Bleach Discussion Thread

If you don't think Bach is a round character then you're dumb. The plot progression of Bleach is horrid, but it at least has round characters.

lol don't get so defensive just because Bleach has such horrible character development for most characters, including Ywach. If you think his character was developed at all this chapter then you probably need to brush up on what that term means. Just because his powers were revealed to match his characterization doesn't mean his actual character progressed or changed in any fashion. You're nitpicking in order to praise a rather vapid character in a very lackluster arc. At this point we should know more about the big baddie and the Sternritter in general.
lol don't get so defensive just because Bleach has such horrible character development for most characters, including Ywach. If you think his character was developed at all this chapter then you probably need to brush up on what that term means. Just because his powers were revealed to match his characterization doesn't mean his actual character progressed or changed in any fashion. You're nitpicking in order to praise a rather vapid character in a very lackluster arc. At this point we should know more about the big baddie and the Sternritter in general.

His character was developed in the chapter where it explained how his powers happened. It showed that he was self serving and not at all selfless and would rather have someone do work for him.

This chapter just illiterated the point. But what would I know as an English (focus on stories) major. Obviously your confusion with plot and character development is vastly superior to my knowledge of these subjects.
His character was developed in the chapter where it explained how his powers happened. It showed that he was self serving and not at all selfless and would rather have someone do work for him.

This chapter just illiterated the point. But what would I know as an English (focus on stories) major. Obviously your confusion with plot and character development is vastly superior to my knowledge of these subjects.

You have the nerve to call me dumb and boast of your academia, yet you're the one with trouble differentiating between characterization and character development. Let me help you out there.

Characterization: the creation and convincing representation of fictitious characters.

Character development: character development is, by definition, the change in characterization of a dynamic character, who changes over the course of a narrative. At its core, it shows a character changing. Most narrative fiction in any media will feature some display of this.

Only his characterization was showcased in that chapter you mentioned. In this latest chapter his powers were demonstrated to also represent his characterization, much like how Kubo depicted some of the espada in battle. There's still no development in his character to be seen yet. You might as well shove that diploma up your ass because it's no better than toilet paper if you're this ignorant about something you supposedly major in.
Not commenting on the rest of the English nerdery but lol Matthew

"This chapter just illiterated the point. But what would I know as an English (focus on stories) major."

that sentence is funny on at least 3 levels lmao

sry 2 call u out bebe but its 2 funny
If Bach is truly the Almighty, How exactly did Yamamoto(even in his prime) manage to beat him? I hope Kubo does a flashback of this at some point, because it's clear that Bach has to have some weaknesses.
this chapter was horrible but not unexpected. aftter getting his ass handed to him bach starts winning "because".

there is one important thing we learn from this chapter though: bach shares his letter with his successor, ergo, uryuu. does that mean that uryuu also possesses the almighty? perhaps his letter A stands for something different?

the is also the case with bach's lieutenant. iirc, he used to be letter A as well but was demoted to letter B. what does that say of his special power? can it change? it is possible he was letter B all along and i'm just misremembering.
I'd rather watch these two battle and go toe to toe with Bach eventually pulling through in the end, than this constant game of "THIS IS MY AMAZING POWER" "omg fuck I'm gonna die-- wait no it's fine lol" "OKAY THIS IS MY OTHER AMAZING POWER" etc etc. Bach is literally doing nothing but getting his ass kicked and then magically pulling his ass out of trouble. This chapter is dumb, this arc is dumb, Kubo is so dumb. Dumb dumb dumb.
I'd rather watch these two battle and go toe to toe with Bach eventually pulling through in the end, than this constant game of "THIS IS MY AMAZING POWER" "omg fuck I'm gonna die-- wait no it's fine lol" "OKAY THIS IS MY OTHER AMAZING POWER" etc etc. Bach is literally doing nothing but getting his ass kicked and then magically pulling his ass out of trouble. This chapter is dumb, this arc is dumb, Kubo is so dumb. Dumb dumb dumb.
it's been like this since at least ichigo and ulquiorra's fight. if we expected any different, then we would be dumb. the only reason i still read this is because fuck i've been reading for years now, might as well see the end of it.
so basically bach's comeback amounts to "oops you accidentaly made me activate devil trigger/genei jin/kaioken". good job.

annoying how ichibei was another victim of the "hastened shikai/bankai reveal preceeding utter defeat" motif that has been going for a while. and, sadly, i can only guess the same will happen to the rest of the zero squad, which was, as i remember, hyped as the most ridiculously powerful beings in soul society.

well, kubo, at least make uryuu's supposed being mightier than bach interesting.

inb4 ichigo acting emo.
inb4 chad is defeated.
inb4 they call on aizen's help.
Agree with Yuri and Shinryu, how hard is it to have a fight not be one sided as hell and not make the enemy rely on something ridiculously bs to just curb-stomp a fight. Yhwach has become just as stupid as a villain as Aizen balance wise.
I agree with everyone here, it seems painfully obvious that the Zero Squad is going to be a real 0 in terms of performance. However, I'm hoping Shunsui and co manage to make the fights more balanced - the only people that I think can find a weakness in Yhwach's ability are Aizen and Urahara at this point though, Ichigo brute force won't help much here.
Makes you really wonder just how strong Yamamoto and the others were to have stopped him before sometimes, assuming this isn't some red herring with the last panel and Ichibei still has the upper hand...

Also just finally noticed Bach has 3 pupils in each eye, past/present/future I guess?
Ichigo brute force won't help much here.
I actually am not sure about that- Bach talked about how he can take advantage of powers that have been described to him, but Ichigo's power outside of Getsugas is "slashing like hell and hoping it works" with can't exactly be stolen.

But yeah bye bye Squad Zero :(
I just realized that Yhwach freaking destroyed Yamamoto without a challenge WITHOUT USING A SINGLE PART OF HIS POWER. Ugh that pisses me off almost as much as this chapter.
I bet you Kubo realized "oh crap the supposed to be strongest shinigami ever just got his ass kicked by Yhwach's powers we should probably revive him so there is the slightest sense of a fight not going in Yhwach's favor."

Yeah this series has 0 hope for me rest in peace Bleach. You could've made Yhwach a villain that seems powerful but not overpowered to the point of ridiculousness by just having an actual fight with Ichibei which would be CLOSE instead of just "Oh I have A for the Almighty you can die now."

I was really hoping something cool would happen to prevent Yhwach from meeting the Soul King immediately like Shinji going with the other Vizards and then uses Sakanade to pull a trick, Ukitake's using his kamikake or whatever to pull something off, or even Nel and Grimmjow doing something I don't know ANYTHING THAN JUST GOING THERE AFTER STOMPING ICHIBEI. Though it's my fault for expecting something cool to happen to this series. I would rather see Renji vs Bazz-B over the rest of this entire arc.
While I agree that there's a lot to be said on the negatives of this arc, I thought the last page was fascinating:

The Soul King being Yhwach's Father is a big shock. Indeed, there's actual hope that the Soul King isn't just the usual overpowered piece of baloney(Yhwach), but someone with actual character depth. We might also get some insight into the birth of the Shinigami World and flashbacks to Yamamoto and co in their prime (and anything is better than the current arc).
wait, did ichibei get blasted to bits (literally) or is that just some visual effect to show the blast or whatever BSking shot???

we'll turns out he did get blasted to bits.....then got revived :| I give up (unless ohetsu really escaped kicking the bucket)

edit: if ichibei can steal the power of those who mentioned his name, then doesn't that include Bach's? then again, bs king can just get it back(?)
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Like everyone else I've long since resigned myself to being disappointed and to just keep with it since it is the end...

Guess it was fortunate that Back didn't obliterate Ichibei like he did to Yamamoto, be kinda hard to piece himself together then...

I dunno if the Soul King being Bach's father is supposed to be a shocker or not; I mean, in a way all of creation is sorta tied to the Soul King in some way right? So he's kinda the progenitor of everyone in one way of looking at it. Hopefully we'll at least get an elaboration on wtf he does and why it's so important at least since they've all been vague as hell up to now.
I think :/ was kinda my reaction to that whole chapter

Even the whole "Soul King daddy" thing is just kinda whatever, doubt it'll actually be fleshed out and it's just kind of a "dun dun duuuuunnn" kinda thing