Cretacerus Art

Shiny Serperior will fit into the image perfectly, so I'd be more than happy to include it^^ Thanks for the kind comments, all of you!
Unfortunately, I'm afraid that I will have to decline your request, Sparkley, as much as I'm tempted to draw out that cute image. Studying currently takes up most of my time, and I also have a couple of other projects going on right now, so it's really hard for me to tell when and if I will have time to work on it. Rather not leave you hanging there waiting in vain. Sorry about that :(

Hoping to provide a meaningful update soon, I know that the thread has been kind of sparse recently.
Hey, hope your art is going along nicely, I'm really grateful for the Absol+Azelf pic, it's really cool, and I'll be surprised if you don't get the badge soon. Keep up the nice work m8, and I hope you can update soon :)
Unfortunately, I'm still not entirely done with the banner, and won't be around next week due to travel :/ Will only be able to continue after all that.

To post at least something this week, here's a small "painting" of Cranidos I did. I've always admired people who can create their images with just paint brush and eraser, without any sketch or layer work.

So here's my attempt at this, the Cranidos was drawn on a single layer without any extra tools or effects. No idea how others manage to paint an image so swiftly, but I spent way too much time on this. Every single of all those shading levels needs to be drawn out individually and each of their colours handpicked, which is incredibly tedious for someone unaccustomed *_*. Makes me respect those who employ this technique routinely even more, but I don't think I'll be using it all too much in future. Might not be the best method to use with a mouse anyway, heh.

Still, I'm actually quite pleased with the end result^^
Hey guys, did you know that Genesect originally lived underwater? It was actually resurrected from the head of a prehistoric Sea Scorpion^^
I came up with this sketch for the current Water/Steel CAP, but was told that simply attaching a Genesect head to an Anorith body wasn't optimal for the project, so I'll just post it here instead.^^
The rather unconventional claw shape was made with a potential Crab Hammer and Gear Grind in mind.

Also, the requested RMT Banner has been done, I'll be posting it on Tuesday. Happy Easter!
Hey guys, did you know that Genesect originally lived underwater? It was actually resurrected from the head of a prehistoric Sea Scorpion^^
I came up with this sketch for the current Water/Steel CAP, but was told that simply attaching a Genesect head to an Anorith body wasn't optimal for the project, so I'll just post it here instead.^^
The rather unconventional claw shape was made with a potential Crab Hammer and Gear Grind in mind.

Also, the requested RMT Banner has been done, I'll be posting it on Tuesday. Happy Easter!
Wow that'll be really cool for an alternate form
Alright, after the merry Easter days have past, it's finally time to post the devilish banner for Recreant's Mega Houndoom team. Check out her RMT here if you're interested in seeing Houndoom doing some work in OU! ;)

|| Sketch

So the challenge with this was to incorporate the two polar elements that are Houndoom and Serperior into one cohesive picture: on one side the ferocious and powerful fire type, on the other the calm and cunning grass type, without any side overpowering the other. Fire and Grass in a perfect devilish unity.^^
I have to admit, this is one of the few images where I wished I was using a graphic tablet, drawing all those vines with the curve tool was an enormous undertaking. But in the end it was worth it for how well they work with the concept! Hope you guys enjoy it! :P
I guess it's now time to post my first art piece for The Smog here! It's still not as dynamic as some of the others, but I'll try to improve on my art and perhaps contribute some more in future issues :P

| Sketch

This was made for the article "Outclassed Pokemon in OU", so it's basically Mega Aggron outclassing Mega Steelix in his own game: size! Hope you guys enjoyed the issue as much as I did! :D
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I guess it's now time to post my first art piece for The Smog here! It's still not as dynamic as some of the others, but I'll try to improve on my art and perhaps contribute some more in future issues :P

| Sketch

This was made for the article "Outclassed Pokemon in OU", so it's basically Mega Aggron outclassing Mega Steelix in his own game: size! Hope you guys enjoyed the issue as much as I did! :D
Lol Steelix bout to get squeshed xD
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Hey, just wanted to say that your art is fabulous. :)

Are you accepting any avatar requests atm?
Actually, the new semester has just begun, which means I won't be able to do much art for the upcoming months. The spare time I have is just too inconsistent to realistically do requests, so I'd rather not take any during that time.
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Although I'm really inactive right now, I've been popping in on some art threads and I've seen your art come along insanely well; your Smog piece and the Houndoom banner are easily my favorites... since your skill tops mine incredibly, I don't really have much advice for you except to keep working at it, and make sure you enjoy it. Amazing stuff man!
Have been trying out a more complicated image with a VGC theme, showing two common VGC cores facing off against each other. The battle of north wind and south wind is well for causing all those chaotic weather phenomenons (aka "April weather") which we currently enjoy here in central Europe, so I thought the concept would be quite seasonable.^^

Anyway, here's the sketch and a rough colouring idea, not sure when I'll be able to finish up the image.
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Have been trying out a more complicated image with a VGC theme, showing two common VGC cores facing off against each other. The battle of north wind and south wind is well for causing all those chaotic weather phenomenons (aka "April weather") which we currently enjoy here in central Europe, so I thought the concept would be quite seasonable.^^

Anyway, here's the sketch and a rough colouring idea, not sure when I'll be able to finish up the image.
you idiot they don't come out already mega evolved on turn 1

And let the Trouble in Terrorist Town Pokemon Cup commence! (but srsly what does the TTT stand for)
Hey Cretacerus! I knew you had an art thread from our several trades together but never thought to check it out, I wish I did sooner! I really like your stuff, particularly the creation trio piece. Anyway, I have come here with an agenda and that is I'm looking for a banner for my trade thread. I'd like it to play into the name of my thread, and have two trainers, one asking "Hey, where'd you get that?" and the other - looking as smug as anything, with an Articuno beside him - replies "Cant say..."

If you could do this I would really love it! If not, I understand :)
Hey Cretacerus! I knew you had an art thread from our several trades together but never thought to check it out, I wish I did sooner! I really like your stuff, particularly the creation trio piece. Anyway, I have come here with an agenda and that is I'm looking for a banner for my trade thread. I'd like it to play into the name of my thread, and have two trainers, one asking "Hey, where'd you get that?" and the other - looking as smug as anything, with an Articuno beside him - replies "Cant say..."

If you could do this I would really love it! If not, I understand :)
Hey cant say, nice to see you here!^^ I'm actually still quite busy nowadays, but since I enjoyed trading with you and really like your trade thread, I'm willing to give your request a try. :P
Don't expect it right away though, since I'll be writing exams soon.


Anyway, I've been working on some new banners, since I'm planning on opening a trade thread myself sometime in future. Complementing it is a brand new banner for my art thread, both are obviously referencing the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World logos. Thought it would be a nice theme to have.

Art Thread

Trading Thread
Hey cretacerus I'm here to ask for a request if that isn't to much trouble? your art is absolutely amazing and I'd like to see if you'd make me a you tube banner? ill give a link to your page in the description of each video and at the end of my channel trailer. I'd like a rotom,pangoro and amouros (the sail fossil one i cant remember its full name(the fully evolved one)) to the right fighting and 'midget rotom' more centre in the same font as whats used in the omega ruby/alpha sapphire logos but green if you cant do that its yeah have a good day and thank you in advance if just for reading. keep up the good work.
Hey cretacerus I'm here to ask for a request if that isn't to much trouble? your art is absolutely amazing and I'd like to see if you'd make me a you tube banner? ill give a link to your page in the description of each video and at the end of my channel trailer. I'd like a rotom,pangoro and amouros (the sail fossil one i cant remember its full name(the fully evolved one)) to the right fighting and 'midget rotom' more centre in the same font as whats used in the omega ruby/alpha sapphire logos but green if you cant do that its yeah have a good day and thank you in advance if just for reading. keep up the good work.
Hey Midget Rotom, unfortunately I won't be taking any requests during the semester time, with very few exceptions. I do think it's really cool that you are doing YouTube videos and would like my art for it, but I just can't bring up the time to do big projects right now, sorry.
Alright, time for a little update.^^
Here's a small thing I did, still trying to improve on avatar formats, so going with two rather detailed designs was some pretty good practice. This was done for SnoopysWorld for all the help I received from him in the WiFi department. That forum in general is full of friendly and helpful people, which is why I enjoy spending time there nowadays. :D
| Sketch
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Alright, time for a little update.^^
Here's a small thing I did, still trying to improve on avatar formats, so going with two rather detailed designs was some pretty good practice. This was done for SnoopysWorld for all the help I received from him in the WiFi department. That forum in general is full of friendly and helpful people, which is why I enjoy spending time there nowadays. :D
| Sketch
I love you ♥.♥ thank you so much!
Hey Cretacerus!

I've seen your posts on the wifi SQSR, and I've checked out your trade thread (which promises to have tons of rare fossils which I'd be interested in) but that's a different story.

What you've got going on here though, is simply amazing. I can only dream of art skills like these ahaha

If you're no too busy, and still taking banner requests, I was wondering if you could help me out with a banner for my thread (in my signature) which I want to open when I finish exams. It's been in a vegetative state for far too long, but I realised I don't exactly like using random images from around the Internet, although I had to. Only now have I found your art style which I really like! If you did maybe even more than one banner for me, I could also definitely compensate you with some free pokemon too ^^

Let me know, and we can talk about details :)) thanks for taking this into consideration
Hey Cretacerus!
I've seen your posts on the wifi SQSR, and I've checked out your trade thread (which promises to have tons of rare fossils which I'd be interested in) but that's a different story.
What you've got going on here though, is simply amazing. I can only dream of art skills like these ahaha
If you're no too busy, and still taking banner requests, I was wondering if you could help me out with a banner for my thread (in my signature) which I want to open when I finish exams. It's been in a vegetative state for far too long, but I realised I don't exactly like using random images from around the Internet, although I had to. Only now have I found your art style which I really like! If you did maybe even more than one banner for me, I could also definitely compensate you with some free pokemon too ^^
Let me know, and we can talk about details :)) thanks for taking this into consideration
Hey man,
I really appreciate the kind words, but as of now I won't be able to take any further requests, since there are a couple of other banners and images that I'm working on. There really isn't too much spare time I can bring up during the semester period, so I'd prefer to work on requests when I'm free during the semester break. If you're still interested in the banners in a few months, feel free to let me know and I'd be glad to help out ;)
Hey man,
I really appreciate the kind words, but as of now I won't be able to take any further requests, since there are a couple of other banners and images that I'm working on. There really isn't too much spare time I can bring up during the semester period, so I'd prefer to work on requests when I'm free during the semester break. If you're still interested in the banners in a few months, feel free to let me know and I'd be glad to help out ;)

No prob dude, I get ya! I'd appreciate it, if maybe you could slip my request into a queue of sorts you might have? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) either way, I'll probably be drawn to this thread in a few months time and ask again if I notice you begin taking in general requests again :P keep up the great work tho!!
Hey man, I can't believe I haven't commented on your art thread yet!

So, I do have to say that I like the way you drew Greninja and Meta Knight, as well as your banners for this thread and the trade thread.