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I have a question, If I was to have a male Luxio with perfect IV in Speed and gave it a Power Anklet, and had a female Luxio with perfect IV in Special Defence a Power Band, putting them together would produce a baby with perfect 31 IV's in Speed and Special Defence right? Well I tried this and got a baby with the best IVs being speed at 28 and it gave me a 26 Special attack, weird right? I used multiple IV calculators to ensure I didnt get the wrong IV and no, they were right. Please help me with any tips?
I have a question, If I was to have a male Luxio with perfect IV in Speed and gave it a Power Anklet, and had a female Luxio with perfect IV in Special Defence a Power Band, putting them together would produce a baby with perfect 31 IV's in Speed and Special Defence right? Well I tried this and got a baby with the best IVs being speed at 28 and it gave me a 26 Special attack, weird right? I used multiple IV calculators to ensure I didnt get the wrong IV and no, they were right. Please help me with any tips?
Are you sure the parents had 31 IVs? If the only IV the judge in Kiloude mentioned was Speed and Special Defense respectively, it probably meant that those IVs were the highest the Pokémon had, but were not 31. If you are sure, then perhaps you accidentally switched the power items between the two?
I have a question, If I was to have a male Luxio with perfect IV in Speed and gave it a Power Anklet, and had a female Luxio with perfect IV in Special Defence a Power Band, putting them together would produce a baby with perfect 31 IV's in Speed and Special Defence right? Well I tried this and got a baby with the best IVs being speed at 28 and it gave me a 26 Special attack, weird right? I used multiple IV calculators to ensure I didnt get the wrong IV and no, they were right. Please help me with any tips?

Only one power item may go into effect. If you had more than one power item, one would work and the other would not, which one works is random. Or maybe you mixed up which one was which and gave them the wrong power items as Stellar suggested.
If I teach Work Up to a pair of eevee in gen 5 then breed them, the offspring should have Work Up as an egg move, right?

If I import the same pair to gen 6 and breed them, will Work Up no longer be inherited because of how it lost its TM status?

Does Red Card take effect if the holder is hit with Knock Off
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If I teach Work Up to a pair of eevee in gen 5 then breed them, the offspring should have Work Up as an egg move, right?

If I import the same pair to gen 6 and breed them, will Work Up no longer be inherited because of how it lost its TM status?

Does Red Card take effect if the holder is hit with Knock Off

It will not be inherited.

I don't know.

It still bears testing, but if Knock Off functions with Red Card the same way that it functions with Weakness Policy, the item being hit triggers before Knock Off does. That's the way it works with WP (the enemy still gets the boost), so it's entirely possible Red Card works the same way.
It still bears testing, but if Knock Off functions with Red Card the same way that it functions with Weakness Policy, the item being hit triggers before Knock Off does. That's the way it works with WP (the enemy still gets the boost), so it's entirely possible Red Card works the same way.
well i know for a fact that knock off doesn't stop focus sash from working.
I'm trying to build a team and am looking for a special wall with the Assault Vest. I'm choosing between Tyranitar and Goodra, considering they're the best options for this role. I've tried AV Tyranitar in the past, but haven't got the chance with Goodra. I know how Tyranitar works with an Assault Vest. In the sand, he literally takes SE special attacks like it was nothing. However, I have no idea how Goodra would manage in such a role. Would anyone make a simple comparison between the two?
I'm trying to build a team and am looking for a special wall with the Assault Vest. I'm choosing between Tyranitar and Goodra, considering they're the best options for this role. I've tried AV Tyranitar in the past, but haven't got the chance with Goodra. I know how Tyranitar works with an Assault Vest. In the sand, he literally takes SE special attacks like it was nothing. However, I have no idea how Goodra would manage in such a role. Would anyone make a simple comparison between the two?

252+ SpA Choice Specs Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Goodra: 320-378 (83.3 - 98.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Goodra: 300-354 (78.1 - 92.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

If that's good enough for you.

Goodra is monotype, so it has zero 4x weaknesses (TTar has to deal with Focus Blast), and it still enjoys the wonderful range of Dragon resists. On the other hand, Tyranitar takes non-Fighting physical hits significantly better and can Pursuit-trap things, in addition to hitting moderately harder.

Goodra, on the other hand, has fantastic coverage (Fire/Electric/Dragon is perfect neutral coverage) and takes Special hits waaaaaaay better than Tyranitar.

EDIT: (Uh, maybe not THAT much better. They resist completely different things and I forgot to account for the special defense boost Rock gets in sandstorm.)
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I'm trying to build a team and am looking for a special wall with the Assault Vest. I'm choosing between Tyranitar and Goodra, considering they're the best options for this role. I've tried AV Tyranitar in the past, but haven't got the chance with Goodra. I know how Tyranitar works with an Assault Vest. In the sand, he literally takes SE special attacks like it was nothing. However, I have no idea how Goodra would manage in such a role. Would anyone make a simple comparison between the two?

252+ SpA Choice Specs Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Goodra: 320-378 (83.3 - 98.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Draco Meteor vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Goodra: 300-354 (78.1 - 92.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

If that's good enough for you.

Goodra is monotype, so it has zero 4x weaknesses (TTar has to deal with Focus Blast), and it still enjoys the wonderful range of Dragon resists. On the other hand, Tyranitar takes non-Fighting physical hits significantly better and can Pursuit-trap things, in addition to hitting moderately harder.

Goodra, on the other hand, has fantastic coverage (Fire/Electric/Dragon is perfect neutral coverage) and takes Special hits waaaaaaay better than Tyranitar.

EDIT: (Uh, maybe not THAT much better. They resist completely different things and I forgot to account for the special defense boost Rock gets in sandstorm.)

AV Tyranitar/Goodra can't be a special wall. They have no recovery whatsoever, and are only tanks, which take hits and dish them back. A special wall is something like Blissey.

That said:

252 SpA Adaptability Mega Lucario Aura Sphere vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Tyranitar in Sand: 240-288 (59.4 - 71.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Alakazam Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Tyranitar in Sand: 229-270 (56.6 - 66.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Greninja Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Tyranitar in Sand: 133-156 (32.9 - 38.6%) -- 97.1% chance to 3HKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Surf vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Tyranitar in Sand: 96-114 (23.7 - 28.2%) -- 92.8% chance to 4HKO

Tyranitar lives the strongest special STAB Fighting-type move in EXISTENCE. Unless you count Modest Mega Lucario which doesn't OHKO either. It can also KO all of these threats back easily, while Goodra fails to OHKO Latios, which 2HKOes it.

Also there is another SQSA thread in the OU forum, which is probably where this should have been asked.
Can someone help me with determining the IVs for my Xerneas? Here's it's stats:

HP 201
ATK 135
DEF 115
SPA 166
SPD 117
SPE 119

This is what the judge said:

"I see... I see... This Pokemon has outstanding potential overall. That's how I judge it, anyway. Incidently, I would say that it's greatest potential lies in it's HP. Hmm. And it's Defense stat is good, too. And, well, it's Speed stat is good, too. Stats like those... They simply can't be beat! That's how I judge it."

Yet when I checked the IVs again by using MetalKids IV calculator with modest selected I was given the following IV range:

30 - 31 / 28 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 28 - 29 / 30 - 31

So what are it's exact IVs?
Can someone help me with determining the IVs for my Xerneas? Here's it's stats:

HP 201
ATK 135
DEF 115
SPA 166
SPD 117
SPE 119

This is what the judge said:

"I see... I see... This Pokemon has outstanding potential overall. That's how I judge it, anyway. Incidently, I would say that it's greatest potential lies in it's HP. Hmm. And it's Defense stat is good, too. And, well, it's Speed stat is good, too. Stats like those... They simply can't be beat! That's how I judge it."

Yet when I checked the IVs again by using MetalKids IV calculator with modest selected I was given the following IV range:

30 - 31 / 28 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 28 - 29 / 30 - 31

So what are it's exact IVs?

31 / 28 - 30 / 31 / 30 / 28 - 29 / 31. They simply can't be beat means it is exactly 31, he also lists every stat that shares the highest value. It's hidden power type could help you reduce the number of possible spreads it is.

That is of course assuming you remembered to remove the effort values before checking.
Does running from a shiny caught while chain fishing break your chain, or does it only break if you catch it? Would be useful if it doesn't, so you can keep going until you catch a shiny of the species you're looking for.

I can confirm that changing fishing rods does not break your chain.
Does running from a shiny caught while chain fishing break your chain, or does it only break if you catch it? Would be useful if it doesn't, so you can keep going until you catch a shiny of the species you're looking for.

I can confirm that changing fishing rods does not break your chain.

I was under the impression that catching a shiny didn't actually break the chain? Or maybe I just got lucky a couple of times.
How does the discount coupon work? Is it a key item or regular item? Can it be traded?

I already bought out everything in every boutique and still have 9,999,999 yen so I really don't need it, but I might be interested in holding onto one as a collector's item.
I'm sure this is a stupid question, but I just want to be sure. If you deposit all your Pokemon from Y then delete the save data, can you transfer them back afterward?
Also, does anyone have any shiny Taillow or Aron pics like the one to the left of this post?
are the pokemon that your apprentice use in the multi maison preset similar to safari pokemon? like if mine were for example typhlosion and venusaur on one friend's game, would they be the same on another? just wondering if you could find someone who had a good pair and add their friend code..
are the pokemon that your apprentice use in the multi maison preset similar to safari pokemon? like if mine were for example typhlosion and venusaur on one friend's game, would they be the same on another? just wondering if you could find someone who had a good pair and add their friend code..
Yes, they are the same. I found someone who said they had a Typhlosion + Gallade & added them, and lo and behold they had a Typhlosion + Gallade.
Yes, they are the same. I found someone who said they had a Typhlosion + Gallade & added them, and lo and behold they had a Typhlosion + Gallade.

thats real cool, maybe someone could throw together a spreadsheet like the FS one for the maison thread so we can find people who have a half decent team. multi battle are a pain...
Who wrote Luvdisc's DPP analysis, and did the same person write Sunker's DPP analysis?

Also, can I get to know all the analysis he/she has written on "shitty" Pokemon?
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