Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 38 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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That makes sense. Is there any reason for VGC doing that?
this is just a guess, but it's probably for game balance.

certain moves are no longer legal on certain pokemon, like heat wave zapdos, drain punch mewtwo, and quite a lot more
they picked and chose certain things to be egg moves in gen 6, like defog scizor, stealth rock skarmory, etc.

i don't think anyone from nintendo or gamefreak have said one way or the other why
this is just a guess, but it's probably for game balance.

certain moves are no longer legal on certain pokemon, like heat wave zapdos, drain punch mewtwo, and quite a lot more
they picked and chose certain things to be egg moves in gen 6, like defog scizor, stealth rock skarmory, etc.

i don't think anyone from nintendo or gamefreak have said one way or the other why
I feel its to help "level the field" between people who have played for many generations and others who are just getting into 6th gen/are coming back. This prevents people with other gens from having an advantage because they can transfer pokemon over, so everyone must re-breed everything so there is less of an advantage for long time players. Also the hack thing is another thing to consider even though pokebank's checker is terrible.
Just wanted some outside input, when using a TR Pokemon, specifically in this case Crawdaunt, what would be the ideal EV spread since speed gets 0? 252 HP/252 Att?
it's also easier to check if something is hacked
It's not.

That makes sense. Is there any reason for VGC doing that?
Level the playing field for people unable to get competitively viable mons with previous gen tutors? nvm, they still have region exclusive events with special moves, screw level playing fields.
Try to make X/Y more relevant than just the game you send last years team to?
Too lazy to try and hack-check previous gen mons?

There could be many reasons, or there could be none.
Just wanted some outside input, when using a TR Pokemon, specifically in this case Crawdaunt, what would be the ideal EV spread since speed gets 0? 252 HP/252 Att?
Unless it's a mixed attacker, that's generally the way you'll want to go. For Crawdaunt, that's the spread I'd recommend. That's why I like playing with Trick Room, it allows you to create bulkier EV spreads without sacrificing Speed :)
I feel its to help "level the field" between people who have played for many generations and others who are just getting into 6th gen/are coming back. This prevents people with other gens from having an advantage because they can transfer pokemon over, so everyone must re-breed everything so there is less of an advantage for long time players. Also the hack thing is another thing to consider even though pokebank's checker is terrible.
i was thinking of that as well. in their effort to make things more 'casual friendly', anyone can pick up the game and have access to the same pokemon and not need to buy all of these previous games to get things like, for example, heatran just to compete with others who still have all of those games.

which makes me wonder why the WiFi events are coming rather slowly.

as for the hack thing, yes, it's sad that pokebank's hack checker is terrible, but that's not what i'm referring to. it's extremely difficult to hack pokemon in gen VI and people who do hack the blue pentagon onto stuff still run into trouble with the pokemon not having memories (so there's a built-in 'hack checker' in the game so-to-speak i suppose)

It's not.
before i try to clarify this more (although i suppose i just did above), what did you take was my meaning by that?
Anyone have a 5 IV Flawless Adamant Mawile?

I have flawless
5 IV Adamant Magikarp with Swift Swim
5 IV Hasty Joltik with Unnerve
5 IV Timid Elecktrike with Static
5 IV Jolly Axew with Unnerve
Hey, since I have X and Y, would it be possible for me to trade a shiny from my Y to my X and check my Y's TSV? I think you need to have a shiny from that specific game to check TSV right? But you have to check it on another game?
Unless it's a mixed attacker, that's generally the way you'll want to go. For Crawdaunt, that's the spread I'd recommend. That's why I like playing with Trick Room, it allows you to create bulkier EV spreads without sacrificing Speed :)
Ok awesome, thanks. That's usually what I go for and it's why I love TR teams too. As long as you can set up with no hiccups the team is great.
Ok, I'm beginning to fear for my sweet-scenter's wellbeing; does anyone have a Sturdy Carbink I could rehome for them? :)
I'm looking for the following dream ball female pokemon (no need for IVs/ nature/ hidden power):
  • Audino HA
  • Chinchou HA/non-HA (got one from another forum)
  • Drilbur HA
  • Elgyem HA (Thanks to ClutchesofBlood)
  • Feebas HA/non-HA (Thanks to chester0334)
  • Igglybuff HA (Thanks to Xeno598)
  • Murkrow HA
  • Pachirisu HA
I can offer other Dream ball HA female pokemon or johto apricorn ball female pokemon.
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Hey, since I have X and Y, would it be possible for me to trade a shiny from my Y to my X and check my Y's TSV? I think you need to have a shiny from that specific game to check TSV right? But you have to check it on another game?
You just need a pokemon that you have bred or caught from a game and send it to a person with a power saver and keySAV, its much easier to do it now then back then. Or if you have your own power saver then you can check it yourself
I'm looking for the following dream ball female pokemon (no need for IVs/ nature/ hidden power):
  • Audino HA
  • Chinchou HA/non-HA
  • Drilbur HA
  • Elgyem HA
  • Feebas HA/non-HA
  • Igglybuff HA
  • Murkrow HA
  • Pachirisu HA
I can offer other Dream ball HA female pokemon or johto apricorn ball female pokemon.

I have a random female Igglybuff from DR that's sitting in my Pokemon Bank box that you can have.
I'm looking for the following dream ball female pokemon (no need for IVs/ nature/ hidden power):
  • Audino HA
  • Chinchou HA/non-HA
  • Drilbur HA
  • Elgyem HA
  • Feebas HA/non-HA
  • Igglybuff HA
  • Murkrow HA
  • Pachirisu HA
I can offer other Dream ball HA female pokemon or johto apricorn ball female pokemon.
Have Feebas check my thread for it have spitbacks the one that's reserved is unreserved if your interested also have Igglybuff and many more
Edit: if you check my thread there should be more dream world stuff I could breed for and nerina has a audino with ha I think because I gave her one
You just need a pokemon that you have bred or caught from a game and send it to a person with a power saver and keySAV, its much easier to do it now then back then. Or if you have your own power saver then you can check it yourself

If that's the case, is there anybody out there that could check the TSV of both my X and Y games for me then? I'm willing to offer something from my shop :D
I see, is there anything that you would want for it?

Nah you can have it for some random derp mon. I was originally planning to breed it, but went with a Love Ball parent instead, so it's just rotting away in a box atm. lol

I'll need your FC though.
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