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I'm doing a Platinum Nuzlocke and I caught a Heatproof Bronzor. Will the AI know I don't have Levitate? (I think it will, but I don't want to sack my Bronzor for science)
What is [arguably] the best level 100 Pokémon to use to grind through the OR/AS E4 for money (post-game with the higher levels)? I'd obviously want an Amulet Coin or Luck Incense, so no Mega Stones or Red Orb / Blue Orb. It would need to be something offensive with 4 with accurate, higher-PP attacks (Thunderbolt, etc.), that offer good coverage against Dark, Ghost, Ice, Dragon, and Steel.

I'm thinking maybe a Mewtwo with Aura Sphere (Dark, Steel, Ice), Shadow Ball (Ghost), Ice Beam (Dragon), and Psystrike (powerful filler).
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What is [arguably] the best level 100 Pokémon to use to grind through the OR/AS E4 for money (post-game with the higher levels)? I'd obviously want an Amulet Coin or Luck Incense, so no Mega Stones or Red Orb / Blue Orb. It would need to be something offensive with 4 with accurate, higher-PP attacks (Thunderbolt, etc.), that offer good coverage against Dark, Ghost, Ice, Dragon, and Steel.

I'm thinking maybe a Mewtwo with Aura Sphere (Dark, Steel, Ice), Shadow Ball (Ghost), Ice Beam (Dragon), and Psystrike (powerful filler).
I think your best bet is Reshiram, though it's version exclusive so I'm not sure if you have access to it. You'll need a +SpA nature with 31 IV/252 EV, some speed EVs- you should need 251 raw speed stat at most- to outspeed Aerodactyl, and some attack EVs if you have a Modest Reshiram with an imperfect attack IV. Reshiram's biggest asset is Turboblaze (i.e. Mold Breaker), which is extremely useful for ignoring Glacia's Snow Cloak and Steven's Sturdy Pokemon. Flamethrower/Dragon Pulse/Fusion Flare/Steel Wing should take care of everything, with most Pokemon just being OHKOd by the most effective STAB. Fusion Flare is needed to guarantee a KO on Claydol, while Steel Wing is for Carbink. The 90 accuracy on Steel Wing is unfortunate, but you only need it for one Pokemon so I think Reshiram's other strengths (basically being the only Mold Breaker Pokemon with enough power to KO everything) more than make up for it.
Question: Are discussions for high-quality fan games, such as Pokémon Uranium, allowed in Orange? It's not a ROM hack, but I am not too sure. As long as people don't think wishfully for the "Ohmagod; these Fakemon are so cute and cool!" to appear in a future (official) installment, fellow users should be good to go. Same deal might apply to linking to a download. As long as users avoid that, it shouldn't be a big deal.
What is [arguably] the best level 100 Pokémon to use to grind through the OR/AS E4 for money (post-game with the higher levels)? I'd obviously want an Amulet Coin or Luck Incense, so no Mega Stones or Red Orb / Blue Orb. It would need to be something offensive with 4 with accurate, higher-PP attacks (Thunderbolt, etc.), that offer good coverage against Dark, Ghost, Ice, Dragon, and Steel.

I'm thinking maybe a Mewtwo with Aura Sphere (Dark, Steel, Ice), Shadow Ball (Ghost), Ice Beam (Dragon), and Psystrike (powerful filler).

I do wonder the same.
While I have an answer for A-spammiest breedable Pokémon to do the ORAS E4, it doesn't quite fit your answer. Mega Ampharos - though it only needs to Mega Evolve for Steven, so you're free to use Amulet Coin on the first four fights. Modest one gets perfect OHKO on the entire roster, though it needs to use Agility against Steven's Aggron, so as not to be outsped by Aerodactyl's Ice Fang. Timid one might never need to setup.

Then again, my main goal too was to get a Pokémon that gets to use Amulet Coin. Ideally, it doesn't need to setup and gets past sturdy (Mold Breaker - Multi-Hit moves work in theory, but as they're all physical, you'll have a hard time killing a Skarmory in one turn without setup). Either that or it shouldn't care about Toxic (Poison/Steel Types, Poison Heal) - one could argue for a Taunt user, though. There's some Intimidate + Skarmory in the roster, too, so a Special Attacker would be prefered (or Defiant user).
Obviously there should be no reason to ever use a restoring Item for the entire duration of the E4.

So, what does this leave us with?

  • Empoleon gets Defiant and is a Steel type, it needs to use Sword Dance at least once, though, and is a phyiscal type. Doesn't get past Sturdy in a single turn. Working solution, though not ideal.
  • Gliscor gets Poison Heal, Breloom gets Poison Heal. Both are physical and need to Sword Dance to go through the entire E4. Neither gets past Sturdy in one turn though. Working solution, though not ideal.
  • Haxorus gets Mold Breaker and has enough damage to beat the entire E4 without setup - apart from maybe Skarmory and Aggron, which are the main reasons to run Mold Breaker in the first place. Needs testing, but since it doesn't get super effective (physical) moves against Skarmory and simply gets poisoned... Doesn't work.
  • Lucario doesn't care about Poison, but it lacks power unboosted. Could work either on Nasty Plot or Swords Dance. Definitely worth a try, but you might be taking too much damage while setting up. Working solution, though not ideal.
  • Metagross sounds nice and is worth a try. Packs enough punch to probably go through most of the E4 without boosting - it is, however, physical and can't get past sturdy in a single turn either and needs to deal with Initmidate. Closest thing to a solution until now, though. EDIT: Thanks to Bendiving for reminding me that Metagross gets Clear Body, an ability I absolutely forgot - thus being unaffected by Intimidate.
There's no combination of Moxie and Steel/Poison.

There's one more guy (two, really) I'm considering - it's one of the very few special inclined Pokémon who...
  • gets Mold Breaker
  • bins the entire E4 unboosted
  • outspeeds the entire E4 unboosted
  • gets to use Amulet Coin while doing so
  • gets perfect coverage on the entire E4
Well. sb879 already gave the answer in a way.

We're talking about Reshiram and White Kyurem.

Turboblaze is simply a variation of Mold Breaker. They get 150/170 Special Attack respectively.

And coverage? Absolutely no issue.

@ Amulet Coin
Ability: Turboblaze
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed
Modest Nature
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Pulse
- Earth Power
- Shadow Ball

@ Amulet Coin
Ability: Turboblaze
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Special Attack / 252 Speed
Modest Nature
- Ice Beam
- Dragon Pulse
- Earth Power/Flash Cannon Late Edit after testing: Fusion Flare
- Shadow Ball

Don't need perfect IV spreads to make them work either, though my guess is that at least for Reshiram, a positive Special Attack nature is necessary (might or might not be true.)

Mega Ampharos on Modest with a Base Special Attack of 165 gets perfect OHKO coverage only with STAB Thunderbolt and STAB Dragon Pulse (including Claydol, Aggron and Carbink), so it's safe to assume that Kyurem-W's 170 base Special Attack will be able to do the same. Neutral Base 45 Speed with full EVs only gets outsped by Aerodactyl, so Base 95 should outrun it easily.

Obviously I need to rely on sb879's statement that Reshiram can't OHKO Claydol/Carbink that easily. I assume you tested it?

Kyurem-W however should be the definite answer, though.
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Question: Are discussions for high-quality fan games, such as Pokémon Uranium, allowed in Orange? It's not a ROM hack, but I am not too sure. As long as people don't think wishfully for the "Ohmagod; these Fakemon are so cute and cool!" to appear in a future (official) installment, fellow users should be good to go. Same deal might apply to linking to a download. As long as users avoid that, it shouldn't be a big deal.

We've had discussions on them before, but most of them have been about changes to the actual games, like the difficulty hacks etc that aren't totally unofficial (I mean, they are, but they are based upon the games we know). I would like us to stay clear of completely fan based games as they are not related to the "actual" games which we discuss here. You might be able to make a thread in the Great Library or Congregation of Masses if you wish to talk about this game in particular.
What is [arguably] the best level 100 Pokémon to use to grind through the OR/AS E4 for money (post-game with the higher levels)? I'd obviously want an Amulet Coin or Luck Incense, so no Mega Stones or Red Orb / Blue Orb. It would need to be something offensive with 4 with accurate, higher-PP attacks (Thunderbolt, etc.), that offer good coverage against Dark, Ghost, Ice, Dragon, and Steel.

I'm thinking maybe a Mewtwo with Aura Sphere (Dark, Steel, Ice), Shadow Ball (Ghost), Ice Beam (Dragon), and Psystrike (powerful filler).

Do they have EVs/IVs/Specific nature? I'm interested in some calcs, but I don't know what to look for
Obviously I need to rely on sb879's statement that Reshiram can't OHKO Claydol/Carbink that easily. I assume you tested it?
I did damage calculations on 30 IV (this part was confirmed from the demo dumps a while back, while the E4 members are 25 IV)/0 EV neutral-nature versions of those Pokemon. Honestly, I didn't realize Reshiram learned Earth Power, so that's a good move to use over Steel Wing since it gets around the accuracy issue. Kyurem-W as you suggested should also be good.

Now that I realize Zekrom learns Earth Power too, it might be workable with Thunderbolt/Dragon Pulse/Shadow Ball/Earth Power (fully special EVs/nature, of course). However, Zekrom can fail to OHKO Carbink and Mega Metagross with a minimum damage roll, though neither are threatening to Zekrom. Now I mentioned above that my calculations assume neutral-nature, but trainer Pokemon actually do have preset natures. I don't know which nature each Pokemon has, but if any of Scrafty, Mega Sableye, Abomasnow, or Claydol have +SpD natures, Zekrom can't get a guaranteed OHKO on them either. Both Reshiram and Kyurem-W are strong enough to account for this possibility so they are definitely better, but Zekrom could work if you only have Alpha Sapphire and can't get Reshiram.
I did damage calculations on 30 IV (this part was confirmed from the demo dumps a while back, while the E4 members are 25 IV)/0 EV neutral-nature versions of those Pokemon. Honestly, I didn't realize Reshiram learned Earth Power, so that's a good move to use over Steel Wing since it gets around the accuracy issue. Kyurem-W as you suggested should also be good.

Now that I realize Zekrom learns Earth Power too, it might be workable with Thunderbolt/Dragon Pulse/Shadow Ball/Earth Power (fully special EVs/nature, of course). However, Zekrom can fail to OHKO Carbink and Mega Metagross with a minimum damage roll, though neither are threatening to Zekrom. Now I mentioned above that my calculations assume neutral-nature, but trainer Pokemon actually do have preset natures. I don't know which nature each Pokemon has, but if any of Scrafty, Mega Sableye, Abomasnow, or Claydol have +SpD natures, Zekrom can't get a guaranteed OHKO on them either. Both Reshiram and Kyurem-W are strong enough to account for this possibility so they are definitely better, but Zekrom could work if you only have Alpha Sapphire and can't get Reshiram.

Thanks for the info. I did some calculations with 30 IV too.

Against Claydol, M-Ampharos Modest Dragon Pulse has yet to fail the OHKO after many, many runs. 30 IVs, neutral nature, and 0 EVs in HP and Special Def net me 100,9% Damage on the absolute lowest roll of Dragon Pulse.
Concluding Claydol's stats to be 30 IV, neutral and 0/0, Flamethrower nets this damage spread on Flamethrower:

252+ SpA Turboblaze Reshiram Flamethrower vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Claydol: 201-237 (99.5 - 117.3%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

However, this bears no meaning, as Shadow Ball guarantees the OHKO on Claydol.

252+ SpA Turboblaze Reshiram Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Claydol: 238-280 (117.8 - 138.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Now I did the same for Carbink. And this is, where it gets odd.

252+ SpA Mold Breaker Mega Ampharos Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Carbink: 177-208 (94.6 - 111.2%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO

However, I have never failed to OHKO Carbink with M-Ampharos' Thunderbolt yet. So either Carbink has a negative SpD nature or the IVs aren't actually 30 _or_ I'm a very lucky person. Regardless, doing the calculation for Reshiram against the same Carbink guarantees me an easy OHKO with Earth Power:

252+ SpA Turboblaze Reshiram Earth Power vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Carbink: 222-262 (120.6 - 142.3%) -- guaranteed OHK.


Accordingly, Modest 31 IV Zekrom gets the OHKO on Carbink and a good chance to OHKO Claydol with Shadow Ball too:

252+ SpA Teravolt Zekrom Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Claydol: 202-238 (99.5 - 117.2%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
  • Metagross sounds nice and is worth a try. Packs enough punch to probably go through most of the E4 without boosting - it is, however, physical and can't get past sturdy in a single turn either and needs to deal with Initmidate. Closest thing to a solution until now, though.
Really minor nitpick, but since Metagross gets clear body, it doesn't need to deal with intimidate. Just in case s/he doesn't want to use or soft reset for a legendary, basically confirms that Metagross is the next best option.
Krookodile, if you have five Deoxys-A in the back, is the best Pokémon for this chall if you don't want to go with a resetted legend.

Beat Up / Earthquake / Power-Up-Punch / filler

Sidney: Pup on the Scrafty. Then kill it with EQ. Moxie activates, you have +1, pup kills everything but Mandibuzz (which dies to +2 Beat Up)
Phoebe: Everything dies to Beat Up. You can also EQ once you got some Moxie boosts, in order to save PPs.
Glacia: Everything dies to Beat Up. You can also EQ once you got some Moxie boosts, in order to save PPs.
Drake: Everything dies to Beat Up. You can also EQ once you got some Moxie boosts, in order to save PPs. If he sends Salamence in second, you only have about 50% chances to OHKO.
Steven: Beat up kills Skarmory. Then you just use the best move to finish it.

Possible filler moves are sandstorm (negates Snow Coat at the price of getting hit once, how I wish it'd learn Feint Attack), Thunder Fang (OHKOes Mandibuzz with +1, useful only if Sidney sends it second), or I guess Superpower + Brick Break > Pup (if Sidney doesn't send Mandibuzz either in second or third, you beat him without taking any hit).

Edit: if you can't go with Deoxys, something like Kyu-B/Rampardos/Slaking/Regigigas/Groudon still has a 63% chance to kill Skarmory, 87.5% with five Kyurem-B, 69% with five Ramp/Regi/Slaking, you can also mix those
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I would just be using your standard Mega Kangaskhan for the elite 4 if you don't mind the mega evolving animation. Kang sweeps through everything:
  • Sidney:
    • mega evolve and spam Return
  • Phoebe:
    • Non-Mega Scrappy Return OHKOes everything except Dusknoir and Mega Sableye (which require damage rolls, they're heavily in your favor though) so don't mega until either of those comes out. when they do, you can evolve and OHKO with Earthquake, or take your chance with Return. If you're evolved and can't use Return or Earthquake against Mismagius or Drifblim then use Ice Punch, otherwise Scrappy Return KOes.
  • Glacia:
    • Return beats everything except Froslass which is destroyed by Fire Punch
  • Drake:
    • Ice Punch everything except Kingdra which you'll need Return for. Yes, -1 Ice Punch OHKOes Mega Salamence...
  • Steven:
    • Fire Punch Skarm, Return Claydol, Earthquake Carbink, Ice Punch Aero, Earthquake Aggron, Earthquake Mega Metagross. done.
Adamant Kangaskhan is like the easiest thing to breed / track down in a trade so that's no problem, and the Mega Stone is in Pacifidlog Town. Hardest part (if any) is getting BP for Fire and Ice Punch if the Kang doesn't have them already

Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite
Ability: Scrappy
Level: 100
EVs: 252 Atk
Adamant Nature
- Return
- Earthquake
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch

edit: level 100 ofc
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Kangaskhan @ Kangaskhanite

So sadly, that doesn't actually fulfill the original requirements, namely to make money. If you want to use Amulet Coin, you can't use a Mega Evolution. Even if Mega Evolutions could use Amulet Coin, Ampharos would be the better choice as it perfectly covers OHKOs on the entire E4 with only two skills and a single use of Agility. It's much more faceroll-y than M-Kanga in practice, too.

Now I got myself a Modest Kyurem-W (Thanks Theorymon/Most!) and tried the deed. Works perfectly, can use an Amulet Coin. Probably could work with my own Naive one, too.
Hi all,

Quick question about FireRed. I am trying to 100% the game, but I've hit my first wall.

In order to have the best Trainer Card (4 Stars / Gold), one must :
Get a record in the Hall of Fame
Complete the Kanto Pokédex, excluding Mew
Complete the National Pokédex, excluding Mew, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Celebi, Jirachi, and Deoxys
Jump 200 times in Pokémon Jump and get 200 Berries in Dodrio Berry Picking

My issue is with the last line's second half. I'm playing with VBALink, and I somehow managed to complete the first half : Jump 200 times. VBALink (1.8) worked perfectly with 2 Players (Single Computer).

Now, I don't know how to complete Dodrio Berry Picking! I can connect 3 Players (Single Computer) through the emulator, and it all works well until the very moment where the third must join :
1st Player is leader => so far, so good
2nd Player joins => still ok
3rd Player joins => can't join, I have a message like "Trainer unavailable, blah, blah"

Does anyone have a solution ?
- Can I play online with 2 other real players ? If so, how ?
- Can I fix the issue and play it solo on a single computer ?
- Can I somehow hack the 4th Star / Gold card ?

Thanks in advance to anyone reading and who can help.
Hi all,

Quick question about FireRed. I am trying to 100% the game, but I've hit my first wall.

In order to have the best Trainer Card (4 Stars / Gold), one must :

My issue is with the last line's second half. I'm playing with VBALink, and I somehow managed to complete the first half : Jump 200 times. VBALink (1.8) worked perfectly with 2 Players (Single Computer).

Now, I don't know how to complete Dodrio Berry Picking! I can connect 3 Players (Single Computer) through the emulator, and it all works well until the very moment where the third must join :
1st Player is leader => so far, so good
2nd Player joins => still ok
3rd Player joins => can't join, I have a message like "Trainer unavailable, blah, blah"

Does anyone have a solution ?
- Can I play online with 2 other real players ? If so, how ?
- Can I fix the issue and play it solo on a single computer ?
- Can I somehow hack the 4th Star / Gold card ?

Thanks in advance to anyone reading and who can help.

Never mind, managed to hack it thanks to ArtMoney :

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I remember a thread where people would laugh about the silly things they saw when watching people low on the ladder. I'm hoping someone could point me towards it again, if this is even the right place to ask.
I remember a thread where people would laugh about the silly things they saw when watching people low on the ladder. I'm hoping someone could point me towards it again, if this is even the right place to ask.
It was deleted and there wasn't a new one made because it was considered pointless and in bad taste iirc.
Hello. I've got a question surrounding the Battle Maison in Pokemon X and Y.

It's regarding Scrafty. In Super Singles, the Maison uses four sets of Scrafty, as I have found on the internet:

Scrafty1 | Naughty | Liechi Berry | Fake Out | Bulk Up | Focus Punch | Substitute | HP/Atk
Scrafty2 | Jolly | Coba Berry | Hi Jump Kick | Rock Slide | Taunt | Dragon Dance | HP/Spd
Scrafty3 | Adamant | Muscle Band | Substitute | Payback | Hi Jump Kick | Focus Punch | HP/Atk
Scrafty4 | Careful | Leftovers | Bulk Up | Payback | Protect | Drain Punch | HP/SpD

The Battle Maison Pokemon can also hold all the abilities a Pokemon might have, hidden abilities included. In this case, that means that a Scrafty might have Shed Skin, Moxie, or its hidden ability, Intimidate.

My question is, does any of the four sets listed above have a Scrafty with the Intimidate ability? If yes, do you also perhaps know which set(s) would that be?

Thank you very much.
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