Other Viable Megas

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So then Deoxys-N is rarely ever used then since it's banned to Ubers and doesn't do to well up there. In regards to Mega Gengar, I don't do wifi battles anyways so I would just use him in GBU battles and he'd do alright there so this in no way affects me but still, tho I don't wifi battle i want to see if MGengar does well up there incase if i ever do want to Wifi battle and do ubers....But right now i'll stick to using MGengar in GBU. Tho, yeah it seems alittle stupid that pokemon get banned to Ubers and then rarely see any use. it make me think the tiering system could be ajusted alittle, that's my opion tho.
The tiering system is as fair as can be imo. Ubers is a banlist not a tier, however due to all the Pokémon that do get banned there is enough Pokémon to actually have a competitive metagame up there.

As to all the people saying Mega Gengar wont be Uber is because they are either facing in component players or because a large number of people are trying to use him the same way they use Gengar. MGengar is an amazing trapper and is extremely Potent late game where it can start trapping and kill off weak Pokémon. MGengar is the mega I fear most when playing competent players as there gets to s stage in battle where as soon as they send him out they win.
I see to many people try to use him like regular Gengar, continually subbing which is pointless because the Pokémon cant switch out and is forced to keep attacking you. MGenagar should only be subbing on Pokémon that cant touch you or break you Sub to give you free rain to hit the next Poekmon hard. MGengar is best used as a trapper, trapping and KOing Pokémon to clear way for other members of your team to sweep. For example trapping and killing RotomW paving way for your Talonflame to wreck the opponents team.
But can't we just make an Upper Uber Tier and a Lower Uber Tier? I think it would bring more balance to ubers imo.
Also, this really only affects Wifi MetaGame users and Simulator users right? I mean I know it doesn't effect the GBU and Deoxys is banned from there anyways.

Again, Ubers is a banlist first and a tier second. There's no need to try and balance it because it was never meant to be balanced in the first place.
The tiering system is as fair as can be imo. Ubers is a banlist not a tier, however due to all the Pokémon that do get banned there is enough Pokémon to actually have a competitive metagame up there.

As to all the people saying Mega Gengar wont be Uber is because they are either facing in component players or because a large number of people are trying to use him the same way they use Gengar. MGengar is an amazing trapper and is extremely Potent late game where it can start trapping and kill off weak Pokémon. MGengar is the mega I fear most when playing competent players as there gets to s stage in battle where as soon as they send him out they win.
I see to many people try to use him like regular Gengar, continually subbing which is pointless because the Pokémon cant switch out and is forced to keep attacking you. MGenagar should only be subbing on Pokémon that cant touch you or break you Sub to give you free rain to hit the next Poekmon hard. MGengar is best used as a trapper, trapping and KOing Pokémon to clear way for other members of your team to sweep. For example trapping and killing RotomW paving way for your Talonflame to wreck the opponents team.

MGengar with the Hypnosis subsitute set seems pretty good to get alot of attacks in tho. But it might not be worth running hypnosis with it.
MegaGengar is really good, but I dunno if he's necessarily Ubers material. He's weak to repeated hits and priority unless he's running sub. The same was true of Blaziken last gen, though, so I don't know.

I don't see how MegaKangaskhan and MegaMawile are weak, though. MegaKanga has really strong priority and MegaMawile hits like a truck and has an amazing typing that covers a lot of weaknesses on teams. MegaAbsol is an almost unstoppable sweeper once he even gets a single Swords Dance. MegaCharizard X is basically a better Salamance with a superior typing (while MegaY hits about as hard as a boosted Volarona), MegaVenusaur is the best grass wall in the game and MegaBlastoise is the best spinner with lots of offensive presence.

MegaGengar is fantastic, but he just doesn't fit on every team and MegaBlaziken should really only be run if you're just not going to use another mega.
MegaGengar is really good, but I dunno if he's necessarily Ubers material. He's weak to repeated hits and priority unless he's running sub. The same was true of Blaziken last gen, though, so I don't know.

I don't see how MegaKangaskhan and MegaMawile are weak, though. MegaKanga has really strong priority and MegaMawile hits like a truck and has an amazing typing that covers a lot of weaknesses on teams. MegaAbsol is an almost unstoppable sweeper once he even gets a single Swords Dance. MegaCharizard X is basically a better Salamance with a superior typing (while MegaY hits about as hard as a boosted Volarona), MegaVenusaur is the best grass wall in the game and MegaBlastoise is the best spinner with lots of offensive presence.

MegaGengar is fantastic, but he just doesn't fit on every team and MegaBlaziken should really only be run if you're just not going to use another mega.

If you are going for priority Mega Lucario is even better.
I think most megas should be OU because their attacking stats are simply too high for UU.

Does Gengar-M retain his poison/ghost typing?
I think most megas should be OU because their attacking stats are simply too high for UU.

It's not possible for even most of them to be OU because they're limited to one a team, they can't meet the usage requirements. I think a lot of them will be BL, though.

Does Gengar-M retain his poison/ghost typing?

Wait, people are saying, M-Kangaskhan is weak? Every mention I've seen of it here and elsewhere says it's absurdly strong and hard to deal with. Epecially in Pokébank, where it has all the Fire Punches and Bodyslams it wants...

And I agree that people have been sleeping on M-Mawile recently. I hear a lot of talk about it "not being bulky enough", but still. Rotom-A has worse defences overall and less resistances. It still drops mountains on people, and it's one of the only fairy-types that can face down a M-Gengar and win most of the time. Maybe it's all the Talonflame and Blaziken, but that's what your Rotom-W or Landorus-T is for!
Wait, people are saying, M-Kangaskhan is weak? Every mention I've seen of it here and elsewhere says it's absurdly strong and hard to deal with. Epecially in Pokébank, where it has all the Fire Punches and Bodyslams it wants...

And I agree that people have been sleeping on M-Mawile recently. I hear a lot of talk about it "not being bulky enough", but still. Rotom-A has worse defences overall and less resistances. It still drops mountains on people, and it's one of the only fairy-types that can face down a M-Gengar and win most of the time. Maybe it's all the Talonflame and Blaziken, but that's what your Rotom-W or Landorus-T is for!
People are too caught up in the godliness that are MLucario/MBlaziken/MGengar that they can't see the merit in using any other Mega. Each Mega has its own role in a team, and they can wreck face if played correctly. People just need to coordinate a team around them, rather than "Oh hey, what's a Mega I can use? Oh you say MGengar has Shadow Tag? I guess I can stick it in."
Wait, people are saying, M-Kangaskhan is weak? Every mention I've seen of it here and elsewhere says it's absurdly strong and hard to deal with. Epecially in Pokébank, where it has all the Fire Punches and Bodyslams it wants...

And I agree that people have been sleeping on M-Mawile recently. I hear a lot of talk about it "not being bulky enough", but still. Rotom-A has worse defences overall and less resistances. It still drops mountains on people, and it's one of the only fairy-types that can face down a M-Gengar and win most of the time. Maybe it's all the Talonflame and Blaziken, but that's what your Rotom-W or Landorus-T is for!

A lot of people are still caught up in 5'th gen and 5'th gen tiers not fully realizing that 6'th gen is a priority game.
But if MGengar doesn't do well wouldn't he get booted down? And i don't see how MGengar could possiably be broken

On another note, I seem to be the only one with this opion but,I think MSaur is actually very Viable if you are going to use a grass type.
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MSaur has a lot of support in its viability, last I checked, so there's half of that WTF down. Unless you are saying that his belief that he is the only one that thinks that is weird......

But that MGengar comment he made was kind of weird.
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Aggron could be a cool mega who can withstand even the best physical threats in terrakion, Azumarill Scizor, Aegislash and even talonflame and okho back with the appropriate move or cripple them with t-wave. Can easily setup stealth rocks and phaze with dragon tail. Bar vacuum wave it can take all priority moves rather nicely due to their low power. Did i mention this thing has 140 attack? Rotom-W is an awesome poke to start building a team around with aggron.
Not until Talonflame usage dips it isn't. A subpar matchup against Pokes like Aegislash isn't helping it's case either. MegaSaur just doesn't cut it against common "relevant" threats atm, nor is it an imposing threat on it's own like a Kangashkhan or Absol.

Errr.....Blissey dies to a stiff poke, but it's viable. Having one or two pokemon that manhandle it doesn't suddenly annihilate a pokemon's viability.

Mega Mawile has issues against Sub Gengar. Tyranitar dies to a mach punch. Garchomp can't take an ice attack. Everything has a counter, but that doesn't ruin it.

Also, it takes on Blaziken, Azumarill, and TTar at the least. Are those relevant? I think they are......

252 Atk Life Orb Blaziken Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Thick Fat Mega Venusaur: 151-179 (41.48 - 49.17%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
0 Atk Venusaur Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Blaziken: 170-200 (56.29 - 66.22%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Blaziken kills itself through Flare Blitz, at best, as LO recoil and Flare Blitz recoil will see to that.

252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Venusaur: 171-202 (46.97 - 55.49%) -- 74.22% chance to 2HKO
Ouch, but Venusaur sure is happy it can do this:
0 SpA Venusaur Giga Drain vs. 180 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar in sand: 128-152 (33.16 - 39.37%) -- 99.95% chance to 3HKO
And get 20-ish HP back(Averting the 2HKO, and making it harder for TTar to get that KO). This is assuming Choice Band, so weaker hits do a lot less:
252+ Atk Life Orb Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Venusaur: 149-177 (40.93 - 48.62%) -- 10.94% chance to 2HKO after weather (No chance, taking Giga Drain into consideration)

252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Ice Punch vs. 244 HP / 252+ Def Venusaur: 186-220 (51.38 - 60.77%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Again, Giga Drain throws a wrench into that:
252 SpA Venusaur Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill: 246-290 (60.89 - 71.78%) -- guaranteed 2HKO. Azumarill NEEDS to run Ice Punch, as Aqua Jet and Play Rough are both resisted.

Edit: Why did I have Mawile on there?
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Venusaur is good as shit, it is almost impossible to kill unless you have a stab flying attack (fuk talon flame). This is why it needs teammates. No, it isn't a gengar/lucario (overrated IMO)/blaziken/kangashkan where you can just slap it on any team and wreck shit, but on a team with a good core (try heatran with it), it is really good, and with Gita drain + eq coming off solid attacking stats, it isn't set up bait for much, besides flyers. It hard counters every water type who isn't also a psychic, and every electric type in the game, besides hp flying thundurus t (lol). Oh and did I mention it gets sleep. Cuz sleep is still really fucking good.
Mega kan, power up punch earthquake succur punch and return, SO MUCH POWER!!!!
(I got swept the first time I faced this guy)
Errr.....Blissey dies to a stiff poke, but it's viable. Having one or two pokemon that manhandle it doesn't suddenly annihilate a pokemon's viability.

Mega Mawile has issues against Sub Gengar. Tyranitar dies to a mach punch. Garchomp can't take an ice attack. Everything has a counter, but that doesn't ruin it.

Also, it takes on Blaziken, Azumarill, and TTar at the least. Are those relevant? I think they are......

252 Atk Life Orb Blaziken Flare Blitz vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Thick Fat Mega Venusaur: 151-179 (41.48 - 49.17%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
0 Atk Venusaur Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Blaziken: 170-200 (56.29 - 66.22%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Blaziken kills itself through Flare Blitz, at best, as LO recoil and Flare Blitz recoil will see to that.

252+ Atk Choice Band Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Venusaur: 171-202 (46.97 - 55.49%) -- 74.22% chance to 2HKO
Ouch, but Venusaur sure is happy it can do this:
0 SpA Venusaur Giga Drain vs. 180 HP / 0 SpD Tyranitar in sand: 128-152 (33.16 - 39.37%) -- 99.95% chance to 3HKO
And get 20-ish HP back(Averting the 2HKO, and making it harder for TTar to get that KO). This is assuming Choice Band, so weaker hits do a lot less:
252+ Atk Life Orb Tyranitar Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Venusaur: 149-177 (40.93 - 48.62%) -- 10.94% chance to 2HKO after weather (No chance, taking Giga Drain into consideration)

252+ Atk Choice Band Huge Power Azumarill Ice Punch vs. 244 HP / 252+ Def Venusaur: 186-220 (51.38 - 60.77%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Again, Giga Drain throws a wrench into that:
252 SpA Venusaur Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill: 246-290 (60.89 - 71.78%) -- guaranteed 2HKO. Azumarill NEEDS to run Ice Punch, as Aqua Jet and Play Rough are both resisted.
Anyone can do calculations without context.

First of all, Swords Dance still exists you know. Blaziken is primarily a sweeper, not some designated Baton Passer. The same calc deals 82.41 - 97.52% at +2. That's a 62.5% chance to OHKO with SR, and considering how MegaSaur lacks Leftovers, chances are it'll have some residual damage. Only in lalaland is MegaSaur a check to Blaziken.

Venusaur I concede can check some Tyranitar variants. However, the Choice Band variant is not one of them. On paper, it looks fine and dandy, but then you realize MegaSaur runs no Speed, and sometimes even runs a -Speed nature. Assuming neutral nature an no investment from MegaSaur, Tyranitar can simply run 156 Speed EVs to outspeed it. 76 Speed EVs is a BW2 relic, and if hypothetically MegaSaur is top 30 OU or something, it will convert to the new spread. To be a check/counter, Venusaur has to be the one switching in, taking a hit right off the bat for at least 46.97%. Without Leftovers, Sand Stream tacks on another 6.25% toll, leaving MegaSaur at 46.78%. In this hypothetical scenario, we're assuming MegaSaur is relevant and therefore CBTar will run the EVs to outspeed it, but hold on, the next Stone Edge is a KO! Even factoring in Stone Miss, MegaSaur has a 64% chance to bite the dust before it even moves, blech. I'm too lazy to go in and do Assault Vest Ttar calcs, but I'd assume it'd just be two Pokemon bouncing weak moves off each other for a 124893HKO or something.

Venusaur>Azumarill 1v1, but CB Azumarill's job is to hit and run. Over the course of a game, eating repeated CB Returns is not fun. No competent player would even try to set up Belly Drum Azumarill until it's counters are disposed of.

I do like MegaSaur's matchup against Rotom-W, but there are ways to deal with the washing machine without giving up your mega slot.
Well Let's see Viable Megas... Aside from stuff like Mega Gengar, Blaziken, Lucario and Khan. I'd think The two Zards have some merit to them. Zard X got a suprisingly good ability in Tough Claws as a 33% Boost to Contact is more then welcome any day, and has 111 Defense more Defense then Tyranitar. (Albeit 1 Point..) Zard Y can be a absolute Nuke with 159 Sp. Atk in summonable Sun, and while the weather abilities got Nerfed, instant Sun is still very welcome. Are they the best Megas? No, the aforementioned Megas are the ones likely to be the top Megas, but are the Zards viable with proper support? I'd say so.
Zard Y's move pool is so dang shallow. He'll probably only see use on Sun teams (which will probably prefer Mega Houndoom, tbh.)
Zard Y's move pool is so dang shallow. He'll probably only see use on Sun teams (which will probably prefer Mega Houndoom, tbh.)
Mega Houndoom means you're automatically carrying around a liability (Ninetales). Zard Y can actually fend for itself as long as you don't suicide your Defog user.
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