Metagame NP: RU Stage -1: Message to Oglemi, Nails, and Honko (VENOMOTH STOLEN FROM US))

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But if lass uses dbond first turn, then it isn't setting up hazards.

At which point kabutops can switch out to a faster/scarf/priority mon and limit lass to 1 layer.

Likewise, I can just switch out to my Kabutops check or set up one layer of Spikes after the first Destiny Bond. I'm not saying you have to bother with that matchup (and you shouldn't) but it can get at least one layer if need be unless you enjoy losing your Kabutops.
Likewise, I can just switch out to my Kabutops check or set up one layer of Spikes after the first Destiny Bond. I'm not saying you have to bother with that matchup (and you shouldn't) but it can get at least one layer if need be unless you enjoy losing your Kabutops.

Fair enough. :) I feel as if the few times that I've seen frosslass used, it was solely as a suicide lead and they made no effort to preserve her. I can see where it can become difficult to stop her throughout the match (though when she is not leading, it can become more difficult to prevent hazard removal unless you have another ghost. She does not want to be switching into any potential knock offs)

EonX- said:
Um, Froslass is almost exclusively a suicide lead on HO teams. It gets up Spikes, tries to take something down with DBond, and then the rest of your team just uses offensive pressure to not give Defog and Rapid Spin users a chance to do their thing.

Yes, but I was responding to two posts that insinuated that lass would dbond on the first turn instead of spike.
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But if lass uses dbond first turn, then it isn't setting up hazards.

At which point kabutops can switch out to a faster/scarf/priority mon and limit lass to 1 layer.

To be fair, I am assuming that kabutops does not need to switch into lass (which is quite likely as a first turn match up). But if you are insinuating that this occurs mid-battle, and so tops will need to make the switch in, then you cannot ignore the possibility of lass taking damage from hazards/attacks and the need for her to switch in as well. Plus, all of the time that she was not in battle is time that the hazards are not being used.

Um, Froslass is almost exclusively a suicide lead on HO teams. It gets up Spikes, tries to take something down with DBond, and then the rest of your team just uses offensive pressure to not give Defog and Rapid Spin users a chance to do their thing.

Running away from Froslass for a moment, I wonder if you guys have used Moltres in any way in the new XY metagame. Back in BW, it was one of the top powerhouses in the tier as only a few things like Lanturn and the obscure Regirock could safely handle Moltres's STAB combination. It received a slight nerf in the power of its moves, but Defog makes it easier to get rid of Stealth Rock. I for one have had a fun time using it with Heliolisk, in and out of rain teams as it makes for a really good wallbreaker for Heliolisk. It trashes bulky Steel- and Grass-types that Heliolisk has problems with, thus allowing it to sweep late-game once Moltres has removed those bulky checks and counters. So, what do you guys think of Moltres? Is it better, worse, or about the same in terms of being a threat in XY compared to BW?
Um, Froslass is almost exclusively a suicide lead on HO teams. It gets up Spikes, tries to take something down with DBond, and then the rest of your team just uses offensive pressure to not give Defog and Rapid Spin users a chance to do their thing.

Running away from Froslass for a moment, I wonder if you guys have used Moltres in any way in the new XY metagame. Back in BW, it was one of the top powerhouses in the tier as only a few things like Lanturn and the obscure Regirock could safely handle Moltres's STAB combination. It received a slight nerf in the power of its moves, but Defog makes it easier to get rid of Stealth Rock. I for one have had a fun time using it with Heliolisk, in and out of rain teams as it makes for a really good wallbreaker for Heliolisk. It trashes bulky Steel- and Grass-types that Heliolisk has problems with, thus allowing it to sweep late-game once Moltres has removed those bulky checks and counters. So, what do you guys think of Moltres? Is it better, worse, or about the same in terms of being a threat in XY compared to BW?

Muh favorite set with moltres rn is Sub Toxic. It's really strong and annoying, and you can even stall out low pp moves like stone edge from rhyperior if you're faster thanks to pressure. Really sweet.
other than that, the only other set i'd personally run is specs in the rain for that powerful hurricane or scarf.
Although I never used Moltres last gen (never played BW2 RU), in XY I have used Moltres to great effect, specifically the specs set. Hurricane and Fire Blast hit insanely hard (although it sucks that they're inaccurate), HP Grass 2HKOes a lot of the things that resist Moltres's STABs, and of course U-Turn generates valuable momentum. Moltres can also come in against something like Escavalier and force it out. I run a bulky set with max hp and sp atk, but some people like to run max speed/sp atk. Moltres still needs Defog/Spinner support, though. Besides Helioptile, Moltres also forms a great Volt-Turn wallbreaking core with Magneton, as Moltres resists all of Magneton's weaknesses while Magneton resists all of Moltres's weaknesses except for Water.
Hello everyone, since I think this thread needs a lot better posts I’m going to go ahead and post about a Pokemon/set that I have had a lot of success with recently.


Magneton @ Choice Specs
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 SAtk / 220 Spd / 36 HP
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Volt Switch

Choice Specs Analytic Magnetion is actually insanely good right now with very little Electric type checks currently in the tier. Rhyperior and Gligar are easily the top two used Ground types and both are absolutely destroy by Flash Cannon with even Max Specially Defensive Rhyperior being OHKO’d on the switch-in and Gligar easily being 2HKO’d, meaning that every time this thing comes in something is very likely to die or at the very least be severely damaged.

Hidden Power Grass can be used over Hidden Power Fire as without it Gastrodon can wall this set for days, Hidden Power Fire is only really for AV Escavalier’s at around 80% that don’t bother to check if they can switch out and just assume it’s Magnet Pull. Since Hidden Power Fire drops your speed I was running enough to outrun neutral base 65’s however if running Hidden Power Grass you can scratch the Hp Ev’s and run max speed to tie with neutral base 70’s.

As I mentioned before without Hidden Power Grass Gastrodon hard counters this set, the next best check to this is probably AV Eelektross but it’s usage has been on a significant decline since Tornadus was banned, Gastrodon also doesn’t get much usage at all with it getting around 4.5% last month.

So yeah use this thing.
Lanturn will also wall that magneton set but it's not like you see a ton of lanturn on the ladder.

Magneton is a pretty good mon and I have no idea why it's nu by usage. Specs hits like a truck.
just a fun little tidbit, specs magneton's thunderbolt on the switch hits as hard as specs exploud's boomburst on neutral targets. mag also has an easier time getting in thanks to its defensive typing and status immunities. i run one with wish support from alomomola and a hazard stacking roselia and it's served me really well on the ladder.
I'll post another NFE who has been working wonders for me but is very unconventional:

Fraxure @ Eviolite / Life Orb
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 248 Spd / 236 Atk / 24 HP
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Poison Jab / Low Kick
- Taunt / Low Kick

Think, when was the last time you saw a Fraxure? Well, if you did, you may have faced me! The EVs on this set seem a bit weird, but with 248 Spd and an Adamant nature, it outspeeds base 108s by one point, while with 24 HP EVs you can avoid the OHKO Moonblast from Aromatisse. Then, the rest is dumped into Attack. Fraxure has a sexy base 117 Attack, and it hits pretty hard with STAB Outrage. Dragon Dance is a godsend and there isn't very many viable Dragon Dancers in RU currently. The third slot is a toss up, Poison Jab allows you to beat Aromatisse and other Fairy-types, while Low Kick beats Steel-types. Either way, Doublade fucks you up, so be cautious of setting up too early! Taunt allows it to break down walls and prevents it from being paralyzed or burned, which can be nice, it also prevents phasing from Roar. Overall, Fraxure is a really unsung threat and is a very cool Pokemon that you guys should try out! Also, don't forget the coolness from Eviolite to make it bulkier!
Chesnaught but.. why use Fraxure over Tyrantrum, for example? Who can have EQ to 2HKO Doublade, has more speed, more bulk (not counting eviolite) and a better STAB with tone Edge, and it can also get past certain walls with Ice Fang.
How does everyone feel hyper offense is doing in the current meta? I personally have found mixed results. It either works out very well, or it completely fails. What do these teams need to do to be successful? Some of the better ones that I've seen utilized sticky web.
How does everyone feel hyper offense is doing in the current meta? I personally have found mixed results. It either works out very well, or it completely fails. What do these teams need to do to be successful? Some of the better ones that I've seen utilized sticky web.

You clearly have not seen SmashPass in action. No offense, but that shit is kinda ridiculous. Pretty easy to make a SmashPass team tbh. Basically, it's Meowstic-M, Gorebyss, random Rocks setter, and 3 sweepers, preferably ones that have their own setup moves in case the opponent is prepared for SmashPass. These teams are super easy to use as Meowstic-M is virtually guaranteed to get Screens up at least once, maybe twice if the opponent tries to setup on it since T-Wave ends that threat. I imagine QuiverPass is just as dangerous if you stack special sweepers (replace Gorebyss with Moth), but I think SmashPass is a bit more viable due to the ability to run both physical and special sweepers to benefit from the Pass while QuiverPass largely relies on special sweepers to gain maximum benefit from Quiver Dance boosts.

As for Sticky Web HO, I think that it's certainly viable, but the problem is, such teams don't really have a Pokemon that can set it up twice if it's removed. This is the difference between Sticky Web HO and SmashPass / QuiverPass HO. Sticky Web teams have issues with offensive Flying-types or Pokemon with Levitate as well as Stall teams in general (they don't rely on Speed) while Defog / Rapid Spin spells their doom. Meanwhile, a well-build SmashPass or QuiverPass team is going to be able to navigate around their primary strategy being stopped to have a legitimate chance of winning.
Um, Froslass is almost exclusively a suicide lead on HO teams. It gets up Spikes, tries to take something down with DBond, and then the rest of your team just uses offensive pressure to not give Defog and Rapid Spin users a chance to do their thing.

Running away from Froslass for a moment, I wonder if you guys have used Moltres in any way in the new XY metagame. Back in BW, it was one of the top powerhouses in the tier as only a few things like Lanturn and the obscure Regirock could safely handle Moltres's STAB combination. It received a slight nerf in the power of its moves, but Defog makes it easier to get rid of Stealth Rock. I for one have had a fun time using it with Heliolisk, in and out of rain teams as it makes for a really good wallbreaker for Heliolisk. It trashes bulky Steel- and Grass-types that Heliolisk has problems with, thus allowing it to sweep late-game once Moltres has removed those bulky checks and counters. So, what do you guys think of Moltres? Is it better, worse, or about the same in terms of being a threat in XY compared to BW?

I've ran SubWoW Moltres a while ago and it didn't disappoint me to sya at the very leats. I won lots of stallwars with it and doesn't give a shit about any physical move aside form rock moves ofc. SR weakness sucks but it doesnt when you are talking about one of the, if not bets counter to Escavalier. Also Roost.
Hello everyone, since I think this thread needs a lot better posts I’m going to go ahead and post about a Pokemon/set that I have had a lot of success with recently.


Magneton @ Choice Specs
Ability: Analytic
EVs: 252 SAtk / 220 Spd / 36 HP
Modest Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Volt Switch

Choice Specs Analytic Magnetion is actually insanely good right now with very little Electric type checks currently in the tier. Rhyperior and Gligar are easily the top two used Ground types and both are absolutely destroy by Flash Cannon with even Max Specially Defensive Rhyperior being OHKO’d on the switch-in and Gligar easily being 2HKO’d, meaning that every time this thing comes in something is very likely to die or at the very least be severely damaged.

Hidden Power Grass can be used over Hidden Power Fire as without it Gastrodon can wall this set for days, Hidden Power Fire is only really for AV Escavalier’s at around 80% that don’t bother to check if they can switch out and just assume it’s Magnet Pull. Since Hidden Power Fire drops your speed I was running enough to outrun neutral base 65’s however if running Hidden Power Grass you can scratch the Hp Ev’s and run max speed to tie with neutral base 70’s.

As I mentioned before without Hidden Power Grass Gastrodon hard counters this set, the next best check to this is probably AV Eelektross but it’s usage has been on a significant decline since Tornadus was banned, Gastrodon also doesn’t get much usage at all with it getting around 4.5% last month.

So yeah use this thing.

Power. This is like Magnezone in UU (well that is quite logical actually so yea lol). Use this in conjuction with Flying Spam, work
Speaking of SmashPass, I've used a team centred exclusively around SmashPass and VenoPass and jesus fuck it's broken as all shit.

I used Sash Moth / Specs Exploud / Gorebyss / Memento Dug / Golbat / SD Drapion. Didn't even put in an effort at teambuilding, it's usually memento turn 1 (if vs. offensive team) and then proceed to set-up with either Moth or Gorebyss, usually the latter.
Avalugg is a beast:
Avalugg @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SDef
Impish Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Avalanche
- Curse
The sad thing about Curse Avalugg is that it will lack Rapid Spin or Recover, but it isn't going to be taking much damage anyway with its titanic defense. Its special defense actually isn't that bad either with investment. It is really good in endgame, especially when mostly physical attackers are left, but I'm not sure if it is that great as a spinner since it is so slow and has weaknesses to all hazards other than Sticky Web. I also find it to be very weak to status as a whole, which makes Lum Berry a good option on sets with Recover.
Avalugg is a beast:
Avalugg @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SDef
Impish Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Avalanche
- Curse
The sad thing about Curse Avalugg is that it will lack Rapid Spin or Recover, but it isn't going to be taking much damage anyway with its titanic defense. Its special defense actually isn't that bad either with investment. It is really good in endgame, especially when mostly physical attackers are left, but I'm not sure if it is that great as a spinner since it is so slow and has weaknesses to all hazards other than Sticky Web. I also find it to be very weak to status as a whole, which makes Lum Berry a good option on sets with Recover.
I run spinner Avalugg also (one of the tiers best) his only downfall being 4MSS. Heres the set:
Avalugg @ Leftovers
Sturdy/Own Tempo
252HP 8 At 248 Def/SpD
-Rapid Spin -Avalanche
-Recover -EQ/Roar
If Avalugg could have both EQ and Roar, he would be golden. I usually run Roar because Avalugg can be abused as setup bait by Sub+boosting or things that resist ice. It helps stop baton pass pretty well too, with sturdy to live at +_ Exploud or whatever. Own tempo is there because only strong special moves or boosted mons have a shot at OHKOing him, but sturdy is usually better. EQ is great to nail incoming/lived with sturdy fire and rock types.

So, similar set except I value recover/roar over curse. What does anyone think should go in the last spot? I cant decide. Also, I might do some calcs in the future with him to help support future arguments or prove some points to further dicussion (I think they're useful. Did anyone benefit from the Hariyama list?)
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Personally I wouldn't use Avalugg as a spinner. Rock weak, spikes weak, hates poisoning, plus Froslass, Mismagius, Jellicent and Doublade run a train on you if you try to spin. Recover's a better option, but curse Avalugg hates status and wilts at the sight of any special attacker. It's outdone by Reuniclus as a finisher, and there's little reason to use it as a spinner over Hitmontop. Cool Kid Table doesn't have much of a niche in RU at all tbh, it'll have an easier time in NU once the tier grows up a bit.
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Calcs!! I hope they help the discussion.
252 SpA Life Orb Delphox Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Avalugg: 393-463 (99.7 - 117.5%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

4 Atk Avalugg Earthquake vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Delphox: 216-256 (73.9 - 87.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
(OHKO's with a chance only at 200+ ev investment.) after SR this kills most often. With SR and sturdy intact, Avalugg wins.
8 Atk Avalugg Avalanche vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Tyrantrum: 258-306 (84.3 - 100%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

252+ Atk Choice Band Tyrantrum Head Smash vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Avalugg: 356-420 (90.3 - 106.5%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO :I :o :0 :O XO Avalugg wins
252+ Atk Life Orb Gallade Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Avalugg: 252-299 (63.9 - 75.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

8 Atk Avalugg Avalanche vs. -1 0 HP / 0 Def Gallade: 319-376 (115.1 - 135.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO Avalugg wins.
8 Atk Avalugg Avalanche vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Druddigon: 324-384 (90.5 - 107.2%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO

252+ Atk Druddigon Outrage vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Avalugg: 94-112 (23.8 - 28.4%) -- possible 5HKO after Leftovers recovery xD Avalugg wins
252+ Atk Choice Band Iron Fist Pangoro Hammer Arm vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Avalugg: 288-342 (73 - 86.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

8 Atk Avalugg Avalanche vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Pangoro: 183-216 (46.4 - 54.8%) -- 62.1% chance to 2HKO
+6 252+ Atk Slurpuff Play Rough vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Avalugg: 214-253 (54.3 - 64.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery xD

8 Atk Avalugg Avalanche vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Slurpuff: 169-199 (55.2 - 65%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Rhyperior Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Avalugg: 176-210 (44.6 - 53.2%) -- 0.4% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

8 Atk Avalugg Avalanche vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Solid Rock Rhyperior: 177-211 (40.7 - 48.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery (solid rock does a rhino some good)
What other mons should I test with guys??
did you really just say delphox loses to avalugg

perhaps I did not put it enough, well:

252 SpA Choice Specs Delphox Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Avalugg: 452-534 (114.7 - 135.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Life Orb Delphox Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Avalugg: 393-463 (99.7 - 117.5%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
252 SpA Delphox Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Avalugg: 302-356 (76.6 - 90.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock

Besides the fact that Delphox runs Fire Blast. Calcs don't mean squat, as none of these happen 1v1 and you have teammates to take these hits, don't try to take hits you shouldn't need to. Here's a calc versus a top threat:
252 Atk Life Orb Reckless Hitmonlee High Jump Kick vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Avalugg: 289-343 (73.3 - 87%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
But see how Avalugg wouldn't stay in on Hitmonlee? Just no. Avalugg is ok, but I prefer using Aromatisse as my wall.
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That Delphox calc was also the only one where Avalugg had SpDef investment...
I think the scenario was avalugg comes in.. either with no hazards or waits for lefties to get it back up to sturdy, then Delphox comes in on SR and can't OHKO thru sturdy.. so there is a chance for Avalugg to KO back with EQ? I think I got that right.
Then Tyrantrum hits avalugg harder than avalugg hits... but Avalugg wins. lol nuff said
Then the Gallade calc assumes it's just going to straight up Close Combat a full health Physical wall, without taking a turn to either bulk up or sd...
Followed closely by a scenario where Drudd, a DRAGON TYPE, stays in on a ICE TYPE with MAX DEFENSE investment.
Then the Pangoro (and Slurpuff) calc literally showed nothing. Avalugg lost. Twice.
Rhyperior won too.
I'm not entirely sure if those calcs were intended to help the case of Avalugg, but they didn't. It's strength isn't in it's ability to take a hit and dish it out, but rather either to live long enough to get a spin off, or I guess start setting up with curse.
I'm Sorry... but Avalugg only real trait is absorbing some physical neutral attacks and try to Rapid Spin against the switch in unless it's a Ghost type... then... you are just screwed xD

Maybe in the next gen, it can learn a good physical STAB to work as a Trick Room Sweeper, an then deal some nice damage with Ice-Ground Coverage, but considering how painful is just Ice Fang by itself right now, i'm really sure that it doesn't do anything especially useful in RU...

See ya guys!
That Delphox calc was also the only one where Avalugg had SpDef investment...
I think the scenario was avalugg comes in.. either with no hazards or waits for lefties to get it back up to sturdy, then Delphox comes in on SR and can't OHKO thru sturdy.. so there is a chance for Avalugg to KO back with EQ? I think I got that right.
Then Tyrantrum hits avalugg harder than avalugg hits... but Avalugg wins. lol nuff said
Then the Gallade calc assumes it's just going to straight up Close Combat a full health Physical wall, without taking a turn to either bulk up or sd...
Followed closely by a scenario where Drudd, a DRAGON TYPE, stays in on a ICE TYPE with MAX DEFENSE investment.
Then the Pangoro (and Slurpuff) calc literally showed nothing. Avalugg lost. Twice.
Rhyperior won too.
I'm not entirely sure if those calcs were intended to help the case of Avalugg, but they didn't. It's strength isn't in it's ability to take a hit and dish it out, but rather either to live long enough to get a spin off, or I guess start setting up with curse.
They weren't intended to hurt or help, just to be useful. I just picked some RU mons that have high usage (Druddigon, Slurpuff) or to prove a point by using a strong attack (Pangoro, Gallade). I picked them to show Avalugg's talents or expose his weaknesses, like stopping a +6 Slurpuff which is a common set that I have been seeing lately. I'm not expecting Druddigon to stay in, but on the switch or just to be a general calc that shows a 180BP move off of max 120 stat being taken like a boss.
Chesnaught , notice how I said "if sturdy is intact and SR is up, Avalugg wins. Under these conditions, he is capable of beating one of the top fire types in the tier. So, if the conditions are right, he does beat Delphox. If not, he turns into a little puddle.
They weren't intended to hurt or help, just to be useful. I just picked some RU mons that have high usage (Druddigon, Slurpuff) or to prove a point by using a strong attack (Pangoro, Gallade). I picked them to show Avalugg's talents or expose his weaknesses, like stopping a +6 Slurpuff which is a common set that I have been seeing lately. I'm not expecting Druddigon to stay in, but on the switch or just to be a general calc that shows a 180BP move off of max 120 stat being taken like a boss.
Chesnaught , notice how I said "if sturdy is intact and SR is up, Avalugg wins. Under these conditions, he is capable of beating one of the top fire types in the tier. So, if the conditions are right, he does beat Delphox. If not, he turns into a little puddle.

The problem with listing a set of calcs like you did, is that they don't really contribute all that much to the discussion, unless they are being used to discuss a specific set. I mean some of the calcs you listed, don't really ever happen in a real in game situation, such as the Delphox calc. If you are going to assume that your team has had the time to get up SR, and then switch in Avulugg (a rapid spinner) it is highly likely that the opposing team has had time to set up hazards, and that sturdy has been broken by said hazards (sturdy is a terrible ability on a spinner :/). And sure it lives those physical hits that you listed, and some are quite impressive, but it doesn't really reveal anything new about Avulugg, as it is quite obviously very bulky on the physical end of the spectrum. So basically calcs don't really do anything unless they are being used to demonstrate the prowess of a specific set, and "calc spam" can be kind of detracting from a thread meant to discuss meta game trends.
Is running BD Slurpuff really worth it? I know its ability complements it very well, but its moveset doesn't at all. It seriously only gets 2 physical moves and one of them isn't even super effective against anything.

Don't get me wrong, Slurpuff isn't a bad pokemon at all. I actually think running a supportive or special attacking set can be extremely good. I just think BD Slurpuff is underwhelming since it can't hit that much.
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