Unpopular opinions

-I like hacked games. As long as theres no fakemons and absurd levels, i'll play it. Pokemon reborn and glazed are awesome.
-I love platinum. Everything about that game was awesome.
-I don't like nuzlocks. Turns the game into dog fighting more than it already is
-I like and respect Ash and pray that the writers will realise that they don't need to hand ash the idiot ball at the end of a region.
-Kanto is a bland region but i would love to see what GF can do with it in this day and age
Fair enough with the rest of the points, though I disagree somewhat about Kanto bring bland. On the downside, there is no theme/concept/ambience tying the region together as later regions had, it's very generic in that respect. Conversely, though, I love the map design. It's not just a long corridor like some later regions are, there are shortcuts and bypasses all over the place, giving you a certain amount of freedom in the order you do things, and the layout encourages you to revisit places later in a way that I wish later generations did.
Here's an unpopular opinion for the ages:

Pokémon is a terrible series, an imbalanced bug-ridden train wreck that shows active contempt for its players, and I regret ever picking it up.

They say ignorance is bliss, and once this site started blasting more and more holes in it to make me realize just how inherently flawed the whole series is and that it will never be brought to an actually playable state, I haven't even been able to touch them.
And with the announcement of that traitorous Game Freak's backstabbing vanity project Tembo the Badass Elephant, along with the smugly-violating-everything-Nintendo-stands-for Shuffle, now I'm even more convinced that it needs to die out.
Here's an unpopular opinion for the ages:

Pokémon is a terrible series, an imbalanced bug-ridden train wreck that shows active contempt for its players, and I regret ever picking it up.

They say ignorance is bliss, and once this site started blasting more and more holes in it to make me realize just how inherently flawed the whole series is and that it will never be brought to an actually playable state, I haven't even been able to touch them.
And with the announcement of that traitorous Game Freak's backstabbing vanity project Tembo the Badass Elephant, along with the smugly-violating-everything-Nintendo-stands-for Shuffle, now I'm even more convinced that it needs to die out.
Watch the third edition for this Gen say something about the end of Pokemon
I'm afraid they'll keep making Pokémon games 'till they stop making money. Declining quality and/or popularity has never stopped a franchise before - the final decision is always financial.

Pokémon survives by "recruiting" new kids to the series, and doesn't really bother much with those who outgrow it. The extremely vocal fanbase generate the required marketing buzz and a huge community for newcomers to get into, and help sell the games better than any marketing department ever could. But if people outgrows the series - well, that just means GameFreak can sell the old stuff to new players who've never seen it before (case in point - the Anime which does the same things over and over every generation).

The only worry GameFreak might have is maintaining their fanbase. As long as the Internet is happy, the games will sell like hotcakes. Most people who outgrow the series simply stop talking about them, while few are vocal enough to voice their dislike without coming across as bitter trolls. The worst case scenario would be if the fanbase kept liking the franchise and the concepts and ideas it made, but started disliking the games. That way, they'd have a lot of people talking about how bad the games are, at least compared to what they were earlier. Otherwise, GameFreak can quietly assume that people who dislike the games simply stop following them. As long as they keep delivering decent games, they should keep their fanbase, Pokémon will keep being a money making machine, and the franchise will keep existing for a long, long time. Heck, even if the games become universally accepted as rather terrible, the brand value of Pokémon will still keep it afloat for years. Just look at the Sonic games, for instance. Terrible reviews all over the place, yet new games continue to be made, and they tend to make their money back.

Given the sales numbers of Gen. VI so far, it's pretty safe to say that Pokémon will NOT end this Gen, or for that matter the next one. It will take repeat failures over very many years to bring this franchise down.
Look at the Sonic series, repeated failures didn't bring it down. I believe marketing is the most important aspect of pokemon not the mistakes the game does.
I'm afraid they'll keep making Pokémon games 'till they stop making money. Declining quality and/or popularity has never stopped a franchise before - the final decision is always financial.

Pokémon survives by "recruiting" new kids to the series, and doesn't really bother much with those who outgrow it. The extremely vocal fanbase generate the required marketing buzz and a huge community for newcomers to get into, and help sell the games better than any marketing department ever could. But if people outgrows the series - well, that just means GameFreak can sell the old stuff to new players who've never seen it before (case in point - the Anime which does the same things over and over every generation).

The only worry GameFreak might have is maintaining their fanbase. As long as the Internet is happy, the games will sell like hotcakes. Most people who outgrow the series simply stop talking about them, while few are vocal enough to voice their dislike without coming across as bitter trolls. The worst case scenario would be if the fanbase kept liking the franchise and the concepts and ideas it made, but started disliking the games. That way, they'd have a lot of people talking about how bad the games are, at least compared to what they were earlier. Otherwise, GameFreak can quietly assume that people who dislike the games simply stop following them. As long as they keep delivering decent games, they should keep their fanbase, Pokémon will keep being a money making machine, and the franchise will keep existing for a long, long time. Heck, even if the games become universally accepted as rather terrible, the brand value of Pokémon will still keep it afloat for years. Just look at the Sonic games, for instance. Terrible reviews all over the place, yet new games continue to be made, and they tend to make their money back.

Given the sales numbers of Gen. VI so far, it's pretty safe to say that Pokémon will NOT end this Gen, or for that matter the next one. It will take repeat failures over very many years to bring this franchise down.
Yeah, I really WANT to like the games, but I'm just finding it really hard to anymore.
If shinies actually did anything in battle people would just complain about the unfair advantage and how you have to hack have a viable team. Right now they are just a feature to add replay value to the game for collectors and I quite like that.

Yeah, I always thought it would be a neat idea to give a Shiny Pokemon a special move to use. Nothing broken, maybe heal some HP or cure them of status ailments. But as you said, that brings the problem if the move is too useful like I suggested then everyone would try to make a good number of their Pokemon Shiny to use those moves. Sadly there's not much you can do with a Shiny in the sense of battles without 1. making the additional thing not really worth it thus might as well not exist or 2. make it so good that everyone would want to have their team be Shiny and those who don't might be at a disadvantage. I suppose maybe they could set up a certain side story involving Shinies, but it would be about or what it'll reward I don't know (the Shiny Charm already increases your chance of finding a Shiny and that's for Dex completion).

-I like and respect Ash and pray that the writers will realise that they don't need to hand ash the idiot ball at the end of a region.
-Kanto is a bland region but i would love to see what GF can do with it in this day and age

Idiot Hero, Or Writer: Yeah, I liked how the writer wrote Ash during the Battle Frontier and Sinnoh League. But come Best Wishes they hard reset him to being an idiot (like Iris telling him he needs to weaken a Pokemon before catching it). Also he has gotten into the habit of scanning Pokemon he already scanned (and its not like the Pokedex is telling him any new information).
Not to mention Pikachu has to sell out to the new gen Pokemon. At least for the first episode of Best Wishes it made sense Pikachu lose to Trip's Snivy because Zekrom had zapped its power and had they gone along with that plot point it would have been fine and explained why Pikachu was so weak and had to relearn moves... but at the end of the episode Zekrom gave Pikachu its power back so what was the point? To make Ash look bad in front of Trip? Trip is a bit of a racist so there was no need. And then Pikachu goes on to lose to Panpour in the Striaton Gym Battle! Okay, fine, it did Mud Sport to weaken Pikachu's electrical attacks, but Pikachu still has its raw power behind it! And then once again Pikachu gets beaten in the Santalune Gym by a SURSKIT, which isn't even a new Pokemon!

Kanto Do: Yeah, i can forgive Kanto in Gen I for being bland since it was the first games, though they haven't really done much else with it. I do think the Gen II games and their remakes added some interest to Kanto, and as noobcubed said I do like how Kanto is set up where there's shortcuts all over and you get to "revisit" places (even if you just run through them to get to the next area). Made it feel like an actual map compared to Unova which was just one linear path and Kalos was was a linear path which often entered into Lumiose City. With us being in a new timeline they could use that as an excuse to make another Kanto game... but do we really want another remake of Kanto? While I'm not against going back to Kanto, I would like it to be expanded upon instead of the same story told again.

Here's an unpopular opinion for the ages:

Pokémon is a terrible series, an imbalanced bug-ridden train wreck that shows active contempt for its players, and I regret ever picking it up.

They say ignorance is bliss, and once this site started blasting more and more holes in it to make me realize just how inherently flawed the whole series is and that it will never be brought to an actually playable state, I haven't even been able to touch them.
And with the announcement of that traitorous Game Freak's backstabbing vanity project Tembo the Badass Elephant, along with the smugly-violating-everything-Nintendo-stands-for Shuffle, now I'm even more convinced that it needs to die out.

Hmm, well first off I won't say you're wrong. Its your opinion and I perfectly can see why people won't like Pokemon (though I do have to ask if you don't like Pokemon why are you on a Pokemon forum?). But I do want to respond to some of your comments:

Imbalance: Yup, Pokemon is not balanced, and that's a good thing. I know, you probably think I'm crazy to say that, but if ALL the Pokemon were balanced then honestly it would be a pretty boring game. Imbalance allows certain Pokemon to stand out and may even force people to come up with creative strategies to have Pokemon they like to become competitive. And when a new strategy is made and works really well it surprises everyone and suddenly an otherwise unlikely Pokemon gets a lot more attention and people start thinking differently about it (Follow Me Pachirisu, anyone?).
Also you got to remember that Pokemon's main game is a story. Of course you're going to encounter weaker Pokemon at the very beginning, you're suppose to gradually build your team up as you play through the game. Those early Pokemon are meant to be a crutch until you start encountering the Pokemon which you should consider putting on your team. Now sometimes you do find these Pokemon early, but I would say for the first half of the story you're figuring out what Pokemon to put on your team.
Of course that does mean these weaker Pokemon have problem in the metagame and sadly probably won't be used... but then they introduce something like Mega Evolutions which are giving a new breath of life into some Pokemon. No one expect Beedrill to get a Mega Evolution, and no one expected it to become a speedy sweeper (of course they did have to min-max its stat in order to do so, but my point is that for once someone who likes Beedrill can use it and have it be some kind of a threat). Of course things are still unbalanced, using Mega Beedrill means you aren't using a stronger Mega Evolution, but that just means if you really want to devote to using that Pokemon you need to come up with a creative strategy that uses the Pokemon to its full potential before it faints or you end the battle.
Tl;dr, Pokemon is imbalanced, but that's by design to have the strong Pokemon properly stand out and the weaker Pokemon stand out even more when used with the right strategy. Its to help with story progression as well and recent games have implemented new tools to help them be usable in post game where the stronger Pokemon usually play around.
Bug-Ridden: Maybe the older games but the newer? Yes, there are still bugs, but ALL games have bugs and by far Pokemon is one of the most bug-free games I've seen. Nowadays many AAA games are being shipped out with glitches you don't have to work hard to find, but in Pokemon for the most part you have to look for the glitches if there are any to be found. There are rare exceptions like the Lumiose City Glitch, but not only did they release a patch for that (and there's a workarounds, the glitch only happens on the streets), the glitch was due to Pokemon entering into 3D so some mistakes were going to happen (and they'll probably make sure not happen again).
Contempt For Players: How so? Now obviously GF had done rather stupid things which is annoying and they really should know better, but I never got the sense they have contempt for us. If anything they're making the games easier (which some may say is itself is a problem, but it's not a sign of contempt. hand holding, but not contempt). Also most of the time I count their stupid actions with them wanting to encourage us to do something or them just trying something out and not really thinking of the consequences. Like putting some TMs on Mirage Spots in ORAS, I STILL haven't gotten the Mirage Spot which has Poison Jab and I've been paying the games for MONTHS.
Ignorance Is Bliss: So I'm ignorant for liking Pokemon just because I'm willing to overlook some of its problems and enjoy the games for what it is? I perfectly know the problems with Pokemon, this thread and others are dedicated to pointing out problems with the Pokemon franchise. We aren't ignorant, we perfectly are aware of the problems. But the problems don't stop us (or at least me) for seeing what the game has to offer and enjoying these offerings. Now everyone's different, you see the problems as unforgivable and thus don't like it, that's fine, it's your opinion. However someone isn't ignorant for liking Pokemon, there's nothing inherently wrong with Pokemon like its giving bad messages or its unplayable. Otherwise it wouldn't have lasted all these years with many main AND side games.
GameFreak: Tembo the Badass Elephant? *looks it up* Oh, I didn't realize this was a thing... Meh, doesn't look like my thing. Anyway, I can't blame GameFreak for wanting to make games other than Pokemon, they have in the past and they came out alright (and later you see aspects of those games brought into Pokemon, mainly as designs for Pokemon).
As for Pokemon Shuffle, well, for me I stopped thinking companies have "integrity" so Pokemon Shuffle doesn't surprise me. Basically Pokemon Shuffle exists because these Candy Crush-like games are popular and making money so they're just jumping on the bandwagon to get some of that flowing money. Personally I can't really say anything on Shuffle as I haven't played it, I have no interest in games like that. And even if I did play it I'd only play as long as I could for free. I have no expendable money at the moment so if I buy something like a game I'm expecting the game to be complete and no additional purchases would be needed so I can get a more "complete" experience.
As long as micro-transition garbage doesn't enter into other games I'm good, keep it to Pokemon Shuffle and its sequels.

Watch the third edition for this Gen say something about the end of Pokemon

Why? If Pokemon is going to do anything it'll be change their current model, but I don't think it'll be going away. Right now I will admit its stagnating, but that's nothing it can't fix by shifting focus around and actually daring to do things that is different. It's not like Pokemon can't afford to experiment, and as long as they do things right it could turn out very well and add some new life to the series. You can look at Mega Pokemon for an example of that, and I don't think they pulled that off as well as they could have.

Yeah, I really WANT to like the games, but I'm just finding it really hard to anymore.

What exactly about the games are you having problems with?
BaffleBlend I have to say one thing about you complaining about Tembo the Badass Elephant...but...this isn't the first time that Gamefreak released another game instead of Pokemon while Pokemon still existed. Remember a little platformer called Drill Dozer? That was on the GBA and it was like one of the few games with a built in Rumble Pack. Sure this may be the first time that it may not have been for a Nintendo console, but it's not anything to worry about. Personally I feel there's nothing to worry about that part.

As for Pokemon Shuffle, I don't care about it as long as it's not put in the regular games. Remember, this game wasn't even developed by Gamefreak.
Yeah, I always thought it would be a neat idea to give a Shiny Pokemon a special move to use. Nothing broken, maybe heal some HP or cure them of status ailments. But as you said, that brings the problem if the move is too useful like I suggested then everyone would try to make a good number of their Pokemon Shiny to use those moves. Sadly there's not much you can do with a Shiny in the sense of battles without 1. making the additional thing not really worth it thus might as well not exist or 2. make it so good that everyone would want to have their team be Shiny and those who don't might be at a disadvantage. I suppose maybe they could set up a certain side story involving Shinies, but it would be about or what it'll reward I don't know (the Shiny Charm already increases your chance of finding a Shiny and that's for Dex completion).

Idiot Hero, Or Writer: Yeah, I liked how the writer wrote Ash during the Battle Frontier and Sinnoh League. But come Best Wishes they hard reset him to being an idiot (like Iris telling him he needs to weaken a Pokemon before catching it). Also he has gotten into the habit of scanning Pokemon he already scanned (and its not like the Pokedex is telling him any new information).
Not to mention Pikachu has to sell out to the new gen Pokemon. At least for the first episode of Best Wishes it made sense Pikachu lose to Trip's Snivy because Zekrom had zapped its power and had they gone along with that plot point it would have been fine and explained why Pikachu was so weak and had to relearn moves... but at the end of the episode Zekrom gave Pikachu its power back so what was the point? To make Ash look bad in front of Trip? Trip is a bit of a racist so there was no need. And then Pikachu goes on to lose to Panpour in the Striaton Gym Battle! Okay, fine, it did Mud Sport to weaken Pikachu's electrical attacks, but Pikachu still has its raw power behind it! And then once again Pikachu gets beaten in the Santalune Gym by a SURSKIT, which isn't even a new Pokemon!

Kanto Do: Yeah, i can forgive Kanto in Gen I for being bland since it was the first games, though they haven't really done much else with it. I do think the Gen II games and their remakes added some interest to Kanto, and as noobcubed said I do like how Kanto is set up where there's shortcuts all over and you get to "revisit" places (even if you just run through them to get to the next area). Made it feel like an actual map compared to Unova which was just one linear path and Kalos was was a linear path which often entered into Lumiose City. With us being in a new timeline they could use that as an excuse to make another Kanto game... but do we really want another remake of Kanto? While I'm not against going back to Kanto, I would like it to be expanded upon instead of the same story told again.

Hmm, well first off I won't say you're wrong. Its your opinion and I perfectly can see why people won't like Pokemon (though I do have to ask if you don't like Pokemon why are you on a Pokemon forum?). But I do want to respond to some of your comments:

Imbalance: Yup, Pokemon is not balanced, and that's a good thing. I know, you probably think I'm crazy to say that, but if ALL the Pokemon were balanced then honestly it would be a pretty boring game. Imbalance allows certain Pokemon to stand out and may even force people to come up with creative strategies to have Pokemon they like to become competitive. And when a new strategy is made and works really well it surprises everyone and suddenly an otherwise unlikely Pokemon gets a lot more attention and people start thinking differently about it (Follow Me Pachirisu, anyone?).
Also you got to remember that Pokemon's main game is a story. Of course you're going to encounter weaker Pokemon at the very beginning, you're suppose to gradually build your team up as you play through the game. Those early Pokemon are meant to be a crutch until you start encountering the Pokemon which you should consider putting on your team. Now sometimes you do find these Pokemon early, but I would say for the first half of the story you're figuring out what Pokemon to put on your team.
Of course that does mean these weaker Pokemon have problem in the metagame and sadly probably won't be used... but then they introduce something like Mega Evolutions which are giving a new breath of life into some Pokemon. No one expect Beedrill to get a Mega Evolution, and no one expected it to become a speedy sweeper (of course they did have to min-max its stat in order to do so, but my point is that for once someone who likes Beedrill can use it and have it be some kind of a threat). Of course things are still unbalanced, using Mega Beedrill means you aren't using a stronger Mega Evolution, but that just means if you really want to devote to using that Pokemon you need to come up with a creative strategy that uses the Pokemon to its full potential before it faints or you end the battle.
Tl;dr, Pokemon is imbalanced, but that's by design to have the strong Pokemon properly stand out and the weaker Pokemon stand out even more when used with the right strategy. Its to help with story progression as well and recent games have implemented new tools to help them be usable in post game where the stronger Pokemon usually play around.
Bug-Ridden: Maybe the older games but the newer? Yes, there are still bugs, but ALL games have bugs and by far Pokemon is one of the most bug-free games I've seen. Nowadays many AAA games are being shipped out with glitches you don't have to work hard to find, but in Pokemon for the most part you have to look for the glitches if there are any to be found. There are rare exceptions like the Lumiose City Glitch, but not only did they release a patch for that (and there's a workarounds, the glitch only happens on the streets), the glitch was due to Pokemon entering into 3D so some mistakes were going to happen (and they'll probably make sure not happen again).
Contempt For Players: How so? Now obviously GF had done rather stupid things which is annoying and they really should know better, but I never got the sense they have contempt for us. If anything they're making the games easier (which some may say is itself is a problem, but it's not a sign of contempt. hand holding, but not contempt). Also most of the time I count their stupid actions with them wanting to encourage us to do something or them just trying something out and not really thinking of the consequences. Like putting some TMs on Mirage Spots in ORAS, I STILL haven't gotten the Mirage Spot which has Poison Jab and I've been paying the games for MONTHS.
Ignorance Is Bliss: So I'm ignorant for liking Pokemon just because I'm willing to overlook some of its problems and enjoy the games for what it is? I perfectly know the problems with Pokemon, this thread and others are dedicated to pointing out problems with the Pokemon franchise. We aren't ignorant, we perfectly are aware of the problems. But the problems don't stop us (or at least me) for seeing what the game has to offer and enjoying these offerings. Now everyone's different, you see the problems as unforgivable and thus don't like it, that's fine, it's your opinion. However someone isn't ignorant for liking Pokemon, there's nothing inherently wrong with Pokemon like its giving bad messages or its unplayable. Otherwise it wouldn't have lasted all these years with many main AND side games.
GameFreak: Tembo the Badass Elephant? *looks it up* Oh, I didn't realize this was a thing... Meh, doesn't look like my thing. Anyway, I can't blame GameFreak for wanting to make games other than Pokemon, they have in the past and they came out alright (and later you see aspects of those games brought into Pokemon, mainly as designs for Pokemon).
As for Pokemon Shuffle, well, for me I stopped thinking companies have "integrity" so Pokemon Shuffle doesn't surprise me. Basically Pokemon Shuffle exists because these Candy Crush-like games are popular and making money so they're just jumping on the bandwagon to get some of that flowing money. Personally I can't really say anything on Shuffle as I haven't played it, I have no interest in games like that. And even if I did play it I'd only play as long as I could for free. I have no expendable money at the moment so if I buy something like a game I'm expecting the game to be complete and no additional purchases would be needed so I can get a more "complete" experience.
As long as micro-transition garbage doesn't enter into other games I'm good, keep it to Pokemon Shuffle and its sequels.

Why? If Pokemon is going to do anything it'll be change their current model, but I don't think it'll be going away. Right now I will admit its stagnating, but that's nothing it can't fix by shifting focus around and actually daring to do things that is different. It's not like Pokemon can't afford to experiment, and as long as they do things right it could turn out very well and add some new life to the series. You can look at Mega Pokemon for an example of that, and I don't think they pulled that off as well as they could have.

What exactly about the games are you having problems with?
First of all, I wasn't calling you or the fanbase ignorant. Let's just get that out of the way immediately. I'm talking about how I enjoyed the game far more when I knew jack shit about how it worked. I stopped having fun pretty soon after I started looking into Smogon and I haven't been able to go back no matter how hard I tried.

As for its contempt for its players, you know what I'm talking about; bringing about a widely-praised and highly useful feature and then permanently locking it away in the past because fuck the players apparently.
  • X/Y not getting a compatibility patch to be able to play against ORAS; it was excusable when the technology was primitive like in Platinum, but not anymore.
  • Taking out the beloved character customization, forcing you to play as Brendan and only Brendan. And it's not like you can just not play ORAS due to the aforementioned lack of a compatibility patch.
  • Losing the highly, highly useful Pokénav in DP in exchange for the utterly worthless C-gear. In all the time I put into BW, you know how many times I felt the need to turn that thing on? A grand total of once, just to see what it did.
  • You know how we all cheered when HGSS was announced to bring back the pokémon-walking-behind-you thing? Guess what they took right back out the next fucking game.
  • Event pokémon. This is the biggest one. It's an outdated concept that needs to die. It actively encourages hacking, for goodness sakes.
And those are just a FEW examples.

As for why I'm on a Pokémon forum? Honestly, today I was just looking for the proper board to say "goodbye, I'm leaving". A lot of forums have something like that. This one apparently does not.

BaffleBlend I have to say one thing about you complaining about Tembo the Badass Elephant...but...this isn't the first time that Gamefreak released another game instead of Pokemon while Pokemon still existed. Remember a little platformer called Drill Dozer? That was on the GBA and it was like one of the few games with a built in Rumble Pack. Sure this may be the first time that it may not have been for a Nintendo console, but it's not anything to worry about. Personally I feel there's nothing to worry about that part.

As for Pokemon Shuffle, I don't care about it as long as it's not put in the regular games. Remember, this game wasn't even developed by Gamefreak.
Drill Dozer wasn't on every console EXCEPT Nintendo's.
And if you bring up Pulseman, so help me, that was before Nintendo started controlling them.
Last edited:
Walking with your pokemon bored me past the first gym... Seriously it's a useless development consuming feature, if anything I'm glad they took it out and gave us decent battle 3D models. If this feature never sees the games again I'll be a happy Pangoro.

On a side note, yes event pokemon are terrible.
Do you mean event-only Pokémon, such as Mew, or Pokémon given out at events?
I don't know what Norne's answer is, but I mean things like Mew. The latter are more reasonable.
I like the Pokemon themselves, but not the way to obtain them. I miss stuff such as Newmoon Island and Flower Paradise, where you got to catch event Pokemon instead of them being given out to you. I think that's what they could do to Mew: give out an event item so that we could catch it (after all, the last time we could catch Mew was 2005! And the last time it was given away was 2010, so by following this 5-year rule something big is going to happen to Mew)
The main point of there being event exclusive Pokemon that you cannot access through normal gameplay, at least from my perspective, is probably to "effectively" promote the Pokemon movies. You see, the typical trend with the event Pokemon is that they end up being the main stars of the Pokemon movies of the generation's saga. So the point of these Pokemon being event exclusive is that every time they make a new Pokemon movie, they have something they can promote via Mystery Gift or some sort of other event in commemoration of the said movie's release. That's another trend with these event Pokemon: they are only seen in the mainstream anime through the movies, although Darkrai and Shaymin iirc did make appearances in the mainstream anime. A movie is typically released annually so yeah. If you notice the trends with the movies, every event Pokemon to date has starred in a movie.

I know it's kind of dumb, but mainly the event Pokemon exist and are obtainable the way they are mostly to commemorate and promote every Pokemon movie they make. Of course the deity legendaries that are the version mascots are also commonly promoted too but that's something else.

I agree that it's kind of a dumb idea and that it's kind of sad to see Pokemon being solely used to promote movies, but it's something they've done since forever I guess. Luckily at least you don't need most of these mons to complete the Pokedex and receive a diploma.

I mean if you look at most of the movies, most of them have starred a certain event mon (I'm going by movie epicode):

M01: Mew
M04: Celebi
M06: Jirachi
M07: Deoxys
M09: Manaphy
M10: Darkrai
M11: Shaymin
M12: Arceus
M13: Zoroark
M14: Victini
M15: Keldeo
M16: Genesect
M17: Diancie
M18: Hoopa

Of course Meloetta is the exception, but it had its own arc in the BW series where it was with Ash and crew for a bit and was sought after by Team Rocket, and was used with the Therians to promote BW2.
But I love shinies! Aesthetically.
That shiny Mega Gardevoir and Gengar just look badass!
Shiny Jynx looks cute.
Shiny Espeon looks cool.
Shiny Sylveon looks less feminine but still cute and lovely.

And so on.
First of all, I wasn't calling you or the fanbase ignorant. Let's just get that out of the way immediately. I'm talking about how I enjoyed the game far more when I knew jack shit about how it worked. I stopped having fun pretty soon after I started looking into Smogon and I haven't been able to go back no matter how hard I tried.

As for its contempt for its players, you know what I'm talking about; bringing about a widely-praised and highly useful feature and then permanently locking it away in the past because fuck the players apparently.
  • X/Y not getting a compatibility patch to be able to play against ORAS; it was excusable when the technology was primitive like in Platinum, but not anymore.
  • Taking out the beloved character customization, forcing you to play as Brendan and only Brendan. And it's not like you can just not play ORAS due to the aforementioned lack of a compatibility patch.
  • Losing the highly, highly useful Pokénav in DP in exchange for the utterly worthless C-gear. In all the time I put into BW, you know how many times I felt the need to turn that thing on? A grand total of once, just to see what it did.
  • You know how we all cheered when HGSS was announced to bring back the pokémon-walking-behind-you thing? Guess what they took right back out the next fucking game.
  • Event pokémon. This is the biggest one. It's an outdated concept that needs to die. It actively encourages hacking, for goodness sakes.
And those are just a FEW examples.

As for why I'm on a Pokémon forum? Honestly, today I was just looking for the proper board to say "goodbye, I'm leaving". A lot of forums have something like that. This one apparently does not.

Noted, I misunderstood what you said. Often understanding how something works or is made does sometime take away how you originally perceive it. I can understand how trying to get into the postgame's battle facility and the metagame in general could turn someone off, especially if they have favorite Pokemon which aren't looked upon as competitively useful.

As for your points as contempt toward players:

XY Patch: I see this one more as GF having screwed themselves over. I wouldn't be surprised if they were debating back and forth whether to make new Mega Evolutions for ORAS when it was in early development stages when they were near to completing XY. They through in the Mega Eon Duo into XY since they knew at least they could promote ORAS with them, but by the time any significant decision for ORAS was made XY was out the door. Also remember XY was being rushed, this was at the time the 3DS was just starting to have games come out for it and the WiiU wasn't doing so well, so I imagine there was pressure from Nintendo, not helped by having a global release date. So they sacrificed connectivity to get the games out (I imagine Z/XY2 will also have new Mega Pokemon which they won't patch into ORAS). Stinks, yes, but for production sake somethings need to be sacrificed (probably also why all Mega Stones are obtainable in ORAS, only two are difficult to obtain but you can get from easily from XY).
Customization: I think that was just for ORAS. Though they themselves did redesign Brendan and May a bit, they still have aspects from their original designs in RSE. Not wanting to mess with/enforce nostalgia, they decided to forgo the Customization feature so that you're always playing as the default character like in the original game (they also wouldn't need to change the map to find a spot for the Boutiques (or combine the Pokemon Centers and PokeMarts)). If Gen VII comes out and customization is removed THEN I'd be very angry, but I imagine (hope) this won't be the case though wouldn't be surprised if the Sinnoh and Unova remakes don't have customization. Personally I would have liked to see customization in ORAS as well as any new remakes but GF love to swing around the nostalgia bat like a little kid trying to break a pinata.
PokeTools: I think you mean the Poketch not the PokeGear, but your still stands. Yeah, the C-Gear was disappointing, but they probably wanted to push connectivity with the other version since BW had that whole duality complex going on. They also probably wanted to push the Entralink and Dream World. This is more them wanting to push new features instead of putting in parts of an old feature. Also, while fun, many of the Poketch's apps were kind of useless or replaced in some capacity. Hopefully the Sinnoh remakes would expand upon the apps.
Walking Pokemon: I always felt the walking Pokemon was meant as a sort of a "last hurrah" for the Gen IV engine as they moved onto the Gen V engine (and were also working on the 3DS and Gen VI engine). Just in general the time between HGSS and XY felt like an experimental period for GF, probably knowing these were going to be the last 2D games as they worked on the Gen VI's 3D engine. So they did things they wouldn't normally do or put much time into. Walking Pokemon? Sure! Gen II is a lot of player's favourite gen and one of the biggest since it expands through two regions, so why not give us something visually interesting to look at (and also they had the Pokeathlon where they used the walking sprites). Gen V had a much deeper story and then direct sequel games. Finally XY came out and... its back to the same as usual. We now watch as GF gets used to making 3D worlds and play around with things they couldn't do before like flashy 3D battles and Pokemon-Amie (putting things like story on the back burner...).
Event: While I wouldn't say Event Pokemon were made to advertise the movies as ScraftyIsTheBest suggests, I would think its more the opposite, Event Pokemon I always considered a neat bonus. They don't count toward Dex completion (which I think is the outdated concept, at least for the National Dex) and is more meant to be a way for GF to add in a super strong Pokemon without having to worry about balancing the game to include them. Though with that said, I do think that for such Event Pokemon they should make them available through the internet. I was annoyed when I heard that Diancie was being given out as a serial code for those who go to GameStop. Really? You're still making the Event Pokemon exclusive to stores? That made sense when the games couldn't connect to the internet but now that they can just give them out that way. GameStop, Toys R Us, and any other game store can still have their own special events, but not for Event Pokemon anymore. Those are meant for everybody, thus they should be given out in the way that everybody can access them. Also, as KingHeracrossTheBug said, I more like the Events that give you an item to access a place that lets you access a place (and a bit of story) which leads to you catching the Event Pokemon (or maybe have a place you can take the Event Pokemon to initiate a story connected to it, or maybe both).

As for a board to announce your departure, I guess you can create your own in the Orange Islands if there isn't one anywhere else. Otherwise I'd suggest maybe Serebii or Bulbagarden's forums which are much more leniant on board topics.
Honestly, the only thing I hate about event Pokémon is related more to IVs than anything. That and the stupid trading economy that goes along with them. I have a whole box of event Pokémon dating from DPPT sitting on my Black cart that are all completely useless. If it wasn't for the ease of RNG in BW all of my events would be useless. I even saved the SMR2010 Jirachi, FAL2010 Mew, and WIN2011 Celebi on my HG cart until I felt like learning RNG. I had to, given that events for those 3 in particular are among the rarest in the West. I had them sitting on that cartridge for well over a year, just waiting until I knew I could get perfect IVs. I can see how I'm lucky, in that I live in a decently sized urban area and thus get access to all of the U.S. events. The new trend, handing out cards with codes, doesn't seem to alleviate this problem from what I've read. If they're going to continue this, just make us sign up for an electronic news letter to get the codes, then at least more people can access them and we can still be sold things through their advertising. I don't know about anyone else, but when I do go to gamestop, like to get Diancie, I don't look at or buy a thing.

Again, for me this is all more of a complaint about the IV system than anything. And it's all rushing back now that RNG is dead. I settled for Diancie that, IMO, are pretty much shit just because I absolutely, and there aren't words to adequately express this, hate hate hate soft-resetting. The new 3IV things still doesn't really help, as I spent far more time than any sane person should repeatedly restarting my game, checking, restarting, checking, etc. That is not playing a game, and the game as it stands is unplayable with sub-par IVs, hence simulators. IMO, their IV system encourages hacking far more than events. I can live without X mon in a Cherish Ball, but no one here wants to play with an IV spread of 01/13/09/20/05/22.

But wait, IVs make it unique to you, and every pokemon is a snowflake. Honestly, and I know I'm not in unpopular territory anymore, enough of that. If you really want my pokemon unique to me, make something aesthetic that doesn't screw the player over from being able to complete on an even playing field. Let me change the eye color or something; how about custom pokeballs? And do we really need 5 identical natures?
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The lack of complete compatibility between X and Y and ORAS has been discussed before. It was a deliberate design choice to ensure people would buy ORAS and they could have easily patched into X and Y if they wanted to, but they don't.

Also, since when were X and Y rushed?
The lack of complete compatibility between X and Y and ORAS has been discussed before. It was a deliberate design choice to ensure people would buy ORAS and they could have easily patched into X and Y if they wanted to, but they don't.

Also, since when were X and Y rushed?
They still could have made it so that the "Kalos Rules" didn't need to exist. I mean, when Platinum interacted with Diamond, Pearl, and Battle Revolution, things like Giratina's Origin Forme was maintained, just without a new sprite. I just want to know why this couldn't have been done in Gen VI?
They still could have made it so that the "Kalos Rules" didn't need to exist. I mean, when Platinum interacted with Diamond, Pearl, and Battle Revolution, things like Giratina's Origin Forme was maintained, just without a new sprite. I just want to know why this couldn't have been done in Gen VI?
I'd assume they were trying to make it cleaner; sort of in a way that the XY users aren't tricked into thinking they can get the new Megas or so that the kids aren't weirded out when it doesn't happen. Not saying I agree with it; but from an aesthetic point of view it's easy to think of it as superior rather than getting jumbled in that whole mess of "exists but doesn't show up".
I'd assume they were trying to make it cleaner; sort of in a way that the XY users aren't tricked into thinking they can get the new Megas or so that the kids aren't weirded out when it doesn't happen. Not saying I agree with it; but from an aesthetic point of view it's easy to think of it as superior rather than getting jumbled in that whole mess of "exists but doesn't show up".
Thinking about it like that, I guess Gamefreak was in a bit of a bind.

If they just patched the mega's models into XY, there would still be about the same level of animosity due to a very large amount of megas not being available to XY players (imagine playing ubers but while your opponent gets both primals and MegaQuaza, you don't). But if they did a full patch (new mega-stones can be traded to XY), then they'd lose sales on ORAS (hands up, how many bought these games just for the new megas?)

Not saying that I like how they did it, but I think we'd be upset no matter what happened.

Platinum and B2W2 aren't really comparable, since only about two pokemon each needed "ghost sprites" in order to work with the older versions. Now we're talking about roughly two dozen pokemon.

I think it's not unreasonable to hope they'll patch them in eventually, once they're satisfied with the sales of ORAS. I doubt it though.
Also, since when were X and Y rushed?

It was said in a developer interview, or at least something similar. Something about it being a global release had to make them rush/shorten development time.

Patch It Later:
I think by now we should give up on having a patch for XY for ORAS. MAYBE they may be able to patch ORAS with Megas introduced in XY2, but I'd also say that would be a bit of a long shot. Honestly I don't see any Gen VI games getting a patch to have newer Mega Pokemon. Maybe in Gen VII they would plan a bit better, like now that they know they'll be adding in new Mega Pokemon (and possibly forms) they'll implement a way for them to easily patch in those changes to the previous versions (and maybe even add ways to get their Mega Stones/items needed to change forms within the game).