m0nkfish's Photoshops

Finally got round to finishing Tentacruel..


Truly Amazing m0nkfish.
I'm working on colouring one of Dan's sketches at the moment, I hope it will be pretty badass. In the meantime I've been learning a few tricks here and there and decided to test my new knowledge in the form of a Spiritomb:

I figured I might as well resize it for a wallpaper version too (1280x1024)

edit fuck photobucket resizes sorry :(
thanks :P

here's dan's weezing using fire blast:
original sketch by dan

my colour:
I'll give it a go, although it's in such great detail that I doubt I will be able to colour it entirely accurately. When I zoom into the face I can barely make out what's what - I may have to do a quick scan removing all the relatively unimportant parts then re-build it from there
Turns out I couldn't sleep anyway...


Xahki, hope you're OK with it - Didn't get a reply to my PM. If you're unhappy with it then I'll take it down

(its a little too big for this window i didnt actually cut the tail off)

and a shiny for my partner in crime
I've re-loaded the Nidoking and Weezing .jpg files so Shift+Refresh will bring them up
- Nidoking is pinker, the spikes are now purple and the hair is all over his head which looks mildly better
- Weezing now has its little toxic symbols and I improved the texture
HOLY Shit! Nidoking never looked so fierce.. The hair is weird but it is still awesome.

EDOT: M0nkfish, do you mind if I use Spiritomb as an avvie?
you're welcome to - i was going to but couldnt make it look decent enough in 100x100