General Introduce yourself!

Hey RedBlueYellow12, welcome to Smogon. Is your name referring to the Pokémon game Red, Blue and Yellow? I freaking love 'em.

Anyhow, I don't really get your introduction. What's exactly the reason you joined Smogon? Let me know what you're looking for on these forums and I'll gladly show you some cool places :)
I joined smogon because I was already on PS, and thought it was cool to get in on the forums. Yes, my username is based off red, blue, and yellow. Waiting for the Eshop release n_n
I'm just looking for trading places and discussion points, like at the viability rankings or the rmts. Thanks!
Hello everyone, i'm jack from italy.
I am 18 years old and i am a fan of pokemon since first generation.
I have been introduced in competitive by a friend of mine 3-4 years ago and recently i'm playing on showdown more frequently, using smogon to learn the basics of the metagame.
My favourite pokemon is absol, despite ice being my favourite type, and my favourite games are ruby,sapphire and emerald.
I'm playing in ou and monotype, but when i'm stressed, and i just need to relax, i prefer a few matches in random battle.
I don't know what else to add, so this is me and i hope to integrate to the best into the community.
I joined smogon because I was already on PS, and thought it was cool to get in on the forums. Yes, my username is based off red, blue, and yellow. Waiting for the Eshop release n_n
I'm just looking for trading places and discussion points, like at the viability rankings or the rmts. Thanks!
Those Nintendo eShop releases got me hyped as well. Let's hope and pray for online battling and trading features. Good luck finding your spot on the site!

Hello everyone, i'm jack from italy.
I am 18 years old and i am a fan of pokemon since first generation.
I have been introduced in competitive by a friend of mine 3-4 years ago and recently i'm playing on showdown more frequently, using smogon to learn the basics of the metagame.
My favourite pokemon is absol, despite ice being my favourite type, and my favourite games are ruby,sapphire and emerald.
I'm playing in ou and monotype, but when i'm stressed, and i just need to relax, i prefer a few matches in random battle.
I don't know what else to add, so this is me and i hope to integrate to the best into the community.
Good day Jack, welcome to Smogon. I've also been a fan since Generation I. I've been hooked since my very first Pokémon game, Pokémon Yellow, and I have never let go ever since. I honestly can't imagine a life without Pokémon.

I have been playing more and more Pokémon Showdown! as well, even though I like Wi-Fi more. It's just that you can do a quick battle more easily on PS!, whereas on your DS you have to wait for everything. And I'm always on the computer anyways. I also like a few Random Battles from time to time when I need to relax. But mostly that doesn't go as planned and I get really mad about RNG. Maybe we can play some matches on Showdown if you want to relax and want someone to talk to.

If you have any questions regarding Smogon or Pokémon just ask me, Chesty, Dr Ciel, Erai14, QueBien, InfernapeTropius11, or TheHoodedGamer. All these people are passionate about Smogon, as well as about Pokémon, so they would gladly help you out if you have any questions. I hope to see you around, Jack! :D
Good day Jack, welcome to Smogon. I've also been a fan since Generation I. I've been hooked since my very first Pokémon game, Pokémon Yellow, and I have never let go ever since. I honestly can't imagine a life without Pokémon.

I have been playing more and more Pokémon Showdown! as well, even though I like Wi-Fi more. It's just that you can do a quick battle more easily on PS!, whereas on your DS you have to wait for everything. And I'm always on the computer anyways. I also like a few Random Battles from time to time when I need to relax. But mostly that doesn't go as planned and I get really mad about RNG. Maybe we can play some matches on Showdown if you want to relax and want someone to talk to.

If you have any questions regarding Smogon or Pokémon just ask me, Chesty, Dr Ciel, Erai14, QueBien, InfernapeTropius11, or TheHoodedGamer. All these people are passionate about Smogon, as well as about Pokémon, so they would gladly help you out if you have any questions. I hope to see you around, Jack! :D

Thanks, i would like to battle sometimes, i really need to relax in these days, plus also for me yellow was the first pokemon game.
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Good day Jack, welcome to Smogon. I've also been a fan since Generation I. I've been hooked since my very first Pokémon game, Pokémon Yellow, and I have never let go ever since. I honestly can't imagine a life without Pokémon.

I have been playing more and more Pokémon Showdown! as well, even though I like Wi-Fi more. It's just that you can do a quick battle more easily on PS!, whereas on your DS you have to wait for everything. And I'm always on the computer anyways. I also like a few Random Battles from time to time when I need to relax. But mostly that doesn't go as planned and I get really mad about RNG. Maybe we can play some matches on Showdown if you want to relax and want someone to talk to.

If you have any questions regarding Smogon or Pokémon just ask me, Chesty, Dr Ciel, Erai14, QueBien, InfernapeTropius11, or TheHoodedGamer. All these people are passionate about Smogon, as well as about Pokémon, so they would gladly help you out if you have any questions. I hope to see you around, Jack! :D

Thanks, i would like to battle sometimes, i really need to relax in these days, plus also for me yellow was the first pokemon game.[/quote]
Awesome, I hope you enjoyed Yellow, because I did. What's your name on Showdown?

Oh also, you kind of messed up the quote. You shouldn't remove the [quote] [/quote] tags in a post, otherwise it simply won't make a quote from the post. You can edit your post using the "Edit" button below your post :)
How are you? I've been playing since Generation 3, but unfortunately I haven't had time to play the originals yet. :( Emerald has been and most likely will continue to be my favorite, because it was the game that really got me hooked to the franchise. Since you like NU and UU, I would advise you (have you not already) to look over the NU Viability Rankings thread and the UU Viability Rankings thread, so you can gain a better understanding of the tiers. In addition, if you would like to meet other players who play NU and UU, visit the NeverUsed and UnderUsed rooms in Pokemon Showdown if you want to get involved with the community. Check out the Simple Questions Simple Answers threads if you need help, or PM me, Chesty, Dr Ciel, Erai14, Fluke, InfernapeTropius11, or TheHoodedGamer if you want. Have a great time here!
Hey QueBien! Thank you for being so friendly and welcoming! I've bookmarked both viability rankings, and I'm also in both rooms on the sim. If you wouldn't mind, I'd love to ask you more questions in PM so I don't spam this thread. Again, thank you for the warm welcome. (Generation 3 is awesome by the way, Sceptile is my favorite starter.)
Thanks, i would like to battle sometimes, i really need to relax in these days, plus also for me yellow was the first pokemon game.
Awesome, I hope you enjoyed Yellow, because I did. What's your name on Showdown?

Oh also, you kind of messed up the quote. You shouldn't remove the [quote] [/quote] tags in a post, otherwise it simply won't make a quote from the post. You can edit your post using the "Edit" button below your post :)
Yes, i made a mistake with canc button, i enjoyed yellow very much, i still have the game with my first play saved.
My name in showdown is the same i have here, jack27x, i created it only today, i have qlways used casual nick, only recently i decided to make an official account, and for now i'm occupied into reaching a certain COIL for a suspect.
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Awesome, I hope you enjoyed Yellow, because I did. What's your name on Showdown?

Oh also, you kind of messed up the quote. You shouldn't remove the [quote] [/quote] tags in a post, otherwise it simply won't make a quote from the post. You can edit your post using the "Edit" button below your post :)
Yes, i made a mistake with canc button, i enjoyed yellow very much, i still have the game with my first play saved.
My name in showdown is the same i have here, jack27x, i created it only today, i have qlways used casual nick, only recently i decided to make an official account, and for now i'm occupied into reaching a certain COIL for a suspect.
And you messed up the quote again. Oh well, doesn't matter, don't worry. I wish I still had my first save file from Pokémon Yellow. Too bad the internal battery died ages ago.. I'm really looking forward to the re-release of Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow for the 3DS Virtual Console.

Good luck reaching that COIL!
Level doesn't matter, just don't train them all the way up to level 100. Those EV reducing berries are indeed your best option here. Just make sure your Mudkip has the right Nature to start with.

Is serious an okay nature for mudkip? I've check the chart online and since it doesn't increase or decrease any stats, it seems like a perfect nature for me to use and my other pokemons.
Is serious an okay nature for mudkip? I've check the chart online and since it doesn't increase or decrease any stats, it seems like a perfect nature for me to use and my other pokemons.
Well, a neutral Nature is actually always a no-go.

Neutral may not seem bad at first sight, and it isn't necessarily bad. But you are not benefiting from anything. The thing about neutral nature is... you're not sacrificing anything, but sometimes it's better to sacrifice something to gain something. For example, many Pokemon are just one-dimensional, and would either like a boost in Attack or Speed. They usually have a stat they do not use (for example: Gyarados' Special Attack) and wouldn't mind if that was cut to raise their primary stat. A lot of Pokemon in the metagame tend to boost their Speed to outrun things, and that 10% boost makes a huge difference at times (base 100s, for example, can have a max of 299 when neutral and 328 when at positive). For stats like Speed, which is very absolute and only takes only one point to outpace the other guy, it is ideal to have it boosted.

As for mixed attackers? Normally they want one of their defenses lowered. Stuff like Infernape, who has relatively low Defense, do not mind losing of it without compromising either Attack or Special Attack but boost Speed. That speed is insanely crucial to outpace many things. If you're going for a mixed attack Swampert, you do not want any of its defenses compromised nor its attacks. However, it is quite slow, so it does not mind the speed drop as much as the others. That's just an example, but it all comes down to what you want. Want to make it a physical attacker? Then you know you can drop the Special Attack stat when it comes to picking a Nature. You have to know which stat to drop when going mixed, but you do really want a stat to be boosted.

Very few Pokemon in the competitive metagame want to stay neutral. Jump out of the fence and get a boost someplace.

PS: Questions about in-game mechanics like this are perfectly suited for the Have a question? Ask it here! thread in the Orange Islands section or the Simple Questions/Requests thread in the Wi-Fi section.
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Well, a neutral Nature is actually always a no-go.

Neutral may not seem bad at first sight, and it isn't necessarily bad. But you are not benefiting from anything. The thing about neutral nature is... you're not sacrificing anything, but sometimes it's better to sacrifice something to gain something. For example, many Pokemon are just one-dimensional, and would either like a boost in Attack or Speed. They usually have a stat they do not use (for example: Gyarados' Special Attack) and wouldn't mind if that was cut to raise their primary stat. A lot of Pokemon in the metagame tend to boost their Speed to outrun things, and that 10% boost makes a huge difference at times (base 100s, for example, can have a max of 299 when neutral and 328 when at positive). For stats like Speed, which is very absolute and only takes only one point to outpace the other guy, it is ideal to have it boosted.

As for mixed attackers? Normally they want one of their defenses lowered. Stuff like Infernape, who has relatively low Defense, do not mind losing of it without compromising either Attack or Special Attack but boost Speed. That speed is insanely crucial to outpace many things. If you're going for a mixed attack Swampert, you do not want any of its defenses compromised nor its attacks. However, it is quite slow, so it does not mind the speed drop as much as the others. That's just an example, but it all comes down to what you want. Want to make it a physical attacker? Then you know you can drop the Special Attack stat when it comes to picking a Nature. You have to know which stat to drop when going mixed, but you do really want a stat to be boosted.

Very few Pokemon in the competitive metagame want to stay neutral. Jump out of the fence and get a boost someplace.

PS: Questions about in-game mechanics like this are perfectly suited for the Have a question? Ask it here! thread in the Orange Islands section or the Simple Questions/Requests thread in the Wi-Fi section.

Ahh that explains why the guide's "Standard Utility" swampert's nature is relaxed. and in that case its better to sacrifice speed since its a slow pokemon to begin with (atleast according to this site's guide). alright I got my answers. thanks dude!
Hello everybody! I'm Shinx and I hope we can hang out sometimes! I'm a huge nerd and in almost every fandom. I mostly do UU and sometimes I just battle for fun.
Hey Shinx, welcome to Smogon. I also hope we can hang out sometimes! I'm not so much a nerd in fandoms, but when I do like something I get really into it. The perfect example is Pokémon, haha. Do you mostly battle on Pokémon Showdown! or on Wi-Fi? Maybe we can battle sometime, would be cool. I personally like Wi-Fi better because it gives me the feeling I'm actually playing Pokémon. And besides that I just rather play on my DS than on my computer. If you have any general questions about the forum, check out the Smogon Simple Questions thread. Or just shoot me a PM and I'll gladly help you.

See you around, Shinx :)
Hiyo! I'm Toon Dizzy, people call me Toon nice to meet you all!!!
Hey there Toon Dizzy!
Welcome to Smogon! Are there any specific areas of the forums you'd like to get involved in? For example, if you like the competitive side of Pokemon the best, check out the Competitive Discussion forum to contribute to discussions of the metagame. If you find yourself to be more interested in breeding, or trading, take a look at the Wi-Fi forum for Pokemon up for trade, breeding help, etc. Whatever you like, there's most likely a place for it. If you're unsure, feel free to explore! :) If you need anything, send me, Chesty, Dr Ciel, Erai14, Fluke, or InfernapeTropius11 a PM. I hope you enjoy your time here!
Hey! I'm Yuki!! I'm a breeder if you have any Pokemon you want!
Hey dude whats up:). I started out small to as a breeder on smogon. In fact my first trade thread ended up being close by this dude Agonist (pretty chill person actually). Yeah I listed my IV's incorrectly on my first trade. I actually have come a very long way from when I first started on smogon. If you need help on breeding let me know or feel free to let TheHoodedGamer, Fluke, QueBien know. There cool with helping you out with anything. If you want to trade stuff you should go to the wifi forums and create a trade thread after you had a look at the forum rules:). The people on the wifi forums are very friendly as well and can guide you through anything you need help with. If you also want to breed stuff and need a 6iv ditto Most and I think MattaPod give out 6iv dittos that are RNG abused. Hope to see yah around and good luck.
Hi all! :)

I'm Yrael and I'm a newbie here at Smogon. But definitely not a newbie when it comes to Pokemon. Been playing ever since the R/B/Y games came out on my original 4 AA-battery Gameboy when I was 10. Now you might have an idea of how old I am. Lol. My favorite Pokemon has been and will always be Charizard and I try to always have one in my team in every games. A close second would be Shiny Ditto, simply because he looks cool. :D I've recently just completed my living dex and now I'm trying to get at least one shiny in each species, and I've been trying to find out my TSV (I don't have any of the means to do it myself) and now that I have, thanks to shiny finder, I finally know mine. I'm here to hatch some shinies and help other users hatch their shinies. :)

Hoping to have a great time here! Thanks! :D
Hi all! :)

I'm Yrael and I'm a newbie here at Smogon. But definitely not a newbie when it comes to Pokemon. Been playing ever since the R/B/Y games came out on my original 4 AA-battery Gameboy when I was 10. Now you might have an idea of how old I am. Lol. My favorite Pokemon has been and will always be Charizard and I try to always have one in my team in every games. A close second would be Shiny Ditto, simply because he looks cool. :D I've recently just completed my living dex and now I'm trying to get at least one shiny in each species, and I've been trying to find out my TSV (I don't have any of the means to do it myself) and now that I have, thanks to shiny finder, I finally know mine. I'm here to hatch some shinies and help other users hatch their shinies. :)

Hoping to have a great time here! Thanks! :D
Hey Yrael, welcome to Smogon. I had the same thing when I first started joining Pokémon communities; I was new at the sites, but I definitely wasn't new to Pokémon. But I had been browsing Smogon for years before I even joined, so I wasn't really 'new' anymore when I actually made an account and joined the site. I've also been playing since Red, Blue and Yellow and I've been hooked ever since. Such awesome games, and I can wait for the re-release of Pokémon R/B/Y for the 3DS Virtual Console.

I am offering a lot of shiny Pokémon in my trade thread. Since you are trying to get at least one shiny in each species, I thought it would be interesting for you to take a look at it. I'm pretty sure we can make a deal here and there.

If you have any questions, just shoot me a PM and I'll help you with them. Enjoy your time here, and I hope to see you around :)
Hey Yrael, welcome to Smogon. I had the same thing when I first started joining Pokémon communities; I was new at the sites, but I definitely wasn't new to Pokémon. But I had been browsing Smogon for years before I even joined, so I wasn't really 'new' anymore when I actually made an account and joined the site. I've also been playing since Red, Blue and Yellow and I've been hooked ever since. Such awesome games, and I can wait for the re-release of Pokémon R/B/Y for the 3DS Virtual Console.

I am offering a lot of shiny Pokémon in my trade thread. Since you are trying to get at least one shiny in each species, I thought it would be interesting for you to take a look at it. I'm pretty sure we can make a deal here and there.

If you have any questions, just shoot me a PM and I'll help you with them. Enjoy your time here, and I hope to see you around :)

Same here! I hope they do re-re-release R/B/Y for the 3DS, simply because they are the iconic Pokemon games. Although my wish every Christmas is that they release a game wherein you start collecting badges from Kanto all the way til you reach Kalos (40 badges total, I think). There would be like a plane aside from the usual ship/train/tram that will let you travel to the Unova/Kalos regions. I think that would be epic. Haha. :D

Great! I'll check out your shinies tab and see if we can make deal. Hopefully you'll be interested in bank ball Pokemons as well since I'm only starting collecting shinies recently and my on hand ones are still very few.

Anyway, thanks for welcoming me here! :)
just created an Acc here.
Cuz posting here IS awkward I just go down the list.

Fav. Pokemon is Zoroark/Infernape. Mby a Zoroark cloaked as Infernape.
Here to play pokemon, learn the meta and have an excuse to not breed pokemon.
I think I'm a noob. Every team I build myself get easy games at the start, then gets pwned by one pokemon like Serperior Leaf Storm spam, or a Tail-Manaphy or a Bellydrum set.
I also don't understand the clef-hype. Mine is always a sac or gives setup-sweeper a free switch-in. I also hate/love Heatran.
Started breeding with X&Y.

Did I mentioned that I play OU and I'm a noob? My predictions are like that: "He will go out! I am faster, OhKO him, and he has 2 Pokemon he can safely switch in. I better switch out to a better mon to deal with them. ... OH HE FKING DRAGONTAILED???" I'm my own biggest enemy. Every time I don't try to predict, the enemy does the fking right thing ... DID I MISS SOMETHING?

hi ... *awkward*
just created an Acc here.
Cuz posting here IS awkward I just go down the list.

Fav. Pokemon is Zoroark/Infernape. Mby a Zoroark cloaked as Infernape.
Here to play pokemon, learn the meta and have an excuse to not breed pokemon.
I think I'm a noob. Every team I build myself get easy games at the start, then gets pwned by one pokemon like Serperior Leaf Storm spam, or a Tail-Manaphy or a Bellydrum set.
I also don't understand the clef-hype. Mine is always a sac or gives setup-sweeper a free switch-in. I also hate/love Heatran.
Started breeding with X&Y.

Did I mentioned that I play OU and I'm a noob? My predictions are like that: "He will go out! I am faster, OhKO him, and he has 2 Pokemon he can safely switch in. I better switch out to a better mon to deal with them. ... OH HE FKING DRAGONTAILED???" I'm my own biggest enemy. Every time I don't try to predict, the enemy does the fking right thing ... DID I MISS SOMETHING?

hi ... *awkward*
Hey Darren3!
Nice to meet you! Smogon is a really friendly place, so I think the awkwardness of posting will wear off soon. Zoroark is a really cool Pokemon in terms of its design, stats, and movepool, and it's one of my favorite Dark types as well. However, my favorite two Pokemon in general are Lucario and Bisharp, because I love their typings and design. Have you taken a look at the subforum for OU (under Competitive Discussion)? I find that reading through important threads--especially viability rankings--can help tremendously in understanding the metagame. I'm still a noob, too, even though I've been playing for a while now. :( However, once you've practiced enough to learn how to predict, it becomes a lot easier. It's all about practicing over and over. Also, if you would like to meet other breeders or start a trading thread (if that's something you're interested in), the Wi-Fi forum is the place for you! Anyway, feel free to let me, Chesty, Dr Ciel, Erai14, Fluke, InfernapeTropius11, or TheHoodedGamer know if you need help with anything. Have a great time here! :)
Yo guys, i'm lucqq but my real name is Luca and i have just recently started playing on Pokemon Showdown. I've been playing Pokemon every since I got my first DS Lite which was around 7 years ago. I remember playing Pokemon Pearl with my brother as the first memory of Pokemon in my life, and since then, i've been on and off in terms of playing it, due to having a social life and preferring other games. However, I recently got drawn back to the game due to genuine curiosity after watching Pokeaim, who I hadn't watched in a couple of years.

I'm 14 years old coming close to 15 in January and in real life, I play football in goal. At home, I usually play League of Legends and CSGO. (mge and silver v respectively, msg if you wanna play), and video games are my second life after coming home from school. Of course, I do go to school obviously. I live in London, UK and due to the area I live in, I listen to music such as Grime and Hip Hop.

When I joined PS! , I was pleasantly surprised with how I was treated. I instantly hit up the only tier that interested me: UU and joined the room. Immediately, I got help from a variety of people with helping me with teams and giving me tips on how to play. It's such a great community and some day I want to be the one giving advice to new players and welcoming people, so I just want to play Pokemon and be an active member.

I don't have a specific Pokemon I like, but i'll admit, I am a sucker for Grovyle, due to the PMD games, in which I would get extremely scared due to how young I was and it always made me laugh. This also meant I liked Dusknoir, but it's a shame that neither one of them are competitively viable. In terms of UU, my favourite Pokemon is definitely Kyurem, because with Specs, it hits hard and I love making teams with it. I guess this is my intro, and hopefully I can slide right into the Smogon community. Albeit, I am a bit worried about being toxic and making shite posts, but that's another matter. Thanks a lot for reading.
Hello. I have the worst name because that is the old account of my brother who only played lc. I play the lower tiers and ubers most especially ru. I want to become better at competitive and i want to play some tours. Thats why i registered at smogon. I hope some people can help me with that.
Hello. I have the worst name because that is the old account of my brother who only played lc. I play the lower tiers and ubers most especially ru. I want to become better at competitive and i want to play some tours. Thats why i registered at smogon. I hope some people can help me with that.
Hey welcome to smogon. If you need some battling tips smogon has a YouTube channel that could help. Also I can help you out especially with the RU tier one of my favorites. Hope you enjoy your time on smogon and good luck.