OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

Your team is currently pretty weak to sun teams. While Scizor can decently check Venusaur with Bullet Punch you are pretty screwed outside of that and nothing can switch into Venusaur or Volcarona safely so you'll be losing the Weather War most of the time. So something like LO Latias (Timid 72 HP / 244 Spe / 192 SpA) or Dragonite (Rain Mixed Attacker, CB or DD) could work since the both threaten Sun Teams Offensively while being able to take a hit or two from Venusaur or Volcarona (DNite only) even after boosts. Hope I helped!
Your team is currently pretty weak to sun teams. While Scizor can decently check Venusaur with Bullet Punch you are pretty screwed outside of that and nothing can switch into Venusaur or Volcarona safely so you'll be losing the Weather War most of the time. So something like LO Latias (Timid 72 HP / 244 Spe / 192 SpA) or Dragonite (Rain Mixed Attacker, CB or DD) could work since the both threaten Sun Teams Offensively while being able to take a hit or two from Venusaur or Volcarona (DNite only) even after boosts. Hope I helped!
I've heard people say lo latios outclasses lo latias is that true?
I've heard people say lo latios outclasses lo latias is that true?
Not outclassing, because it is slightly different. Latias was suggested to you to patch some weaknesses in your team; Latias is better suited for that because of her tankier nature. Do not forget to pick up Roost or Recover to take advantage of that.
In a somewhat competetive OU environment (e.g. with friends with EV'd pokemon and synergistic movesets, but probably not perfect IV/abilities etc), can you get away with making some weaker substitutes when building a team?

For example, right now in teambuilding I really need a base 100+ scarf user, and my team consists of ground/fire/water etc weak stuff, so a fast dragon would be nice. I can't really get DW abilities so garchomp is out the window as I don't want to use sand veil, ever. I can't get dark pulse or superpower on hydreigon, so I'm not sure if its even worth using that without those, and salamence would have dragon claw and no outrage, and would be intimidate.

Could I get away with either of these or should I be looking somewhere else entirely?
You can always use Lati@s as your scarfer. It is the fastest one in the OU metagame, resists all your stuff and is not dependant on a DW ability or egg moves.
The problem with DW abilities and tutor moves from previous generations is that we can't get all of them right now, which as far as I'm aware goes as well for lati@s. I should have probably elaborated, saying the team mates are M. aggron, aegislash and starmie, so any more dark/ghost weakness wouldnt be very good.

A better question would be either a suboptimal salamence or hydreigon, or should I just use more priority like azumarrill and get the defence from a more dedicated tank
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when I played OU for a very short period, my team was VoltTurn Balanced built around Scizor and Rotom-W. I think Heatran, Latias, and Gastrodon were around, too.


Is this a good place to start now? Do you have any suggestions or tips for a novice?
Anyone know a good team that I can use to ease into the meta? I come from the land of NU. Just give poke names and I can look them up.
Could someone link me to the bulky choice band scizor set plz?
Well, every CB-Scizor is kinda bulky, but there is one line you should read in the analysis.

If Scizor's team lacks a solid switch-in to Choice Specs Latios, an EV spread of 248 HP / 92 Atk / 168 SpD with an Adamant nature can be used, allowing Scizor to always avoid the 2HKO from Draco Meteor even with Stealth Rock in play and eliminate Latios with Pursuit. This spread also makes Scizor a much safer switch-in to Alakazam, Latias, and Gengar, especially if used in rain, where these Pokemon cannot OHKO Scizor with Hidden Power Fire.
right now I am looking for a way to get into the generation 6 metagame. I need either a good simulator with it because right now Showdown doesn't seem to run it very well or a good IV calculator for help with breeding. CAn anyone help me with this?
If my in game gen 4 lucario has a +spa nature but not -atk should I still have a physical set with swords dance? And NO breeding sucks it's just a playthrough
If my in game gen 4 lucario has a +spa nature but not -atk should I still have a physical set with swords dance? And NO breeding sucks it's just a playthrough

This question is not really related to OU at all, but if it's just a playthrough just use whatever moveset you want, it doesn't really matter ^^