Silly Things You've Seen In Other Metagames
Normal Pinsir, Thunderbolt Galvantula surviving a Specs HP Fire from Regice, and lefty having issues realizing that using physical moves against Curse Avalugg won't get you very far.
Okay, I have no idea what's going on here, but among other things, Hyperspace Fury+Night Daze Weavile, and special Malamar getting a sweep.
Levitate Air Balloon Eelektross and Sturdy Focus Sash Forretress. Because fuck Mold Breaker, apparently. And it only gets worse.
Right needs to stop with the monkey business. Among the issues, Dive+Hydro Pump Simipour, Monferno, and SubPunch Simisage using the latter move despite its attempts to use the former being stopped by Taunt.
Right has 5 first stage fossil mons (including Air Balloon Omanyte) and a Mega Diancie. And wins by forfeit.
Pikachu killing itself with confusion damage after being hit by Swagger. That is all.
Chesto Berry Breloom and Attract Zebstrika failing.
This is why you don't set up Cosmic Power against something that's been BPed a Focus Energy boost. Even if it's Magikarp. And even if you resist Flail.
I rather suspect that Azumarill at the end did not have Huge Power. But it did have luck. Some other strange things in this one, namely Jigglypuff.
Mono Bibarel. Need I say more?

(R) Has no defoggers.
(L) Does not, any point, take advantage of this by dropping three layers of Spikes.

(L) Sawk uses Poison Jab against Suicune when there was a very slight chance that a high roll on Close Combat would have KOed (or at least done serious damage), or could have used Bulk Up while Suicune clicked Rest. Suicune gets poisoned, but there are no consequences.
(L) At +1, Sawk uses Earthquake against Suicune. Close Combat would have 2HKOed. It can't KO Suicune the next turn, so Suicune Scalds it the rest of the way to death. Amoonguss probably keeps Sawk from sweeping anyways (mind you, that seems to be the ONLY thing keeping Sawk from sweeping), but at the very least (L) could stand to pressure it.
(L) Sharpedo Protects on the obvious Rest. Suicune heals back to full.
(L) After (R) switches out to Amoonguss (which takes heavy damage from Crunch), Mega Sharpedo finishes it off with Ice Fang. Which is ineffective against three of the opposing team members and slightly less accurate than Crunch (which obviously would have KOed), but what do I know.
(L) Crunch had a chance to KO (an uninvested) Kyurem-Black, but Ice Fang gets more screen time. Mega Sharpedo gets nuked by Fusion Bolt. Crunch 3HKOs Suicune; if Sharpedo didn't take a Scald burn along the way, it could have swept if Kyub didn't get a move off on it. Oh well.
(L) After a few KOes are traded, (L) starts spamming Play Rough against a sleeping Suicune, when there are Spikes it could be setting up.
(L) Uses Toxic against the Suicune after it wakes up. Its Thunder Wave (revealed later) might have at least haxed its way through Suicune, but instead, Suicune gets the guaranteed Rest while Klefki drops another pathetic Play Rough.
(R) After Suicune gets paralyzed KOing Klefki, (R) gets haxed out of its Suicune. No Scald burn, then a turn lost to paralysis, then (L) gets a critical hit. That's very unlucky.

TL;DR (R) gets their ass saved against several threatening set-up mons by their opponent's sheer volume and importance of misplays.
Turn 3

Haxorus, come back!

Go! Druddigon!

The opposing Heracross's Heracronite is reacting to ramens's Mega Bracelet!
The opposing Heracross has Mega Evolved into Mega Heracross!

The opposing Heracross used Arm Thrust!
Druddigon lost 13% of its health!
[Druddigon's Rough Skin!]
The opposing Heracross was hurt!
The opposing Heracross is hurt by Druddigon's Rocky Helmet!
A critical hit! Druddigon lost 24% of its health!
[Druddigon's Rough Skin!]
The opposing Heracross was hurt!
The opposing Heracross is hurt by Druddigon's Rocky Helmet!
Druddigon lost 15% of its health!
[Druddigon's Rough Skin!]
The opposing Heracross was hurt!
The opposing Heracross is hurt by Druddigon's Rocky Helmet!
Druddigon lost 14.0% of its health!
[Druddigon's Rough Skin!]
The opposing Heracross was hurt!
The opposing Heracross is hurt by Druddigon's Rocky Helmet!

The opposing Heracross fainted!
Hit 4 times!

This, Perish Song Alteria, and many more!

(Why is my spoiler not working? :c )

All fixed. Thank you, guys! :'D
Last edited:
Turn 3

Haxorus, come back!

Go! Druddigon!

The opposing Heracross's Heracronite is reacting to ramens's Mega Bracelet!
The opposing Heracross has Mega Evolved into Mega Heracross!

The opposing Heracross used Arm Thrust!
Druddigon lost 13% of its health!
[Druddigon's Rough Skin!]
The opposing Heracross was hurt!
The opposing Heracross is hurt by Druddigon's Rocky Helmet!
A critical hit! Druddigon lost 24% of its health!
[Druddigon's Rough Skin!]
The opposing Heracross was hurt!
The opposing Heracross is hurt by Druddigon's Rocky Helmet!
Druddigon lost 15% of its health!
[Druddigon's Rough Skin!]
The opposing Heracross was hurt!
The opposing Heracross is hurt by Druddigon's Rocky Helmet!
Druddigon lost 14.0% of its health!
[Druddigon's Rough Skin!]
The opposing Heracross was hurt!
The opposing Heracross is hurt by Druddigon's Rocky Helmet!

The opposing Heracross fainted!
Hit 4 times!

So you want to use [ hide ] (no spaces) instead of
in order to format it correctly.

Also you linked the battle, not a replay.
Right ragequits after Ferrothorn Leech Seeded Drifblim (who was at max evasion).
Left looks normal, apart from mixing Pokémon from NU to Ubers. Crobat nicely cleans a weird Rain + Sun team (which notably had Raichu, Aqua Tail Gyarados (gotta love these potential misses), Sunny Day Solar Power non-Mega Charizard and Power Whip + Leaf Blade Victreebel).
Left has 3 Magic Bounce mons (with Absol as the Mega Magic Bouncer), including Bulldoze Bright Powder Metagross and an early forfeit while Espeon was boosting (no Dark-types on right nor poison from Venusaur's Sludge Bomb, so I'd bet on IRL issues).
  • Klefki using Thunder Wave on Magnezone.
  • Sandstorm Sand Veil Garchomp with Rocky Helmet (at least he didn't give it Bright Powder). Yet it avoided two Ice Punches from Jirachi and managed to take the pixie with it thanks to the Helmet.
  • Mega Kangaskhan using Fake Out during the 3rd turn following its entry.
Right: DragMag team. Only big silly thing is Earth Power Mamoswine.
Mewtwo vs. mono Shedinja.
Mega Rayquaza and Roar of Time Ghostceus defeat BP team. And Ambipom. Then turn 15 happened.
Question: An opposing Xerneas is using Outrage. Should I switch Dragonite out? Of course not.
4 mon team vs. Bug mono, including Sneasel outspeeding +3 Crustle, some dueling BP, and Fell Stinger Leavanny, among other things.
Cubone, and CM Florges outspeeding a lot more than she should.
Some strange item and move choices, including Custap Berry Steelix, which also used Curse after its Shuckle teammate setting up Sticky Web.
More incomplete teams, more shitmons (Psyduck, anyone?), more bad moves. And this is in the 1200s.
Non-mega Charizard #51186756, Slaking, and more.
A gimmicky Arbok set that puts in some work. That's about the only thing this battle has going for it, though.
Right has a team of all Quagsire. Three of left's mons set up at some point during the game. And a Kee Berry Bisharp.
Mono-Vivillon on right side. Worse, one of them has Calm Mind (remember, they're butterflies). Also, Focus Sash isn't a bad choice in AG with their atrocious bulk.
Mono-Lugia with a Forretress on left side. Meanwhile, right has Blast Burn non-Mega Charizard and Aqua Tail + Thunderbolt Primal Kyogre. Also note the large gap in ELO rating between both players.
You know something's wrong when an Amnesia Mega Venusaur manages to shut down...

Also features Torment Klefki and Serperior spamming unboosted Hidden Power Fire on the aforementioned Mega Venusaur when it has Dragon Pulse.
This one needs a list.
  • The good ol' Dark Void + Nightmare + Dream Eater Darkrai.
  • Dragon Tail Mega Rayquaza (it has better things to do than trying to phaze its opponents).
  • Protect Xerneas. Why not just set up Geomancy and blow up your enemies?
  • Eruption Primal Groudon.
  • Triple Dragon STAB Dialga with Draco Meteor, Outrage and Dragon Claw.
  • Not knowing what Light Screen does despite the text clearly showing that it raises Special Defense. Oh, and it continued spamming Draco Meteor with its reduced Special Attack.
Right: Mono-Ice.
  • Fake Out Weavile.
  • Forewarn Jynx, with Light Screen.
  • Walrein, with both Protect and Blizzard (and certaintly Ice Body).
Levitate Air Balloon Eelektross and Sturdy Focus Sash Forretress. Because fuck Mold Breaker, apparently. And it only gets worse.
Oh god this one is painful.
(L) Eelektross with a double immunity to Ground. If only it was a Rotom-S.
(R) Mega TTar trying to spam Earthquake on said Eelektross with a double immunity to Ground. Also, why didn't it MEvo first turn?
(R) Also, apparently TTar doesn't have Rock or Dark STAB and the best move it has against Eelektross is Fire Punch.
(R) Non-Poison Heal Iron Tail Gliscor, spamming said move against the above Eelektross, along with Earthquake. Oh, and it has X-Scissor.
(L) Eelektross spamming Thunder on Gliscor.
(R) Non Power Herb Sky Attack Hawlucha.
(L) Regular Sableye holding, of all things, an Aguav Berry.
(R) Focus Sash Giga Drain Forretress. Maybe it had Overcoat? Except no, as the hail does damage to it. Gotta beat dat Mold Breaker.
(L) Apicot Berry Gyarados. APICOT Berry. I mean, I guess it saved Gyara from Psychic's SpD drop, not that it mattered.
(R) Psychic / Psyshock Alakazam.
(L) Blizzard / Double Edge Mega Aggron.
Non-mega Charizard #51186756, Slaking, and more.

Alright, I got this one.

(R) Mono-normal.
(L) Garchomp sees the Porygon-Z and wisely gets the hell out on the Ice Beam. There's a Blissey just waiting to eat that up, but instead left sends in...Charizard. Not exactly a clean switch.
(B) Zard at least gets an indirect kill, forcing PZ to take itself out with Life Orb recoil.
(R) Banded Retaliate? Please? Nope, Play Rough. Mega Chomp takes it comfortably and Swords Dances, only to...
(B)...kick out to Blissey as Slaking stays in. Do you see anything that can handle a +2 Mega Garchomp? I don't.
(R) Slaking is Banded, getting the Atk drop with its second Play Rough. Still only does about a third to the blob, who T-Waves.
(R) This guy freaking wins. Smeargle passes to Mega Kang, who dodges a Toxic and gets +1 Atk and +4 Spe. This is why Baton Pass Clause exists in the official tiers. Right here. He had no business winning, and yet he did.
No replay since replays weren't working this time, so here's the battle log.
pokemon 3214dc joined.
MQCoba joined.
CAP Crucibelle Playtest
Rated battle

Baton Pass Clause: Limit one Baton Passer, can't pass Spe and other stats simultaneously
Swagger Clause: Swagger is banned
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokémon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
pokemon 3214dc's team: Landorus-Therian / Rotom-Mow / Charizard / Salamence / Swampert / Golem
MQCoba's team: Crucibelle / Thundurus / Ferrothorn / Landorus-Therian / Rotom-Wash / Clefable
Battle between pokemon 3214dc and MQCoba started!
Go! assustador (Charizard)!
MQCoba sent out Rotom (Rotom-Wash)!
Turn 1
assustador, come back!
Go! Rotom (Rotom-Mow)!
The opposing Rotom used Volt Switch!
It's not very effective... Rotom lost 7.2% of its health!
The opposing Rotom went back to MQCoba!
MQCoba sent out Crucibelle!
Turn 2
The opposing Crucibelle's Crucibellite is reacting to MQCoba's Mega Bracelet!
The opposing Crucibelle has Mega Evolved into Mega Crucibelle!
The opposing Crucibelle used Gunk Shot!
Rotom avoided the attack!
Rotom used Leaf Storm!
The opposing Crucibelle lost 27.4% of its health!
Rotom's Special Attack fell harshly!
Turn 3
Rotom, come back!
Go! Swampert!
The opposing Crucibelle used Head Smash!
It's not very effective... Swampert lost 30.8% of its health!
Turn 4
MQCoba withdrew Crucibelle (Crucibelle-Mega)!
MQCoba sent out Ferrothorn!
Swampert's Swampertite is reacting to pokemon 3214dc's Mega Bracelet!
Swampert has Mega Evolved into Mega Swampert!
Swampert used Surf!
It's not very effective... The opposing Ferrothorn lost 15.1% of its health!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 5
Swampert, come back!
Go! assustador (Charizard)!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Leech Seed!
assustador avoided the attack!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 6
MQCoba withdrew Ferrothorn!
MQCoba sent out Landorus (Landorus-Therian)!
[Opposing Landorus's Intimidate!]
assustador's Attack fell!
assustador used Flamethrower!
The opposing Landorus lost 37.5% of its health!
The opposing Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 7
assustador, come back!
Go! Swampert (Swampert-Mega)!
The opposing Landorus used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around your team!
The opposing Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 8
MQCoba withdrew Landorus (Landorus-Therian)!
MQCoba sent out Ferrothorn!
Swampert used Hydro Pump!
It's not very effective... The opposing Ferrothorn lost 20.2% of its health!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 9
Swampert, come back!
Go! assustador (Charizard)!
Pointed stones dug into assustador!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Leech Seed!
assustador was seeded!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
assustador's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 10
The opposing Ferrothorn used Protect!
The opposing Ferrothorn protected itself!
assustador used Flamethrower!
The opposing Ferrothorn protected itself!
assustador's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 11
MQCoba withdrew Ferrothorn!
MQCoba sent out Crucibelle (Crucibelle-Mega)!
assustador used Flamethrower!
It's not very effective... The opposing Crucibelle lost 12.3% of its health!
assustador's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 12
assustador, come back!
Go! Rotom (Rotom-Mow)!
Pointed stones dug into Rotom!
The opposing Crucibelle used Head Smash!
Rotom lost 77.5% of its health!
Turn 13
Rotom, come back!
Go! Salamence!
Pointed stones dug into Salamence!
[Salamence's Intimidate!]
The opposing Crucibelle's Attack fell!
The opposing Crucibelle used Head Smash!
It's super effective! Salamence lost 74.9% of its health!
Salamence fainted!
Go! Landorus (Landorus-Therian)!
Pointed stones dug into Landorus!
[Landorus's Intimidate!]
The opposing Crucibelle's Attack fell!
Turn 14
MQCoba withdrew Crucibelle (Crucibelle-Mega)!
MQCoba sent out Ferrothorn!
Landorus used Dig!
Landorus burrowed its way under the ground!
Turn 15
Landorus used Dig!
The opposing Ferrothorn lost 22.4% of its health!
[Opposing Ferrothorn's Iron Barbs!]
Landorus was hurt!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Leech Seed!
Landorus was seeded!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Landorus's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 16
Landorus, come back!
Go! assustador (Charizard)!
Pointed stones dug into assustador!
assustador fainted!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of your team!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Go! Landorus (Landorus-Therian)!
Pointed stones dug into Landorus!
[Landorus's Intimidate!]
The opposing Ferrothorn's Attack fell!
Turn 17
Landorus used Earthquake!
The opposing Ferrothorn lost 27.3% of its health!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of your team!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 18
Landorus used Earthquake!
The opposing Ferrothorn lost 25.6% of its health!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Leech Seed!
Landorus avoided the attack!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 19
Landorus used Hidden Power!
It's not very effective... The opposing Ferrothorn lost 6.0% of its health!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Leech Seed!
Landorus was seeded!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Landorus's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 20
Landorus used Rock Tomb!
It's not very effective... The opposing Ferrothorn lost 6.0% of its health!
The opposing Ferrothorn's Speed fell!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of your team!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Landorus's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 21
Landorus, come back!
Go! Swampert (Swampert-Mega)!
Swampert is hurt by the spikes!
Pointed stones dug into Swampert!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Protect!
But it failed!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 22
Swampert used Blizzard!
The opposing Ferrothorn lost 27.0% of its health!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Leech Seed!
Swampert was seeded!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Swampert's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 23
The opposing Ferrothorn used Protect!
The opposing Ferrothorn protected itself!
Swampert used Ice Punch!
The opposing Ferrothorn protected itself!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Swampert's health is sapped by Leech Seed!
Turn 24
Swampert used Hydro Pump!
The opposing Ferrothorn avoided the attack!
The opposing Ferrothorn used Gyro Ball!
It's not very effective... Swampert lost 13.5% of its health!
Swampert fainted!
The opposing Ferrothorn restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
pokemon 3214dc forfeited.
MQCoba won the battle!
pokemon 3214dc left.
Ladder (probably) updated, but score could not be retrieved (Response not received).
MQCoba left.
MQCoba joined.
Featuring Golem, non-mega Charizard, Surf/Hydro Pump Mega Swampert (Waterfall anyone?) that had Blizzard as well as Ice Punch (where's your Earthquake?), and Dig Landorus-T.
A team consisting entirely of Trubbish. Apparently using only Poison type moves, which is an issue considering his opponent led with Aggron.
Some questionable move choices in this one, including Calm Mind normal Absol.
Random NFEs.
A stall war between Mega Salamence and Skarmory, of all things.
Even more rare than the double Protect: the double Endure. Also starring a non-mega Pidgeot and Rough Skin non-mega Sharpedo.
Assault Vest Gyro Ball Blastoise, Big Root Torterra, Muk, and Slaking.
Okay, the Magikarp teams aren't funny anymore. But on the other hand, it's free ladder points for right, so I doubt he's complaining too much.
Nothing all that silly, aside from the mons themselves and Charge Beam Raikou, but the chat at the end has me confused.
You know, with a team like that, you may want some hazard control. Just a suggestion.
Some type chart issues, and it may be just me, but Eruption Primal Groudon just doesn't seem that great to me.
A guy getting walled by Marowak. Yes, you heard that correctly.

This is not technically silly, but it's still dumb how even at that high up on the ladder I can still win matches by making a single prediction to take out shed. Yes, I know hailceus is suboptimal, but replace it with the moldy user of your choice and you still get loads of games similar to this.

PSA to all aspiring BH players: Don't make a team that falls apart as soon as Shed dies. It's okay to use it to blanket check certain things, but for fuck's sake at least have back-up checks to the remaining 2/3 of the meta, and especially your own mons. I'm kind of tired seeing those teams on the ladder, it gets boring and unfun to play against. If you're using a Shed team, at least don't have it as an obvious switch-in that any competent player can predict and punish. There's a damn good reason it's in A- rank and not S.

Anna says hi: .usage magikarp BH
+TIBot: Magikarp - #74 in Balanced Hackmons | Usage: 1.04859% | Raw count: 2,174 | Weight: 0.293860999577
A ghost team featuring hammer arm golurk and no megas forfeits due to a crit on gengar
A water team featuring no sap sipper azumarill or tentacruel vs an electric team. They sack their electric immunity turn 1
Sun dark loses to hax
Walrein isnt specs
A water team, this time without an electric or grass immunity
No replays today, so just look at these logs:

sapporro joined.
Charizard Yolo joined.
Anything Goes
Rated battle

Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
sapporro's team:Victini / Talonflame / Empoleon / Flygon / Blaziken / Malamar
Charizard Yolo's team:Arceus-* / Diancie / Hoopa-Unbound / Lugia / Zapdos / Landorus-Therian
Battle between sapporro and Charizard Yolo started!

Go! Victini!

Charizard Yolo sent out Diancie!
Turn 1

The opposing Diancie's Diancite is reacting to Charizard Yolo's Mega Bracelet!
The opposing Diancie has Mega Evolved into Mega Diancie!

Victini used Psychic!
The opposing Diancie lost 47% of its health!

The opposing Diancie used Diamond Storm!
It's super effective! Victini lost 100% of its health!

Victini fainted!
SP458 joined.

Go! Malamar!
Turn 2

The opposing Diancie used Diamond Storm!
Malamar lost 46% of its health!

Malamar used Superpower!
A critical hit! The opposing Diancie lost 53% of its health!
Malamar's Attack rose! Malamar's Defense rose!

The opposing Diancie fainted!

Charizard Yolo sent out Hoopa (Hoopa-Unbound)!
Turn 3

The opposing Hoopa used Dark Pulse!
Malamar lost 54% of its health!

Malamar fainted!

Go! Blaziken!
Turn 4

The opposing Hoopa used Gunk Shot!
Blaziken avoided the attack!

Blaziken used Fire Spin!
The opposing Hoopa lost 10% of its health!
The opposing Hoopa became trapped in the fiery vortex!

The opposing Hoopa is hurt by Fire Spin!
Turn 5

The opposing Hoopa used Gunk Shot!
Blaziken lost 53% of its health!

Blaziken used Blaze Kick!
The opposing Hoopa lost 60% of its health!

The opposing Hoopa is hurt by Fire Spin!
Turn 6

The opposing Hoopa used Dark Pulse!
It's not very effective... Blaziken lost 36% of its health!

Blaziken used Double Kick!
The opposing Hoopa lost 5% of its health!
Hit 1 time!

The opposing Hoopa fainted!

Charizard Yolo sent out Zapdos!
[Opposing Zapdos's Pressure!]
The opposing Zapdos is exerting its pressure!
Turn 7

The opposing Zapdos used Thunder!
Blaziken lost 11% of its health!

Blaziken fainted!

Go! Talonflame!
Turn 8

Talonflame used Fire Blast!
The opposing Zapdos lost 28% of its health!

The opposing Zapdos used Thunder!
Talonflame avoided the attack!

The opposing Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 9

Talonflame used Ember!
The opposing Zapdos lost 10% of its health!

The opposing Zapdos used Roost!
The opposing Zapdos restored its HP.
Turn 10

Talonflame used Me First!
But it failed!

The opposing Zapdos used Roost!
But it failed!
Turn 11

Talonflame used Fire Blast!
The opposing Zapdos lost 26% of its health!

The opposing Zapdos used Rain Dance!
It started to rain!

The opposing Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 12

Talonflame used Ember!
The opposing Zapdos lost 5% of its health!

The opposing Zapdos used Roost!
The opposing Zapdos restored its HP.
Turn 13

Talonflame used Brave Bird!
It's not very effective... The opposing Zapdos lost 21% of its health!
Talonflame is damaged by the recoil!

The opposing Zapdos used Thunder Wave!
Talonflame is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The opposing Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 14

The opposing Zapdos used Thunder!
It's super effective! Talonflame lost 92% of its health!

Talonflame fainted!

The opposing Zapdos restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
sapporro forfeited.

Charizard Yolo won the battle!

  • Fire Spin / Blaze Kick / Double Kick Blaze Blaziken.
  • Me First / Fire Blast / Ember Talonflame. In-game set?

Blaze Dimez joined.
MLGSkittles joined.
Anything Goes
Rated battle

Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is shown in percentages
Blaze Dimez's team:Hitmonlee / Smeargle / Forretress / Rotom-Wash / Arcanine / Alakazam
MLGSkittles's team:Dragonite / Togekiss / Darmanitan / Sharpedo / Pidgeot / Metagross
Battle between Blaze Dimez and MLGSkittles started!

Go! Forretress!

MLGSkittles sent out Sharpedo!
Turn 1

MLGSkittles withdrew Sharpedo!

MLGSkittles sent out Darmanitan!

Forretress used Toxic Spikes!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of the opposing team!
Turn 2

Forretress used Protect!
Forretress protected itself!

The opposing Darmanitan used Flamethrower!
Forretress protected itself!
Turn 3
SP458 joined.

Forretress, come back!

Go! Rotom (Rotom-Wash)!

The opposing Darmanitan used Flamethrower!
It's not very effective... Rotom lost 8% of its health!

Rotom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 4

Rotom used Hydro Pump!
It's super effective! The opposing Darmanitan hung on using its Focus Sash!
The opposing Darmanitan lost 99% of its health!

The opposing Darmanitan used Hidden Power!
It's super effective! Rotom lost 15% of its health!

Rotom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
[Opposing Darmanitan's Zen Mode!]
Zen Mode triggered!
Turn 5

MLGSkittles withdrew Darmanitan!

MLGSkittles sent out Dragonite!

Rotom used Thunderbolt!
The opposing Dragonite lost 16% of its health!

Rotom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 6

Rotom used Thunderbolt!
The opposing Dragonite lost 31% of its health!

The opposing Dragonite used Dragon Claw!
Rotom lost 66% of its health!

Rotom restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 7

Rotom used Thunderbolt!
The opposing Dragonite lost 34% of its health!

The opposing Dragonite used Dragon Claw!
Rotom lost 36% of its health!

Rotom fainted!

Go! Arcanine!
[Arcanine's Intimidate!]
The opposing Dragonite's Attack fell!
Turn 8

Arcanine used Extreme Speed!
A critical hit! The opposing Dragonite lost 19% of its health!
Arcanine lost some of its HP!

The opposing Dragonite fainted!

MLGSkittles sent out Sharpedo!
The opposing Sharpedo was poisoned!
Turn 9

Arcanine, come back!

Go! Forretress!

The opposing Sharpedo used Waterfall!
Forretress lost 41% of its health!

The opposing Sharpedo was hurt by poison!
[Opposing Sharpedo's Speed Boost!]
The opposing Sharpedo's Speed rose!
Turn 10

The opposing Sharpedo used Earthquake!
Forretress lost 34% of its health!
Forretress ate its Sitrus Berry!
Forretress restored HP using its Sitrus Berry!

Forretress used Toxic Spikes!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of the opposing team!

The opposing Sharpedo was hurt by poison!
[Opposing Sharpedo's Speed Boost!]
The opposing Sharpedo's Speed rose!
Turn 11

The opposing Sharpedo used Night Slash!
A critical hit! Forretress lost 50% of its health!

Forretress fainted!

The opposing Sharpedo was hurt by poison!
[Opposing Sharpedo's Speed Boost!]
The opposing Sharpedo's Speed rose!

Go! Hitmonlee!
Turn 12

Hitmonlee used Fake Out!
The Normal Gem strengthened Fake Out's power!
The opposing Sharpedo lost 35% of its health!

The opposing Sharpedo flinched and couldn't move!

The opposing Sharpedo was hurt by poison!
[Opposing Sharpedo's Speed Boost!]
The opposing Sharpedo's Speed rose!
Turn 13

Hitmonlee, come back!

Go! Arcanine!
[Arcanine's Intimidate!]
The opposing Sharpedo's Attack fell!

The opposing Sharpedo used Night Slash!
Arcanine lost 39% of its health!

The opposing Sharpedo was hurt by poison!
[Opposing Sharpedo's Speed Boost!]
The opposing Sharpedo's Speed rose!
Turn 14

Arcanine used Extreme Speed!
The opposing Sharpedo lost 3% of its health!
Arcanine lost some of its HP!

The opposing Sharpedo fainted!

MLGSkittles sent out Togekiss!
Turn 15

Arcanine used Extreme Speed!
The opposing Togekiss lost 34% of its health!
Arcanine lost some of its HP!

The opposing Togekiss used Aura Sphere!
Arcanine lost 27% of its health!
Turn 16

Arcanine used Overheat!
The opposing Togekiss lost 63% of its health!
Arcanine's Special Attack fell harshly!
Arcanine lost some of its HP!

Arcanine fainted!

The opposing Togekiss used Ancient Power!
But it failed!

Go! Alakazam!
Turn 17

Alakazam's Alakazite is reacting to Blaze Dimez's Mega Bracelet!
Alakazam has Mega Evolved into Mega Alakazam!
[Alakazam's Trace!]
Alakazam traced the opposing Togekiss's Serene Grace!

Alakazam used Psychic!
The opposing Togekiss lost 3% of its health!

The opposing Togekiss fainted!

MLGSkittles sent out Pidgeot!
Turn 18

Alakazam used Psychic!
The opposing Pidgeot lost 90% of its health!

The opposing Pidgeot used Air Slash!
Alakazam lost 26% of its health!
Turn 19

Alakazam used Psychic!
The opposing Pidgeot lost 10% of its health!

The opposing Pidgeot fainted!

MLGSkittles sent out Metagross!
Turn 20

The opposing Metagross's Metagrossite is reacting to MLGSkittles's Mega Bracelet!
The opposing Metagross has Mega Evolved into Mega Metagross!

Alakazam used Energy Ball!
It's not very effective... The opposing Metagross lost 19% of its health!
The opposing Metagross's Special Defense fell!

The opposing Metagross used Zen Headbutt!
It's not very effective... Alakazam lost 54% of its health!
Turn 21

Alakazam used Energy Ball!
It's not very effective... The opposing Metagross lost 29% of its health!
The opposing Metagross's Special Defense fell!

The opposing Metagross used Zen Headbutt!
It's not very effective... Alakazam lost 20% of its health!

Alakazam fainted!

Go! Hitmonlee!
Turn 22

Hitmonlee used Fake Out!
It's not very effective... The opposing Metagross lost 4% of its health!

The opposing Metagross flinched and couldn't move!
Turn 23

The opposing Metagross used Ice Punch!
Hitmonlee lost 76% of its health!
Hitmonlee was frozen solid!

Hitmonlee is frozen solid!
Turn 24

Hitmonlee is frozen solid!

The opposing Metagross used Meteor Mash!
Hitmonlee lost 24% of its health!

Hitmonlee fainted!

Go! Smeargle!
Turn 25

Smeargle used Spiky Shield!
Smeargle protected itself!

The opposing Metagross used Ice Punch!
Smeargle protected itself!
The opposing Metagross is hurt by Smeargle's Spiky Shield!
[Smeargle's Moody!]
Smeargle's Special Attack rose sharply!
Smeargle's Speed fell!
Turn 26

The opposing Metagross used Meteor Mash!
Smeargle lost 100% of its health!

Smeargle fainted!

MLGSkittles won the battle!

  • Sitrus Berry Forretress.
  • Mega Alakazam not using Focus Blast or Shadow Ball against Mega Metagross, spamming Serene Grace Energy Balls instead.
Right (with "opposing"):
  • ZEN. MODE. DARMANITAN. It even held a Sash for this. Also equipped with Hidden Power Grass instead of Grass Knot (at least HP Grass didn't tickle Rotom-W).
  • Night Slash Sharpedo (Crunch exists).
  • Ancient Power Togekiss.
  • Non-Mega Pidgeot.
  • Likewise, Mega Metagross not using Meteor Mash (which it revealed against Hitmonlee) on Mega Zam and not using Zen Headbutt on Hitmonlee. At least it got a timely freeze on the Fighting Pokémon with Ice Punch.
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