Arhan's Adoption Emporium(Requests Open)

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i'm interested in the hp ice ditto, and nice idea for a thread, you can check my thread and tell me if theres something you'd need from it and i'll get you one
Are the dittos(hp fire) for trade/donation? If not I want a female skiddo. I can donate joltik in quickball larvesta in timerball. If you have any spitback female gastly I'd like one too.

I can offer and trade more than one of these for the hp fire ditto
trickroom solosis(m/f) 31/xx/31/31/31/00
Spitback cyndaquil(f) in timer ball +4em
5iv Chespin(f) in premierball HA with spikes
Spitback Loppuny(f) in lux ball
spitback zubat(f) in moon ball+4em
spitback mareep(f) love ball+2em
spitback cottonee(f) in nestball +4em
spitback minun(f) in luxuryball

Spitbacks are 4/5iv random with good natures
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I'd love an Adamant 5IV Timburr with the specified egg moves if you wouldn't mind breeding me one. Also, are you able to clone your Dittos? I could really use that HP Ground one. I will definitely give you something worthwhile for your trouble!

Could I please have a Bold HP Ice Rotom? I know you said it's free but I'll definitely give you one of the females in a special ball I have and would be happy to include any BP item you want if you'd like.
Um I asked if the dittos are for trade, I also wanted to donate some pokemon...
The dittos are for trade,you asked for like 6 so,we will do it then the gastly you asked for was no. 2 after skiddo so I posted so.thanks for donating all that
can I adopt a female
Species: Gastly
Nature: Timid
IVs: 31/x/31/31/31/31
Ability: Levitate
Egg Moves: Perish Song, Disable
Thank you very much :D
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