Project ORAS NU Discussion / Speculation

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Mega Beedrill will probably only have one set considering it dies to every non-Mach Punch priority move, as well as scarfers that surpass it in speed. Swords dance may be cool, as people may think you are running protect and try to get the free switch, but roost is a huge waste of a moveslot. U-turn / Poison Jab / Drill Run / Protect seems like the best set to me with maybe Knock Off > protect if you are feeling bold.

could just be me not liking to run protect though I do know for the most part its necessary like Fake out for MegaBunny
Yeah not gonna lie I can't wait to try out a lead Aurorus w/ like Hyper Voice, Freeze-Dry, Earth Power, and Stealth Rock :afrostar:

By the way what do you guys think of Kecleon being able to spinblock its own Stealth Rock with Shadow Sneak? Something like Stealth Rock / Shadow Sneak / Knock Off / Filler seems fun tbh.
By the way what do you guys think of Kecleon being able to spinblock its own Stealth Rock with Shadow Sneak? Something like Stealth Rock / Shadow Sneak / Knock Off / Filler seems fun tbh.
Thunder Punch to beat Defoggers @3@

Kecleon is going to be really fun to use as well.
Teddeh would attest to the fact that Scyther/Lanturn/M-Pidgeot is a pretty cool Volt-Turn combo...although Pidgeot's power does leave a little to be wished for...still Hurricane is a decent late game win-con. And I also feel that Sand Offense(shoutout to Teddeh!) could be a dominant play style with something like:-
M-Steelix/Hippopotas/HW Mesprit/Doge/Hariyama/Ferroseed or Tangela idk; could be surpringly dominant. see it covers everything p.much, no fighting resist tho but Tangela can take Close Combats from everything so that's a moot point. Keckleon is gonna be fun to use now...90 attack hits suprisingly hard with a CB. NU prepare yourself. Based chameleon has arrived...also Pangoro is getting the banhammer lol nothing walls it now :(.
Belly Drum Slurpuff is gonn take souls..with only possibly M-Steelix as a check :(. Poisons get obliterated by the BD'd return...the power is real :)
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Teddeh would attest to the fact that Scyther/Lanturn/M-Pidgeot is a pretty cool Volt-Turn combo...although Pidgeot's power does leave a little to be wished for...still Hurricane is a decent late game win-con. And I also feel that Sand Offense(shoutout to Teddeh!) could be a dominant play style with something like:-
M-Steelix/Hippopotas/HW Mesprit/Doge/Hariyama/Ferroseed or Tangela idk; could be surpringly dominant. see it covers everything p.much, no fighting resist tho but Tangela can take Close Combats from everything so that's a moot point. Keckleon is gonna be fun to use now...90 attack hits suprisingly hard with a CB. NU prepare yourself. Based chameleon has arrived...also Pangoro is getting the banhammer lol nothing walls it now :(.
Belly Drum Slurpuff is gonn take souls..with only possibly M-Steelix as a check :(. Poisons get obliterated by the BD'd return...the power is real :)
1)Don't ever use banded kecleon, a regular set is better.
2)That sand team gets destroyed by mega pidgeot, late game after chip damage mostly, but early game too.

Not sure how I feel about sand offense with mega steelix. Sure its bulk is formidable and its attack is pretty above average with sand, but it still is too slow to outspeed its (very common) checks. This is not like rain where rain sweepers have not only better attack boosts, but huge speed and usually priority, meaning they can effectively sweep through teams, unlike steelix which gets a kill then gets revenge killed fairly easily. I just don't see why you would go through the effort to set up your passive-aggressive steelix only to get one kill then have to switch. Sand in general is okay, don't get me wrong, but it's not even worth it with mega steelix to me. Mega pigdeot would work though, as it's hurricanes are still 100% accurate and can take care of grass types for the team as well as fighting types that threaten Stoutland. In fact stoutland and pidgeot have great synergy together, better than steelix and stountland anyway. conclusion: Mega pidgeot on sand > mega steelix.
Just some m-steelix calcs for funzies:

252 SpA Life Orb Ninetales Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Steelix: 354-421 (100 - 118.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252+ SpA Life Orb Exeggutor Giga Drain vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Steelix: 177-211 (50 - 59.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Sand Force Steelix Heavy Slam (80 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Exeggutor in Sand: 208-246 (62.8 - 74.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage

I know some people were eager to run max spdef steelix-mega, but trust me the damage output on that thing is horrendous, even in sand. Also, this was a very biased opinion, so if there's a good side to mega steelix i'm not seeing, do share pls.
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M-Steelix's damage output is pretty decent in sand man :(). I think you're underestimating the amount of damage this thing can take. It has equivalent defense to 252/252+ regular steelix,so I can just use a boosting nature and dumb the rest of the EVS in attack and hit like a truck! Also why would I ever want to take Fire Blasts with this thing? :(. I do agree that M-Pidgeot cleans much better tho. Will update with more tomorrow :)
OK, honestly I have no idea where all this optimism is coming from. People talking about M-Glalie having a good chance of being NU is just complete nonsense. It has 100 speed with refrigerate explosion, return, eq , shard and 120 base atk. Ofc its not going to be NU. Especially if it gets freeze dry. Same with Pidgeot, it would be broken as hell. A super fast mon capable of firing off hurricanes hitting every single time from a 135 sp atk, with access to uturn and heatwave would savage the whole tier.

Imo, the only mons that will maybe stay NU is M-Audino and M-Camerupt, although I have my doubts about Camerupt. I mean M-Banette is RU and is clearly worse than all of these new megas.
OK, honestly I have no idea where all this optimism is coming from. People talking about M-Glalie having a good chance of being NU is just complete nonsense. It has 100 speed with refrigerate explosion, return, eq , shard and 120 base atk. Ofc its not going to be NU. Especially if it gets freeze dry. Same with Pidgeot, it would be broken as hell. A super fast mon capable of firing off hurricanes hitting every single time from a 135 sp atk, with access to uturn and heatwave would savage the whole tier.

Imo, the only mons that will maybe stay NU is M-Audino and M-Camerupt, although I have my doubts about Camerupt. I mean M-Banette is RU and is clearly worse than all of these new megas.
Have to disagree with you about M-Pidge. RU has Moltres, while not as fast, hits a LOT harder. Not only that, it also gets STAB fire moves which allows it to actually punish the Electric-type switchins. I can see empidge staying NU quite easily, tbh.
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Just for future reference, if tiering works the way it does now the relevance of current NU pokemon in higher tiers won't matter unless their usage is high enough to force them to rise to that tier. That has no relevance in regards to how these pokemon perform in what we know now as the current ORAS NU metagame. For example, Slurpuff might be really effective in ORAS NU right now, but you don't see me talking about how it may be lackluster in a tier like RU that has Doublade because that has no relevance to how Slurpuff functions in ORAS NU.

To touch on what atomicllamas said about three months of M-Pidgeot, I think some of us are forgetting how tiering works provided its going to work the same way in ORAS. Unless something is deemed ban-worthy by the NU council we're gonna be stuck with it until it rises via usage, remember how we sat through weeks of Omastar-Spiritomb offense on ladder? Remember when we could use Doublade and Virizion? Unless the tiering policy changes I really just don't see what all this discussion about viability in higher tiers has to do with ORAS NU, at least for the next few months. If nearing the next tier shifts M-Pidgeot is at like 14% in RU then I can see us talking about a metagame without it.
if you guys could stop posting about RU in a NU thread, that would be amazing. (if you don't get the hint, well lurk more)

and yeah i did underestimate some megas in my earlier posts.. Glalie, Sceptile, and even Camerupt are way too strong, and Audino / Steelix are so fat,, (Glalie can OHKO GATR with Explosion after Stealth Rock, do I need to say more?).

Pidgeot and Beedrill are probably the only Megas that I think will stay NU, not saying they won't rise though; just that I don't think they will be overcentralizing like the other Megas.
M-Pidgeot is a good mon, but it suffers from poor coverage. Moltres hits harder since it can run LO/Specs or it can be faster w/ Scarf. Moltres also gets stab on Fire Blast, unlike Pidgeot, so it can really punish steel/electric types where Pidgeot falls short:

252 SpA Pidgeot Heat Wave vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Eelektross: 86-102 (22.9 - 27.2%) -- 52.8% chance to 4HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Moltres Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Eelektross: 211-249 (56.4 - 66.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

"Slight" difference in power. Pidgeot is simply easier to wall as well.

252 SpA Pidgeot Hurricane vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Lickilicky: 138-163 (32.5 - 38.4%) -- 2.6% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ SpA Choice Specs Moltres Fire Blast vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Lickilicky: 214-253 (50.4 - 59.6%) -- 83.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

I really can't see why you would use M-Pidgeot in RU where so many mons can switch in:

Slowking, Cresselia, Aromatisse, Registeel (lol Heat Wave), Audino, Eelektross, Golbat, Lanturn

And faster electric types - Scarf Rotom-C, Scarf Magneton, and Jolteon

Am I saying M-Pidgeot bad in RU? No, it's still a good mon and have a niche over Moltres since it can't miss and doesn't need a scarf to be fast; but it's just not great in RU. It would need a lot of team support to do very well. NU is definitely capable of handling M-Pidgeot as well, maybe I'm wrong and someone will figure out a core that makes M-Pidgeot broke. As it stands currently, I see it becoming a top tier nu mon.

NU is alot less bulky atm and you practically never see lickylicky or Audino being used, electric types in NU are frail af, and the steel types in NU cannot take heat waves (ferroseed, klingklang) etc.. with the exception of bastiodon and probopass. But I have to admit after reading your comment, that it might actually fit in NU. Especially if the metagame adapts and ppl start to use more bulky pokemon.
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