(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

I'm not a genwunner and I liked a lot of Black & White's designs but Gurdurr pisses me right off.
You telling me this piece of shit showed ancient people the wizardry that is I/T/H-profile steel beams? I'm picturing this scenario of ancient times when people were just discovering bronze and metallurgy in general then this jerk strolls by with his red-painted DIN1025-approved steel beams just silently mocking them. Steel Beams are a feat of 20th century engineering, from its alloy to its shape to minimise cost while retaining sturdiness for construction work. The thought that some Pokémon from thousands of years ago walks around with them infuriates me.

What's next? A union Pokémon who taught the ancient civilization the joys of sick days and 9-5 working hours?
I'm not a genwunner and I liked a lot of Black & White's designs but Gurdurr pisses me right off.
You telling me this piece of shit showed ancient people the wizardry that is I/T/H-profile steel beams? I'm picturing this scenario of ancient times when people were just discovering bronze and metallurgy in general then this jerk strolls by with his red-painted DIN1025-approved steel beams just silently mocking them. Steel Beams are a feat of 20th century engineering, from its alloy to its shape to minimise cost while retaining sturdiness for construction work. The thought that some Pokémon from thousands of years ago walks around with them infuriates me.

What's next? A union Pokémon who taught the ancient civilization the joys of sick days and 9-5 working hours?

Actually only Conkeldurr taught people how to make concrete. If I had to take a guess, Gurdurr probably didn't start using steel beams until they were created by people. Ancient Gurdurr probably used bigger logs or maybe concrete slabs themselves, switching over to steel beams seeing how stronger they are.
Sure, the mechanic might be lost on a few people, but here's the thing: In in-game runs, nature doesn't matter. Casual players are not going to care that they have an Adamant Gardevoir or a Modest Machamp, so why should it be considered an argument in favor of keeping Synchronize at 50%? All it does is make legendary soft resetting a nuisance by adding in another variable (lost count of how many legendaries with good IVs I've had to toss because they were the wrong nature), and I personally think 3 guaranteed legendary IVs is enough as some legends could want HP Fire (Latios for hitting Scizor etc.). I just want something that will speed up soft-resetting without restricting Hidden Power even more than it already is. If in-game players wondering why all of their Pokemon are Modest is a concern, then I have a compromise that satisfies everybody:

Synchronize works 100% of the time against Legendary Pokemon only. This way, Pokemon used on in-game runs don't get locked into one nature and Legendary soft-resetters have an easier time.

Yes, that's the best compromise! Synchronize works 100% against Pokémon you can't breed, and they keep the guaranteed 3 IVs to make the necessary hidden powers obtainable!
Come on Game Freak! It's a new generation! Do it!!!
Or maybe what you actually think are steel beams are really something else in the shape of steel beams.

No, current Gurdurr are using steel beams:

Pokedex said:
White: They strengthen their bodies by carrying steel beams. They show off their big muscles to their friends.
BW2, X, OR: With strengthened bodies, they skillfully wield steel beams to take down buildings.

Though that does bring a question where do Gurdurr who evolve from Timburr find a steel beam if they evolve in a non-urban area like a forest, cave, or in a middle of the sea.
No, current Gurdurr are using steel beams:

Though that does bring a question where do Gurdurr who evolve from Timburr find a steel beam if they evolve in a non-urban area like a forest, cave, or in a middle of the sea.

Isn't that obvious? They pull it out of their asses!

But seriously, that's game segregation for you. Then again, I can imagine a coming-of-age practice where Timburrs go to construction sites, and steal steel beams. Must be a pain in the ass for construction companies, I'd imagine. Given the fact that the newly evolved Gurdurrs are NOT welcome, they probably travel back to their natural habitats, where their troop is waiting to clobber any construction workers or law enforcement too stupid brave for their own good.

Oh wait...you're talking about trained Timburrs! I guess that trainers can and do buy steel beams for them to have when they evolve. I guess they just store them in a ball-like device, because no-one would be crazy enough to try to carry around the steel beams themselves!
You know what really bothered me? The very fact that Kanto got more attention in X & Y than other Gens. How could you explain the lack of Unova Mega Pokemon until we get the not-so-strong Mega Audino in ORAS? Nostelgia and Gen 1 fans, that's it. This could explain why Charizard and Mewtwo got two Mega Evolutions which, while useful on their own, causes others to be pretty more inferior in overall quality, and that Pikachu uses Pokemon Speak. It could also partly explain the lack of new Pokemon in Gen 6, although Gen 5 may be another reason (more than Gen 1's 151).

We should know that Gold and Silver is arguably the best Gen, but all of those vocal Gen 1 fans try to proves otherwise, and Game Freak wasn't being careful enough.

I fear that this happen again in Pokemon Sun & Moon. I rahter have a fair balance of attentions while Gen 7 as main attraction rather than rejecting others (case of Gen 5) or having it's spotlight stolen without a remake (Gen 6. The re-remake of Red, Blue and Yellow is for transition at Gen 7 via PokeBank, not Gen 6).
Gold and silver arguably the best? Skewered leveling due to the road pitchfork, a barren as hell dry as fuck post-game made of a whole new region with... 3 side quests... Yeh best game for what some fanservice on a repeatable lever level 80 battle that could be defeated by a level 60 donphan and a level 68 stantler...if you call that great you really need to check your priorities in gaming, I can't question stylistic preferences but GSC are way far from a best generation.

Seriously gold and silver don't deserve the hype people put on it at all.
Gold and silver arguably the best? Skewered leveling due to the road pitchfork? A barren as hell dry as fuck post-game made of a whole new region with... 3 side quests... Yeh best game for what some fanservice on a repeatable lever level 80 battle that could be defeated by a level 60 donphan and a level 68 stantler...

Seriously gold and silver don't deserve the hype people put on it at all.

I didn't said that Gold and Silver are flawless. In fact, every Generations had their own flaws. (Might be difficult to determinate the arguably the best gen then, aside for Gen 5 for storyline...)

But as I said, there is still no other reason to giving so much spotlight to popular Pokemon other than because the vocal fans said so (and tend to be more intense when it is comes to Generation 1 fans). This would explain why Game Freak don't really want to innovate; they only listen to their vocal fans, who not all of them are reasonable. This could explain why Pikachu and other "popular" Pokemon had so much attention; it is because the vocal fans want it more of their exposisure. Whew! I rather use Raichu than the same old-schooled yellow pika.
Beyond aesthetics and what Pokémon got a Mega Evolution there really isn't as much attention to Kanto as you say. Right, okay, you can get the Kanto starters who have Megas and Mewtwo is available and also has two megas.
I'm not really seeing the problem. It's a completely optional thing that isn't in your face - hell, on my original run I used a team purely made of new Gen 6 Pokémon. I can very much make the same argument that more attention was given to Gen 3 because that got a lot more Megas than Gens 2 and 4 even before ORAS! Aside from that there's, like, what... Santalune Forest having the same layout as Viridian Forest? Which is kind of stupid but like whatever.
It had it's own uniquely designed region, it's own unique story and it's own unique characters. You can argue those characters and stories are kind of shit but they're not carbon copies of Kanto or anything. Yes, nostalgia was a big draw because you can get the Kanto starters and they've got new powerful forms. So what? Should we go completely without Gen 1 nostalgia, then? Is it nothing but a toxic element that ruins the game and overshadows everything, or is it just a fun callback and update that isn't shoved in your face?

I'm sorry I'm just not seeing how Gen 1 overshadowed Gen 6 in XY just because "a lot of Gen 1 pokemon had megas!". Hell, your argument seems to be more about Unova Pokémon not getting Megas in XY. They'll probably get their chance later; be patient.
We should know that Gold and Silver is arguably the best Gen, but all of those vocal Gen 1 fans try to proves otherwise, and Game Freak wasn't being careful enough.
Nah honestly GS had some pretty shit game design; RB was superior in my honest opinion.
I don't know why Gen 1 gets so much hate from Gen 3 & 2 fans. Sorry the pokemon who were primarily responsible for the franchise's popularity are still popular?
Beyond aesthetics and what Pokémon got a Mega Evolution there really isn't as much attention to Kanto as you say. Right, okay, you can get the Kanto starters who have Megas and Mewtwo is available and also has two megas.
I'm not really seeing the problem. It's a completely optional thing that isn't in your face - hell, on my original run I used a team purely made of new Gen 6 Pokémon. I can very much make the same argument that more attention was given to Gen 3 because that got a lot more Megas than Gens 2 and 4 even before ORAS! Aside from that there's, like, what... Santalune Forest having the same layout as Viridian Forest? Which is kind of stupid but like whatever.
It had it's own uniquely designed region, it's own unique story and it's own unique characters. You can argue those characters and stories are kind of shit but they're not carbon copies of Kanto or anything. Yes, nostalgia was a big draw because you can get the Kanto starters and they've got new powerful forms. So what? Should we go completely without Gen 1 nostalgia, then? Is it nothing but a toxic element that ruins the game and overshadows everything, or is it just a fun callback and update that isn't shoved in your face?

I'm sorry I'm just not seeing how Gen 1 overshadowed Gen 6 in XY just because "a lot of Gen 1 pokemon had megas!". Hell, your argument seems to be more about Unova Pokémon not getting Megas in XY. They'll probably get their chance later; be patient.

Nah honestly GS had some pretty shit game design; RB was superior in my honest opinion.
The Gen I starters did kind of overshadow the Gen VI ones because the game hands them over to free with their Mega Stones, thus making them better once they hit their final evolution. Charizard in particular kind of dominates the game with either Mega.

I don't know why Gen 1 gets so much hate from Gen 3 & 2 fans. Sorry the pokemon who were primarily responsible for the franchise's popularity are still popular?
It's probably due to the stigma associated with Genwunners. I personally don't hate the Gen, I just don't like how it gets the most nostalgia milking.
The Gen I starters did kind of overshadow the Gen VI ones because the game hands them over to free with their Mega Stones, thus making them better once they hit their final evolution. Charizard in particular kind of dominates the game with either Mega.
Well in that case, Mega Lucario is an equal if not bigger offender. Gen 4 overshadowed Kalos, I guess.
I honestly don't think the nostalgia thing was a result of "louder fans" at all. R/B were the first things Pokémon so there will always be callbacks to them, especially with a major anniversary on the horizon and the knowledge that the original fans of the games can be swayed into making a purchase they may otherwise not have (I believe this strategy was acknowledged by Nintendo/GF in an article I read elsewhere). And is anyone really surprised by GF's attention to Pikachu? Do these same people complain when Disney focuses on Mickey? Damn Steamboatwillie-ers.

Well in that case, Mega Lucario is an equal if not bigger offender. Gen 4 overshadowed Kalos, I guess.

Get out of here with your logic.
Going super far back with this, but the 20 item carry limit in RBY is super annoying. There isn't a place you can store items (I think?) which means you find yourself using that extra Ether you picked up just so that you have room for a new potential item. It's especially annoying because I'm pretty sure key items count, and I don't want to let go of a moon stone I found and the dome fossil I know I must be able to revive at some point.
Going super far back with this, but the 20 item carry limit in RBY is super annoying. There isn't a place you can store items (I think?) which means you find yourself using that extra Ether you picked up just so that you have room for a new potential item. It's especially annoying because I'm pretty sure key items count, and I don't want to let go of a moon stone I found and the dome fossil I know I must be able to revive at some point.

You put items into the PC.
You put items into the PC.


Me every day. :D Time to hoard everything!
I really dislike:
* still the lack of difficulty setting at the beginning of the game. Many games let you choose between easy mode, normal mode and hard mode before you start the adventury;
* the possibility to defeat the Elite 4 + the Champion by simply overleveling your pokemon; not only that: there are many guides which reveals their moveset, so you can play knowing what they can do/their coverage moves and so on. The pokemons you fight on the Legue should be automatically put on 2-3 levels higher to compensate this;
* the fact that I still have to drop 1-2 moveslots to use useless HM (i.e. Cut even when is STABbed) or I have to use a HM Slave to play without change my team too much;
* How much they have boosted the Experience Share: this thing makes you overleveled since the beginning. You can turn it off but it was too much powered-up.
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I really dislike:
* still the lack of difficulty setting at the beginning of the game. Many games let you choose between easy mode, normal mode and hard mode before you start the adventury;
* the possibility to defeat the Elite 4 + the Champion by simply overleveling your pokemon; not only that: there are many guides which reveals their moveset, so you can play knowing what they can do/their coverage moves and so on. The pokemons you fight on the Legue should be automatically put on 2-3 levels higher to compensate this;
* the fact that I still have to drop 1-2 moveslots to use useless HM (i.e. Cut even when is STABbed) or I have to use a HM Slave to play without change my team too much;
* How much they have boosted the Experience Share: this thing makes you overleveled since the beginning. You can turn it off but it was too much powered-up.

When it comes to overleveling making it easy to beat the E4, it is like that in LITERALLY EVERY JRPG EVER. Final Fantasy? Overlevel yourself and you can beat everyone with ease (with the possible exception of Kefka in 6). Dragon Quest? Overlevel and you can easily beat everyone once again. Fire Emblem? Same thing here. It is a genre wide flaw that is only blatantly obvious in Pokemon due to the general ease of the game.

And everyone keeps bitching about the Exp. Share, but there is NO REASON for it. Hell, I still used it throughout my XY playthrough and I wasn't overleveled by the time I got to Diantha, she was just one of the weakest trainers in the game for my team.

I had more trouble with Siebold than I did anyone else.

At least you acknowledge that you can turn it off, unlike most people who gripe...
I dislike how Blue is being mentioned as staying in Kalos in X/Y but you never encounter him.

Wasn't that in the past tense? I don't think him nor Colress are in Kalos during the XY storyline.

I really dislike:
* still the lack of difficulty setting at the beginning of the game. Many games let you choose between easy mode, normal mode and hard mode before you start the adventury;
* the possibility to defeat the Elite 4 + the Champion by simply overleveling your pokemon; not only that: there are many guides which reveals their moveset, so you can play knowing what they can do/their coverage moves and so on. The pokemons you fight on the Legue should be automatically put on 2-3 levels higher to compensate this;
* the fact that I still have to drop 1-2 moveslots to use useless HM (i.e. Cut even when is STABbed) or I have to use a HM Slave to play without change my team too much;
* How much they have boosted the Experience Share: this thing makes you overleveled since the beginning. You can turn it off but it was too much powered-up.

1. And when they did introduce difficulty levels it was in such a stupid way. Have it be available when they're playing through the game? NAH! Let's make it a post game unlockable AND let's put Easy Mode in one version and Hard Mode in the other and you'll need to trades the keys to unlock it in the other version!... JUST GIVE US BOTH FROM THE START! Not that I don't think it was anymore easy or hard, Easy just lowered levels and Hard raised levels and added an extra Pokemon to the important NPCs party.

2. Well if you want a challenge you can not overtrain and look at guides. No one's forcing you.

4. I think the main problem is not that it's overpowered but they didn't balance the game with it in mind.
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When it comes to overleveling making it easy to beat the E4, it is like that in LITERALLY EVERY JRPG EVER. Final Fantasy? Overlevel yourself and you can beat everyone with ease (with the possible exception of Kefka in 6). Dragon Quest? Overlevel and you can easily beat everyone once again. Fire Emblem? Same thing here. It is a genre wide flaw that is only blatantly obvious in Pokemon due to the general ease of the game.
The overleveling is a problem for almost every JRPG, but is still fixable in many different ways:
(1) I already suggested to add automatically 2-3 more levels to the pokemon on the Legue (Elite 4 + Champion). You know what pokemon are and their movesets, it's OK. But Game Freak shouldn't let you overlevel too much, because it makes the game boring, so the levels of these pokemon should be 2-3 higher than your strongest pokemon' one.
(2) Increase the difficulty of the challenges accordingly with the automatic addition of different movesets and pokemons to Elite 4 & Champion's team.
(3) Add a limitation which excludes pokemon on your party too much leveled.
===> fixing this thing is possible at some extent.

2. Well if you want a challenge you can not overtrain and look at guides. No one's forcing you.
I always fight the Legue being underleveled. It's the Legue on a pokemon game, it's not Showdown.
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