The World Cup of Pokémon XI - Round 1 (Read post #402)

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TDK / boudouche / cosine180 / Nintendi
FLCL / reiku / Lysergic / Analytic
urban / Kushalos / Laz / Mack Bus
aim / xtra$hine / Teddeh / Tele
PDC / TheEnder / Genesis7 / Omfuga
Alastor Law / xray / Asuka Langley Soryu / Juanen
Welli0u / MattyBrollic / z0mOG / Balto
Havor / Calloflochie / Alkov / Tricking
Improbable / Stathakis / Alexander. / Axel10
Laurel / Steve Angello / Hector Hard Mode / Snowy.
Twin Citiez / GeeMick / WhiteQueen / 1 True Lycan
Disenchanted / ABR / ben gay / Tada Rinri
IAmGingy / dragonuser / Frizy / rozes
HSA / Quaggster / JohnYiu / High Impulse
Reymedy / -Snow / Sakis / Always!
Destiny Device / Star. / Poek / Vinc2612
Seeme / Marshall.Law / Valentine / Pokèmaniac Livio
lighthouses / Finchinator / Nedor / mencemeat
bro fist / konstantellos / FruitDealer / c0mp
Mounts / Enki / [K-12] The Madchine / Googly

reyscarface / KratosMana / Tokyo Tom / BKC
/ sugarhigh / Ace-11 / Shoka
bluri / Toxzn / Evuelf / ZoroarkForever
Myzozoa / ZoroDark / Smurf. / Veni Vidi Vici

august / Honor / ToF / george182
Malekith / Void / Cased / Scimjara
babidi1998 / Luigi. / Porengan / christos21
Philip7086 / Sweepage / McMeghan / Jirachee

Tesung / Mael / Ojama / Astamatitos
M Dragon / CZ. / Golden Sun / Heysup
Fakes / 1996ITO / Sam / Coffe
undisputed / Kingler12345 / dekzeh / JabbaTheGriffin

Colchonero / Tamahome / giara / Bomber.
idiotfrommars / Leftiez / Ortheore / Kevin Garrett
Conflict / Isa / Arifeen / Mizuhime
HJAD / Lavos Spawn / d0nut / Fear

Tobes / Bedschibaer / Crystal_ / teal6
Hipmonlee / TraceOfLife / Peasounay / Golden Gyarados
Jsaok3 / stunner047 / Tiba / MetalGro$$
Floppy / marcoasd / soulgazer / rudolf13

Go Always, Hector & Canada!
Tesung / Mael / Ojama / Astamatitos - this one is the 'group of death'. I found it harder to predict than any other group, because literally any of these 4 could clean sweep or go 0-3. In the end, I went with Asta as he seems really motivated and stronger than ever. Mael was my choice for second because I played with him a lot during SPL time and he really is a class act and knows his shit. Tesung is also a perfectly legitimate winner of this group, as he's very good at applying offensive pressure throughout the game and winning without truly 'outplaying' his opponents. Ojama is a similar player to Tesung but he's also a lucky fucker and a lot of his ADV teams are terrible and have stupid sets, and often lose to stall.
M Dragon / CZ. / Golden Sun / Heysup If he plays well and with good teams, GS won't drop a game here. I put Heysup above MDrag because despite the fact Ive never seen Heysup not use Mag he is very good at what he does. Salac Hera is a powerful mon which will pick up a couple of wins if Megahorn hits. MDrag just looks shit and washed up from what ive seen of him recently, and he never talks anything but badly of me, ranking me at 10 in the SPL power rankings for ADVers so I'll repay the favour.
Fakes / 1996ITO / Sam / Coffe The weakest group by far. I can't see a motivated Fakes dropping a game. Ito and Coffe are similarly bad, passive, and formulaic players, and Sam with a good team will beat those 2.
undisputed / Kingler12345 / dekzeh / JabbaTheGriffin This is the second strongest group. Undis had a really strong showing in ADV cup so I've went with him overall because of his clinical and balanced style. I had a hard time picking between Jabba and Dekzeh for second. In the end I went for Jabba because Jabba will beat you if you don't stall him, and autolose to SkarmBliss, and at least 2 of the people in this group will pick the wrong team vs him. Dek is always difficult to play against because he's one of the few guys who applies offensive pressure really well in ADV though, so he could easily do well here too.

forget about WhiteQueen I want this guy to rate all the players
TDK / boudouche / cosine180 / Nintendi
FLCL / reiku / Lysergic / Analytic
urban / Kushalos / Laz / Mack Bus
aim / xtra$hine / Teddeh / Tele
PDC / TheEnder / Genesis7 / Omfuga
Alastor Law / xray / Asuka Langley Soryu / Juanen
Welli0u / MattyBrollic / z0mOG / Balto
Havor / Calloflochie / Alkov / Tricking
Improbable / Stathakis / Alexander. / Axel10
Laurel / Steve Angello / Hector Hard Mode / Snowy.
Twin Citiez / GeeMick / WhiteQueen / 1 True Lycan
Disenchanted / ABR / ben gay / Tada Rinri
IAmGingy / dragonuser / Frizy / rozes
HSA / Quaggster / JohnYiu / High Impulse
Reymedy / -Snow / Sakis / Always!
Destiny Device / Star. / Poek / Vinc2612
Seeme / Marshall.Law / Valentine / Pokèmaniac Livio
lighthouses / Finchinator / Nedor / mencemeat
bro fist / konstantellos / FruitDealer / c0mp
Mounts / Enki / [K-12] The Madchine / Googly

reyscarface / KratosMana / Tokyo Tom / BKC
/ sugarhigh / Ace-11 / Shoka
bluri / Toxzn / Evuelf / ZoroarkForever
Myzozoa / ZoroDark / Smurf. / Veni Vidi Vici

august / Honor / ToF / george182
Malekith / Void / Cased / Scimjara
babidi1998 / Luigi. / Porengan / christos21
Philip7086 / Sweepage / McMeghan / Jirachee

Tesung / Mael / Ojama / Astamatitos
M Dragon / CZ. / Golden Sun / Heysup
Fakes / 1996ITO / Sam / Coffe
undisputed / Kingler12345 / dekzeh / JabbaTheGriffin

Colchonero / Tamahome / giara / Bomber.
idiotfrommars / Leftiez / Ortheore / Kevin Garrett
/ Isa / Arifeen / Mizuhime
HJAD / Lavos Spawn / d0nut / Fear

Tobes / Bedschibaer / Crystal_ / teal6
Hipmonlee / TraceOfLife / Peasounay / Golden Gyarados
Jsaok3 / stunner047 / Tiba / MetalGro$$
Floppy / marcoasd / soulgazer / rudolf13.
GeeMick - hot guy
WhiteQueen - has to be considered the "underdog" vs GeeMick
Twin Citiez - veteran of game but he doesn't have as much ORAS experience as WhiteQueen or Geemick
1 True Lycan - sorry don't know u

Tele - I guess he is predictable but I know tele will want to prove he's best in this group.
xtra$hine - I don't think xtra gives a fuck but his games will be nail biters
aim - I know aim has good reputation here and I love him but I don't think he will perform well in these group stages
Teddeh - lol

MattyBrollic - don't really see him losing to anyone other than z0mOG who will challenge him
z0mOG - just call him pwnemon
Balto and Welli0u - sorry don't know u guys
forget about WhiteQueen I want this guy to rate all the players
Why you gonna do me like this? Triangles sounds like a bitter drag queen who's just insulting people who weren't kind to her sensitivity. I keep shit real with zero bias. None of that tits for tats crap bs like Triangles.
GeeMick - hot guy
WhiteQueen - has to be considered the "underdog" vs GeeMick
Twin Citiez - veteran of game but he doesn't have as much ORAS experience as WhiteQueen or Geemick
1 True Lycan - sorry don't know u

Tele - I guess he is predictable but I know tele will want to prove he's best in this group.
xtra$hine - I don't think xtra gives a fuck but his games will be nail biters
aim - I know aim has good reputation here and I love him but I don't think he will perform well in these group stages
Teddeh - lol

MattyBrollic - don't really see him losing to anyone other than z0mOG who will challenge him
z0mOG - just call him pwnemon
Balto and Welli0u - sorry don't know u guys
Damn why you gotta do me like this? I've not been an underdog since 2009.
TDK / boudouche / cosine180 / Nintendi
urban / Kushalos / Laz / Mack Bus
/ xtra$hine / Teddeh / Tele
PDC / TheEnder / Genesis7 / Omfuga
Alastor Law / xray / Asuka Langley Soryu / Juanen
Havor / Calloflochie / Alkov / Tricking
Laurel / Steve Angello / Hector Hard Mode / Snowy.
Twin Citiez / GeeMick / WhiteQueen / 1 True Lycan
Disenchanted / ABR / ben gay / Tada Rinri
IAmGingy / dragonuser / Frizy / rozes
lighthouses / Finchinator / Nedor / mencemeat
Mounts / Enki / [K-12] The Madchine / Googly

GO OCN and good luck to all my mates in the tour, you know who are u :)
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