados

Substitute Volcarona

Substitute Ninetales

Twave Starmie

Lower ladder pls go fuck yourself

Sub Volcarona was once on the analysis page, so I see why people use it.

Substitute can be used in conjunction with Roar, which can be annoying on Tales.

T-Wave Starmie can be used in order to spread paralysis for a fast bulky sweeper.