Pokémon Manectric

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I'd run HP grass over HP Ice

This is the set I'm using

Manectric @ Manectrite
Ability: Lightningrod -> Intimidate
Evs: 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 4 HP
Nature: Modest
- Volt Switch
- Hidden power [Grass]
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt / Thunder

HP Grass and HP ice both take care of ground-type (which is what you want), Though this set is completely walled by Dragons, I don't see HP ice doing anything to Goodra, even though, I could Always Volt Switch
I'd run HP grass over HP Ice

This is the set I'm using

Manectric @ Manectite
Ability: Lightningrod -> Intimidate
Evs: 252 Spe / 252 SpA / 4 HP
Nature: Modest
- Volt Switch
- Hidden power [Grass]
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt / Thunder

HP Grass and HP ice both take care of ground-type (which is what you want), Though this set is completely walled by Dragons, I don't see HP ice doing anything to Goodra, even though, I could Always Volt Switch

You should definitely be running a Timid nature with this guy. 405 Speed is such a good number with all these new threats running around, such as Mega Gengar and Talonflame. Using a Modest nature sorta takes away the whole point of using him--outspeeding basically everything that doesn't have a Scarf. Anyway, I think Manectric has a pretty cool place in the soon-to-be XY OU, especially considering he's an offensive check to Talonflame. +1 Acrobatics does only ~35% after Manectric switches in (assuming it already got Intimidated), so most will want to switch out. This is where base 135 Volt Switches can really hurt.

I'm not really sure that HP Grass is the best choice for this set. I know the metagame is still new, but HP Ice has been really good to me. So many Pokemon can otherwise come in and wall Manectric, which stops its Volt Switching reign. HP Ice may not do anything to Goodra, but it lands OHKOs on Landorus-T, Gliscor, Dragonite after SR, and offensive Garchomp. I use HP Ice way too much to even consider replacing it.

Here's the set I'm using (ok well it's basically just standard...)

(M) @ Manectite
Trait: Lightningrod -> Intimidate
EVs: 32 HP / 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 220 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Overheat
- Hidden Power [Ice]
For now, I'm using these Speed EVs (395 when Megavolved) because they allow it to outspeed up to Jolteon/Aerodactyl/Scarf Politoed/+1 Gyarados and retain a bit of bulk, even with HP Ice's 30 Spe IVs, but it may change in the future depending on how the metagame changes. The speed also brings it to 330 when it's not Megavolved, so it outspeeds +Spe base 100s like Jirachi. I have 4 Def EVs so Genesect gets a SAtk boost, simply because most of them will U-turn out anyway and I want it to be a -1 Atk U-turn. Overheat over Flamethrower because it OHKOs Excadrill and Ferrothorn. Other than that, the set is self-explanatory. I absolutely love Mega Manectric, and I've found a lot of success with it. It checks all those Talonflames plaguing OU and even lives a +3 Aegislash Shadow Sneak (assuming I switch in on a second Swords Dance). The most successful team I found it on was with a Calm Mind/Wish + Baton Pass Sylveon (Manectric takes those Steel attacks that threaten Sylveon, like Scizor's BPunch) and a CB Genesect to make a Volt-Turn core. It's swept a handful of teams at just +1 SAtk. Base 135 is truly amazing. Mega Manectric is definitely one of the more under-appreciated Mega Evolutions.
A great defensive typing + Intimidate + Volt Switch + excellent SpA and Spe coud create a niche for this guy. I like the set above.
I like gimmicks set as well it's well thought out.
I've been using this guy as my lead and then volt switching into either espeon or another counter.
Talon flame and him make a decent volt-turn core as well.
Only problem using him as lead is he doesn't outspeed Galvantula but in this case I just start with talonflame and uturn out into espeon to deflect sticky web then bring back in Tflame to finish him off as he uses buzz bug
Honestly, I feel Meganectric is going to be a sleeper hit in Doubles & VGC. It has great synergy with Gyarados thanks to the Lightningrod + Initimidate combo and I could see Electric Terrain being really useful for Discharge teams, as well as generally being a great way to deal with Sleep in VGC.
Is there any merit whatsoever in using modest Mega Manectric over Timid?
(Lol I have a shiny Modest Manectric from back in Gen. 3 and I'm really just wondering if I'll be able to use it in competitive play when pokebank comes out :P)
Is there any merit whatsoever in using modest Mega Manectric over Timid?
(Lol I have a shiny Modest Manectric from back in Gen. 3 and I'm really just wondering if I'll be able to use it in competitive play when pokebank comes out :P)

Yes, really Timid is in high demands but Modest is good, very good.
Yes, really Timid is in high demands but Modest is good, very good.
Yyyyyaaaaay :D

Also, which is better to run: overheat or flamethrower?
As stated earlier, overheat can OHKO a lot of things but it's also rather risky (ruining your SpA if they switch), so is it better overall to be safe with Flamethrower, or is Overheat still superior?
(I apologize that I'm just asking questions and contributing nothing, but I'm an extremely inexperienced player xD)
You should definitely be running a Timid nature with this guy. 405 Speed is such a good number with all these new threats running around, such as Mega Gengar and Talonflame. Using a Modest nature sorta takes away the whole point of using him--outspeeding basically everything that doesn't have a Scarf. Anyway, I think Manectric has a pretty cool place in the soon-to-be XY OU, especially considering he's an offensive check to Talonflame. +1 Acrobatics does only ~35% after Manectric switches in (assuming it already got Intimidated), so most will want to switch out. This is where base 135 Volt Switches can really hurt.

I'm not really sure that HP Grass is the best choice for this set. I know the metagame is still new, but HP Ice has been really good to me. So many Pokemon can otherwise come in and wall Manectric, which stops its Volt Switching reign. HP Ice may not do anything to Goodra, but it lands OHKOs on Landorus-T, Gliscor, Dragonite after SR, and offensive Garchomp. I use HP Ice way too much to even consider replacing it.

Here's the set I'm using (ok well it's basically just standard...)

(M) @ Manectite
Trait: Lightningrod -> Intimidate
EVs: 32 HP / 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 220 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Overheat
- Hidden Power [Ice]
For now, I'm using these Speed EVs (395 when Megavolved) because they allow it to outspeed up to Jolteon/Aerodactyl/Scarf Politoed/+1 Gyarados and retain a bit of bulk, even with HP Ice's 30 Spe IVs, but it may change in the future depending on how the metagame changes. The speed also brings it to 330 when it's not Megavolved, so it outspeeds +Spe base 100s like Jirachi. I have 4 Def EVs so Genesect gets a SAtk boost, simply because most of them will U-turn out anyway and I want it to be a -1 Atk U-turn. Overheat over Flamethrower because it OHKOs Excadrill and Ferrothorn. Other than that, the set is self-explanatory. I absolutely love Mega Manectric, and I've found a lot of success with it. It checks all those Talonflames plaguing OU and even lives a +3 Aegislash Shadow Sneak (assuming I switch in on a second Swords Dance). The most successful team I found it on was with a Calm Mind/Wish + Baton Pass Sylveon (Manectric takes those Steel attacks that threaten Sylveon, like Scizor's BPunch) and a CB Genesect to make a Volt-Turn core. It's swept a handful of teams at just +1 SAtk. Base 135 is truly amazing. Mega Manectric is definitely one of the more under-appreciated Mega Evolutions.

Good set, just two things I wanted to mention. You can get HP Ice with 31 speed ivs; I have one currently in game. Also Garchomp outspeeds you outside of mega form but it's unlikely to be an issue...
: Intimidate

Modest/Timid Nature
- Signal beam
- Thunderbolt/volt switch
- Flamethrower/overheat
- Thunder wave/volt switch/ HP ice /HP Grass

Problem with this mega like banette is lack of moves, this one at least has some offensive possibilities, but like Jolteon, not much
The advantage Mega Manetric has over Jolteon is the movepool of each. Manetric has huge variety, while Jolteon is restricted to electric moves, nerfed HPower, and shadow ball. The only thing wrong with Mega manetric is that it takes up a mega slot.
The advantage Mega Manetric has over Jolteon is the movepool of each. Manetric has huge variety, while Jolteon is restricted to electric moves, nerfed HPower, and shadow ball. The only thing wrong with Mega manetric is that it takes up a mega slot.
Actually, it wouldn't be terribly inaccurate to say that Manectric was a lot like Electivire before. It had awesome coverage, but didn't have the stats to back it up. Now that it has real offensive stats, it might be good for being able to force out 'mons with its wide coverage and solid stats.

Holy shit, the coverage this thing gets... this thing is almost like Genesect. Like fully special Genesect. No Download, mind you, but the coverage it gets, the momentum grabbing, and it can be fast and switch moves at the same time! This thing just got a lot more appealing to me.
Actually, it wouldn't be terribly inaccurate to say that Manectric was a lot like Electivire before. It had awesome coverage, but didn't have the stats to back it up. Now that it has real offensive stats, it might be good for being able to force out 'mons with its wide coverage and solid stats.

Holy shit, the coverage this thing gets... this thing is almost like Genesect. Like fully special Genesect. No Download, mind you, but the coverage it gets, the momentum grabbing, and it can be fast and switch moves at the same time! This thing just got a lot more appealing to me.
also its ability is a great game changer against physical walls like aegislash
I'm going to be illustrating my points in "doubles speak" because I pretty much have locked myself away to playing doubles in order to better practice for future VGC tournaments. This is also my first post, hi.

I think it'd be a bit frivolous to dismiss a modest MM, and I'll explain why (like I said, in double battle speak). I'm not sure why this hasn't occurred to anyone else but the first thing that comes to my mind when looking at MM's base is "Zapdos". Their stats are nearly identical with a few exceptions landing on the benefit of MM. It's instinctual to instantly compare him to Jolteon because of similar typing and identical speed but MM is capable of so much more than Jolteon in so many respects thanks to improved bulk and a much better SpAtt base. I really think those who intend to run a spread on him similar to Jolteons (252SpAt/252Spe) are going to find themselves underwhelmed because they are not going to be utilizing MM's strengths.

Compare...Zapdos then MM respectively...


Zapdos has a bit better bulk, clearly apparent, and it could be better if typical Zapdos variants ran less speed EVs (~140ish HP in order to run ~100+ in speed) in order to out speed common threats.

This is where MM sort of builds a unique niche that Zapdos can't really achieve. What MM lacks in the bulk Zapdos brings he compensates for on the physical side with Intimidate, he sheds the rock weakness in trade for earthquake (which in my opinion is an ok trade as Rock Slide doesn't damage the users team) and where investment in speed for Zapdos is important he compensates magnificently in that department. To top it all off he's got a bit more oomph to his damage. I'd say the most threatening ground type (that would lie in MM's speed tier given +nature) is Jolly Garchomp so I went with chomp for some calculations. I've modded HP's power down to 60 relative to its nerf.

Timid - 252 SpA (custom) Hidden Power Ice vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Garchomp: 164-196 (89.13 - 106.52%) -- 43.75% chance to OHKO
Modest - 252+ SpA (custom) Hidden Power Ice vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Garchomp: 180-212 (97.82 - 115.21%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO

You can't out-run a jolly scarf chomp with MM even if you went +nature and max speed so you're just going to have to bank on the awesome-ness of intimidate. If you run Timid the chances of chomp swiping back with a 1HKO are strong. I don't see scarf often in doubles with chomp, mostly berries, so I'm sort of factoring that in to my bias a little bit.

Comparatively, using Flamethrower will net you an assured 2HKO on Max HP Metagross whether Timid or Modest, and Thunderbolt will 2HKO Max HP Jellicent or Calm Politoed whether Timid or Modest as well. Max HP/SpD Bronzong however...

Timid - 252 SpA (custom) Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Bronzong: 70-84 (40.22 - 48.27%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Modest - 252+ SpA (custom) Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Bronzong: 78-92 (44.82 - 52.87%) -- 23.83% chance to 2HKO

You can turn a 3 turn take down in to a 2 turn take down on fully invested Bronzong tanks (we see these on trick rooms teams a lot for doubles).

I've been seeing a lot of Azumarril lately in online battles due to both his type change and the sudden discovery that he has always been a pretty good Pokemon thanks to Huge Power and some respectable bulk...and the difference between Timid and Modest is the difference between that Azumarril being a threat to your entire team or you eliminating it on the spot...this is assuming Max HP Azumarril (for 252 HP/252 Att variants).

Timid - 252 SpA (custom) Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill: 192-228 (92.75 - 110.14%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
Modest - 252+ SpA (custom) Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Azumarill: 210-248 (101.44 - 119.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

50% is a pretty steep bargain for a bulky water team wiping threat. If it's a Belly Drum variant however, even after Sitrus Berry it's a OHKO either way. Both T-bolt and F-thrower were modded down to 90 in these calculations.

So the best spread you could probably run for a Modest MM is 140 HP/252 SpAtt/116 Spe which puts you at 205 SpAtt compared to the Timid's 187. With the Timid variant you can still outspeed a jolly chomp by just 1 speed point with zero investment and you'll then run 252 HP/252 SpAtt/4 Spe or something like that to compensate for the incoming Earthquake, which hopefully will have been intimidated otherwise you're dead.

Point being...I think Modest MM has a place in that it can score some important KOs/quicker KOs.


140 HP/252 SpAtt/116 Spe
- Thunderbolt
- Flamethrower
- HP Ice
- Protect

Is my choice version, for those curious (but like I said...I use in doubles).
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Mega Manectric also has a nice niche for being able to counterkill any talonflames either by outspeeding or taking a hit while at full hp. He can also work as a "support" pokemon in doubles with access to snarl along with intimidate. Use him along a bulky pokemon that appreciates an extra turn to setup a swords dance or nasty plot.
Mega Manectric also has a nice niche for being able to counterkill any talonflames either by outspeeding or taking a hit while at full hp. He can also work as a "support" pokemon in doubles with access to snarl along with intimidate. Use him along a bulky pokemon that appreciates an extra turn to setup a swords dance or nasty plot.

Unfortunately most Talonflames are going to be running Gale Wings, for easy Tailwind and spamming Life Orb'd Brave Bird so MM's speed will rarely be a factor in his ability to take out Talonflame, but Thunderbolt will OHKO easily, and especially after intimidate, surviving BB should be pretty easy for MM with some HP investment.
Worst Mega evo... Doesn't matter if we're talking stats or design, his niche is limited, and even if it does outclass some more popular mons in your scenario, chances are you're using a better mega evo. Megadoom is the superior mega dog.
I wouldn't say he's the worst Mega Evo. They all have their uses. Sure, MManectric is harder to utilize, but it can still deal quite a bit of damage to the opponent. The only problem I have with MManectic is that its ability switches from Lightingrod to Intimidate. Now, each has their uses, but I find myself liking the Electric immunity/SpAtk boost more than the -1 Atk for switching in. But that's just me.
I wouldn't say he's the worst Mega Evo. They all have their uses. Sure, MManectric is harder to utilize, but it can still deal quite a bit of damage to the opponent. The only problem I have with MManectic is that its ability switches from Lightingrod to Intimidate. Now, each has their uses, but I find myself liking the Electric immunity/SpAtk boost more than the -1 Atk for switching in. But that's just me.
I know what you mean, but his usefulness and overall boost in power in what he could already do really isn't anything special in comparison to the other megas. You could run a choice a one which would be almost as good, and still keep your mega slot open for something even more useful.
The only problem I have with MManectic is that its ability switches from Lightingrod to Intimidate. Now, each has their uses, but I find myself liking the Electric immunity/SpAtk boost more than the -1 Atk for switching in. But that's just me.

Luckily, you can switch in Manectric on an expected Electric attack, and then Mega-Evolve the following turn. However, you do have a point. MManectric is likely to run Volt Switch, losing that +1 SpA once the move's used, and once it's been Mega-Evolved, it can't absorb with Lightningrod anymore.
Kinda want to try MManectric now with some partners like Gyarados or Talonflame. MManectric can deal with Rotom-W, a big Talonflame counter, if it switches into a Thunderbolt/Volt Switch with Lightningrod and then MEvos/Intimidates the resulting switch-in. Same with Gyarados.

Still, though, I feel that MManectric is a bit... underwhelming compared to the other MEvos. Only 135 SpA, when compared to the likes of MGengar, MGardevoir, Mampharos, and MAlakazam, seems low. Having a great speed tier is cool too, but... I dunno. I really do want to like this mon, it just seems like it needs some good partners, which I'm not too sure what exactly they are.
Kinda want to try MManectric now with some partners like Gyarados or Talonflame. MManectric can deal with Rotom-W, a big Talonflame counter, if it switches into a Thunderbolt/Volt Switch with Lightningrod and then MEvos/Intimidates the resulting switch-in. Same with Gyarados.

Still, though, I feel that MManectric is a bit... underwhelming compared to the other MEvos. Only 135 SpA, when compared to the likes of MGengar, MGardevoir, Mampharos, and MAlakazam, seems low. Having a great speed tier is cool too, but... I dunno. I really do want to like this mon, it just seems like it needs some good partners, which I'm not too sure what exactly they are.

Its speed is essentially its biggest hook, admittedly its power is underwhelming but its hardly been my primary reason for using it, as it is very useful in outspeed a vast majority of the metagame allowing you to revenge or check certain threats with blistering speed while retaining the ability to change moves. More importantly, intimidate + electric type allows it to be a relatively good check against MLucario and Scizor as it resists bullet punch and comfortably deal with both using overheat, which also helps it to deal with common switch ins such as Excadrill. The one thing I find that tends to hurt MManetric at times is the nerf in hidden power which can at times with a bad damage roll fall short of OHKOing Garchomp or Gliscor with hidden power ice. One thing about MManetric is that you don't necessarily have to conform the team to fit him, rather he supports your team than acting as the MVP.
Its speed is essentially its biggest hook, admittedly its power is underwhelming but its hardly been my primary reason for using it, as it is very useful in outspeed a vast majority of the metagame allowing you to revenge or check certain threats with blistering speed while retaining the ability to change moves. More importantly, intimidate + electric type allows it to be a relatively good check against MLucario and Scizor as it resists bullet punch and comfortably deal with both using overheat, which also helps it to deal with common switch ins such as Excadrill. The one thing I find that tends to hurt MManetric at times is the nerf in hidden power which can at times with a bad damage roll fall short of OHKOing Garchomp or Gliscor with hidden power ice.
That is true, the speed is quite nice. I'm thinking of getting a good VoltTurn core with him and... well, that's the problem. Not exactly sure who to use him with.

Also HP Ice is somewhat lackluster, I'll agree. I wish there was some way to get a better coverage move other than Electric/Fire but eh.

My 5 IV MManectric ingame has HP Dragon lol I suck at HP breeding
That is true, the speed is quite nice. I'm thinking of getting a good VoltTurn core with him and... well, that's the problem. Not exactly sure who to use him with.

Also HP Ice is somewhat lackluster, I'll agree. I wish there was some way to get a better coverage move other than Electric/Fire but eh.

My 5 IV MManectric ingame has HP Dragon lol I suck at HP breeding

Might be a bit niche but on a VoltTurn team I find MMantetric to work well with Xatu, primarily because the ground types that love to switch in on MManetric end up with a -1 Atk as it mega-evolves and usually opt to either Earthquake or set hazards, of which a fully defensive Xatu can capitalize on to have a safe switch. Otherwise, the offensive VoltTurn core I tend to use is MManetric-Diggersby(Scarf)-Crobat(Choice band) and Xatu is a great support to this.

Though I guess for a more conventional one either Rotom-W or Landorus-T would make just as good of a partner, the former being immune to EQ directed at MManetric and threatening said ground type while Landorus-T further lowers the offensive capability with another intimidate and can proceed to set hazards or u-turn.
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Kinda want to try MManectric now with some partners like Gyarados or Talonflame. MManectric can deal with Rotom-W, a big Talonflame counter, if it switches into a Thunderbolt/Volt Switch with Lightningrod and then MEvos/Intimidates the resulting switch-in. Same with Gyarados.

Still, though, I feel that MManectric is a bit... underwhelming compared to the other MEvos. Only 135 SpA, when compared to the likes of MGengar, MGardevoir, Mampharos, and MAlakazam, seems low. Having a great speed tier is cool too, but... I dunno. I really do want to like this mon, it just seems like it needs some good partners, which I'm not too sure what exactly they are.

135 SpA is far from underwhelming and is certainly nothing to scoff at. Volt Switch hits with around the same power as Sash Alakazam's Psyshock. Sure, it doesn't have as much power, and even speed, as some Megas like M-Gar and M-Zam, but the momentum it gives with a powerful, fast Volt Switch that is hard to match is a huge boon that some teams appreciate.

Might be a bit niche but on a VoltTurn team I find MMantetric to work well with Xatu, primarily because the ground types that love to switch in on MManetric end up with a -1 Atk as it mega-evolves and usually opt to either Earthquake or set hazards, of which a fully defensive Xatu can capitalize on to have a safe switch. Otherwise, the offensive VoltTurn core I tend to use is MManetric-Diggersby(Scarf)-Crobat(Choice band) and Xatu is a great support to this.

Though I guess for a more conventional one either Rotom-W or Landorus-T would make just as good of a partner, the former being immune to EQ directed at MManetric and threatening said ground type while Landorus-T further lowers the offensive capability with another intimidate and can proceed to set hazards or u-turn.

This. The VoltTurn Intimidate core with Landorus-T has been working brilliantly for me, as it softens teams up for my sweepers by hitting from both ends of the spectrum and setting up Rocks. It can also stop several physical setup sweepers like Scizor and Dragonite. For MegaTric, I use the same spread and set listed in the OP, and even a +1 Bullet Punch from Mega Scizor does around 42%, while it is OHKO'ed in return by Overheat. Adamant DDnite at +1 is outsped and cleanly KO'ed with HP Ice after SR. The core just works so well at covering a wide variety of threats with just 2 team slots, although not every team can use it effectively. As mentioned, Gyarados and Rotom-W also have excellent type synergy with Mega Manectric. Overall, I think MegaTric has a great niche to support VoltTurn and some offensive teams, but it is sadly outclassed by other competitors like Lucario and Gengar for a Mega Evo for most teams.
Overall, I think MegaTric has a great niche to support VoltTurn and some offensive teams, but it is sadly outclassed by other competitors like Lucario and Gengar for a Mega Evo for most teams.

I don't really find MManetric to be necessarily outclassed by the more popular mega evolution's you mention simply because MManetric serves such a different purpose, it is not geared towards sweeping, which will easily disappoint many that tend to be fixated on trying to make things another sweeper (personally I find MGengar and Aegislash to be a victim of this mentality).

It may receive a substantial boost in its offensive capabilities but MManetric fills a niche of support rather than offense in acting as a pivot as well as nice defensive check to many steel types (especially with steel offense gaining some momentum so as to deal with Fairy types) and revenging speedy threats.
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