m0nkfish's Photoshops


formerly monkfish
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m0nkfish's Photoshops (Updated: 22/09)

I've been playing around with Photoshop for a few years now, learnt a few tricks and now I am trying my hand at pokemon. I guess if it's popular enough I will do requests; to me it's all about learning new things, so this is more for my benefit, I suppose. I'm going to be going for a slightly more 'realistic' look than the cartoons, while hopefully retaining the essence of the pokemon.

What better way to start than with our very own Smogon?
Wow, that looks nice. I can see how you used a few layers of clouds there, which gave it the awesome smog looking effect. I just personally don't like the surface, too circle-y in my opinion. Really neat though.
all from scratch except i kinda cheated and got some bubbles from a window for the skin texture ;) he was looking too smooth, koffing is lumpy!
all from scratch except i kinda cheated and got some bubbles from a window for the skin texture ;) he was looking too smooth, koffing is lumpy!


Just kidding, but this is pretty sweet.

I'd want to see Scizor, or Toxicroak!
The next installment! Sorry Khold but Blastoise is a little too organic, I'd probably end up just recolouring a turtle. I'll try to get a few ideas together for the future :P

With that in mind, I took GetThunderStruck's suggestion of Scizor. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. The wings in particular were giving me bother but I stumbled upon an excellent filter (Unsharp Mask) completely by accident when I was trying to do something else, and voila they got a metallic sheen. All from scratch this time :)


I think I'll try my hand at Tyranitar next (actually I can't be bothered yet, postponed), but keep the suggestions coming since I am lacking in the imagination department.

edit: Chris pointed out to me that it was looking a bit bland in the backside region so i added his little 'belt' thing to give it something going on down there

edit 2:
on the list are tentacruel, heatran, shiftry, sharpedo (more for my own reference than anything else)

edit 3:
What version of Photoshop are you using?
CS2 :) I managed to buy it one month before CS3 came out... Still, I think I can survive without the upgrade for a little while. So long as I still have my Warp tool...
Nidoking is probably too complicated so I'll request/suggest Gligar. Or Shiftry, try giving the body a wood pattern or something if you do it.
These are both pretty nice. The only criticism I can really give is that the teeth on the Koffing look really flat and painted on, and maybe it's just me, but it looks like the eyes are bulging out of the socket instead of being sunken in.
:P if you do want to know how I did anything in particular just ask. My usual method is to create a flat 2D shape with the pen tool, adjust it to my liking then hit Make Selection and start filling it in. I tend not to use filters so much any more but sometimes they can make it look better (case in point: unsharp mask on scizor's wings).
These are amazing. May I suggest/request Azelf flying, with it's eyes glowing blue like psychics do in the anime?