Pokémon GO

With the dex completed and the gym changes, the game isn't as fun as it used to be. The endgame of a lot of hardcore players was gyms, and the prestiging nerf completely ruined that. Hoping Niantic gets its shit together (lol) or there is not gonna be much incentive past getting to 30 / dex.
Be thankful you all can still get coins. I have nothing over 1.5k CP and the Gyms around are all 2.5k+ CP mons (Lv10 Gyms of course). With nothing good spawning, I don't even know why I still play.
I'm getting about 350 CP per battle :( That's with Pokemon that are about the same CP as the gym's highest Pokemon
You should try setting some goal instead. I try to beat no more than 3 or 4 per session and set Pokemon with CP much less than the 4th. That said, it only nets me around 1000 max, rarely more than 1500. It is really tiring, on top of being really time consuming, so I can see why many people complains about it.....
to me.. people will go around in groups taking gyms down, and more solo people will put stuff in gyms... there is no advantage to a group of people leveling up gyms unless they are ALL putting something in.
getting rather annoyed at the nearby list.. always full of junk... which buries the one nice thing, missed out on Pinsir AND Aerodactly because they despawned within 5 minutes of them appearing on the list of 9.

so yea captured 7 gyms today... lost most of them already :( but still claimed for them... Ninatic need to increase items from Pokestops, fed up of getting 1 or 2 balls. then losing 3 on a single pokemon because it, jumps/attacks/has high CP, had to refil on a seperate walk around the area.. because of one freaking vulpix.

some notable captures before the balls went low
91% Nidoran M (11 cp -_-)
95% 1025 CP Raticate with quick attack/hyper beam :D
93% 858cp Pidgeotto which evolved into yet another non-hurricane Pidgeot. :(
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I know a bulbasaur nest in my area.. but it is on a Golf course... I have also locacated a superb Pikachu nest in, what would be, reasonable travel distance but 1 bus an hour to that location :(
hope nests don't change, need to get some of those for a Raichu.
couple of captures I might save for Gen 2
Slowpoke 86.7% caught at 905 CP
Poliwag 88.9% caught at 593 cp
both of these need 4500 stardust to level up, so are very high level.
also hatched an 82.2% Ekans (at last... one above 80%) evolved into Arbok...
Saw a Growlithe for the first time this week. They don't spawn in my area ever except this week. Sadly, they only appear at ungodly hours ( 12.30 am onwards ).

All the psyducks in my area seems to have been changed to Horsea.
There's a Pikachu nest at the back of my University. Caught 3 within 5 minutes. I fortunately have enough candy to evolve Pikachu, so I don't need the extra Pikachu - can't be bothered spending 45 getting there just for that. I would have liked to known about it before I buddied my Pikachu for the candy though.

I still need candy for most of the Jotho evolutions. I have Zubat and Eevee prepared so far (easy jobs, thankfully Eevee spawn around my house). I'm hoping that they'll release nicknames that can auto-evolve Eevees to Espeon and Umbreon much like Sparky - maybe Sun and Moon to honour the new games. I need one more candy to get Oddish --> Gloom --> Bellosom, but I still need to get Vilepume. I'll probably wait till Jotho before evolving, as I have a feeling that Gloom's evolution will be random once 2nd gen is released, much like Eevee's evolutions. Similar case with Poliwag and Slowpoke; I already have a Poliwhirl (alas one with crap IVs) but no Poliwrath and Slowbro, and have close to enough candy for Poliwrath and Slowbro, but I rather wait till Politoed/Slowking comes out. I only have 31 Horsea candy, but thankfully I have a good IV Seadra.

Onix I only have 22 candy. I've only encountered and caught two Chansey (coincidentally one of them was yesterday). Porygon I only have the one I caught by chance and have never encountered another one. I have never encountered Scyther despite encountering 66 Pinsir.

Coincidentally I only started obtaining >80% Ekans this month. Including a 100% Ekans 4 days ago. Too bad Arbok sucks; otherwise I'd be powering it up as much as possible. Same goes for my other perfect Pokemon: Gengar, Venomoth, Pinsir, Tangela. Though at least when 4th Gen comes around, perfect Tangela will be very valuable.
Saw a Growlithe for the first time this week. They don't spawn in my area ever except this week. Sadly, they only appear at ungodly hours ( 12.30 am onwards ).

All the psyducks in my area seems to have been changed to Horsea.

i see that late night spawn here as well... on sightings at my house.. Machop, Abra.. and now Geodude... not super rare but.. need more of those. but seen things like Vaporeon and Lapras at silly AM in the past.
do see the odd Vulpix and Growlithe now, as well as an almost hourly slowpoke spawn near a pokestop (rarely it isn't there), there are a couple of spawns I have located near my house (one out of sightings range though) that churn out the rarer stuff... one I have caught Snorlax and Vulpix at in the past week, the other Porygon and Machop. but again its rare they spawn.
just happy that I used the event to get to a few sketchy nests.. just hoping that in the next few days, when I get exeggcute evolved.. i dont get the terrible moveset
Saw a Growlithe for the first time this week. They don't spawn in my area ever except this week. Sadly, they only appear at ungodly hours ( 12.30 am onwards ).

Come to california, I have 343 growlithe candies

Recent nest migration probably removed the nearby squirtle nest; hope it's something that's still useful at least but the loss is saddening :/
Not sure if this has been mentioned already, but since a few updates ago (at least on iOS) I'm experiencing something very annoying. Whenever I'm listening to music (or any sound at all) and I open Pokémon GO, the volume of my music goes down a bit. When I close the game it goes back to normal. I'd understand this if I had my in-game sounds turned on, but I haven't. Anyone else?
The current rate for bubblestrat is roughly 500prestige/30seconds with a proper pair. You would need to add 32k Prestige for the gym to become Level 10, so roughly 30mins for no resources Level 10. Divide that time by the number of people that have a proper attacker. This is about equal to how long the average player takes to take down a Level 10 gym solo.

Seems like its not dead to me. Unfortunately until the Bubblestrat is killed I can't see them changing the prestiging.
The current rate for bubblestrat is roughly 500prestige/30seconds with a proper pair. You would need to add 32k Prestige for the gym to become Level 10, so roughly 30mins for no resources Level 10. Divide that time by the number of people that have a proper attacker. This is about equal to how long the average player takes to take down a Level 10 gym solo.

Seems like its not dead to me. Unfortunately until the Bubblestrat is killed I can't see them changing the prestiging.
I've been trying to get the right Pokémon for a few months already. I've got the right Diglett (high Attack IV, 10 CP after powering up once, Scratch) but I just can't get my hands on a 20 CP Krabby/Poliwag/Horsea with Bubble. Are there any ways in which I can execute this more easily?
I've been trying to get the right Pokémon for a few months already. I've got the right Diglett (high Attack IV, 10 CP after powering up once, Scratch) but I just can't get my hands on a 20 CP Krabby/Poliwag/Horsea with Bubble. Are there any ways in which I can execute this more easily?

Nothing but hoping really. I didn't get my bubblers until like a week ago out of pure luck where i got 4 Level 1 Krabby in a span of 2 days.
Not sure if this has been mentioned already, but since a few updates ago (at least on iOS) I'm experiencing something very annoying. Whenever I'm listening to music (or any sound at all) and I open Pokémon GO, the volume of my music goes down a bit. When I close the game it goes back to normal. I'd understand this if I had my in-game sounds turned on, but I haven't. Anyone else?
its a battery saver feature I think.
and once again, hatch an Abra.. and its 75% IV... seriously Ninatic.. give me a good abra :(
although the egg I replaced it with gave me a 95% Bulbasaur :D
other catches..155 CP 95% Mr Mime
a Nidoking at 1008 cp.. only 64% and has megahorn.. so only useful for leveling gyms
and an 1805 CP 66% water Pulse Vaporeon.... that will be sitting IN Gyms
Nothing but hoping really. I didn't get my bubblers until like a week ago out of pure luck where i got 4 Level 1 Krabby in a span of 2 days.
I keep getting plenty of 10 CP Krabby/Poliwag/Horsea though. However, they're always 19 or 21 after powering up. Never 20 :/
I have two level 1 poliwags with bubble, but no good mon to actually attack with. That being said, idk how invested I would be in bubbling up a gym myself and then having to get that mon removed by someone else somehow so I can put my own mon in.

Also i'm sure 19 or 21 cp will work absolutely fine, if you're still able to kill the 21 cp without taking damage (i doubt so but maybe), then use that, otherwise the 19 cp will award you only slightly less than a full 500 prestige.
I have two level 1 poliwags with bubble, but no good mon to actually attack with. That being said, idk how invested I would be in bubbling up a gym myself and then having to get that mon removed by someone else somehow so I can put my own mon in.

Also i'm sure 19 or 21 cp will work absolutely fine, if you're still able to kill the 21 cp without taking damage (i doubt so but maybe), then use that, otherwise the 19 cp will award you only slightly less than a full 500 prestige.
Hmm true. I was almost certain that there were other possibilities for this. I thought I saw someone doing this with a 200 CP Tangela against another mon of 400 CP. Can't remember exactly.
Hmm true. I was almost certain that there were other possibilities for this. I thought I saw someone doing this with a 200 CP Tangela against another mon of 400 CP. Can't remember exactly.

Its possible with higher cps as far as I know, but at some point the strategy will become resource dependent (like with that tangela, I can't imagine that it would be able to completely ko a 400 cp mon without taking damage). Theres room to mess around with what you need to make it work though, diglett isn't the only viable attacker either. I haven't ever really used bubblestrat though nor do I plan to, I just hope they un-nerf training and keep knocking down gyms the same way it is now.
it is resource heavy, rather annoying, especially when dodge fails, the key thing to level gyms up, isn't the low level thing, the real prestige kicks in on 4 or 5 anyway, the key is getting a highest CP Dragonite you can in there then using the Draognites CP to bring the half CP higher.
leveling gyms is a joke now tbh, just a strain on potions and revives.
OH nestt changes.. main nest that was Ekans is now Bellsprout -_-.. not sure on that its a possible, but Bellsprout is quite common now..
although a nest in the city centre did pop up last week it seems (there was no nest last time) that was marked yesterday as squirtle... I did see A LOT of squirtles around there during the event, but it is a water biome... now it is marked as Pikachu......
Richu is something I DO need, supposed to be best Electric type so...might be handy for smashing through Lapras, but then.. there is the Magnamite nest as well :D
it is resource heavy, rather annoying, especially when dodge fails, the key thing to level gyms up, isn't the low level thing, the real prestige kicks in on 4 or 5 anyway, the key is getting a highest CP Dragonite you can in there then using the Draognites CP to bring the half CP higher.
leveling gyms is a joke now tbh, just a strain on potions and revives.
Hasn't it always been like that though? Of course, it took less of your resources before the update. But I mean, the building up/breaking down of a gym isn't rocket science. You just smash your screen repeatedly. Doesn't even matter if you actually beat the gym, only time wise. Also doesn't even matter if you dodge or not. Choose team, tap tap tap for 10 minutes, heal the Pokémon you've used, repeat. Only now it is less rewarding for doing so.
Well for me i'm more worried about how it takes a lot more resources to train gyms, and time out in the cold, whereas tearing down gyms is pretty good rn, I think it could be balanced a little better since even bubblestratting is completely countered by someone attacking the gym now.
Well for me i'm more worried about how it takes a lot more resources to train gyms, and time out in the cold, whereas tearing down gyms is pretty good rn, I think it could be balanced a little better since even bubblestratting is completely countered by someone attacking the gym now.
Yeah, I think it was good before.. They shouldn't have changed it. You only see gyms of level 2, max 3 right now because people know it's going to be extremely easy for others to take it down.
I live in an area where my team is strong, so we get our gyms up.. and they get knocked down again.. then retaken again. we had a level 6 Gym.. within an Hour its been knocked down or deleveled to 2 this just makes it increasingly frustrating for those who had stuff in there, and then have to put it back in.
anod some randoms downlevel gyms to 2. . knocking my stuff out of the gym and leaving the bloated CP things to train against. Half CP against Flareon and Snorlax, or Half CP against Gyarados and Lapras.... please.all level 30+ so even scaled to my level it is still a drain.
and yes you have to dodge, because I have had things OHKO at half CP.. or nearly Koed... plus lapras everywhere which nukes everything