Here Comes a New Challenger!


Status come at me bro
Requests: OPEN
Art Trades: CLOSED

Hello all! I go by flute most places, I've been studying art for awhile and constantly working to improve. Criticism is always welcomed. Unfortunately I don't draw a lot of pokemon art, but I'm hoping to expand my content as Sun and Moon comes along as well as make some new artist buds.

I prefer drawing birds, reptiles, and scenic scapes.

I hope I did this right;;; //gets shot​

Trade Thread
Commissions TBE

Pokemon Art


Character Art
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Wow this is really great! My favorites are the owl, the Pokemon trading section titles (1st gen, 2nd ten, etc.) and especially the landscapes, the color and perspective on those are great as well as the detail. How much time does it take to make one of these?? You must've put a lot of effort into them. Anyway yeah this is some great work gj!
Wow this is really great! My favorites are the owl, the Pokemon trading section titles (1st gen, 2nd ten, etc.) and especially the landscapes, the color and perspective on those are great as well as the detail. How much time does it take to make one of these?? You must've put a lot of effort into them. Anyway yeah this is some great work gj!

With traditional pieces it mostly depends on the dimensions of the media. On a standard 8 1/2 x 12 I can usually knock out in an afternoon. Some of the larger pieces in there are 30 x 40, those took me about a weeks worth of effort. I really hate working large scaled pieces, I don't recommend it.


On a side note here's something I whipped out tuesday(?) night for my friends upcoming birthday
Really love your coloring and shading. Your landscapes are beautiful and feel like they have a real atmosphere to them. I also really like your character art. They're all pretty creative, though my favorites would have to be the ones with the purple haired girl, the pirate girl, and the Wicked reference. Keep up the good work!
Really love your coloring and shading. Your landscapes are beautiful and feel like they have a real atmosphere to them. I also really like your character art. They're all pretty creative, though my favorites would have to be the ones with the purple haired girl, the pirate girl, and the Wicked reference. Keep up the good work!

Ahhh thank you. Landscapes are a definite favorite of mine. I feel like you can get away with so much more than when you're drawing a figure and do neat stuff with the palette as the space extends.

I also find it hilarious how you picked out my two main OC's, Arooj(purple hair) is more obvious because I have a lot of current art of her. The other one is Captain Desiree Durran Theodosia! Proud pirate pelt merchant. She's based on the Native american myths of the skin walkers.

Sorry I just love gushing over my OCs!
Ahhh thank you. Landscapes are a definite favorite of mine. I feel like you can get away with so much more than when you're drawing a figure and do neat stuff with the palette as the space extends.

I also find it hilarious how you picked out my two main OC's, Arooj(purple hair) is more obvious because I have a lot of current art of her. The other one is Captain Desiree Durran Theodosia! Proud pirate pelt merchant. She's based on the Native american myths of the skin walkers.

Sorry I just love gushing over my OCs!
Nah, don't apologize. Your ocs are interesting. :) I like the mythology you used for the basis of Theodosia.