Other 6th Gen Pokemon OU Candidate Speculation Thread

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I will seriously have to quit playing OU if Deo-A goes down for good. Once all of the priority is gone on one side, Deoxys-A would essentially be a win condition. No. No one wants that.
I run Focus Sash Cloyster. Once enemy priority and hazards are gone, it's damn near a win condition, and hazards aren't that hard to remove. Priority, on the other hand, is.

Instant wins tend to be easier said than done.
Sylveon has 130 SpD, Florges has 154 SpD, that's a huge difference, Plus it has 2 extra SpA, not to mention better defense (But worse HP) so ultimately a 252 HP / 252+ Def CM set isn't bad at all, Florges doesn't have as good a move pool (attacking wise) as Sylveon (Shadow Ball, Psyshock, and Reflect, 3 moves Florges is dying for) + it lacks an ability in Singles. Florges has a shot for UU+, Sylveon has a better shot at OU though.

Edit: I also want to agree on the above comments, the only pokemon that MIGHT go down to OU will be probably Excadrill, Deoxys-D has a very slim chance of dropping, I mean, Defog Ho-oh can be so dominant it might do it.
The better HP almost offsets the difference in special defense. I can't see Florges having a meaningful niche in any tier Sylveon is allowed in. Also, with the weather nerf, plenty of Ubers will drop, specifically the Ubers that were banned because of weather, which are Thundurus, Tornadus-T, Excadrill, and Manaphy. All of these Pokemon were only broken because of their respective perma-weathers. The other Ubers not on the initial XY banlist are Landorus, Genesect, Blaziken, Deoxys-N, Deoxys-D, and Deoxys-S. Of all of these, I feel only Blaziken is clearly broken. Deo-D and S are certainly suspect worthy at the very least, while Genesect and Landorus were barely broken in Gen V and have gained new checks. For example, the now more viable Azumarill beats Landorus-I pretty easily, not to mention it walls and OHKOs Keldeo, while resisting Pursuit. (not that Tyranitar would ever stay in on it anyway) RP Genesect can now have its sweep cut short by a Talonflame Brave Bird combined with a few turns of LO recoil, while Sylveon walls Scarf Genesect without the somewhat situational Iron Head. XY will definitely have a smaller Uber tier than BW.
The better HP almost offsets the difference in special defense. I can't see Florges having a meaningful niche in any tier Sylveon is allowed in. Also, with the weather nerf, plenty of Ubers will drop, specifically the Ubers that were banned because of weather, which are Thundurus, Tornadus-T, Excadrill, and Manaphy. All of these Pokemon were only broken because of their respective perma-weathers. The other Ubers not on the initial XY banlist are Landorus, Genesect, Blaziken, Deoxys-N, Deoxys-D, and Deoxys-S. Of all of these, I feel only Blaziken is clearly broken. Deo-D and S are certainly suspect worthy at the very least, while Genesect and Landorus were barely broken in Gen V and have gained new checks. For example, the now more viable Azumarill beats Landorus-I pretty easily, not to mention it walls and OHKOs Keldeo, while resisting Pursuit. (not that Tyranitar would ever stay in on it anyway) RP Genesect can now have its sweep cut short by a Talonflame Brave Bird combined with a few turns of LO recoil, while Sylveon walls Scarf Genesect without the somewhat situational Iron Head. XY will definitely have a smaller Uber tier than BW.

Oh I see what you mean, and I agree with you on pokemons that relied on weather
I run Focus Sash Cloyster. Once enemy priority and hazards are gone, it's damn near a win condition, and hazards aren't that hard to remove. Priority, on the other hand, is.

Instant wins tend to be easier said than done.

True. This generation especially is drowning in good priority. But that doesnt mean Deoxys-A isnt broken. Cloyster needs to set up to possibly become a win condition, doesnt have game-shattering attacking stats from the get-go, and lacks the coverage options and versatility of Deoxys. In fact, I would almost go as far as to say Cloyster is a one trick pony compared to Deoxys.
But I understand your point.
I think talonflame is why so many previous ubers just arent uber anymore.

Are you talking about the official banlist? It's not because of Talonflame, it's because the meta has changed and the meta itself is what got many of those Pokemon banished to ubers (like Sand Rush Excadrill), not their own personal power (like Ho-oh or Arceus). These particular Pokemon will need be suspect tested again before we decide to banish them.
Blaziken shouldnt have been brought off of ubers though. In fact his mega form seems like it was made to help him better compete within that tier.

Scoliopede may be in a similar boat, though it does lack a key resistance to any priority move.
While I agree with you, I still think it's fair that it gets suspect tested before being banished outright.
I'd be inclined to agree if it were only Blaziken or another suspect in OU. But we have four, and its incredibly easy to throw two to three on a team and go to town. Excadrill is the only one that seems reasonable tbh what with the weather nerf.
Deoxys-D has a very slim chance of dropping, I mean, Defog Ho-oh can be so dominant it might do it.
To be honest, never had much trouble killin Deoxys-D in OU before it was banned. And by killin I mean before it could liter my field with spikes. I think that he's a bit overrated, and could definately drop right back, especially since removin hazards has become easier now (assumin you don't mind about your hazards too much).
Sylveon might make RU for it's high defense and fairy typing. This will be harsh for many dragon types.
I say it will be OU or UU. It's an amazing cleric with good wish passes. It might not give Blissey level heals but it has the fairy type which gives it better resistances. It can also pack Moonblast and Pixilate Hyper Voice, although it will have to wait for the latter.
I say it will be OU or UU. It's an amazing cleric with good wish passes. It might not give Blissey level heals but it has the fairy type which gives it better resistances. It can also pack Moonblast and Pixilate Hyper Voice, although it will have to wait for the latter.

I guess maybe Pokebank will do wonders for Sylveon, because right now it has very bad attacking options.
Better than Espeon's attacking options and with a better type and better bulk.
Espeon has Magic Bounce and is by far the best user, at least without all the hassle of using Mega Absol. Sylveon does not. There's really no point in comparing them; Espeon was never OU before getting Magic Bounce.

Sylveon does have Pixelate, though, and it'll have a scary Hyper Voice in Pokebank, hitting 23% harder than Moonblast and with the benefit of piercing Subs.
Galvantula will go OU because it's the best Sticky Web user. It can Sticky Web and then combine Compound Eyes with a high power+inaccurate move to STAB things to death. If Galv is put in a bad situation it can Volt Switch into someone like Salamence who benefits from opponents being slowed.
Galvantula will go OU because it's the best Sticky Web user. It can Sticky Web and then combine Compound Eyes with a high power+inaccurate move to STAB things to death. If Galv is put in a bad situation it can Volt Switch into someone like Salamence who benefits from opponents being slowed.


Just because a mon is the best at doing something, doesn't mean it'll be remotely good. I think Smeargle taught us that. Also Galvantula+Salamence has a gigantic weakness to Tyranitar leads--if you lead with Galvantula it either dies to set up Sticky Web (and then I go to Forretress later to spin it), or it is forced out and whatever comes in has to eat a Stone Edge. You certainly don't want your Salamence taking that hit.

Not to mention Tyranitar sets up SR in front of Galvantula. Bug Buzz doesn't even 3HKO without Life Orb. Volt Switch is just going to be healed off with Leftovers.

And then there's stuff like Sash Cloyster that Galvantula loses to as a lead.

I have yet to see one good Galvantula user in OU.
I thought this was for 6th Gen Pokes…

But as for Galvantula, I agree, it will be the best sticky web user. The only other Poke that'll even get sticky web is Smeargle (Ariados is a loser), and Smeargle is only used to BP. Galvantula does get chased off by T-Tar but it can Volt Switch to send in a Lucario and Force T-Tar out. That can work. Salamence is just an example of a Poke that benefits from Sticky Web
Galvantula may be the best sticky web user but that doesn't warrant a spot in OU imo. There's no doubt it will be used in OU and will probably be OU for while but once people realise that's Gavantular is a lot of the time dead weight to a team, especially with how common Excadrill is and with Defog's buff, they will stop using him and he will drop. Once he has dropped like I said earlier he will be used purely for sticky web because its such a great move but Gavantular more often than not just isn't worth putting on your team since it really only gets one chance to set sticky web up and with how common spinners and defoggers are sticky web just gets span away to easily leaving you with a pretty shitty Pokémon on your team with low HP.

That being said sticky web is a great move. I've been using it in conjunction with WB MChomp and it's worked wonders. However I've chosen to use Shuckle as my sticky web user. Shuckle like Gavantular is not a great Pokémon but he can support the team other ways with encore/toxic, actually makes a decent special wall in sand and most importantly can set up sticky web multiple times in battle unlike Gavantular or Smeargle.
I can actually see Mega Lucario wrecking havoc and possibly becoming a suspect in the near future once things settle down and poke bank hits. With the huge increase in stealth rock and people realizing just how ridiculously dangerous he is. Ice punch will be such a great addition to lucario.
I've actually been having such a great success with M Lucario with SD/Extremespeed/BP/Close Combat.
Without crunch/ice punch, you lose a lot of coverage but it's such a monstrous cleaner, esp with adamant.
Lucario is a huge threat because its special set is just as potent and powerful as its physical .I have been running NP/flash cannon/aura sphere/dark pulse and it is running through teams
Excadrill is really healthy for this metagame imo ou has needed an offensive spinner who name wasn't starmie for a long time now but i really don't see the point of assault vest on it
As for sticky web smeargle is the best user of it because of its vast move pool you can run spore (dark void later on) and other support moves
Physically defensive togekiss is a force to be reckoned with it takes some incredible good hit on both defensive sides
Also reuniculus is good again so i guess that's a thing

but we these new 6th Gen and old Ubers from 5th gen being OU UU is going g to be mayhem
I can actually see Mega Lucario wrecking havoc and possibly becoming a suspect in the near future once things settle down and poke bank hits. With the huge increase in stealth rock and people realizing just how ridiculously dangerous he is. Ice punch will be such a great addition to lucario.
I've actually been having such a great success with M Lucario with SD/Extremespeed/BP/Close Combat.
Without crunch/ice punch, you lose a lot of coverage but it's such a monstrous cleaner, esp with adamant.
I agree, MLucario is deadly and once things settle down and a few Pokémon get suspected and banned I can see MLucario getting suspected but to be honest I don't think he's ban worthy. The best thing about MLucario is you cant always bank on him being a physical variant. He runs a deadly Nasty Plot set which means you have to scout out which MLucario version your facing before you blindly send in things like Jellicent or Gliscor to try and counter Luke.

Honestly though the best Mega Evolution in the game, well apart from MGengar is MKangaskhan. That thing hits like a truck, doesn't have a base stats under 100 (except it special attack lol), has priority and parental bond makes it so hard to deal with. Power Up Punch gives it great sweeping potential as well, honestly I hope she gets suspected in the near future because I personally think she's a little to good for OU or at the very least she will be a dominate threat in the OU metagame.
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