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Go to the Pokebal emporium and buy balls ONE AT A TIME. As in, make a purchase of one, make a purchase of one, etc. Generally takes about 100 unless you've already done a bunch of stuff. Mash A while watching TV or something, it goes by pretty fast.
Are there any new details about the Kalos pentagon revealed in this? Skip to 2:00.

In particular, does it say anything about non-pentagon pokemon in the battle spot?

Are there any new details about the Kalos pentagon revealed in this? Skip to 2:00.

In particular, does it say anything about non-pentagon pokemon in the battle spot?

It basically says, Pokemon that were born ingame, caught ingame, or received from events ingame will have the pentagon, which qualifies it for use in official battles.

Pokemon transferred from BW/BW2 cannot be used.

However, I have no idea if it means in an official format like VGC, or in ALL official formats including the BS.

Edit: This basically means no move tutor'd mons from BW/BW2, and also excludes all Legendaries not available in X/Y yet. You can bring mons over and breed them and they'll be allowed.
Does anyone have any experience using multiple mega evolutions in a playthrough? I was wondering about trading to use mega blastoise and mega charizard in a runthrough. In that case I assume it's not really a problem as almost all trainers ingame have a type class and M. Char X and M. Blastoise have very different usage. It seems like a much worse idea to use mega Gengar and mega alakazam on the same team for instance.

Does anyone have any first hand experience?
Does anyone have any experience using multiple mega evolutions in a playthrough? I was wondering about trading to use mega blastoise and mega charizard in a runthrough. In that case I assume it's not really a problem as almost all trainers ingame have a type class and M. Char X and M. Blastoise have very different usage. It seems like a much worse idea to use mega Gengar and mega alakazam on the same team for instance.

Does anyone have any first hand experience?

I used Mega Lucario and Mega Venusaur in my first play-through. I think that having one mega would be better, but 2 is not detrimental if you want to use 2. 3 or more is probably too many.
Ok I know this isn't the thread for this, but I am down on my luck.

Look I need a Ditto safari so I can start breeding Pokemon.

I have gone through the entire smogon safari list to find people and their are only a handful active users on there with Ditto safaris, none of them interested in sharing friend codes anymore. No one on the IRC channel seems to have any, at best they can manually trade me dittos from their safaris.

Look I know a lot of you guys breed on this site, can you just tell me who the heck you are getting the ditto safaris from.
Ok I know this isn't the thread for this, but I am down on my luck.

Look I need a Ditto safari so I can start breeding Pokemon.

I have gone through the entire smogon safari list to find people and their are only a handful active users on there with Ditto safaris, none of them interested in sharing friend codes anymore. No one on the IRC channel seems to have any, at best they can manually trade me dittos from their safaris.

Look I know a lot of you guys breed on this site, can you just tell me who the heck you are getting the ditto safaris from.
I've been a longtime user of the safari IRC, and I can tell you that the problem is that the game has now been out for a while, during which time most people have already found all the safaris they need and are sitting with a full friend list, at which point they are no longer eager to swap friend codes except to trade.

I think your best bet would be to wait until around new year's day, as that is probably the point where people who got the game for christmas have completed the game and are searching for safaris. It's possible that there will be another surge in FC swapping in the IRC.

In lieu of that you can wait until the 27th and trade for a RNG'd *cough*hacked*cough* ditto from pokebank.

Question: has the EXP Gain formula from defeating an opposing pokemon changed from what it was in Gen 1-4? If so, have there been any attempts to figure out the formula?
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I'm trying to breed a perfect Riolu which I plan to use as Mega Lucario. I decided that while I'm at it, I might as well put in egg moves. My question is that which egg moves are best for it? I am aware Bullet Punch and Crunch are two of the most popular choices, but the other two are still up in the air. I'm seeing a lot of people breeding Riolus with High Jump Kick and Blaze Kick, but I don't understand why these are useful for Lucario.
I'm trying to breed a perfect Riolu which I plan to use as Mega Lucario. I decided that while I'm at it, I might as well put in egg moves. My question is that which egg moves are best for it? I am aware Bullet Punch and Crunch are two of the most popular choices, but the other two are still up in the air. I'm seeing a lot of people breeding Riolus with High Jump Kick and Blaze Kick, but I don't understand why these are useful for Lucario.
People may sometimes include "second choice options' on egg moves to drive up the value of their product; 'trade for my Riolu, it has extra bells and whistles" Unless people suddenly started using HJK over Close Combat competitvely, I see no reason for extra moves sometimes other than adding variability and an extra choice. Close Combat out damages Blaze Kick against both Ferrothorn and Skarmory, plus it's stab and therefore gets the Adaptability boost, but a reason to be running blaze kick would be an option to get past Forretress or Scizor. Hi Jump Kick would be for those who dislike the defense drop from Close Combat and aren't worried about Ghosts, Protect, or missing.
If you want to try a special Mega-Luke, Vacuum Wave could be another option for a potential egg move.
If I were to breed one for myself, I would include BP, Crunch, and Vacuum Wave. If I wanted to also trade my babies, I would probably include Blaze Kick or HJK as an extra option.
(and also , running blaze kick would mean you would lose out on your other coverage option, be it, crunch, or extremespeed (you have to transfer for ice punch)
Crunch offers perfect neutral coverage, while hitting ghosts
Extremespeed is an excellent priority move)

here's some calcs:
252+ Atk Mega Lucario Blaze Kick vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Scizor: 176-208 (99.4 - 117.5%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Adaptability Mega Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Scizor: 124-146 (70 - 82.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Mega Lucario Blaze Kick vs. 224 HP / 252 Def Skarmory: 74-88 (44 - 52.3%) -- 16.8% chance to 2HKO
252+ Atk Adaptability Mega Lucario Close Combat vs. 224 HP / 252 Def Skarmory: 102-122 (60.7 - 72.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252+ Atk Mega Lucario Blaze Kick vs. 252 HP / 48 Def Ferrothorn: 180-212 (99.4 - 117.1%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Adaptability Mega Lucario Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 48 Def Ferrothorn: 248-296 (137 - 163.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO

oc HJK outdamages Close Combat, but CC is generally more reliable. hope this helped :)
So like I said before, when I breed venipedes i included spikes and t. spikes so they would be more appealing to other traders, even though I have only used my Scolipede in the battle maison and therefore not had a need to use those moves, but if I decide to use him in Wi Fi battle, it will be nice to have those moves available if i wanted to use them, without having to breed another
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Ok I am trying to breed Tentacool and something is going wrong when I am using the "time machine" method.

This is what I did:
1. Breed 2 magikarps holding an everstone and destiny knot
2. bike until the guy gets the egg
3. reject the egg, save
4. bike until the guy gets another egg
5. check which stats each parent gives the the child, reset if undesired pattern
6. Repeat steps 2-5 until I got the pattern I wanted: female gives HP and Male gives Special attack and speed

The thing is, its not working. Currently if I make an egg and hatch it, and then check it, the Magikarp will always have the same pattern. So, after resetting, I take the Magikarps out, put in a female Tentacool with 31 HP and male with 31 speed and special attack, holding everstone and destiny knot.

I should be getting a Tentacool with 31 HP, Special Attack, and Speed right now, but I am only getting one's with perfect Speed.

Simply put, what the heck am I doing wrong here?
Question for anyone familiar with the trade-cloning glitch. When trying to clone a Pokemon that evolves by trading, at which point do you reset? After the trade itself, or after the evolution screen?
Hi all,

I was thinking of EV training a Gyarados and was wondering if there is any point breeding a Magikarp or just catching one in the wild with the right nature?-As you can already catch Magikarp at such a low level.

Hi all,

I was thinking of EV training a Gyarados and was wondering if there is any point breeding a Magikarp or just catching one in the wild with the right nature?-As you can already catch Magikarp at such a low level.


Depends on the game, and whether you're planning on RNG abusing it or not.
If Palkia is defeated or if I run away from it in Pearl, will it appear after the Elite Four as some legendaries do in other games? Sorry if this isn't the right section, but I wasn't sure where the most appropriate place to post this would be.
So I spent forever trying to get Articuno to rest at the Sea Spirit's Den, but I didn't save beforehand. Wanting to soft reset for IVs, etc I just ran from the battle, and now it says that Articuno's location is unknown in the Pokedex. Did I screw up?

I tried beating the Elite Four again as well as restarting. Neither moved Articuno back to the Den.
Hi all,

I was thinking of EV training a Gyarados and was wondering if there is any point breeding a Magikarp or just catching one in the wild with the right nature?-As you can already catch Magikarp at such a low level.

If you're bothering with EVs, you should probably bother catching/breeding a Magikarp with good IVs as well. Breeding is definitely easier when trying to get good IVs (Breeding is easiest in XY, due to the new Destiny Knot mechanics).

If you don't care about IVs, it doesn't matter. There is no difference between a caught pokemon and a hatched pokemon.
Ok I am trying to breed Tentacool and something is going wrong when I am using the "time machine" method.

This is what I did:
1. Breed 2 magikarps holding an everstone and destiny knot
2. bike until the guy gets the egg
3. reject the egg, save
4. bike until the guy gets another egg
5. check which stats each parent gives the the child, reset if undesired pattern
6. Repeat steps 2-5 until I got the pattern I wanted: female gives HP and Male gives Special attack and speed

The thing is, its not working. Currently if I make an egg and hatch it, and then check it, the Magikarp will always have the same pattern. So, after resetting, I take the Magikarps out, put in a female Tentacool with 31 HP and male with 31 speed and special attack, holding everstone and destiny knot.

I should be getting a Tentacool with 31 HP, Special Attack, and Speed right now, but I am only getting one's with perfect Speed.

Simply put, what the heck am I doing wrong here?

1. put two magikarp in the daycare. mine are :
Magikarp (f destiny knot) - #129 (Adamant) : 4 - 5 / 18 / 19 / 6 - 7 / 6 - 7 / 14 - 15
Magikarp (m everstone)- #129 (Adamant) : 6 - 7 / 31 / 16 - 17 / 31 / 0 - 1 / 10 - 11
2. bike until egg appears. Reject it. Save. until another egg appears. Accept it. Hatch it. Take it to the battle institute to check stats.
4. It's Iv's are: 6-7/31/18-19/6-7/6-7/12-13
which means
F inheritance: Def, Sp Atk, Sp D
M inheritance: HP, Atk
Random: Speed
5. At this point I reset (if i were going for a specific spread, i would then 1.hatch another egg, 2.reject, again, 4.check ivs etc -until i got the desired spread)
6.In my boxes i found a Gastly (f) timid IV's : x/x/31/31/31/31
and a Duosion (m) lax IV's : 31/31/xx/xx/xx/xx
If it works, their child should inherate the HP and Attack from the father and the Def, SpA,SpD from the mother, while the speed is wildcard. Note there also have a 50/50 m/f ratio, which is the same as magikarp.
7. I give the female Gastly the Destiny Knot and the male Duosion the everstone, and put them in the daycare.
8. I took the gastly to the IV checker since it's a simple spread, and he said that the HP, Atk, Def, Sp A, and SpD couldn't be beat. So it worked.

Im not exactly sure what problem you are having Princess Bubblegum , but if you follow these steps exactly you should get the correct result.

So I spent forever trying to get Articuno to rest at the Sea Spirit's Den, but I didn't save beforehand. Wanting to soft reset for IVs, etc I just ran from the battle, and now it says that Articuno's location is unknown in the Pokedex. Did I screw up?

I tried beating the Elite Four again as well as restarting. Neither moved Articuno back to the Den.

After you battle the legendary bird without catching it, ie it faints, you run, or your team faints, then it dissapears without another chance of catching it. If you have saved your game after you defeated it, then it's gone. If you saved sometime before, but not after, then you wuold be able to return to that earlier save state.
If you did save afterwards, you can always trade another legendary or high value mon on GTS for an Articuno (this is very easy if you don't mind letting go of your zyguarde/yveltal/xerneas/mewtwo and soon with pokemonbank, other legendaries) and hope to eventually get one that has a satisfactory IV spread. Good luck :)
After you battle the legendary bird without catching it, ie it faints, you run, or your team faints, then it dissapears without another chance of catching it. If you have saved your game after you defeated it, then it's gone. If you saved sometime before, but not after, then you wuold be able to return to that earlier save state.
If you did save afterwards, you can always trade another legendary or high value mon on GTS for an Articuno (this is very easy if you don't mind letting go of your zyguarde/yveltal/xerneas/mewtwo and soon with pokemonbank, other legendaries) and hope to eventually get one that has a satisfactory IV spread. Good luck :)


I already have the trio in Black 2, but I wanted to get Articuno to trade for Xerneas. After all the effort to get it to show up, I can't believe that it's just gone. I'm not one to get mad at Gamefreak for their design choices, but this one might convince me to.

Time to trade my Yveltal / Zygarde then.

I already have the trio in Black 2, but I wanted to get Articuno to trade for Xerneas. After all the effort to get it to show up, I can't believe that it's just gone. I'm not one to get mad at Gamefreak for their design choices, but this one might convince me to.

Time to trade my Yveltal / Zygarde then.

I've never been a big legendary person myself, but at least in BW2 they gave you two chances to catch the muskateers, and i believe in HGSS the dogs would keep running till you caught them? but yea, it is kind of dissapointing, and if you want I can trade you my Zapdos which you can use as currency since I have no real use for it
If Palkia is defeated or if I run away from it in Pearl, will it appear after the Elite Four as some legendaries do in other games? Sorry if this isn't the right section, but I wasn't sure where the most appropriate place to post this would be.
I really want to say that this was only a thing starting with platinum.
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