Gen VII: Pokémon Sun and Moon (New info Post #5834)

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I surely hope so. Even with Delta Episode in ORAS, I don't feel like they've recently invested a lot in post-game content that's not related to breeding/battling. When was the last time (other than Delta Episode) that we had a good post-game content (Looker doesn't count, it was too short IMO)?

The PWT's extra tournaments in BW2, if that can be considered as such. Or for that matter, having a third of Unova locked until post-game.

Game Freak has never really bothered to make decent post-games out of the first paired versions or in remakes.
I surely hope so. Even with Delta Episode in ORAS, I don't feel like they've recently invested a lot in post-game content that's not related to breeding/battling. When was the last time (other than Delta Episode) that we had a good post-game content (Looker doesn't count, it was too short IMO)?

Black and white 2, the mall, the pick ups, the PWT, the extra areas filled with trainers and new dex additions.

Nothing compares to the B2W2 post game, except Platinum and even there it is only due to its Frontier as battle zone and Giratina small world pale against the sheer amount of areas to explore and daily/seasonal things to do in B2W2.
Yeah, Generation VI's post games have sucked majorly. Even Diamond and Pearl still had the whole Battle Zone as well as so many nooks and crannies across the region that you are bound to miss in your first playthrough. With Generation VI, it's pretty much just, "Here's some legends to catch and the Battle Tower variant, have fun!"
Well, it's still better than Generation I's post game, which is better known as Mewtwo.
You know what else is a flower?

Don't be absurd. We all know that is the Kanohi Mask of Shielding!
Dude, I know Ash Greninja gave some folks the idea that their wild fanfics of your rival being an evil team leader like those fanfic fueled mods of BW once did could actually happen.

But let's ask ourselves, is Pokémon luminous arc, fLYING fAIRY or Stella Glow? They aren't and even in their side games written by non Pokémon company devs the traitor role was really different from what was suggested.

They won't pull a "female rival was evil all along" in this franchise, people expecting this kind of narrative from a game in wich it's creators have made a lot of statements regarding the status of friendly rivals vs jerk rivals, favoring the friendly ones, are bound to a big disappointment.

It's a cool theory for a YouTube click bait video for catching some pennies at some kids clicking it in between the eeveelutions clickbaits, but barely a decent one from GF previous records.
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I have a feeling that Lillie could end up being our villain team leader. Or, she might be our Zinnia (ALSO A TYPE OF FLOWER!) and be a good/bad guy. I have high hopes for her.

I would REALLY like for her to be a member of the villainous team, because that would be a shakeup unseen since Black and White with N. Pushing the boundaries and our expectations of what we assume will be the case, especially since they taunt us with the "She plays an important role" bit. If not, then maybe a gym leader or even Champion, but I am REALLY hoping for such a change in the status quo as her being a villain, even one with the best of intentions like N or Lysandre. That was something I loved in Black and White, how story driven and full of life the characters and surroundings were, and I just hope Sun and Moon do the same, and not revert to more of a shallow story like X and Y did...
On the note of the Legendary Pokémon in the game (in case nobody has pointed this out yet):

Solgaleo has been depicted with an HP stat of 212 at Lv50. This is the invested maximum of a perfect-IV base 105 HP stat. In other words, we can already determine that Solgaleo has base 105 HP. Lunala's HP bar was never shown, leaving its own base HP a mystery.

As for Solgaleo's typing: Stars are known to generate metals during supernovae and hypernovae, explaining why it's a Steel-type. Its signature move, Sunsteel Strike, may draw inspiration from this as well.
On the note of the Legendary Pokémon in the game (in case nobody has pointed this out yet):

Solgaleo has been depicted with an HP stat of 212 at Lv50. This is the invested maximum of a perfect-IV base 105 HP stat. In other words, we can already determine that Solgaleo has base 105 HP. Lunala's HP bar was never shown, leaving its own base HP a mystery.

As for Solgaleo's typing: Stars are known to generate metals during supernovae and hypernovae, explaining why it's a Steel-type. Its signature move, Sunsteel Strike, may draw inspiration from this as well.
Actually, we determined it was Base 152 from the fact the Salamence and Gengar have 0 HP IVs and EVs and hence Solgaleo likely has 0 HP IVs and EVs too.
Actually, we determined it was Base 152 from the fact the Salamence and Gengar have 0 HP IVs and EVs and hence Solgaleo likely has 0 HP IVs and EVs too.

Well, Solgaleo kind of has the style of something heavy and bulky... and considering the last time we've seen a legendary entirely covered in metal it had high defensive stats for its BST... (Registeel)

Still, we have no idea whether those 212 HP were invested or not. If they keep the "Undiscovered Group = 3 Perfect IVs" feature, then it could perfectly be.
Well, we know it's between 105 and 152. We literally know nothing else about it. Let's look at other possibilities.

31 IVs/252 EVs - 105
0 IVs/252 EVs - 121
31 IVs/0 EVs - 137
0 IVs/0 EVs - 152

So, since I doubt they'll do something weird like give partial EVs or non-perfect/non-0 IVs for such an event, I think these four are roughly the ranges we should care about. Part of me says it has no EVs (especially not in HP since they want to secure OHKOs without the opponent going first) so I'd say either 137 or 152 are the two most likely HP stats.
=> sun-GA-lion

=> moon-LA

GA + LA + XY = Galaxy

I'm predicting there to be a third legendary related to these two with an "xy" in its name or maybe we are just going back to Kalos.
Might also be somehow linked to DeoXYs, since that thing is already related to space and has lost its event only status in ORAS.

EDIT: Deoxys is the "DNA Pokemon". What part of Pokémon famously shows a DNA string? Correct, Mega Evolution.

EDIT2: Which Pokémon originally changed its form temporarily by touching a stone? Correct, Deoxys.

EDIT3: Where do Mega Stones come from? Meteorites... Deoxys changes its form by touching Meteorites...

EDIT4: Rayquaza ate a meteorite...

EDIT5: The original place where Solrock and Lunatone (sun and moon) could be caught was what? Correct, Meteor Falls.

EDIT6: Was it ever explained in "Pokémon" lore where evolutionary stones (Fire Stone, Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Leaf Stone, etc...) come from?

EDIT7: The XY description for Anistar City says: "Some say the enigmatic device used as a sundial came from outer space."
...and according to a Hex Maniac in Anistar City, moondials also exist.
...Anistar City's Gym is a Psychic-type Gym where you fight in a place that looks like outer space.
...Anistar City's Gym Leader, Olympia, resembles Lunala (imo).

Is mozart still alive?
Actually, we determined it was Base 152 from the fact the Salamence and Gengar have 0 HP IVs and EVs and hence Solgaleo likely has 0 HP IVs and EVs too.
How can you infer such with absolute certainty? Later on in this same post, you will find my argument against this specific point.
So, since I doubt they'll do something weird like give partial EVs or non-perfect/non-0 IVs for such an event, I think these four are roughly the ranges we should care about. Part of me says it has no EVs (especially not in HP since they want to secure OHKOs without the opponent going first) so I'd say either 137 or 152 are the two most likely HP stats.
If you look at other trailers, you'll notice the spotlight Pokémon tends to be invested and have high to perfect IVs. This is demonstrated with Primal Kyogre in the September 2014 ORAS video, where Kyogre is Lv100 and has 404 HP. Back to the SM video: The Salamence in said video had minimum HP, which is often done for target Pokémon to make the spotlight Pokémon, almost always the attacker, look as strong as possible, hence why it'd make sense for Solgaleo to have maximum stats and Salamence minimum. Of course, that's the point of showcasing an amazingly powerful Legendary Pokémon - Game Freak would want to advertise the Pokémon in question to, once again, look as strong as possible.

Again, as stated by Darth Manaphy, any of the ranges listed are possible, but do keep in mind that publicity and advertisement for Legendary Pokémon play a major role.
How can you infer such with absolute certainty? Later on in this same post, you will find my argument against this specific point.

If you look at other trailers, you'll notice the spotlight Pokémon tends to be invested and have high to perfect IVs. This is demonstrated with Primal Kyogre in the September 2014 ORAS video, where Kyogre is Lv100 and has 404 HP. Back to the SM video: The Salamence in said video had minimum HP, which is often done for target Pokémon to make the spotlight Pokémon, almost always the attacker, look as strong as possible, hence why it'd make sense for Solgaleo to have maximum stats and Salamence minimum. Of course, that's the point of showcasing an amazingly powerful Legendary Pokémon - Game Freak would want to advertise the Pokémon in question to, once again, look as strong as possible.

Again, as stated by Darth Manaphy, any of the ranges listed are possible, but do keep in mind that publicity and advertisement for Legendary Pokémon play a major role.
To play devil's advocate, how can you also infer with absolute certainty then that it'll have a max HP IV and max HP EVs?
I think base 145 HP is a decent possibility. Base 145 HP + 15 IVs = 212 HP at Level 50. The average IV of 15 to me makes more sense than 0 or 31. Just a guess, though.
To play devil's advocate, how can you also infer with absolute certainty then that it'll have a max HP IV and max HP EVs?
As I have stated, this has literally been done before in previous showcase videos. I once again refer to my point of advertising the spotlight Pokémon. Game Freak would want the star Pokémon - in this case, Solgaleo and Lunala - to look as powerful as they can be compared to their opponents.

I've also done some calculations on the possibility of Solgaleo's Attack stat (which would likely correspond to Lunala's Special Attack), all assuming max IVs on Solgaleo and min IVs on Salamence. I'm using BP 100, 110 and 120 on Sunsteel Strike for my examples, a typical range for Legendary signature moves.
140 Attack
- 252+ Atk Solgaleo Sunsteel Strike (110 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 297-351 (99 - 117%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
- 252+ Atk Solgaleo Sunsteel Strike (120 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 325-384 (108.3 - 128%) -- guaranteed OHKO

145 Attack
- 252+ Atk Solgaleo Sunsteel Strike (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 279-328 (93 - 109.3%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
- 252+ Atk Solgaleo Sunsteel Strike (110 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 306-361 (102 - 120.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
- 252+ Atk Solgaleo Sunsteel Strike (120 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 333-393 (111 - 131%) -- guaranteed OHKO
150 Attack
- 252+ Atk Solgaleo Sunsteel Strike (100 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 285-336 (95 - 112%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
- 252+ Atk Solgaleo Sunsteel Strike (110 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 313-370 (104.3 - 123.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
- 252+ Atk Solgaleo Sunsteel Strike (120 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Salamence: 342-403 (114 - 134.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
These calculations are mere estimations and as speculative as everything else, but they provide a guideline towards both the stronger offensive stat of Solgaleo and Lunala, as well as the power of their signature moves.

The main point I'm framing starts with the fact that mascot Pokémon typically only have one stat in the 150 range. This is a recurring trend among version mascots that was started with Kyogre and Groudon back in RS and continued into BW. If Solgaleo had 150 Attack, then it'd seem rather implausible for it to have a whopping base 152 HP stat, since that'd leave little room for its remaining stats to be distributed. 150 is a typical maximum for BST 680 Legendaries, with Mewtwo and the Tower Duo being minor exceptions to the rule.
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Guys, this is a pointless discussion. Even if we figure out HP and Attack, so what? We have no clue what its defenses, Special Attack, Speed, and movepool is so it's not like to we can start predicting how it'll perform in the metagame.
Guys, this is a pointless discussion. Even if we figure out HP and Attack, so what? We have no clue what its defenses, Special Attack, Speed, and movepool is so it's not like to we can start predicting how it'll perform in the metagame.
Actually, figuring out HP and Attack can tell you a lot of things on their own. If they're both high, for instance; you can assume the other stats will be lower and it'll be a bulky attacker.
Even so it's still kind of interesting. Just because we're not figuring out anything about how it'll perform doesn't mean figuring out it's HP and Attack isn't interesting on it's own
I actually kind of like how they are weak to their respective power/creation/whatever/the sun and moon okay. It's interesting, and maybe it'll play a part in the games. I can see it being like Solgaleo and Lunala use their power to keep the sun and moon from destroying the planet?
The PWT's extra tournaments in BW2, if that can be considered as such. Or for that matter, having a third of Unova locked until post-game.

Game Freak has never really bothered to make decent post-games out of the first paired versions or in remakes.

Black and white 2, the mall, the pick ups, the PWT, the extra areas filled with trainers and new dex additions.

Nothing compares to the B2W2 post game, except Platinum and even there it is only due to its Frontier as battle zone and Giratina small world pale against the sheer amount of areas to explore and daily/seasonal things to do in B2W2.

Ha. Guess what are the only games in the whole series that I've never played... ¬¬
Sun/Moon wouldn't destroy anything.

Zygarde Perfect form will be activated by using the four legendaries of XY and SUMO (Xerneas, Yveltal, Solgaleo and Lunala), The Protector of the Earth, and then we will fight agaisnt Marshadow or whatever the name of the third legendary is, an amenace from the outer space of equal power. As in GSC, we will catch both Solgaleo and Lunala in the games. This will be a post game event like Delta episode.
Ha. Guess what are the only games in the whole series that I've never played... ¬¬

You should have, they are even better than Platinum for challenge ingame runs, they are the only games that expanded upon post-game leaving GSC and even Platinum cold with content and stuff to do, they where filled with fanservice and continuity nods not to mention the biggest dex for it's time with great ingame distribution and loads of hidden disk one nukes if you choose to explore an area a bit more than usual.

Then it had thematic battles and the hardest E4 challenge of all along an actual competent final boss battle so demoralizing for its intended market they had to nerf his hydreigon in the sequel, taken up to 11 by Iris rematch with epic Gao(her pose is literally pretend she is a dragon Gao is the sound they are supposed to make) music in space on the finale of B2W2 with DD mold breaker focus sash haxorus at higher level than Red.

Seriously, the 5th gen is the gem of the crown of the Pokémon franchise except for non guts flame orb Conkeldurr being a mayor hiccups.

This is the kind of game that spoiled us before the big step down in difficulty and content, yet somehow folks still pretend gen 2 was the big thing or ignore that Platinum was 1upped by gen 5 on every aspect as one could argue that PWT was more accessible than BF and had a bigger sense of accomplishment with 6v6 battles vs nearly every mayor figure in the franchise bar some E4 members.

Seriously, we deserve a B2W2 stuff to happen already, I know the bar is to high but I hope Alola has a bit of Unova for us to rejoice.
You should have, they are even better than Platinum for challenge ingame runs, they are the only games that expanded upon post-game leaving GSC and even Platinum cold with content and stuff to do, they where filled with fanservice and continuity nods not to mention the biggest dex for it's time with great ingame distribution and loads of hidden disk one nukes if you choose to explore an area a bit more than usual.

Then it had thematic battles and the hardest E4 challenge of all along an actual competent final boss battle so demoralizing for its intended market they had to nerf his hydreigon in the sequel, taken up to 11 by Iris rematch with epic Gao(her pose is literally pretend she is a dragon Gao is the sound they are supposed to make) music in space on the finale of B2W2 with DD mold breaker focus sash haxorus at higher level than Red.

Seriously, the 5th gen is the gem of the crown of the Pokémon franchise except for non guts flame orb Conkeldurr being a mayor hiccups.

This is the kind of game that spoiled us before the big step down in difficulty and content, yet somehow folks still pretend gen 2 was the big thing or ignore that Platinum was 1upped by gen 5 on every aspect as one could argue that PWT was more accessible than BF and had a bigger sense of accomplishment with 6v6 battles vs nearly every mayor figure in the franchise bar some E4 members.

Seriously, we deserve a B2W2 stuff to happen already, I know the bar is to high but I hope Alola has a bit of Unova for us to rejoice.

Even the Pokéwood was fun and entertaining.

B2W2 were simply too good, best games of the entire franchise for SURE.
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