Some sort of Egg 'RNG' Abuse (Read the first post!)

From Arc Tech's post quoted in the opening post of this thread:

Arc Tech said:
Masuda method shinies are locked in, provided you switch to other Masuda parents.

Use international parents as scouts so you can see when the offspring is shiny, otherwise you might miss cases where the offspring is shiny only when using the Masuda method. Then swap out the parents for other international parents to produce offspring with the desired species+IV spread.
Your experiment does not contradict my hypothesis, although I expect that like iv spreads + nature this would be affected by the bigender/monogender split and would have tossed the data on that assumption if it had contradicted. If you still have the egg in this experiment, can you check to see if HA is passed down (and even better do it on a poke with 2 abilities, so if not we get the number. It should be 1, still).
Unfortunately, my Horsea doesnt have a HA. it ok if I use my HA Bidoof?

I'll have to say that there was once, when I used my test parents (the Horsea & Bidoof) to find the IV spread I want, I then placed a female with HA and another male into the system and found out that HAs were passed. So I changed the parents AGAIN and yes, HAs were also passed in the second set (Oddish+Ditto). Not sure if this finding helps. It's just once though. I would have to try again.
Unfortunately, my Horsea doesnt have a HA. it ok if I use my HA Bidoof?

I'll have to say that there was once, when I used my test parents (the Horsea & Bidoof) to find the IV spread I want, I then placed a female with HA and another male into the system and found out that HAs were passed. So I changed the parents AGAIN and yes, HAs were also passed in the second set (Oddish+Ditto). Not sure if this finding helps. It's just once though. I would have to try again.

Yes, we know that HA ability passing down is locked. What I wanted to test was if it was the same mechanism for normal ability inheritance. I'll just test it myself after pokebank comes out (I sorta have less than a box of empty space left and nothing that I want to release...).
update: been having trouble with this method not working suddenly post software update. I'll try a few more times, and then experiment with what happens when I remove the update from the SD
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Guys I think I just found the first casualty of the version update: Non-Masuda shininess is no longer locked in :(

I was RNG testing my magikarps to try to get an egg that doesnt have SpAtk passed down (breeding a physical attacker) and on my very first go around I had a Gold Magikarp! I noted the gender, nature (to see if I could exploit), ability (swift swim instead of rattled), and knew for sure that SpAtk was one of the stats passed down (Mischievous was the IV phrase). Luckily I had saved right after dropping off the parents so the RNG was locked (this was my first egg hatched in this cycle)

(After soft resetting) Well I switch out to my all 31 male Gyarados to see which IVs get passed down and the resulting magikarp is no longer shiny, but the rest of the traits (gender, ability, Iv phrase) were the same. I switch out to two different magikarps to see if it has something to do with using a different species parent and nope, still no shiny magikarp.

I soft reset and just take the egg I was always destined to get and this one isn't shiny either :/

Keep in mind that I could have dreamt all of this or made a mistake, but I'm 99.9% sure this isn't the case thanks to it being my very first egg that came out shiny. Also every magikarp I used is one that I personally bred myself, no Masuda weirdness anywhere.

Luckily I'm not TOO bummed about the result, getting a gold magikarp is easy with the fishing chain and my gold magikarp would've had terrible IVs (only 31 was in spatk lmao). The spread ended up being Male, Swift Swim, Rash, ?/mom/mom/mom/dad/mom, which would have been nice cause I would've had my pick to make a shiny attacker, special attacker, or even mixed! (*cries over not having a shiny Aegislash yet*)

Anyone else notice anything new or funky going with this RNG abuse after the software patch? The RNG has worked "fine" so far (I've only done the exploit once to get a new egg, got a 5IV larvitar no problem last week). It's a shame about shinies if anyone else has experienced this problem recently.
Yes. Soft-reseting does not change the (masuda) shinyness after rejecting an egg. No guarantees about regular shinys.

The post i quoted above was from mid-November. After combing through the thread real quick, it seems like all the shinies produced were all using the Masuda method. I couldn't find an instance of someone creating a shiny with just their own bred pokemon and locking it into the RNG.

So maybe non-Masuda shininess was never even a thing, lol. Oh well. Anyone have evidence to the contrary?
I've read everywhere, I don't get this, could someone please take it like every detail-byevery detail? I really want to try it, but I'm lost.
Yes it is. If you get a good nature and a subpar spread, you can use power items to manipulate the spread a bit. My post on the subject.

Also, with the spreadsheet, you must now message me that you want to add to it. No one but me has actually added to it yet (correctly at least) and people have vandalized it.
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Ok So let's say I want a perfect 5IV Goodra With 31/x/31/31/31/31 and I have a Goomey That Is 31/x/x/31/x/31 and I have a Ditto with x/31/31/x/31/x I just got to do this method until i get an egg with HP,SpA,Spe From Mother and Def,SpD from the father? (Ditto in this case)
Excuse me, but how is this beneficial? Wouldn't you have to soft reset for the right nature by not running with an everstone?

Assuming no everstone, the nature is locked in like the IV inheritance. This lets you use power items instead of an everstone if you have a good nature/ are making a 3-5 IV intermediate step.

And xDaydremer2: Assuming the goomy is female, you have it right. If male, you have it backwards. Ditto simply counts as the opposite gender, not always the father.
Ok I found the easiest way to do this Get 2 Magikarps (M) and (F) With different IV Spreads (Why we get two magikarps is because they hatch really fast its about 500-600 steps if you have a pokemon with Flamebody. Making this method a whole lot faster) Take them to the Battle Tower Thing In Lumiouse and enter in a single battle format. (Check them one at a time because you cant enter the same poke twice) Check the Male right down his stats by looking at the summary while in battle in the battle tower. Once you have written them down (Very important that you wright down their stats) Soft reset (L+R+Sel/Start) Now Put In the Other Parent and Right down his/her Stats. Once again do it while in battle in the battle tower in Lumiose now that you have checked both stats and written them both down soft reset your game. Now lets say the male had these stats HP 121, Atk 40, Def 56, SpA 39, SpD 89, Spe 63 and the Female had these stat summary HP 140, Atk 43, Def 32, SpA 54, SpD 72, Spe 45 Put them in the daycare (Make sure one holds a Destiny Knot) The very first egg that they make you want to REJECT it. As soon as you have rejected it SAVE your GAME! Soft reset and ride around until a new egg is ready get this egg hatch it check its stats exactly how we checked for the parents. lets say you want a 5iv pokemon Goomey like me with 31/x/31/31/31//31 (If you dont understand this code its simple It Goes HP,Atk,Def,SpA,SpD,Spe all its saying is I want a Goomey with 5ivs but I dont care for the Atk stat this being the "x") and You have a two Goomey Parents with Dad 31/31/31/x/x/x and Mom x/x/x/31/31/31 ok you will need a magikarp with Hp, Def, From the Father Magikarp and SpA, SpD, Spe From the Mother So you want a magikarp with HP 140, Def 56, SpA 54, SpD 72, Spe 45 Once again check the baby's stats in the battle tower in Lumiose Once you get that spread soft reset your game take both Magikarps out from the day care and put in the two goomey parents with these stats Dad 31/31/31/x/x/x and Mom x/x/x/31/31/31 The egg that they make will be a perfect 5iv Goomey because the game already determined what stats it will pass down from the father and mother and your done. Now lets say you didn't get the correct spread in the magikarp baby an Example of this would be HP 143, Def 56, SpA 54, SpD 89, Spe 63 (Keep in mind we aren't checking the Atk stat because we dont care for it on goomey) The HP of this baby magikarp is a Wild Card because neither parents have that stat The Baby got Def, SpD, and Spe from the Father and SpA, from the mother since this is not what you want soft reset ride around till an egg pops up deny it save soft reset ride around till another egg appears take this egg hatch it check the stats. Rinse and Repeat until you get the desired stats that you want passed down from father and mother. Once they have passed down the desired stats soft reset your game take both magikarps out of the day care put in the parents of pokemon you want perfect Goomeyin this case and have one parent hold the Destiny Knot the baby should now be a perfect 5iv (Assuming you got the desired stats passed down from father and mother magikrap reset your game and took em out and put the goomey parents in)
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Wait, so it DOES NOT matter what gender ratio you use?

Ex: If I breed two magikarps (1:1) that yields x/M/M/F/F/F on the 2nd egg (1st egg was rejected), can I breed two Froakies (7:1) and get the same x/M/M/F/F/F on the 2nd egg? Thanks.
I horribly failed at this. Heeeeelp???

Scoutmon: two froakies, neutral natured, female was torrent.

1)Checked stats via battle institute
2)Gave everstone&DK and put into daycare
3)rejected 1st egg
4)acquired&hatched 2nd egg

The "scout baby" (Male @ torrent) had the following stats:


Based on that, I took two other froakies and repeated the same process. Here were their stats:

Male @ Protean: 31/x/x/31/x/x
Female @ Torrent: 31/x/x/31/31/31

So in theory, since my spread is locked in at passing sp. atk from the male, and sp. def and speed (+def but the fem. doesn't have the def IV), and HP from either parent, I should have resulted in a male torrent 4 IV froakie in HP, sp. atk, sp. def, and speed. But the offspring I got was a female one with torrent with only HP and speed. What did I do wrong????

I hate breeding 7:1 pokes since it's so damn hard to get good IVs onto the females. And I have no other pokemon in froakie's egg group to breed with my froakies. Sigh.
1)Checked stats via battle institute
2)Gave everstone&DK and put into daycare
3)rejected 1st egg
4)acquired&hatched 2nd egg


Based on that, I took two other froakies and repeated the same process.

When you say "repeated the same process" you didn't reject the first egg again, did you? Or after resetting did you swap out the parents, generate the first egg and accept that?
I got mixed results using Magikarps and then substituting them for rotom and ditto. Works like a charm though when I use rotom and ditto as the "dummy parents". It's sure as hell making breeding in th amorphous egg group easier. I don't know how useful this will be for breeding when you also have to account ability and gender. Feels like i'll be rejecting and checking a lot of eggs before I get on that's useful and I like to be a breeding leftover Santa over wondertrade anyway.
I got mixed results using Magikarps and then substituting them for rotom and ditto.

As expected. There are two inheritances at play here - one for monogender offspring and one for bigender. Using test parents of the same category is the best way to scout which IVs are inherited by the offspring.
Question: I understand the method and everything, but where do I get the parents from?? The wild? Do I breed to get them? How do I breed to get them?
I'm new to IV breeding and it's frustrating me so much. Also, I don't understand the relation between IV breeding and EV training.
Thanks in advance!
Well I'm pretty sure I did reject the first egg with the second set of parents, but I'll try again. Should I start all over just to be sure
Question: I understand the method and everything, but where do I get the parents from?? The wild? Do I breed to get them? How do I breed to get them?
I'm new to IV breeding and it's frustrating me so much. Also, I don't understand the relation between IV breeding and EV training.
Thanks in advance!

1) you can either breed them or get them in the wild. But it's better to get them in the wild so you can tell distinctly which stats came from which parent when you test the scout baby. Breeding only works if you breed a mother and a father of the same pokemon species with completely different stats, meaning you would need 4 parents to do so. That takes much more time than catching them I'm the wild.

2) IV breeding and EV training are used in combination to ensure that the baby reaches it's full potential. For example a 31 IV and 252 attack EV (both maxed out) lucario will do drastically more damage than a 0 IV 0 Attack EV (lowest you can get) lucario.

EVs and IVs are for competitive battlers (I.e tournament goers and wi-fi players). So, you need not worry about this if you just play casually.
Ok, I am the worst at this.

After my first scout failed, I took out the scout froakies (the scout parents) and put them back in to reset the RNG. Here were their stats:

Father: 106/72/60/75/51/78
Mother: 102/71/58/82/58/85

I rejected the first egg, accepted the 2nd egg, and hatched it. Here's what I got:

child 1: 102/71/60/80/51/78

So it looks like sp. atk is the wildcard.

But wait. When I reset the parents again and did the EXACT same process, child 2 came out differently:

Child 2: 102/72/60/75/56/85

How is this even possible. I really need help with this as I'm a really stupid person.
Ok, I am the worst at this.

After my first scout failed, I took out the scout froakies (the scout parents) and put them back in to reset the RNG. Here were their stats:

Father: 106/72/60/75/51/78
Mother: 102/71/58/82/58/85

I rejected the first egg, accepted the 2nd egg, and hatched it. Here's what I got:

child 1: 102/71/60/80/51/78

So it looks like sp. atk is the wildcard.

But wait. When I reset the parents again and did the EXACT same process, child 2 came out differently:

Child 2: 102/72/60/75/56/85

How is this even possible. I really need help with this as I'm a really stupid person.

Did you save after you rejected the first egg? The rejected egg generates the new spread. If you didn't save that, then a totally unique spread would generate.