Challenge One of the hardest Pokemon questions of all time

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Octillery would not be blocked by Magic Bounce because it can get rid of Magic Bounce with Entrainment before using Soak.

You are mistaken here, Entrainment is reflected by Magic Bounce. If Octillery uses Entrainment on Espeon or any other Magic Bounce 'mon, Magic Bounce will trigger, make Espeon perform Entrainment, and give Octillery Magic Bounce. This happens with all moves that can be used to remove an opponents ability, like Worry Seed, Gastro Acid or Simple Beam. The only exception appears to be Skill Swap (which would anyway work the same if it gets bounced).

Not that it matters, since Multitype stops everything including Skill Swap, anyway.
Could it simply be that the quizmaster was mistaken? That he found a solution he thought would work, posted the question, and then found out it didn't work anyway? I mean, this thread has seen a couple of very thorough analyses exploring every possible option, and found exceptions that counter every possible strategy. A few solutions could work assuming a cooperative opponent, but unless the foe is tailored to be beaten by the chosen strategy, everything seems to fail. There simply is no correct answer to the question.
The closest we got to work is Skill Swap/Fighting Move/Fire Move on a Protean Kecleon, but it requires the opponent to use a Normal-Type move - anything we can't Skill Swap to or Weedle (no normal-type moves) is weak to one of Fighting or Fire.

Just because I feel like it, here's a small challenge that's much easier: In a 1vs6 singles battle, make a strategy that allows the lone Pokémon to win in Turn 1.
The closest we got to work is Skill Swap/Fighting Move/Fire Move on a Protean Kecleon, but it requires the opponent to use a Normal-Type move - anything we can't Skill Swap to or Weedle (no normal-type moves) is weak to one of Fighting or Fire.

Just because I feel like it, here's a small challenge that's much easier: In a 1vs6 singles battle, make a strategy that allows the lone Pokémon to win in Turn 1.

The single pokemon is Mega Salamence. GG.
Fling would cause it to be holding the plate no?

The opponent doesn't get the Flinged item, it's consumed.

Just because I feel like it, here's a small challenge that's much easier: In a 1vs6 singles battle, make a strategy that allows the lone Pokémon to win in Turn 1.

Use Luvdisc/Unknown/, you'll win in one turn as your opponent would have spent the entire time laughing.
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I'm literally at a roadblock. The ONLY way to get past this is to have some move to get past Spiritomb and Sableye. But... don't they finally have a weakness in Fairy type attacks?
I don't have any ideas right now, since my mind is dead. Well, good luck to you guys.
But you need to kill the 1st shedinja turn 1 while using stealth rock. So you need Sand Stream (or Hail, but Obama doesn't get SR)

Ferrothorn with SR or spikes and Iron Barbs (althoguh it requires the Shedinja to use a contact move) or anything with Red Card + hazards (although it needs the pokemon to use an attack turn one after the hazards are set up) could work. Also don't forget Hippopotas.

Also, since you can control the opponent's choice of pokemon, you could make the Shedinja use Final Gambit or Sandstorm (or hold a Sticky Barb), to kill itself. Or the lead pokemon could use Explosion or the like.
Answer to the 1v6 singles battle: In Gen III, anything uses Sandstorm or Hail against a team of six Shedinja. (In all other gens, replacement of fainted Pokémon takes place after end-of-turn weather damage.)

Seriously guys, this exact question was a battle disk in Pokémon XD. You guys are losing your touch.
Using this set:
Kecleon - Color Change
Skill Swap
Rock Smash
Shadow Ball
Here my analysis:
Arceus - Rock Smash SE - Check
Aegislash - Shadow Ball SE - Check
Shednija - Shadow Ball SE - Check
All Magic Bounce user (not counted the one in ORAS) : Xatu - Espeon - Mega Asbol all SE by Shadow Ball or Rock Smash - Check
The rest: Just Skill Swap first then:
1.If part normal type - Rock Smash. Will SE for most
Some type combine will not SE(normal/fairy or normal/psychic, etc) but will convert them to single fighting type
Use Shadow Ball next - Turn them to ghost type - Shadow Ball next - SE - Check
2. If not part normal type - shadow ball will hit - this will convert them to single Ghost type - Shadow Ball next - SE - Check

This is my analysis - I wonder if i leave something else not cover
Edit: The ruler do not state how many turn require so this may get max at 4 turns, but still get a SE at the end
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I don't know if this possible or not, since someone post this strategy ealrier, i just analysis it agains
Using this set:
Kecleon - Color Change
Skill Swap
Rock Smash
Shadow Ball
Here my analysis:
Arceus - Rock Smash SE - Check
Aegislash - Shadow Ball SE - Check
Shednija - Shadow Ball SE - Check
All Magic Bounce user (not counted the one in ORAS) : Xatu - Espeon - Mega Asbol all SE by Shadow Ball or Rock Smash - Check
The rest: Just Skill Swap first then:
1.If part normal type - Rock Smash. Will SE for most
Some type combine will not SE(normal/fairy or normal/psychic, etc) but will convert them to single fighting type
Use Shadow Ball next - Turn them to ghost type - Shadow Ball next - SE - Check
2. If not part normal type - shadow ball will hit - this will convert them to single Ghost type - Shadow Ball next - SE - Check

This is my analysis - I wonder if i leave something else not cover
Edit: The ruler do not state how many turn require so this may get max at 4 turns, but still get a SE at the end
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