Pokémon Garchomp

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I've been wanting to use a Garchomp. How does this sound?

Garchomp @ Choice Band
Jolly Natured
Rough Skin
Hp - 4 / Atk - 252 / Spd - 252
Dragon Claw
Shadow Claw/Rock Slide
Poison Jab/Rock Slide/Fire Fang

It's basic and straight forward. Everyone is countering Plan "Z" and I like to stick with Plan "A". I don't like Mega Garchomp. It's Attack gets overwhelming and that makes it to overpowered. (I would use Mega Kanga first up anyway) I would like a challenge so putting a Choice band improves that attack but then it can't adapt to what it comes against in future play which is the challenging part. EQ and Dragon Claw are stab, Shadow Claw shits on Ghosts and Psychics but Slashed with Rock Slide to hit in Doubles and less likely to miss unlike Stone Edge also the fact this covers flying and Ice and the last slot is too Poison Jab for Fairies and Grass slashed with Rock Slide again and slashed with Fire Fang. I could easily replace the item for the Mega stone if I liked.
Though this mon isn't very bulk is it? I could take a couple from Atk and replace in Hp.
Thoughts anyone?
You need outrage somewhere. Dragon claw alone doesnt have the power to do much. Rock slide is pretty much useless considering that you cant revenge kill a boosted volcarona anyway. Earthquake, Outrage, Dragon Claw, Fire Fang is what i recommend.
I've been wanting to use a Garchomp. How does this sound?

Garchomp @ Choice Band
Jolly Natured
Rough Skin
Hp - 4 / Atk - 252 / Spd - 252
Dragon Claw
Shadow Claw/Rock Slide
Poison Jab/Rock Slide/Fire Fang

It's basic and straight forward. Everyone is countering Plan "Z" and I like to stick with Plan "A". I don't like Mega Garchomp. It's Attack gets overwhelming and that makes it to overpowered. (I would use Mega Kanga first up anyway) I would like a challenge so putting a Choice band improves that attack but then it can't adapt to what it comes against in future play which is the challenging part. EQ and Dragon Claw are stab, Shadow Claw shits on Ghosts and Psychics but Slashed with Rock Slide to hit in Doubles and less likely to miss unlike Stone Edge also the fact this covers flying and Ice and the last slot is too Poison Jab for Fairies and Grass slashed with Rock Slide again and slashed with Fire Fang. I could easily replace the item for the Mega stone if I liked.
Though this mon isn't very bulk is it? I could take a couple from Atk and replace in Hp.
Thoughts anyone?
Okay, I would seriously like you to reconsider how you make your teams if you decide on team members using the philosophy of "I would like a challenge." It's okay if you build around a pokemon that's not 100% viable, but it's generally a bad thing to use such a philosophy to select team members. You choose team members based on what you need. Also, I've got some serious beef with you saying that Mega-Garchomp is overpowered because it's not. It's slow, is revenge killed, and isn't the faster monstrosity that Garchomp is. ANYWAY, looking at what you said about CB Garchomp. Deciding on whether or not to use this pokemon depends on what nature your team is. If it's an offensive team, then woo-hoo, CB Garchomp is the way to go. But you should use this set only if you require a wallbreaker, because that's what CB Garchomp is. To overwhelm with pure power and kill a wall before switching to something else later on. (hint, hint. Mega-Garchomp does the same role except it can switch moves, has SpA viable moves, but is slower.) And since CB Garchomp is a wallbreaker, I would go with Outrage since that's ridiculously powerful and destroys almost everything in its way. If a wallbreaker isn't what you're looking for, you should look at other Garchomp sets, for example, wall Garchomp for your defensive team or CS Garchomp for revenge killer, etc. etc.
Okay, I would seriously like you to reconsider how you make your teams if you decide on team members using the philosophy of "I would like a challenge." It's okay if you build around a pokemon that's not 100% viable, but it's generally a bad thing to use such a philosophy to select team members. You choose team members based on what you need. Also, I've got some serious beef with you saying that Mega-Garchomp is overpowered because it's not. It's slow, is revenge killed, and isn't the faster monstrosity that Garchomp is. ANYWAY, looking at what you said about CB Garchomp. Deciding on whether or not to use this pokemon depends on what nature your team is. If it's an offensive team, then woo-hoo, CB Garchomp is the way to go. But you should use this set only if you require a wallbreaker, because that's what CB Garchomp is. To overwhelm with pure power and kill a wall before switching to something else later on. (hint, hint. Mega-Garchomp does the same role except it can switch moves, has SpA viable moves, but is slower.) And since CB Garchomp is a wallbreaker, I would go with Outrage since that's ridiculously powerful and destroys almost everything in its way. If a wallbreaker isn't what you're looking for, you should look at other Garchomp sets, for example, wall Garchomp for your defensive team or CS Garchomp for revenge killer, etc. etc.

I play for fun. Not to win. I like using the Pokemon not suggested to me but that just pop into my head that would be useful. A Carbink with Stealth Rock for obvious reasons. Klefki gets priority on status moves. Mega-Kanga because with Stealth Rocks out, it becomes a pretty versatile foe. But I don't really need them unless I'm looking for a water type or a good Mega or something. I just like to use them in general and drive them to the best they can be. And now I beef with you because you have beef with me because I think Garchomps Mega is OP. Sure mega-Garchomp is free from choice effects being able to move freely but his speed drops and then able to become revenged. Then don't evolve and make up a new plan. My fact of Mega Garchomp being OP is well... I'm pretty sure pokemon weren't supposed to just Mega evolve and practically jump from 130 Base Atk to 170, putting Mega-Scizor's great Atk to shame. JUST SPAM PHYSICALS!! I mean really. That attack stat is ridiculous. Teams that this pokemon cover CAN get knocked horrendously by this hard hitter which is something I might want to consider. That Sp.A is pretty impressive I must say so myself. Still, I don't want to use the Mega Slot on something someone can see coming since mega evolution's first came out that could be one shotted by an Ice Beam. The way I play might fit with this set but I would like to look into others tho. Now saying "I would like a Challenge." ... yeah that was a pretty stupid thing to say myself really, but I go up against my friends a lot and throw ridiculously insane OU threats and have beaten them without loosing anything really. Still, maybe Banding this pokemon wouldn't be a bad idea so you keep a Mega slot, this mons speed won't lower and will increase it's max Atk stat higher than the mega. Making this stronger and faster then the Mega. (Crap, did I just prove myself wrong on how OP Mega Garchomp is?)

Also, Outrage.... eh. I just don't want a fairy switching in and forcing me a swap out and with it's mega state Atk stat. You wouldn't want to luck out on confusion.
Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Trait: Rough Skin
Nature: Naive // Jolly
EVs: 252 Hp / 96 Def / 160 Spe OR 252 Hp / 96 SpD / 160 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast

Note: There is a reason for the EV differences: Naive gets a stronger Fire Blast (this becomes notable since Jolly Fire Blast can only 3HKO standard Skarm where as Naive Fire Blast 2HKOs). Jolly with SpD investment allows Genesect to get an attack boost, meaning you literally live Scarf / Non-EB or Non-LO Ice Beam (which seriously has uses if you lead with this).

Garchomp @ Garchompite
Brave Natured
Rough Skin
Hp - 104 / Atk - 252 / Def - 152
Rock Slide
Swords Dance

I decided to take advantage of Mega-Chomps dropped speed and make her a trick room sweeper. Upon several tests, I have confirmed the following theories:
A. I might just be crazy
B. I figured out how to effectively use Mega-Chomp

I noticed that Mega-Chomp's base speed drops below Xatu's, who on my team is a primary Trick Room caster. The trick was to set up Trick Room and Swords dance on the same turn. Most opponents assumed that Garchomp would set up and they were correct, but what they didn't see coming was the massive train incoming when they swapped to a pokemon that could "handle" it. Two Mamoswine Ice Shard couldn't penetrate that bulk I gave to Garchomp and were killed instantaneously and Garchomp single handedly wiped the floor with whatever got in the way through sheer power.

Xatu was there with a Psyshock or two to "finish off" possible survivors.

Smogon, this is called thinking outside the box. Use it.
So, if im right nobody has really come up with a standard spread for M Chomp for the time being?

Trait: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 Spe / 92 Atk / 164 SpA
Nature: Naughty
- Draco Meteor
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast
- Stone Edge

the 252 Speed was put there for the sole reason i absolutely HATE Timid Heatran, fuck that pokemon, as well as making some jumps more offensively inclined spreads cant, such as anything under Jolly Exca pre-Mega, and that random Adamant non-mega Luke. The spread has served me a lot both at wallbreaking and pulling off Chomp's max potential against offense, since, to be honest he isnt the best at holding his ground there. Dont get me wrong, hes an all around excelent mega, best at doing his job, which means unparalleled potential at stallbreaking, but if some people try to use him as another type of poke (just like the guys who couldnt get the fact that MGengar wasnt a sweeper) theyre gonna be glaringly dissapointed.

Btw, Shurt's set is the biggest and most excelent troll against volt turn chains, and probably one of the most surefire ways to deal with the next-to-be-gone Mega Kanga. Tbh i find it one of the best sets for Chomp atm, prolly more so than the Sash set, due to the surprise factor and weakening generated to the opposing team when they try to fight against an extremely underrated offensive mon.
Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Trait: Rough Skin
Nature: Naive // Jolly
EVs: 252 Hp / 96 Def / 160 Spe OR 252 Hp / 96 SpD / 160 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast

I was theorymoning something similar, but I think you're using sub-optimal EVs. I would also use Dragon Claw/Outrage/Stone Edge/Draco Meteor over Dragon Tail.

There are several possible EV spreads IMO (where possible, HP has been optimised to reduce residual damage):

1. +Speed / 252 Spd / 8 HP / 148 Atk / 100 Def: Earthquake deals a minimum of 148 damage to (4/0) Mega-Kangaskhan, thereby guaranteeing the KO with Rocky Helmet and Rough Skin: 148 + 2 * ( 58 + 44 ) = 352. Jolly PUP & +2 Sucker Punch 2HKOs less than 1% of the time.
2. +Attack / 252 Spd / 8 HP / 248 Def: Same as above, beats Jolly Excadrill.
3. +Attack / 192 Spd / 72 HP / 244 Def: Same as above, beats Jolly Gyarados/Dragonite.
4. +Attack / 16 Spd / 252 HP / 240 Def: Same as above, beats Jolly Tyranitar.

5. +Speed / 252 Spd / 4 HP / 252 Atk: Earthquake deals a minimum of 230 damage to (252/0) Aegislash-Shield, thereby guaranteeing the KO with Rocky Helmet and Rough Skin: 230 + 54 + 40 = 324.
6. +Attack / 252 Spd / 8 HP / 124 Atk / 124 Def: Same as above, beats Jolly Excadrill.
7. +Attack / 192 Spd / 8 HP / 124 Atk / 184 Def: Same as above, beats Jolly Gyarados/Dragonite.
8. +Attack / 16 Spd / 136 HP / 124 Atk / 232 Def: Same as above, beats Jolly Tyranitar.
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So then use whatever you want. Don't spam this thread/board. If you're asking for "advice," on how to get worse at the game.

I'm asking for advice on how NOT to become worse at the game. That's why I need someone to check the set. Everyone is so much into the competitive side and it's hard to have fun because I can't keep up. I don't want to go in and use whatever I want because then I get thrashed and theirs no fun in not landing a single hit on your opponent. I just need opinions.
I'm a little confused, why is outrage still the preferred dragon STAB move on this guy when it seems like every other dragon has swapped to dragon claw? Choice sets I get, but the sheer power of his sword dance and mega sets shouldn't care about the BP drop as much . . . right? Just from watching people use him, I'd assume the point of not running a choice set is to remain versatile and outrage kinda contradicts that.

A few things I need to point out:

1.) Garchomp is usually switching into Kangs, which means Return + Sucker Punch 2HKO, so there is no point outspeeding it or EVing for EQ to do any set amount of damage; the priority in EVing Rocky Helmet lead Garchomp should be to make it bulky to deter Priority and u-turn spamming in general which means bulk is optimal.

2.) Talonflame cannot use Flying Gem in any of the current avaliable metagames since items cannot be transfered in Pokebank.

3.) I chose 160 speed (Jolly) to outrun 306 so I can EQ Lucario when it Megaevolves since it outruns timid / jolly Lucario, as well as Jolly Exca. Is there anything notable I missed that you need additional speed to outrun (MegaKangs is kind of moot since it'll both be banned and outrunning it is redundant)

4.) Dragon Tail has great merit, although Outrage and Dragon Claw do too so it's a preference options, not an absolute imo.

5.) None of your spreads run SpD to give Genesect an Attack-boost,k therefore allowing you to live Scarf Ice Beam, which is huge if you lead spam Chomp as well.

1. This is the difference in bulk between my suggestion and your suggestion:

252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Return vs. 8 HP / 100 Def Garchomp: 252-297 (70.1 - 82.7%)
252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Sucker Punch vs. 8 HP / 100 Def Garchomp: 132-156 (36.7 - 43.4%)

252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Return vs. 252 HP / 8 Def Garchomp: 276-325 (65.7 - 77.3%)
252+ Atk Parental Bond Mega Kangaskhan Sucker Punch vs. 252 HP / 8 Def Garchomp: 144-171 (34.2 - 40.7%)

308 speed is an option, but why would you waste that wonderful 102 base speed? It's one of Garchomps main assets. Garchomp can switch in to PUP and outspeed Jolly Mega Kangaskhan for the KO (it almost always survives Jolly PUP and +2 Sucker Punch, but Adamant kills them both). If it happens to take anything else, the outcome is the same as you described. 1v1, minimum damage Earthquake + Rocky Helmet + Rough Skin is a guaranteed kill on 4/0 Mega-Kangaskhan, so Garchomp lives.

2. That wasn't actually intended as something specific, rather to demonstrate the physical bulkiness of Garchomp.

3. Base 100 is so important this generation (Char X, Char Y etc). Jolly Mega Garchomp sits at 311, Adamant Mega Pinsir at 309, Timid Hydreigon etc. There is certainly merit to running 308 speed, but my point is that if you're already investing that many EVs into speed, you're better off at 333. If speed isn't so important, use Naughty and aim for a different tier.

4. Agreed.

5. This is a relatively small issue if our intention is to optimise Garchomp's role as physical Rocky Helmet utility. It costs too many EVs and an undesirable nature to account for Genesect's Download. There's nothing stopping you from switching to Garchomp on a predicted U-Turn, and a +0 Ice Beam is ruining its day anyway.
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I'm asking for advice on how NOT to gey worse at the game. That's why I need someone to check the set. Everyone is so much into the competitive side and it's hard to have fun because I can't keep up. I don't want to go in and use whatever I want because then I get thrashed and theirs no fun in not landing a single hit on your opponent. I just need opinions.
The problem is that you're being given advice, but you're ignoring it because of arbitrary reasons.

Mega Evolutions are part of the game now, accept it at move on. Even if it's reminiscent of Digimon from years gone by. Mega Garchomp is in no way overpowered, Life Orb Garchomp comes pretty damn close to it and out speeds a laundry list of useful Pokemon. Nor are your personal feelings on mega Evolutions relevant to this thread.

Your argument of "I want a challenge" & "I want to have fun" is hogwash. Competitive 6v6 singles is already challenging enough with some of the best teams you can build. To me, you saying this is a thinly veiled attempt at saying "I want to use whatever Pokemon I want with whatever move sets & style I want, and be competitive in serious OU battles."
(Even with your denial of this in the post I'm quoting right now, everything else points back to it)

... Good luck with that... Everyone wants to use there favorites, but the game doesn't work out that way for probably 95% of people. Talking about it is completely pointless, especially on a site like Smogon.. Which is... You know... Dedicated to the competitive aspects of the game.

In the meantime, you're clogging up the thread from its intended purpose, and mods will probably delete this post and a few of yours as they're distracting from the topic at hand.
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I'm asking for advice on how NOT to become worse at the game. That's why I need someone to check the set. Everyone is so much into the competitive side and it's hard to have fun because I can't keep up. I don't want to go in and use whatever I want because then I get thrashed and theirs no fun in not landing a single hit on your opponent. I just need opinions.
The problem is that you're being given advice, but you're ignoring it because of arbitrary reasons.

Mega Evolutions are part of the game now, accept it at move on. Even if it's reminiscent of Digimon from years gone by. Mega Garchomp is in no way overpowered, Life Orb Garchomp comes pretty damn close to it and out speeds a laundry list of useful Pokemon. Nor are your personal feelings on mega Evolutions relevant to this thread.

Your argument of "I want a challenge" & "I want to have fun" is hogwash. Competitive 6v6 singles is already challenging enough with some of the best teams you can build. To me, you saying this is a thinly veiled attempt at saying "I want to use whatever Pokemon I want with whatever move sets & style I want, and be competitive in serious OU battles."
(Even with your denial of this in the post I'm quoting right now, everything else points back to it)

... Good luck with that... Everyone wants to use there favorites, but the game doesn't work out that way for probably 95% of people. Talking about it is completely pointless, especially on a site like Smogon.. Which is... You know... Dedicated to the competitive aspects of the game.

In the meantime, you're clogging up the thread from its intended purpose, and mods will probably delete this post and a few of yours as they're distracting from the topic at hand.


So upon further inspection of this entire thread I feel like there are two things happening (You both are not the only ones who are doing this so don't take it personally)

There are people who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about
There are people who are providing sets and attempting to help others with little to no success

Yes, you can use ANY pokemon that are considered NU or ANY other tier on your team and still be successful. After wiping the floor with Latios's, Tyranitars, and even Landorus's with one Swords Danced Scolipede LAST GENERATION, I have fully understood that it is possible.

However, this doesn't mean I can throw just any pokemon team together, proper synergy must be involved. My Favorite pokemon is Empoleon, but I don't throw him onto a team meant to be quick and powerful now do I? I put him on a Trick Room team in need of a special wall that is capable of fending off fairies, providing yawn to force switches, and can cause burns with Scald. Further more access to wish to keep him in the game more. This is the first rule of how to play Competitively, not bitch and moan about it. There are 718 pokemon out there, if there are people capable of making friggin' Farfetch'd capable, I'll believe anything.

Secondly, Cheeze Ballz, your Garchomp set is Standard, I don't see that much WRONG as much as that much RIGHT. Your set doesn't stand out, it isn't bad, it just doesn't bring anything new to the table at all. If you don't want to be "Overpowered" Thats fine, more victories for the other guy, if I were to suggest changes, I'd give it Outrage over Dragonclaw and call it a day.

Thirdly, Can we get any fresh new ideas about how to use Mega-Chomp or Garchomp here? There really isn't much to talk about. It didn't get new toys outside of Mega-chomp which I find far more useful to apply to Trick Room rather than use in primary combat. It's killed too easily without that speed, which is why I had my strategy in place.

Fourthly, Canned Bread. That is all.
I feel like you missed a very specific point here. You can use NU Pokes to sweep and all, but they have to be VIABLE NU Pokes. There's not any reason to run, say, Magmortar when Heatran exists, for example. Scolipede filled the small niche of a fast, physical, bug type that could potentially sweep if it got a boost. Its niche, but viable (well, now its crazy viable, but you get my point). Now though, there isn't any purpose to using Ninjask when Scolipede does nearly everything better than it.

That said, I agree with the rest of your thoughts, so yeah, I'm just nitpicking.

As for Garchomp, I'm not sure what else there is to talk about as far as sets go, seeing as Garchomp is pretty much the same this gen as the last one, barring dat Mega Evo. It still wants para / Sticky Web support against faster stuff, still wants hazards, still needs Skarmory weakened, just now it can't toss Outrages about all willy-nilly and it has to worry about Togekiss. Am I wrong in this assessment?

Fourthly, Canned Bread. That is all.
Yes :)
Thirdly, Can we get any fresh new ideas about how to use Mega-Chomp or Garchomp here? There really isn't much to talk about. It didn't get new toys outside of Mega-chomp which I find far more useful to apply to Trick Room rather than use in primary combat. It's killed too easily without that speed, which is why I had my strategy in place.
252+ Atk Sand Force Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Forretress in Sand: 178-210 (50.2 - 59.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Sand Force Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Ferrothorn in Sand: 186-220 (52.8 - 62.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

That's a mighty fine Earthquake.
252+ Atk Sand Force Mega Garchomp Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Kangaskhan in Sand: 191-225 (54.4 - 64.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage
252+ Atk Terrakion Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Kangaskhan: 178-211 (50.7 - 60.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Mega-Garchomp has a stronger Stone Edge than Scarf-Terrakion, and an even MORE monstrous Earthquake. I mean, its kind of obvious, right? Swords Dance + EdgeQuake with SandStream support.

As for Skarm...

0- SpA Mega Garchomp Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Skarmory: 182-216 (54.4 - 64.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
I feel like you missed a very specific point here. You can use NU Pokes to sweep and all, but they have to be VIABLE NU Pokes. There's not any reason to run, say, Magmortar when Heatran exists, for example. Scolipede filled the small niche of a fast, physical, bug type that could potentially sweep if it got a boost. Its niche, but viable (well, now its crazy viable, but you get my point). Now though, there isn't any purpose to using Ninjask when Scolipede does nearly everything better than it.

That said, I agree with the rest of your thoughts, so yeah, I'm just nitpicking.

As for Garchomp, I'm not sure what else there is to talk about as far as sets go, seeing as Garchomp is pretty much the same this gen as the last one, barring dat Mega Evo. It still wants para / Sticky Web support against faster stuff, still wants hazards, still needs Skarmory weakened, just now it can't toss Outrages about all willy-nilly and it has to worry about Togekiss. Am I wrong in this assessment?

Yes :)


Someone who gets it! Hallelujah!

I did forget to mention about "Out-classed" pokemon but then again I feel it does take a bit more research.

People Criticized (Heavily and insultingly ;_;) me for using Dusknoir over both Dusclops and Cofagrigus last generation even when I was very successful. I still am using him this generation and now have a valid argument as to why I do use him besides (I like him). Infestation. Infestation keeps them from running away while my Cursepert makes work of whatever he can in the Trick Room. He loses Shadow Sneak, but he never really "needed" it seeing as how with wil-o-wisp he effectively turns into a Blood Death Knight from World of Warcraft (A Melee Class that heals whenever it hits and spreads Damage over time effects but it doesn't hit THAT hard)

Also the reason I used Dusknoir over Dusclops was Left Overs. Painsplit is amazing as a healing method but Left Overs is a nice way to hold off Burns and keep one of my primary trick room users alive. That and his design is cooler (Because like I said, I use pokemon I love, but I FIND ways to make them usable in any tier)

There are very few times where...yes...outclassed pokemon shouldn't be used. But, it takes further research. This is why I loved the Zygarde thread. People completely shouted DISAPPOINT and other feelings of hate towards that monstrosity, eventually, people figured out the key:

Dragon Dance and Coil

Eventually Zygarde turned into a monster and the best counter to Aegis Slash I have ever seen.

Every Pokemon USUALLY has something unique about it that another species does not. It just takes thinking.

Now as to Garchomp, right now he is exactly the same as last generation, useful and definitely viable but cannot be thrown onto just any team. With Mega-Chomp, I figure'd his dropped speed could be useful on one of my favorite and viable strategies, Trick Room. I was 100% correct. (I find it very effective to pair her up with my Gardevoir who can heal bell any Wil-o-wisps she may have incurred from that Swords Dance boost.)
252+ Atk Sand Force Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Forretress in Sand: 178-210 (50.2 - 59.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Sand Force Mega Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Ferrothorn in Sand: 186-220 (52.8 - 62.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

That's a mighty fine Earthquake.
252+ Atk Sand Force Mega Garchomp Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Kangaskhan in Sand: 191-225 (54.4 - 64.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage
252+ Atk Terrakion Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Kangaskhan: 178-211 (50.7 - 60.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Mega-Garchomp has a stronger Stone Edge than Scarf-Terrakion, and an even MORE monstrous Earthquake. I mean, its kind of obvious, right? Swords Dance + EdgeQuake with SandStream support.

As for Skarm...

0- SpA Mega Garchomp Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Skarmory: 182-216 (54.4 - 64.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
You assume Sand Stream, which won't always be up, of course, but... damn those are some nice numbers.

Also, Terrakion can't even afford to run Adamant, it has to go Jolly if it wants to outspeed the stuff its supposed to (108 is too important to give up). Garchomp can afford it, since 92 isn't a crazy important benchmark or anything, you can just EV it based on what your team needs it to outspeed and that means you can actually run Adamant if you wanted to.

Now as to Garchomp, right now he is exactly the same as last generation, useful and definitely viable but cannot be thrown onto just any team. With Mega-Chomp, I figure'd his dropped speed could be useful on one of my favorite and viable strategies, Trick Room. I was 100% correct. (I find it very effective to pair her up with my Gardevoir who can heal bell any Wil-o-wisps she may have incurred from that Swords Dance boost.)
There's an idea, let's talk about teammates! What have you guys been running alongside Mega-Chompeh?

I'm thinking of taking the opposite direction with my Chomp and instead of using Trick Room, I figure I would use Scolipede to pass Speed and Attack boosts to Garchomp. I think this'll go pretty well, since I could threaten with Mega-Chomp at +1/2/3 Speed and +2 Attack and either sweep right then and there or weaken things enough to the point that another Poke could take over and clean from there.
Mega Garchomp still has 92 base speed. Plus, he competes with other megas like heracross and ampharos who are slower and just as capable if not more of dealing massive damage. I'm not sure if Trick Room is so much his cup of tea. I personally have had more luck with sets focusing on giving him a little extra bulk while letting the atk boost of mega evolving cover the rest
Any reason to be running a hasty/naive nature on *Mega Garchomp* when he get's much more stats from having a beneficial atk nature? His bulk is above average and you don't really want to be ruining that with a hasty or naive nature (yes he's still has to worry about ice/fairy/dragon, but besides that, any other attacker that does neutral damage would have a hard time getting that 2 hit kill unless it was an ice move). Considering he's not really about speed (more about wall breaking since he's probably not going to be outspeeding much at 92), couldn't he just run a brave nature and have just enough points invested into speed to outspeed Scizor, Goodra, Tank Togekiss, etc? (leaning more towards attack since he probably has enough to kill Scizor with Fire Blast with no investment)? Fire off a Draco Meteor if needed to kill any dragon and still do lots of damage with STAB earthquake.
Completely off topic, but how'd you do your signature like that? Is it all forum BB coding?

You assume Sand Stream, which won't always be up, of course, but... damn those are some nice numbers.

Also, Terrakion can't even afford to run Adamant, it has to go Jolly if it wants to outspeed the stuff its supposed to (108 is too important to give up). Garchomp can afford it, since 92 isn't a crazy important benchmark or anything, you can just EV it based on what your team needs it to outspeed and that means you can actually run Adamant if you wanted to.

There's an idea, let's talk about teammates! What have you guys been running alongside Mega-Chompeh?

I'm thinking of taking the opposite direction with my Chomp and instead of using Trick Room, I figure I would use Scolipede to pass Speed and Attack boosts to Garchomp. I think this'll go pretty well, since I could threaten with Mega-Chomp at +1/2/3 Speed and +2 Attack and either sweep right then and there or weaken things enough to the point that another Poke could take over and clean from there.

Baton passing with Scolipede is very much possible now. And I honestly award you for it. It would make sense, considering Garchomp's bulk it may be able to take a hit while enjoying even just a +1 speed buff.

I've always been one to commend those who think outside the box. That'll do.

Still trying to think of good Trick Room Partners. Xatu can work considering the flying type helps him avoid friendly fired earthquakes.
What about a trapping set?
Leftovers OR garchompite, adamant, 252 HP, 100Def, 152Atk or 252HP, 252Def, 4Atk
  • sand tomb
  • swords dance/hone claws
  • Stone edge/ fire blast/
  • Outrage/dragon claw/
One of the only things that this set can do better than other pokemon is set up. Goodra can do a similar thing, but the difference there is that goodra has curse instead of swords dance. If you go with leftovers, you could probably sweep a lot more pokemon (greater speed) if you go with garchompite you may want sticky web support (which now that I think about it, goes well with pretty much every mega garchomp set).

OR if you want something completely different
garchompite, naughty/rash, 252HP 252Sp.atk 4 atk, or you could go a bit bulkier
  • fire blast/ flamethrower
  • draco meteor
  • outrage/earthquake
  • stone edge/ surf
This set in my mind works kinda like a mixmence (except without the LO... so maybe it's a bit outclassed) but it will catch EVERYONE off guard. no one expects this thing to be special. so when the ferrothorn wall comes out and you use a fireblast, people don't automatically assume that it's going to be almost completely special. stone edge is there pretty much only for togekiss. in theory there's only the physical STAB to get around things like blissey and chansey (or maybe even a sylveon or vaporeon if they switch in). I'm not sure how well this does, but you're bound to catch someone off guard
I've been playing around with Garchomp, and for those whom prefer Dragon Tail, you should be trying out a set like this:

Garchomp @ Rocky Helmet
Trait: Rough Skin
Nature: Naive
EVs: 96 Hp / 252 Def / 160 Spe
- Stealth Rock
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake
- Fire Blast

McGurr's set is the most preferable option when not running DTail. However, the DTail set doesn't need speed since the speed is utilized mostly so you can hit EQs ALONGSIDE a Dragon-STAB like Outrage or Dragon Claw, and Garchomp gets negative priority with DTail and just cannot utilize the speed as much. This Garchomp also plays a much bulkier role and can tank Kangs the best right now, as well as other Priories / U-turns in the tier. The problem with my last spread was that I was optimizing maximum bulk over physical bulk, which is much more important on RH Garchomp I'm finding, for DTail.
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