Resource ORAS OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers (Read the OP First!)

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Does anyone have a link to an IV calculator that lets you input base stats? I cannot for the life of me find one. They all just use existing pokemon to calculate IVs.
If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you need to input that doesn't already exist...?

That said, MetalKid, Serebii, and Psypokes (the three IV calcs I can think of) all use existing Pokemon and there's no way to really edit them.
If you don't mind me asking, what exactly do you need to input that doesn't already exist...?

That said, MetalKid, Serebii, and Psypokes (the three IV calcs I can think of) all use existing Pokemon and there's no way to really edit them.

I am messing around with Emerald Randomizer and YAPE so I was just wondering. Thanks though.
I tried to breed a Froakie so it could have a Dive Ball as its ball but it hatched with a Poké Ball instead.

The parents are a male Froakie and a Ditto with a Dive Ball so I want to see if I can confirm that starters could only ever have Poké Balls even if you breed them?
Wasn't sure if I should post this here, in the old 'mon thread or somewhere else. Not really a simple question but not sure if it suits the discussion threads.

I'm looking at using a Ferrothorn and I wanted some opinions (mainly last moveslot). What I'm looking at so far is

Ferrothorn @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Iron Barbs
Nature: Relaxed
EVs: 252HP/252Def/4SpDef

~Gyro Ball
~Leech Seed
~Stealth Rocks
~Protect/Iron Defense/Ingrain/Curse/???

I'm running him as a counterpart to my Toxistall Goodra. I think Iron Defense and Ingrain are probably the weakest choices since they don't make him much more threatening with each use. Protect helps Leech Seed regen but means you won't proc Iron Barbs/Rocky Helmet (if they use a contact move). Curse makes Gyro Ball hit harder and gives you a nice Defense bonus.
Exactly how does suspect testing and determining ubers/BL typically work?
The OU tiering council (current memebers are: Aldaron, Mdragon, McMeghan, Nachos and myself) decides what Pokemon are worthy of the "suspect" status. Then a suspect ladder is set up on Pokemon Showdown and aspiring voters are required to achieve a given rating/deviation in order to get voting rights. The qualified players decide if the suspect Pokemon is Uber material.
Has anyone tried Sheer Force + Life Orb (or any other similar combinations)? The fact that Sheer Force cuts off Life Orb damage always seemed like a strange programming oversight, similar to the way Magic Guard prevented paralysis turns in Gen IV (and that was fixed immediately in B/W).

Also, it's not a question, but rather info for anyone who hasn't heard: No stat can go above 252 EVs now (as opposed to the 255 in past generations), so there's no need to be so precise in EV training anymore.
I tried to breed a Froakie so it could have a Dive Ball as its ball but it hatched with a Poké Ball instead.

The parents are a male Froakie and a Ditto with a Dive Ball so I want to see if I can confirm that starters could only ever have Poké Balls even if you breed them?
Only females can pass on their Pokeballs, and ditto doesn't count as a female for this purpose. So genderless Pokemon can never pass on balls. You can find starters in Safari and catch them with whatever you like.
I haven't been able to jump into X/Y until just now, and I want to educate myself on all the mechanic changes this new generation. Is there a good summary available somewhere? I picked some things up here and there (autoweather being 5 turns, special moves getting nerfed, etc.), but I would love a good overview of everything that has changed (for as much as that is possible so early in this new generation).

I did a quick check of the research threads here, but those only seem to be about moves/abilities/etc, not pure mechanic changes. Googling 'pokemon X Y mechanic changes' only gives me lists of new features in X/Y, not the in-depth changelist I'm looking for.

Thanks in advance!
Will the Pokebank OU usage stats be posted here?
Most likely we won't have stats of any kind until a proper pre-Pokebank metagame gets set up. Right now the stats wouldn't be overly reliable since everybody is just testing. I expect we'll have a proper metagame within a few days, hoepfully with some of the stupid stuff like Gengarite banned already.
I haven't been able to jump into X/Y until just now, and I want to educate myself on all the mechanic changes this new generation. Is there a good summary available somewhere? I picked some things up here and there (autoweather being 5 turns, special moves getting nerfed, etc.), but I would love a good overview of everything that has changed (for as much as that is possible so early in this new generation).

I did a quick check of the research threads here, but those only seem to be about moves/abilities/etc, not pure mechanic changes. Googling 'pokemon X Y mechanic changes' only gives me lists of new features in X/Y, not the in-depth changelist I'm looking for.

Thanks in advance!
Asside from the stuff you mentioned, sleep is back to the old mechanics, mega-evolution is in the game, defog removes hazards from both sides and is unblockable, whirlwind and roar cannot ever miss, Fairies are in the game, toxic never misses if used by a poison type, steel no longer resists dark and ghost, ghost types can't be trapped by shadow tag or arena trap, a few Pokemon got some minor base stat retconns, serebii has a page on those. I think that's most everything non-obvious, though I'm sure people will corrent me. You should be able to find more details by googling specific things.
Can I check if my understanding of EV/IV interaction with lvl 50 battling is correct?

Basically if I'm running 31 IVs in a stat, then I will need the full 252 EVs to max that stat, but if I'm on 30 IVs, then it's pointless to invest more than 248?
First post, I'm an original red/blue player. The last games I played were silver and gold, so I've been REALLY out of the loop in regards to all this stuff.

In regards to IV's, do they matter in online battles? Because all the Pokemon you use are automatically set to level 50, and their stats are adjusted accordingly to what that pokemon would have at that level. So does the game automatically calculate your states based on the IV's your current pokemon has? Or is there a set number that every pokemon has and every pokemon will have to make sure everything is "balanced" and those breeding machines don't get an upper hand.

First post, I'm an original red/blue player. The last games I played were silver and gold, so I've been REALLY out of the loop in regards to all this stuff.

In regards to IV's, do they matter in online battles? Because all the Pokemon you use are automatically set to level 50, and their stats are adjusted accordingly to what that pokemon would have at that level. So does the game automatically calculate your states based on the IV's your current pokemon has? Or is there a set number that every pokemon has and every pokemon will have to make sure everything is "balanced" and those breeding machines don't get an upper hand.

The stats are based on your IVs. Those who put in the time and effort to breed (which is a lot more accessible now) will have stronger Mons.
But I've seen multiple people stated that having all 31 IVs will result in HP Dark (again), I can't really confirm if that's true or not because I don't have the game.
Yeah but I was thinking if your attack goes first, you'll hit them in Shield form, whereas they'll hit you in Sword form with less Defence

If you're in sword form when their aegs comes out you can just kings shield to switch back, though this will just cause mindgames.

If your slower your sneak will always go second so your sweep can be cut short by opposing aegs.
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