Fluke's Trading Temple - Updated 21/02/2016

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I have all your females bred and ready to trade. Please let me know when you can trade. ^^
Also, I don't think we've traded on this 3DS yet, so add this FC please: 5172-0967-5016 My IGN will still be Lorraine.
Hey there,

Could you CMT for this pokemon, please? :)

Shiny Sentret (Heal ball)
#161 - Sentret
OT: Bluemew ID: 23525
Nature: Jolly Ability: Frisk
IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Moves: Double-Edge | Trick | Charm | Assist
Fully Redistributable

#417 - Pachirisu ♀
OT: Britt ID: 30587
Nature: Impish Ability: Volt Absorb
IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Moves: Flatter | Follow Me | Fake Tears | Ion Deluge
Bred by me, hatched by LadyBee

In reply to your CMT, this for my Onix?
I have all your females bred and ready to trade. Please let me know when you can trade. ^^
Also, I don't think we've traded on this 3DS yet, so add this FC please: 5172-0967-5016 My IGN will still be Lorraine.
Awesome! I'll be free the next 6-7 hours, so let me know when you're ready to trade.

Hey there,

Could you CMT for this pokemon, please? :)

Shiny Sentret (Heal ball)
#161 - Sentret
Bluemew ID: 23525
Nature: Jolly Ability: Frisk
IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Moves: Double-Edge | Trick | Charm | Assist
Fully Redistributable
I didn't really find something, sorry.

Edit: Turned out I'm not allowed to trade it after all. Sorry for the confusion.

Can you please CMT for the Landorus (nicknamed Dyntos)?
I like that shiny Barboach in a Lure Ball, as well as that shiny Manaphy. Is there anything else in this thread you want so I can get both?


#417 - Pachirisu ♀
Britt ID: 30587
Nature: Impish Ability: Volt Absorb
IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Moves: Flatter | Follow Me | Fake Tears | Ion Deluge
Bred by me, hatched by LadyBee

In reply to your CMT, this for my Onix?
I'm okay with that. Let me know when you're free :)
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If you're talking about mine, then yes.

If you're talking about Azelf, I can't think of a better name, unless it's not allowed for whatever reason.

If so, name it "Travis".
Uhm, not sure what you mean. I was talking about your Azelf. I don't want it to have the NN 'Loki'; I'd rather have it have its English name. So just Azelf, rather than Loki.
Uhm, not sure what you mean. I was talking about your Azelf. I don't want it to have the NN 'Loki'; I'd rather have it have its English name. So just Azelf, rather than Loki.
Meeeuuurrrgh, OK.

People who don't nickname their pokemon are heartless

Hey there,

Could you CMT for this pokemon, please? :)

Shiny Sentret (Heal ball)
#161 - Sentret
Bluemew ID: 23525
Nature: Jolly Ability: Frisk
IVs: 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31
Moves: Double-Edge | Trick | Charm | Assist
Fully Redistributable

This is non reddis Fluke
I told you, everything I gave from giveaways was non reddis now. You get to keep semi reddis for the stuff I traded you though.
This is non reddis Fluke
I told you, everything I gave from giveaways was non reddis now. You get to keep semi reddis for the stuff I traded you though.
Oh, I thought I asked if redis rights changed for the Pokemon you already traded before your new rule. And you said something like: "They don't change." I don't know exactly, but I can vaguely remember.

Anyway, sorry for that. I'll take them down. Which ones are those exactly? I've obtained Pokemon with your OT from other users than you, so I don't know which ones are obtained in giveaways.
Oh, I thought I asked if redis rights changed for the Pokemon you already traded before your new rule. And you said something like: "They don't change." I don't know exactly, but I can vaguely remember.

Anyway, sorry for that. I'll take them down. Which ones are those exactly? I've obtained Pokemon with your OT from other users than you, so I don't know which ones are obtained in giveaways.
I gave away bulbasaur, staryu, and sentret. The others you traded me for you can trade them but others can't.
This is non reddis Fluke
I told you, everything I gave from giveaways was non reddis now. You get to keep semi reddis for the stuff I traded you though.
Oh, I thought I asked if redis rights changed for the Pokemon you already traded before your new rule. And you said something like: "They don't change." I don't know exactly, but I can vaguely remember.

Anyway, sorry for that. I'll take them down. Which ones are those exactly? I've obtained Pokemon with your OT from other users than you, so I don't know which ones are obtained in giveaways.

Fluke - Oh That's okay. Thank you for your time, btw. ;)

Bluemew. - And Thank you for letting me know. ;)
Hey Fluke!! Hey, I have a Female Scrappy 5IV -SpA Pancham that's Adamant in a Luxury Ball that has the following Egg Moves: Me First, Storm Throw, Foul Play, and Quick Guard!! Would you be interested in adding it to your thread?
Cool, I don't need anything in return. Just use it productively is all I ask =)

There was a Female Harvest 1IV Phantump in a Premier Ball that I have, but I figured that was trash lol. Unless you can find someway to make it useful?
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Cool, I don't need anything in return. Just use it productively is all I ask =)

There was a Female Harvest 1IV Phantump in a Premier Ball that I have, but I figured that was trash lol. Unless you can find someway to make it useful?
Hmm. I don't really like Phantump. It's not necessarily trash though. Maybe someone else can make good use of it.

When would you be able to trade me the Pancham?

I keep forgetting to reply to people xp

I'm ready whenever you're ready, no rush.
I'm ready right now, what about you?
Hmm. I don't really like Phantump. It's not necessarily trash though. Maybe someone else can make good use of it.

When would you be able to trade me the Pancham?

I can trade right now. Getting on right now!!!
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