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desperately clinging onto a pokemon that statistically and in practice, is shit...

Have you seen the statistics anyway?? , people like you talk shit about ambipom even thought what you said is completely wrong.
I dont believe any of what you said You can see it by yourself here>
Ambipom has way more usage than Cincinno soooo...
Have fun using your Fake out Unburden Hitmonlee without STAB Fake out, and hitting weaker than Ambipom most classes such as poison and fairies.

Have you actually bothered to look at the statistics more thoroughly than, "Ambipom is used more, must be better!" which is utterly terrible logic. Lets actually look at the statistical difference in usage between Ambipom and Cincinno.

February, Raw Usage, Regular Ladder
| 1 | Ambipom | 15.39755% | 9435 | 15.398% | 8096 | 16.546% |
| 18 | Cinccino | 9.76402% | 5983 | 9.764% | 4607 | 9.415% |

February, 1630, Regular Ladder
| 30 | Ambipom | 7.96952% | 9435 | 15.398% | 8096 | 16.546% |
| 42 | Cinccino | 5.59983% | 5983 | 9.764% | 4607 | 9.415% |

February, 1630, Suspect Ladder
| 44 | Ambipom | 4.91461% | 11069 | 12.892% | 9471 | 13.699% |
| 58 | Cinccino | 3.36950% | 7257 | 8.452% | 5647 | 8.168% |

February, 1760, Regular Ladder
| 57 | Cinccino | 3.71524% | 5983 | 9.764% | 4607 | 9.415% |
| 61 | Ambipom | 3.18462% | 9435 | 15.398% | 8096 | 16.546% |

February, 1760, Suspect Ladder
| 61 | Ambipom | 2.23389% | 11069 | 12.892% | 9471 | 13.699% |
| 63 | Cinccino | 2.18674% | 7257 | 8.452% | 5647 | 8.168% |

Alright, as you can see, both Ambipom and Cincinno are receiving too much usage in general (#1 in the raw stats for Ambipom is pretty lol). As we shift from the raw stats to the 1630, you can see that Ambipom's usage falls to approximately 52% of it's raw usage, meaning that each ambipom is seeing a weight of 0.52, Cinccino, on the otherhand is receiving 57% of its raw usage meaning that on average, a team using Cincinno is being weighted 5% more than the team using Ambipom. Now we move on to the Suspect Ladder, a ladder which due to the draw of competent players (ie I played maybe 20 games on regular ladder in Feb. and probably about 70 on the suspect ladder) is more competitive and competent. On this ladder, Ambipom recieves a stunningly pathetic 32% of its raw usage (from the normal ladder mind you), while Cinccino's is closer to 35%, thus proving that even on a more competitive ladder, a Cinccino user is more likely to succeed than the user of Ambipom. Now the 1760 ladder is where it gets pretty funny, their usage is pretty much identical across the suspect and normal ladder, but given their raw usage this means Cinccino has almost double the weight of Ambipom in this range. So while the usage states Ambipom has more usage than Cinccino, it also states the average team using Cinccino is more likely to succeed on the ladder. On top of this, given the fact that Cinccino is absolute trash in this meta and barely worthy of C- rank on the Viability rankings, and Ambipom is even worse, one can conclude that Ambipom is total trash. And while yes I agree Fake Out Normal Gem Hitmonlee is a terrible set, that I personally would never use, its still probably better than Ambipom, yet again demonstrating that Ambipom is pretty much never worthwhile in this meta. It is simply a Pokemon that newer players are drawn to (cause omg cute monkey xD) and it has more than earned its reputation as a trash Pokemon used by "scrubs".

It should be noted that many of these are most likely not statistically significant differences, barring the 1760 usages where Cinccino has almost double the weight, but my main point is if you are going to claim something is better based on usage, you need to go further than the raw numbers and do some analysis.

This is probably the 3rd or 4th time I've seen you make a post about Ambipom using the argument, "Its used more than x, therefore its viable." This argument is terrible, if I see it again I will not hesitate to delete and infract. Before someone bitches about "omg mods won't let me talk about ambipom D:" I want it to be clear you can talk about ambipom all you want, but continuously using flawed arguments in spite of their flaws being pointed out every time you post them, especially in a thread like this one which has the aim to help people with their simple questions, will not be tolerated in this forum. Have a nice day.

TL;DR: Ambipom trash, do math before talking about statistics, usage != viability, etc.
I don't know if this is the place to ask this but what exactly is SPL?

Smogon Premier League (SPL) is an official team tournament run in the tournaments subsection. In this tournament essentially every official tier from the current generation (barring LC, RIP) is represented, as well as all past generation OU meta games. There are 10 teams managed by ten separate people, and an assistant manager of the managers choosing. An auction is held where each manager drafts a roster with no less than the number of meta games represented + 2 people, with the goal being to create a team that is solid in every tier. SPL is a fun tournament to watch, and is often mentioned in the forums, due to the fact that the people playing in their meta game are usually top 12 players of that tier (although sometimes people play tiers that they haven't even played before if people need to be subbed, or bad drafting, etc.). Because of this, trends that appear in SPL games are often mentioned in the forums, as they are seen as indications of what high level play looks like in that tier.

Winning the tournament gets you the red trophy (as seen in -Tsunami-'s Postbit)


The Trophy turns into a grey one if you won an SPL but it wasn't the most recent SPL (SilentVerse's postbit).


Currently SPL 6 is in the Semi-finals stage (-Tsunami- has a red trophy for winning SPL 5, SilentVerse has a grey trophy for winning SPL 4). Uhh I think that covers p much everything, you'll figure it out if you look around the SPL forum too.

Should mention meta games are prone to changing every year, in SPL 5 LC was played instead of RBY OU.
Smogon Premier League (SPL) is an official team tournament run in the tournaments subsection. In this tournament essentially every official tier from the current generation (barring LC, RIP) is represented, as well as all past generation OU meta games. There are 10 teams managed by ten separate people, and an assistant manager of the managers choosing. An auction is held where each manager drafts a roster with no less than the number of meta games represented + 2 people, with the goal being to create a team that is solid in every tier. SPL is a fun tournament to watch, and is often mentioned in the forums, due to the fact that the people playing in their meta game are usually top 12 players of that tier (although sometimes people play tiers that they haven't even played before if people need to be subbed, or bad drafting, etc.). Because of this, trends that appear in SPL games are often mentioned in the forums, as they are seen as indications of what high level play looks like in that tier.

Winning the tournament gets you the red trophy (as seen in -Tsunami-'s Postbit)


The Trophy turns into a grey one if you won an SPL but it wasn't the most recent SPL (SilentVerse's postbit).


Currently SPL 6 is in the Semi-finals stage (-Tsunami- has a red trophy for winning SPL 5, SilentVerse has a grey trophy for winning SPL 4). Uhh I think that covers p much everything, you'll figure it out if you look around the SPL forum too.

Should mention meta games are prone to changing every year, in SPL 5 LC was played instead of RBY OU.

Thanks, I also liked reading this :]
What do you guys think about UU creating a side ladder without Scald?!
Could it affect RU in some fashion?

Opinions vary from, "RU should do the same," to "Wow that's really stupid," depending on who you talk to, RU has no plans for creating such a ladder.

If the UU council decides to look into scald as a suspect test and scald is banned from UU, it is pretty unclear whether or not it will be banned from RU, there has been talk of breaking transitivity for the tiering of moves and clauses, meaning we could decide whether or not to follow their ban. While this has been thoroughly discussed I'm not sure a conclusion was reached. I know Molk and myself are opposed to banning scald, so unless UU bans Scald transitivity is kept (the conclusion seemed to be we are allowed to break transitivity, so this is unlikely) then it shouldn't affect RU.
Something that I have been confused about for a while since I came to RU and couple of weeks ago:
Is regular Gallade RU? Because I have seen some mentions of him around the forums, yet the strategy dex always talks about the OU mega gallade sets.
No, it is not. Gallade moved up to OU in early ORAS due to receiving a Mega, but it was RU for all of XY so if you're looking through some older posts, that's why you're seeing mentions of it.
i had a pretty informative post on typhlosion but it disappeared mysteriously n__n

I'm pretty sure someone deleted it as typhlosion was blacklisted and whenever typhlosion was brought up in the thread it kinda derailed.

Also to answer why typhlosion is E rank, Typhlosion's not exactly bad but it's really hard to justify using it over houndoom or delphox.
Just curious, if Flygon drops to RU what would its best set be ? Scarf ? Band ? or maybe Defog with Yache Berry ?
It's a mystery!

For real though, I'd say you should ask in the metagame discussion thread to spark it up a bit, but I'll post some speculation here:

I think Scarf would be pretty damn good; it outspeeds all common scarfers and having STAB EQ and U-turn is extremely helpful. It also has some cool resists; for example it can softly check Rhyperior despite not exactly doing much with Earthquake. A Defog set can definitely check Rhyperior with Roost though. Band will be interesting because again, having two good STABs that compliment each other really well is fantastic.

Defog could be the best because its a Defogger that can not only hit all SR setters super effectively, but it can also check them (except steelix I guess cuz heavy slam hurts) quite nicely. So yeah.

This is all talk without calcing though really, so I could be wrong.
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Should Houndoom be suspect tested? There is not alot of pokemon that can wall it besides Alomo, and Thick Fat yama.
I don't believe so. This tier is so bulky that a boosting poke like Houndoom is necessary in my opinion. With Doublade on its way out, a potential ban of Houndoom will either bring CM Cress and Reuni to undoubted S Rank or get them banned.
I don't believe so. This tier is so bulky that a boosting poke like Houndoom is necessary in my opinion. With Doublade on its way out, a potential ban of Houndoom will either bring CM Cress and Reuni to undoubted S Rank or get them banned.
Doublades leaving? Well there goes one of my best RU teams lol