np: ORAS UU Stage 3 - New Gods

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Mamoswine is pretty similar with Nido family. Both have similar speed, eat balanced cores alive, can't boost their stats (this is a very important one which differs Mamo from Diggersby and Crawdunt), have very little counters and both have the luxury to carry a random coverage move on their fourth moveslot to lure their counters (Mamo can run SE for Rotom-H, Knock Off for Cress, Freeze Dry for Alomomola, Superpower for P2 while Nidos can go Fire Blast for Bronzong, Superpower for Blissey/P2/Umbreon, Megahorn for Cress/Umbreon, Thunderbolt for Mantine/Vaporeon/Suicune after couple CM). Mamoswine just exchanges a STAB priority (makes it harder to revenge kill) for a shittier typing defensively (makes it easier to revenge kill).

I think Mamoswine is fine in the tier. It's just that people are scared or biased about it because Mamo has always been OU since its introduction. Same thing happened when Lucario and Infernape dropped for the first time. Everybody freaked out, lost their minds, shit their pants but got used to them in due time. A suspect for Feraligatr, Pidegeotite or even Heracross would be more accurate in my eyes but i wouldn't cry if they didn't happen either.
I think Mamo, thus far, has been the perfect kind of drop. It helps check the best mons in the tier without being too broken himself, as far as I can tell. Yes, some traditional cores/pairs may get eaten alive by it, but there are a plethora of ways to check and beat Mamo without sacrificing the integrity of a team itself. I'm almost shocked to say that the tier seems more balanced now than it did before!
I think Mamo, thus far, has been the perfect kind of drop. It helps check the best mons in the tier without being too broken himself, as far as I can tell. Yes, some traditional cores/pairs may get eaten alive by it, but there are a plethora of ways to check and beat Mamo without sacrificing the integrity of a team itself. I'm almost shocked to say that the tier seems more balanced now than it did before!

How dare you call it more balanced! Jk jk

But seriously Mamoswine has been the perfect Pokemon UU could've asked for. It gave us a reliable way to beat what were thought to be supposedly suspected Pokemon (Mence, MAero, MPidge) and flip them on their heads. While it seems to have "broke the meta", it itself is lackluster defensively with only one resist (two factoring in Thick Fat) and one immunity while have 5 weaknesses albeit common. So like teal6 said, it is like the perfect Pokemon to have graced us in UU and I am glad it came down. There is something else I wanna talk about...the vulture herself...


This burd has been a really amazing asset to balance in my opinion. The fact that it has an amazing support movepool with things like U-turn, Taunt, Toxic, Knock Off, and Whirlwind it also can run Foul Play to punish physical attackers that try to take advantage of it. Defog + Roost means it can be a reliable Defogger in UU as well, keeping itself healthy throughout the match. Personally I have been using the SpDef set as it takes a ton of special attackers such as Hydreigon and even the Nidos (although more of a soft check to them). Plus if you run enough speed, SpDef can really take on CroCune as it prevents recovery with Taunt and takes little damage from Scald.

Needless to say, I was getting a bit bored with UU pre-May drops and now these drops, while only a couple, impacted the meta enough that I am having tons of fun with post-May drops meta.

P.S. 500th post!!!
Has somebody already tested Lead SR Mamoswine yet in UU? Being immun to Taunt and able to check any defogger with STAB is actually pretty niche on paper and that was the case in OU as far as I remember.
Has somebody already tested Lead SR Mamoswine yet in UU? Being immun to Taunt and able to check any defogger with STAB is actually pretty niche on paper and that was the case in OU as far as I remember.
I've been playing around with this set on paper and it's pretty decent
Mamoswine @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Oblivious
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock
- Ice Shard
- Rest

Obvious Rest/Chesto can be changed depending on preference, but I think this set is a decent start
I've been playing around with this set on paper and it's pretty decent
Mamoswine @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Oblivious
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Toxic
- Stealth Rock
- Ice Shard
- Rest

Obvious Rest/Chesto can be changed depending on preference, but I think this set is a decent start
I can't see this being useful. Even with max def you're still not going to want to take hits from fighting types or steel types, and all this does is amplify it's weakness to Suicune and other bulky waters. The lack of any sort of offensive presence is a waste on a mon with a monstrous attack.
I can't see this being useful. Even with max def you're still not going to want to take hits from fighting types or steel types, and all this does is amplify it's weakness to Suicune and other bulky waters. The lack of any sort of offensive presence is a waste on a mon with a monstrous attack.
Like I said, it's a start. A lot of people have been talking about taunt-proof rock setter. The Rest Chesto thing is just something I was personally playing with, It'd probably be better to go Max Atk and maybe Max Def with EQ>Rest and Lefties or Life Orb over Chesto
Or you can run the standard set for Rocks lead: SR/EQ/Endeavor/Ice Shard with a Sash. It's pretty good, although I think LO with three attacks and rocks is pretty good too.
I've never ran Lead Mamo, so I wasn't really 100% sure how it's ran. Is Sash really a need or do LO or Lefties work?
Sash helps against Pokemon meant to gain offensive momentum, like Scarf Mienshao. It also almost always guarantees an Endeavor. I tend to stick to Sash for lead sets and Life Orb for more generic offensive sets.
Personally, I am sad that Hippo rose, but I think it deserved it. Zam was ok, I guess, and I can see why it rose. But Mamo in UU?????
So many different sets. Monster Attack and average speed. Thick fat. This thing will be really good in the metagame probably.

Also Mandibuzz, it can defog and is a mixed wall sometimes but this is a better tier for it than OU imo
Personally, I am sad that Hippo rose, but I think it deserved it. Zam was ok, I guess, and I can see why it rose. But Mamo in UU?????
So many different sets. Monster Attack and average speed. Thick fat. This thing will be really good in the metagame probably.

Also Mandibuzz, it can defog and is a mixed wall sometimes but this is a better tier for it than OU imo

The thing about Mamoswine that despite having dangerous attack stats, its speed is mediocre since UU is a really fast metagame. Moreover, Mamoswine cannot switch into anything in the metagame without getting a decent amount of damage into it. It's like Heracross for most teams; you lack a switchin to this, but it is frail. As far as I've seen in the ladder, Mamoswine is supposed to reduce the usage of Bird/Dragon spam, but I still see them on like every teams meaning Mamoswine isn't doing its job well.

Also Mamoswine harshly suffers from 4MSS, especially if they use it as a rocker. Rocker forces Mamo to be run sashed with Shard, Endeavor, Earthquake and Stealth Rock. If they choose to run SR while Life Orbed, they suffer more from the 4MSS it already used to. Ice Shard and Earthquake is mandatory. Now you have to choose from Earthquake, Stone Edge, Superpower, Freeze Dry.

All these reasons state why Mamoswine isn't broken and it's just being overrated because it just got dropped to UU.
might as well jump in here...

Mamoswine: Definitely a welcome threat into the UU metagame. With it's incredible attack stat and decent bulk, it'd make a perfect fit, only to be outcast by its mediocre speed stat. It also has the movepool to take down the more stally portion of the meta, ie knock off, freeze dry, superpower, stone edge etc.

Mandibuzz: idk how i feel about this one. Mandi's definitely a cool mon but it just brings UU back down to it's classic/stallier counterpart. However it does stop alot of the mons that threaten the stallier part, such as Amoonguss (being able to block spores and click taunt) and Crocune (SpD set + taunt destroys). Welcome to the club n_n

bye bye noivern, flygon. rip hippo + zam :[
Mandibuzz: idk how i feel about this one. Mandi's definitely a cool mon but it just brings UU back down to it's classic/stallier counterpart. However it does stop alot of the mons that threaten the stallier part, such as Amoonguss (being able to block spores and click taunt) and Crocune (SpD set + taunt destroys). Welcome to the club n_n

Ah Mandibuzz won't be THAT good in UU, surely, it is a great wall, but you stated Amoonguss, which is rare in a tier full of Birdspam. Mandibuzz will be used in balance/stall but it doesn't seem to wall that much mostly because threats like Heracross, Mamoswine, Salamence, Aerodactyl. Mandibuzz imo won't be that good and will probably be B+ rank in Viability Rankings.
Ah Mandibuzz won't be THAT good in UU, surely, it is a great wall, but you stated Amoonguss, which is rare in a tier full of Birdspam. Mandibuzz will be used in balance/stall but it doesn't seem to wall that much mostly because threats like Heracross, Mamoswine, Salamence, Aerodactyl. Mandibuzz imo won't be that good and will probably be B+ rank in Viability Rankings.

Mandibuzz being 'that' good is definitely a broad term. I definitely agree with what you're saying, however I think it will have a place on some teams who are looking for defensive utility similar to Umbreon but can Defog and has instant recovery. One of the biggest issues w/ mandi is that it is one of the only flying types that doesn't resist fighting. It forces you to run another flying/psychic type to help combat the fighting types in the tier, just adding more rocks weaknesses. It also doesn't really help with the nido problems cuz of it's weakness to ice :s
Mandibuzz being 'that' good is definitely a broad term. I definitely agree with what you're saying, however I think it will have a place on some teams who are looking for defensive utility similar to Umbreon but can Defog and has instant recovery. One of the biggest issues w/ mandi is that it is one of the only flying types that doesn't resist fighting. It forces you to run another flying/psychic type to help combat the fighting types in the tier, just adding more rocks weaknesses. It also doesn't really help with the nido problems cuz of it's weakness to ice :s
Exactly my point, in a tier full of Ice and Bird spam, Mandibuzz cannot find itself into a team because if a player uses 2 flying mons he'll be really weak to ice and hence Mamoswine Abomasnow will destroy them. Also people would prefer stronger flying types than a bulkier one unless stall teams. So this is why Mandibuzz will be disappointing. :\
Exactly my point, in a tier full of Ice and Bird spam, Mandibuzz cannot find itself into a team because if a player uses 2 flying mons he'll be really weak to ice and hence Mamoswine Abomasnow will destroy them. Also people would prefer stronger flying types than a bulkier one unless stall teams. So this is why Mandibuzz will be disappointing. :\

So because 2 mons beat mandi, means it will be disappointing? Being a mon that can stop all powder related moves is certainly a great asset to stall. Sure, you're not forced to run 2 flying mons, but there are several mons that can beat the common fighting cores that run rampant through UU. You can always run a stronger flying type such as mence, aero, crobat, bird jesus for balance teams, but then you're pretty much forced to run another spinner/defogger as you typically dont want to get rid of a moveslot on your offensive mon.
So because 2 mons beat mandi, means it will be disappointing? Being a mon that can stop all powder related moves is certainly a great asset to stall. Sure, you're not forced to run 2 flying mons, but there are several mons that can beat the common fighting cores that run rampant through UU. You can always run a stronger flying type such as mence, aero, crobat, bird jesus for balance teams, but then you're pretty much forced to run another spinner/defogger as you typically dont want to get rid of a moveslot on your offensive mon.
Not only 2 mons, a lot of mons infact beat mandibuzz. Mandi cannot come in on threats such as Feraligatr, Heracross, Salamence, Aerodactyl, Mamoswine, Abomasnow, Entei, Mienshao, Machamp, Snorlax and a lot of other threats. Also it suffers from 4MSS, Foul Play is great, but things that resist it can set up infront of it [Cobalion Lucario]. Then it must have roost, defog and then toxic/taunt/brave bird/knock off. Mandibuzz is good, no doubt about that, but it won't get that much love in UU, so yeah it'll be B+ in Viability Rankings I think
Phys def Mandy can actually beat Mien, Physical Aboma, Fera, and Mence.(If you wanna factor in prior damage that will be a different story) Its utility makes up the fact it doesn't wall the entire meta.
Phys def Mandy can actually beat Mien, Physical Aboma, Fera, and Mence.(If you wanna factor in prior damage that will be a different story) Its utility makes up the fact it doesn't wall the entire meta.
I know it can, but it cannot switch into it; meaning something will die, and when mandi comes they'll just switch out, and you lose momentum.
lol nobody will run that
Nodody is a bit of a stretch, U-Turn allows Mandibuzz to not be a total momentum killer. Plus it's not like Brave Bird does much anyway. Foul Play is probably the best STAB imo but U-Turn offers good momentum grabbing attempts and it's less prediction reliant than hard or double switching.
Nodody is a bit of a stretch, U-Turn allows Mandibuzz to not be a total momentum killer. Plus it's not like Brave Bird does much anyway. Foul Play is probably the best STAB imo but U-Turn offers good momentum grabbing attempts and it's less prediction reliant than double switching.
One must know Mandibuzz is used as a wall, therefore, Foul Play and Roost are essential, as well with Defog because it's used as a defogger. Brave Bird will OHKO Heracross since it suffers against that as well as Mienshao and Machamp. On the other hand, Taunt stops set up sweepers and knock off is a great utility. U-Turn seems to be useless for a mon like Mandibuzz
One must know Mandibuzz is used as a wall, therefore, Foul Play and Roost are essential, as well with Defog because it's used as a defogger. Brave Bird will OHKO Heracross since it suffers against that as well as Mienshao and Machamp. On the other hand, Taunt stops set up sweepers and knock off is a great utility. U-Turn seems to be useless for a mon like Mandibuzz
As someone who's used Mandi in not just UU since it released but as well as OU, I can somewhat confirm from personal experience that U-turn on Mandi isn't really that good despite it's ability to be a very good bulky mon. I can understand why people would think U-turn Mandiburd would be great, but on a good day it's decent and might help you in a hypothetical situation or on paper, but in practice and in the Current UU meta I don't expect it to see much usage.

Mandiburd is a VERY Predictable pokemon. Does that make him bad? Absolutely not, however as Arifeen said, 3 of it's 4 moveslots are reserved as it is, so the 4th move needs to be something that you're going to be able to really make Mandiburd stand out on the team and play it's role to the best and U-turn doesn't really fit that need.
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