Media Videogame Thread

The most boring type of combat for me is turn based without real positioning. And that "real time action" is included in this. Games include, sadly, FFVII (which I own and do not feel like going back to play), most of the main line Final Fantasies, Bravely Default (I have played the demo of this, I can't see the full game combat system to be drastically different), Chrono Trigger, Pokemon etc. These games basically turn into mashing A and maybe a few D-pad presses until the battle is finished, which for obvious reasons is unappealing. I'm sure the stories are great, but I'm never going to make it there.

I'm kinda just taking one point and running with it here but I really liked Bravely Default's combat system. It was fairly easy to see how to best use it most of the time (spam Brave on random enemies, spend as much time as possible Defaulting on bosses) but that still puts a very unique spin on the combat compared to most other RPGs, even though the jobs and such are all standard FF issue. I'm disappointed at how the game was so needlessly and honestly kind of insultingly padded out though, I ended up getting bored of it in chapter 7. Bravely Second probably won't pull the same stunt though so I'm looking forward to it.
Anyone else hoping Nintendo finally goes mainstream with their next console?
I've been a huge Nintendo fanboy ever since I can remember but they're starting to fade away. They severely need new leadership because ,as sad as it is, Iwata and Miyamoto don't understand the 21st century industry or the West. They only think inside Japan where PlayStation and Xbox aren't as successful(especially Xbox) so they refuse to compete and they do something weird that alienates them elsewhere. They've been relying on 1st parties since the Nintendo 64 and it's clear that they can't take much more of that. The bad decisions they made in the 90s are starting to bite them in the but now. And I'm kinda sad about it but it's true
No and no.

PS4 just got the first exclusive game that I care about, everything else I can play on PC. Whereas with my WiiU I still have games I have yet to play (like Bayonetta 2 and Pikmin 3), with new stuff still coming out this year.

This propaganda shit you're spewing was pretty vapid two years ago considering that the exact same stuff was said about the 3ds, but the year of the WiiU was 2014 and it's now 2015, so I don't know how anyone can be so out of touch without being on a corporate payroll.

"Bad 90s decisions" what are you even talking about?

I don't know exactly what you mean by going mainstream, but I gather you mean competitive graphics that would cause them to take a loss on each console. Sony and Microsoft are super companies who can do this. Nintendo can't. They will always be like this.
No and no.

PS4 just got the first exclusive game that I care about, everything else I can play on PC. Whereas with my WiiU I still have games I have yet to play (like Bayonetta 2 and Pikmin 3), with new stuff still coming out this year.

This propaganda shit you're spewing was pretty vapid two years ago considering that the exact same stuff was said about the 3ds, but the year of the WiiU was 2014 and it's now 2015, so I don't know how anyone can be so out of touch without being on a corporate payroll.

"Bad 90s decisions" what are you even talking about?

I don't know exactly what you mean by going mainstream, but I gather you mean competitive graphics that would cause them to take a loss on each console. Sony and Microsoft are super companies who can do this. Nintendo can't. They will always be like this.
I'm not spewing propaganda. In case you missed it, I'm a Nintendo fanboy. With that said, making a mainstream console with competitive graphics, good online,better store,better YouTube policies,a NORMAL controller,and voice chat need to happen for Nintendo to compete. Which they need to do or else they'll get consistently poor sales.
And by "poor 90s decisions" here's what I'm referring to:
When they released the Nintendo 64 they decided to maintain cartridges rather than jumping to discs and they purposely made it hard to develop for. This drove 3rd parties away and they've never been seen since. And they also back stabbed Sony when they were developing a CD attachment for the SNES(They were originally developing it with Sony but one day later betrayed them for Phillips. Sony then released the PlayStation.)
And let me clarify, I'm a huge Nintendo fan and I love my Wii U but I feel that if Nintendo wants to stay relevant than they have to innovate(OTHER THAN THE CONTROLLER),feature competitive graphics,improve YouTube policy,start marketing better etc.
Sony has no games and microsoft is actively trying to kill the industry by buying talented developers and shutting them down. Mobile games are the real future, and that's where all the money's at. You couldn't be more wrong because Nintendo's mobile games sector will be the head of the industry by the end of next year.

I'm done typing this and honestly I don't know if that was sarcastic or not. I'm just gonna let it fly.
Sony has no games and microsoft is actively trying to kill the industry by buying talented developers and shutting them down. Mobile games are the real future, and that's where all the money's at. You couldn't be more wrong because Nintendo's mobile games sector will be the head of the industry by the end of next year.

I'm done typing this and honestly I don't know if that was sarcastic or not. I'm just gonna let it fly.
Nintendo will always be a console developer. They're developing for mobile but consoles will always be where the meat is. No one is going to stop making console games and focus on mobile games except Sega(And that was a horrible idea btw)
I'm not spewing propaganda. In case you missed it, I'm a Nintendo fanboy. With that said, making a mainstream console with competitive graphics, good online,better store,better YouTube policies,a NORMAL controller,and voice chat need to happen for Nintendo to compete. Which they need to do or else they'll get consistently poor sales.
And by "poor 90s decisions" here's what I'm referring to:
When they released the Nintendo 64 they decided to maintain cartridges rather than jumping to discs and they purposely made it hard to develop for. This drove 3rd parties away and they've never been seen since. And they also back stabbed Sony when they were developing a CD attachment for the SNES(They were originally developing it with Sony but one day later betrayed them for Phillips. Sony then released the PlayStation.)
And let me clarify, I'm a huge Nintendo fan and I love my Wii U but I feel that if Nintendo wants to stay relevant than they have to innovate(OTHER THAN THE CONTROLLER),feature competitive graphics,improve YouTube policy,start marketing better etc.

Again, they are not going to be making overpriced loss lead consoles. Acting like this is a "mistake" and not a reality of being a smaller company in a hostile market is absolutely propaganda. I never said you were a Sony/Microsoft fanboy, but you've certainly been listening to one.

Your grasp of gaming events in the 90s is also not very good. The Sony/Nintendo relationship failed due to licensing issues before Nintendo went to Phillips.
Sony has no games and microsoft is actively trying to kill the industry by buying talented developers and shutting them down. Mobile games are the real future, and that's where all the money's at. You couldn't be more wrong because Nintendo's mobile games sector will be the head of the industry by the end of next year.

I'm done typing this and honestly I don't know if that was sarcastic or not. I'm just gonna let it fly.

Honestly, this is just as baffling though. Mobile will not be "the future" so long as the mobile market is shovelware. Everyone is doing it because it can make money, but this behavior is like saying "porn is successful, the future of movies must be porn". It's certainly not INTEGRAL to Nintendo's future, have you seen the 3ds sales? More than all of the current home consoles combined.
Again, they are not going to be making overpriced loss lead consoles. Acting like this is a "mistake" and not a reality of being a smaller company in a hostile market is absolutely propaganda. I never said you were a Sony/Microsoft fanboy, but you've certainly been listening to one.

Your grasp of gaming events in the 90s is also not very good. The Sony/Nintendo relationship failed due to licensing issues before Nintendo went to Phillips.
Is it hostile? Absolutely. Microsoft and Sony are tech giants. However, to stay alive in this market you need to compete. If Nintendo releases a console with the same mandatory features as the next Xbox and PlayStation while improving YouTube policy and marketing, Nintendo could very well dominate. Not only would they regain third party support but they'd also be Giants in the industry because of their God tier first party games.
Is it hostile? Absolutely. Microsoft and Sony are tech giants. However, to stay alive in this market you need to compete. If Nintendo releases a console with the same mandatory features as the next Xbox and PlayStation while improving YouTube policy and marketing, Nintendo could very well dominate. Not only would they regain third party support but they'd also be Giants in the industry because of their God tier first party games.

Someone please explain to this guy what loss lead means.

Okay I will.

Let's compare the PS4 and WiiU in 2014. Every PS4 that is sold loses Sony money. Every WiiU that Nintendo sells gains them money. For Sony, this is called a loss lead. By losing money on systems, in theory they gain money through software due to a larger install base (more people who will buy the product).

The top selling PS4 game in 2015 was Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. It sold 5.5 million copies. The top selling WiiU game was Mario Kart 8. It sold 4 million copies.

That's 1.5 million more copies for the PS4 game, selling more than 35% than the WiiU game. However, the PS4 has sold twice as much as the WiiU. 35% is nowhere near 200%. Going down the list, WiiU games sold pretty favorably compared to PS4 games. And without taking a loss on the consoles.

If you still don't get the big picture, the best selling game of 2014 was ORAS. That sold 7.4 million copies. More than CoD, but, again, the 3DS has sold 2.5 times more than the PS4. Selling 2 million more games wouldn't mean dick for Nintendo if each of the fifty million 3DS systems they sold had lost them money.

For Sony and Microsoft, video games in general are loss leads. These are companies that make their money off of televisions and computer software respectively. Graphic fidelity in video game consoles, not to mention the constant attempts at turning game consoles into "home entertainment systems", is all about image.

Nintendo stays competitive by making good games, and by restricting those games to one console. Until the day comes that people don't actually want to play video games, or until Sony/Microsoft care about making them, Nintendo won't be going anywhere.
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On a note where I'm not being a sniffy jerk, has anyone played "One Way Heroics" and if so what did you think of it?

Quoting myself to say I went and bought this when it was on Steam sale and recommend to anyone who likes Roguelikes. Also recommend FTL: Faster Than Light.
Also have you actually seen the Smash 4 graphics on a HD screen? The game is fucking beautiful. Might not be realistic style, but it looks stunning none the less.

So, HUGE Evolve update last night totally 7.1GB (My internet wept in shame and I had to leave my PC on overnight). 4 new hunters and the new monster. Sounds like they need some balance issues sorting though as apparently the new hunters are far better than the original 12...
Someone please explain to this guy what loss lead means.

Okay I will.

Let's compare the PS4 and WiiU in 2014. Every PS4 that is sold loses Sony money. Every WiiU that Nintendo sells gains them money. For Sony, this is called a loss lead. By losing money on systems, in theory they gain money through software due to a larger install base (more people who will buy the product).

The top selling PS4 game in 2015 was Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. It sold 5.5 million copies. The top selling WiiU game was Mario Kart 8. It sold 4 million copies.

That's 1.5 million more copies for the PS4 game, selling more than 35% than the WiiU game. However, the PS4 has sold twice as much as the WiiU. 35% is nowhere near 200%. Going down the list, WiiU games sold pretty favorably compared to PS4 games. And without taking a loss on the consoles.

If you still don't get the big picture, the best selling game of 2014 was ORAS. That sold 7.4 million copies. More than CoD, but, again, the 3DS has sold 2.5 times more than the PS4. Selling 2 million more games wouldn't mean dick for Nintendo if each of the fifty million 3DS systems they sold had lost them money.

For Sony and Microsoft, video games in general are loss leads. These are companies that make their money off of televisions and computer software respectively. Graphic fidelity in video game consoles, not to mention the constant attempts at turning game consoles into "home entertainment systems", is all about image.

Nintendo stays competitive by making good games, and by restricting those games to one console. Until the day comes that people don't actually want to play video games, or until Sony/Microsoft care about making them, Nintendo won't be going anywhere.
Ok I get your point on this but Nintendo should still be competitive because
1. It would get them 3rd party support
2. Sales will be better
3. No mandatory gimmicks would put them in a better spot in the eyes of non Nintendo fanboys. But like you said, this could put them in a loss lead. Nintendo won't be going anywhere, true . However, they'd be constantly making underselling consoles with no 3rd parties. Until they lose all their money, that's what they'll be doing unless something changes. Nintendo can't survive on 1st parties alone. They did that for the Nintendo 64,the GameCube, the Wii, and the Wii U. It's not going to work much longer. I love how different Nintendo is but if they keep making gimmicks and trying to be their own thing, only Nintendo fanboys would buy their consoles.
I don't get it. Do you just want Halo and Smash 10 on the same console? Sora and Mario duking it out in Smash? As it stands, the 3DS and Wii U stand on an insurmountable throne. If they could hypothetically bargain for more licenses sure but they're not Bill Gates and they'll be fine without venturing millions of dollars into some fantasy lmao
I don't get it. Do you just want Halo and Smash 10 on the same console? Sora and Mario duking it out in Smash? As it stands, the 3DS and Wii U stand on an insurmountable throne. If they could hypothetically bargain for more licenses sure but they're not Bill Gates and they'll be fine without venturing millions of dollars into some fantasy lmao
Where did I ever say this? I just want Nintendo to compete for their sake. If they can have their first parties and killer 3rd parties, they're going to dominate. But they won't be able to achieve good sales by first parties alone. If they choose to have no more gimmicks and to have beefy hardware and actually attract 3rd parties then they'll be king once again
The single most replayable game ever


yes it is

(technically it's behind Skyrim in my Steam hours but I got it for like 10% of the cost and I haven't modded FTL yet either, Captain's Edition sounds pretty neat)
Where did I ever say this? I just want Nintendo to compete for their sake. If they can have their first parties and killer 3rd parties, they're going to dominate. But they won't be able to achieve good sales by first parties alone. If they choose to have no more gimmicks and to have beefy hardware and actually attract 3rd parties then they'll be king once again

Nintendo have been doing the exact thing they're doing right now since about 1990. Just saying.

Also their sales aren't a problem in the sense that they're making solid money on them, something Microsoft and Sony aren't doing.

yes it is

(technically it's behind Skyrim in my Steam hours but I got it for like 10% of the cost and I haven't modded FTL yet either, Captain's Edition sounds pretty neat)

God fucking dammit I hate this game so fucking much haha. I've never managed to get to the end with any of the normal ships, only modded ones. I just cannot fucking do it at all xD
Nintendo have been doing the exact thing they're doing right now since about 1990. Just saying.
I know. However, this isn't working anymore. If the abysmal Wii U sales are any indication, gamers want no gimmicks,powerful hardware,and 1st + 3rd parties. Nintendo doesn't have any of these unless they change something with NX.
I know. However, this isn't working anymore. If the abysmal Wii U sales are any indication, gamers want no gimmicks,powerful hardware,and 1st + 3rd parties. Nintendo doesn't have any of these unless they change something with NX.
nintendos been in the black since september

edit @ FTL: one time i got the third stage of the final boss down to ONE FUCKING HIT POINT and then died. literally traumatizing :((((