Smogon Tour 18

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Please enlighten the WhiteQueen. How am I a terrible player when I merely needed 65 games (55 wins and 10 losses) to secure a spot in the OLT Playoffs? XY OU isn't even a tier that I play regularly. When, arguably, one the best OU players on Smogon--King Tsunami--needed 761 games to barely make the 8th place cut?

And as always, that thatsjusthaxy shemale is right under me. Good try, GURL.

Watch in awe as I win the XY OU tour this weekend.
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idk if im too late but in. If its too late i understand and i will just watch. My main alt will be beastly not camsuperman1 but if its nesscary i can use that alt
Yesterday again, many players thought they were in and spammed "you forgot me". I said it several times on the main chat but they kept spamming "hey you forgot me look I am #105". So I am going to post here hoping that everyone will see it...

When two (or more) people post at the same second on xenforo, they will share the same post number. There can be 2, 3, 4 or even more posts with the same number. In other words, if #120 is showed with your post but 10 people posted at the same time, you are actually the 129th person to join. That is why you didn't make it, even if the forums says you did.

Just look at yesterday's Tour, page 1. 43 people are on the first page, sharing the numbers #2-#25. That's already 18 people more, meaning that #110+ won't make it. My 128th player yesterday was #91 just because of this bug.

So again, I am really sorry for those who didn't make it, but this happens every Tour without byes. Yesterday was especially insane since it's probably the first time the #128 is listed so early. I only needed ~10 more people to make it 192 with byes so many people missed it, but I didn't forget anyone. Please keep that in mind for the remaining Tours and do not harass the host if this is the case.
This week is mine


user: -Tsunami-'s newest series and the resulting shitstorm by an angered player



"796 words to defend himself over a youtube upload" - shox

"I didn't see the and im telegend coming at all" - mcmeghan

Gotta agree with him though,, even if he lucks or uses the same team, I haven't seen him do anything to deserve so much hate. There are much worse people out there. But hey, losers don't lave haters so I guess you can take something from this. Stay up nigga

"All these bitches and niggas still hatin'"
"I used to be ballin, but now i'm Bill gatin'."
Gotta agree with him though,, even if he lucks or uses the same team, I haven't seen him do anything to deserve so much hate. There are much worse people out there. But hey, losers don't lave haters so I guess you can take something from this. Stay up nigga

"All these bitches and niggas still hatin'"
"I used to be ballin, but now i'm Bill gatin'."
here is a fan -Clone-
I have not been active AT ALL recently. Never thought i'd even make a post besides ''in'' ever again. But I just felt like i had to say:

Leftiez is a prodigy. My breh has made me proud, very proud.

PS. WhiteQueen you're still out here with your usual empty trash talk that's backed by your non-existent skill talking about the Great one when he aint even around, and hasn't been playing this game consistently at all. Just showin' up with his old teams and his rusty ass plays and still taking your homosexual ass to school. Still got more points than your nevergonnamakeittoplayoffs ass. stfu before i get ma boy leftiez to stick his big black dick up your big ass mouth. Open dat slanty eyes of yours and face the truth breh. My gay ass nikka got an erection for me and thinks that talkin about me gon get him the attention he wants(not a bad idea). Talkin' shit about me in public and privately seeking my ass and begging it for teams, offering his unwanted friendship:

Yeah breh, i saw dat shit.. don't think i just happened to miss it. No i saw it, and the reason i didn't respond was because you're not worth wasting my time for a response. This current post i'm making isn't a response to you, it's just to spur ma boy leftiez on and at the same time remind you how garbage you are because i felt like it.

Leftiez, keep it up my negro you got this shit on lock.
Short treatise:
Last night, despite having a good game against Drugs that I probably would have won (no offense meant, just saying), I left midway. I guess I should tell you why: My parents had just gotten back from a dinner party, it was midnight, and school was to start the next day. You can probably guess how bad it would be if they got me (I was 2 seconds away from being caught and I dozed off right after). This is also the reason I miss a lot of Tours, my dad stays up late. Sorry if this sounds irrelevant or self-pitying, I just wanted to clarify things for everyone.
Short treatise:
Last night, despite having a good game against Drugs that I probably would have won (no offense meant, just saying), I left midway. I guess I should tell you why: My parents had just gotten back from a dinner party, it was midnight, and school was to start the next day. You can probably guess how bad it would be if they got me (I was 2 seconds away from being caught and I dozed off right after). This is also the reason I miss a lot of Tours, my dad stays up late. Sorry if this sounds irrelevant or self-pitying, I just wanted to clarify things for everyone.
Short treatise:
Last night, despite having a good game against Drugs that I probably would have won (no offense meant, just saying), I left midway. I guess I should tell you why: My parents had just gotten back from a dinner party, it was midnight, and school was to start the next day. You can probably guess how bad it would be if they got me (I was 2 seconds away from being caught and I dozed off right after). This is also the reason I miss a lot of Tours, my dad stays up late. Sorry if this sounds irrelevant or self-pitying, I just wanted to clarify things for everyone.

epic dodge bro. dont let the haters get to you.
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