Super Smash Bros 4 (Spoilers ITT)

I've got one and, as a shitty competitve player i can say one thing about it:

Like every other 3ds game, it looks really pretty when you're playing and ass when it's streamed.
If anyone has a spare NA code I would gladly take it off your hands. I don't want it for myself but I'd like for you to send it to a friend of mine.

I got one for him. Nevermind. GL to everyone else!
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I don't even know if I had marketing enabled or not. I get emails from Nintendo about all the promotions but I don't know if its something else or? I might have just forgot to register my 3DS which would be a real shame.
Looks like I'm in the same boat as Stellar as well (darn notification settings). LF a NA code (for my brother since he really wants to play it lol). Please PM if you can help, and TIA :D
Okay so first impressions of the 5 characters we get to play as:

Link is MUCH stronger now. His Dash attack has decent KO power [Actually it feels like everyone's Dash attacks have been hugely buffed in terms of knockback]. His grabs are faster and he feels a lot faster too.

Megaman is pretty cool, I've got nothing to really guage his power, but his Forward Smash when charged does some serious damage/range. His down Smash has a realllyyyyyy long animation. U Smash is cool but his U Tilt is like a Shoryuken from SF. A leaping rising punch. Leaf Shield is interesting, I'll need to play some more to work out some of his quirks. His triple jump is enormous though.

Pikachu seems like he should have some OK combos. His aerials seem to have low knockback and you can chain some normal a attacks into a tilt into a short hop. He's just as B spammy as usual though :P

Villager seems fucking crazy to me right now. His F Smash (the iron ball) has HUGE knockback and decent damage. I have no idea how his down smash works, trees escape be, but the pot seems p ridiculous too. Also has crazy recovery.

Mario... just feels like Mario :| Same moves, decent strength... I was never much good with him anyway.

Worst thing for at the moment is getting used to the controls... Very awkward for someone so used to the GC... :| L is grab, R is shield etc... Same as before, but just feels a bit more awkward. Also not being able to turn off the tilt jump is pretty annoying, I keep wanting to do U tilts and jumping instead...

Demo stage is just Battlefield with/without platforms. It's pretty good, the stage itself seems a lot bigger now. Graphics are really beast.
If anyone has a spare code, I would really appreciate it
I could be playing Smash 4 right now if I had just clicked a box to get a few extra emails. Fuuuuuck.
Looks like I'm in the same boat as Stellar as well (darn notification settings). LF a NA code (for my brother since he really wants to play it lol). Please PM if you can help, and TIA :D
Not having marketing enabled has me sobbing right now, I had platinum status.
The one time I miss Platinum status, this happens...

Anyone have a NA code? :)
Its pretty obvious there are no more codes to part with, lets just wait until Friday. It can't be that bad of a wait.
Not going to lie, I really liked Lucina in Awakening and she looks really sweet. I just saw her moveset though, and I was hoping she'd be more than just a clone of Marth. :\ I mean I used to play Marth in brawl a lot (I'm a casual scum ik) but still.
Ice climbers luigi ganondorf Duck hunt dog and bowser junior are all spoilers. Also Japan got a demo before release.
Bowser jr seems like a pretty interesting character and will probably be my main. He has pretty cool moves thanks to the versatility the clown cart gives him and the 7 koopalings as his alts are just the icing on the cake.

BTW if someone could give me the demo code 4 the US 3ds version of smash bros via PM (assuming the leftover codes aren't all gone already) that would be great :]
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After obtaining the demo, all I can say is wow. This game is better then I remember it being at Smash Fest. (And its so much nicer then Sakurai's pics made us think)