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Special Attacker, but you should put Encore > Surf since Surf is illegal with Lightningrod. If you're dead set on Physical, you need to be using Extremespeed (don't use Physical).

I'll go with special attacker then, and which level is the right one to evolve pikachu into raichu?
I'll go with special attacker then, and which level is the right one to evolve pikachu into raichu?

You need to breed a Pichu with Encore, evolve it after level 18 when it learns Nasty Plot, then you can evolve it again whenever via Thunderstone because Thunderbolt and Grass Knot are both TM moves.
While you might be able to have successful runs with it, I wouldn't consider it viable. It's so incredibly easy to remove toxic spikes with Defog, Rapid Spin, or even just switching in a Poison-type Pokemon.
Also, Dragalge can set up Toxic Spikes itself, so you don't need to run Garbodor. Maybe something like Toxic Spikes | Veneshock | Dragon Tail | Sludge Bomb / Toxic could work? You can run Pawniard to stop Defog FYI, and run a spinblocker.
Spinners: Mostly Sandslash, Cryogonal, Armaldo
Defog: Mostly Shiftry, Mantine, Togekiss
There are more, of course, but these are the ones that I actually see.
i wanted to build a sun team but i need some advice.

1: what's a good mon for checking Water pokemon? especially for ludicolo
2: who's better between ninetales and flareon as a flash fire user and Fire-Type check? can you also give me good set to use for these two?
3: who's a good chlorophiller to partner with SDShiftry?

thanks :)
1)Ferroseed walls those Pokemon off like nobody's business. However, why do you need to check water pokemon on a sun team? First, sun weakens the power of water-type moves. Second, the Pokemon that you're running that benefit off of sun are grass-types. They wreck water types.
2)Ninetales, imo.
3)Victreebell and Vileplume are pretty cool for running Chlorophyll, I guess
  1. dragalge is a good spdef wall to get rid of ludicolo
  2. with drought banned in nu, some good sunny day setters are prankster liepard and screens uxie.
  3. victreebell isn't a terrible option, but outside of chlorophyll, scarf typhlosion is pretty good
I used to use regirock as a bulky rocks sun sun setter so thats also an option. Though Uxie most likely does that job 10x better.
uxie is obviously better. not only does uxie have more/better support moves, but it also isnt weak to solarbeam.
i wanted to build a sun team but i need some advice.

1: what's a good mon for checking Water pokemon? especially for ludicolo
2: who's better between ninetales and flareon as a flash fire user and Fire-Type check? can you also give me good set to use for these two?
3: who's a good chlorophiller to partner with SDShiftry?

thanks :)

1. Lanturn. It has very nice bulk, allowing it to take specially based attacks with ease.
However, if you specifically want to counter/check ludicolo, try specially defensive ferroseed.
2.It is dependant on if you want a specially offensive pokemon or a physically offensive mon/support mon.
If it is the former, i direct you to ninetales;the latter, to flareon.
3. Bellosom may be a unique choice as it has the bulk to provide sun intself for the team, but keep it mind that it stacks weaknesses.
I thought of this today

Raticate (M) @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Last Resort

Is this viable, or am I wasting my time and should juts stick with the standard Facade set?
you're walled by every rock, steel, and ghost type, and if you want to switch out, you would have to use protect again to activate last resort

so yeah its shit
I thought of this today

Raticate (M) @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Last Resort

Is this viable, or am I wasting my time and should juts stick with the standard Facade set?

You should stick to Facade because a burned Facade has 140 BP, the same as last resort. There is literally no purpose in running this set.
Hey there, I'm new to NU. Any idea how to handle Unburden BD Slurpuff? Is Doublade the only answer? I was thinking Ferroseed might work too but it's 2HKOd by flamethrower so I can't switch it in. Doublade on the other hand can switch in and OHKO with Iron Head.

(And since I'm still a total beginner in NU and I have no idea what's going on within the tier, I'll just ask: is Slurpuff likely to get suspected? Seems like it should, at least at first glance.)
Hey there, I'm new to NU. Any idea how to handle Unburden BD Slurpuff? Is Doublade the only answer? I was thinking Ferroseed might work too but it's 2HKOd by flamethrower so I can't switch it in. Doublade on the other hand can switch in and OHKO with Iron Head.

(And since I'm still a total beginner in NU and I have no idea what's going on within the tier, I'll just ask: is Slurpuff likely to get suspected? Seems like it should, at least at first glance.)
Hi SoulRed12, Doublade is currently RU actually, as it had risen by usage a few months back. But anyways, Unburden BD Slurpuff can generally be stopped by Probopass and Seismitoad. Seismitoad is just bulky in general, and can go for Scalds to get a burn, which does happen more often than not. Then Probopass is obvious as it can simply use Flash Cannon and destroy it as it can eat up Play Roughs, and take a potential Flamethrower as it has a great Special Defense stat and takes neutral damage being that it is also part Rock type.