Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

If you're worried about special walls with Tapu Koko you could simply run Taunt or Volt Switch/U-Turn and wear them down like that. Nature's Madness and Grass Knot could sure help in wallbreaking too.

Well i have not used it but logically if i were to use Greninja with Battle Bond i would use water and dark type moves on it since this is where it hits much harder than Protean Greninja.

Greninja @ Life Orb
Ability: Battle Bond
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Dark Pulse
- Gunk Shot
- Water Shuriken

Max speed to outspeed Tapu Koko, stab and Water Shuriken cause it hits faster threats like Choice Scarf Genesect, Landorus-T, Pheromosa etc pretty hard. And Gunk Shot to hit Tapu Fini, Tapu Bulu etc because they resist to both stabs. What do you think?

This won't work cause greninja only gets gunk shot from ORAS move tutor.
I'm not sure where to post this in the forums:
I'm building a OU pokebank team for wifi battling and I have 5 mos, I'm just not sure what would work in for the 6th.
And I don't see a RMT for S/M, just ORAS.

This is probably the best spot to ask, for now. What does your team look like so far?
So I'm trying to utilize the Tapu Koko electric terrain and the pelipper drizzle for the boosted no miss thunders and hydro pumps.

Pelipper @ Damp Rock
Ability: Drizzle
EVs: 252HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hurricane
- Hydro Pump
- Defog
- Roost

Making his debut into OU is the rain man. Bulky as possible and utilizing him as a hazard removal as well.

Raichu-Alola @ Lum Berry
Ability: Surge Surfer
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunder
- Volt Switch
- Surf
- Psychic

All out attacker with them no miss boosted thunders and a boosted surf as well. I'm not sure if lum is good on him. He can't be put to sleep and burns won't affect them that much. So lum is kinda in the air.

Tapu Koko @ Terrain Extender
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Thunder
- Dazzling Gleam
- Taunt
- U-turn

Self explanatory. Taunt because I feel at that speed he can shut down some support moves giving the next u-turn Pokémon a free switch.

Kingdra @ Life Orb
Ability: Swift Swim
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hydro Pump
- Dragon Pulse
- Ice Beam
- Flash Cannon

I want to use flash cannon because I feel he will be seen as setup bait for a lot of the fairies that populate the game.

Scizor @ Lum Berry
Ability: Technician
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Bug Bite
- Roost
- Bullet Punch

Scizor will definitely appreciate the fire power drop the rain provides. It may not save him from all fire hits, but the stray HP fire that can come around or some non STAB attacks, he should be able to survive. And I'm not for sure if I want him mega yet. I feel like lum is more appreciated than a boost with him right now. It all depends on the last Pokémon.


I thought mega swampert would have been great but I don't know if his stone will ever be released so that rules him out, for now.

I think I need another rain maker, but I don't want another weakness to my own electric.

I'm new to asking for help on here. I'm not exactly new to competitive battle but I don't have/make he best teams ever either. I'll battle on showdown before with it before I make it in-game.
Any input would be great, thanks!
Can someone tell me about Spotlight? can you force a foe to attack their own partner in a double battle? or does it not work that way?
So, I never got around to collecting my Greninja-A in Moon and there doesn't seem to be a thread specifically for it. Given its great offensive stats when transformed on both sides, is it worth aiming for Naive/Hasty for a mixed attacker, or would it be safer to just go Timid?

Remind me, is use of a Z-Move and use of Mega Evolution mutually exclusive, or can a team use one of each?

As far as I know, you can use one of each once per battle.
Can someone tell me about Spotlight? can you force a foe to attack their own partner in a double battle? or does it not work that way?
Spotlight acts as if the target of Spotlight used Follow Me, and can't be used on yourself. If you target your ally, foes will redirect to it. If you target a foe, your ally will redirect to it. Only use in Doubles is for possible combo with the "contact shields" (Baneful Bunker, King's Shield, Spiky Shield). The real intended use seems to be for Battle Royale.
So, I never got around to collecting my Greninja-A in Moon and there doesn't seem to be a thread specifically for it. Given its great offensive stats when transformed on both sides, is it worth aiming for Naive/Hasty for a mixed attacker, or would it be safer to just go Timid?

As far as I know, you can use one of each once per battle.
Since it doesn't have access to ORAS tutors where it learns its most useful physical coverage moves, people seem to run full special, occasionally with U-turn. Timid is probably your best bet unless it gets Gunk Shot and Low Kick in the next games.
Since it doesn't have access to ORAS tutors where it learns its most useful physical coverage moves, people seem to run full special, occasionally with U-turn. Timid is probably your best bet unless it gets Gunk Shot and Low Kick in the next games.
Thank you. I'll keep that in mind.
Spotlight acts as if the target of Spotlight used Follow Me, and can't be used on yourself. If you target your ally, foes will redirect to it. If you target a foe, your ally will redirect to it. Only use in Doubles is for possible combo with the "contact shields" (Baneful Bunker, King's Shield, Spiky Shield). The real intended use seems to be for Battle Royale.

Ah ok. thanks. I was thinking it would have been a great combo to pull people from some of my allies like eevee setting up its Z move and whatnot, but I guess Follow me is the best move for that then
Could someone clarify in which situations Knock Off will/won't be boosted based on sun-moon in-game mechanics? Particularly curious about target holding a Mega Stone, Z-Crystal, behind a sub, and has the ability sticky hold.

Also would be nice if I could get a refresher of ORAS mechanics just to make sure I know them correctly
Could someone clarify in which situations Knock Off will/won't be boosted based on sun-moon in-game mechanics? Particularly curious about target holding a Mega Stone, Z-Crystal, behind a sub, and has the ability sticky hold.

Also would be nice if I could get a refresher of ORAS mechanics just to make sure I know them correctly
Knock Off stays the same with Mega Stones, subbed mons and sticky hold but cannot knock Z-Crystals off and only has 65 BP when used on a mon holding one. (it CAN actually knock off Soul Dew tho)
As for mechanic changes, I think you can check the first post in this thread for a summary:
Do you mind clarifying what "stays the same" means for subbed mons and sticky hold? Theres a reason I asked for a refresher for ORAS mechanics (I obviously know mega stones don't give the boost though).
Do you mind clarifying what "stays the same" means for subbed mons and sticky hold? Theres a reason I asked for a refresher for ORAS mechanics (I obviously know mega stones don't give the boost though).
Stays the same means it still gets the x1.5 boost like it did in ORAS.
E: from Bulbapedia
Generation VI
Knock Off's power has been increased from 20 to 65. If this move is used on a Pokémon that is holding an item that can be lost, it will deal 50% more damage. A target with Sticky Hold will be protected from losing its item, but the bonus damage will still apply. If used on a Pokémon that cannot lose its item — such as a Pokémon holding a Mega Stone or an Orb that enables it to Mega Evolve or undergo Primal Reversion, Giratina holding a Griseous Orb, Arceus holding a Plate, or Genesect holding a Drive — this move will not receive the boost.

Knock Off will not remove a held item if the user faints due to Rough Skin, Iron Barbs, or Rocky Helmet.
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Why is mawilite unreleased even in pokebank? Am I doing sth wrong?
Because there's no current way to acquire it and almost all other non-Aloladex mega stones in Sun/Moon, so it's in the same "programmed in, but not usable" state as Gems, or Thousand Arrows/Waves in Gen6.
I have a question in regards to bottle caps. I want to know what they exactly do. I know vaguely they rectify IVs and said modified IVs can't be passed down, but does it max out a stat in one go? Also, how easily can you even get this thing in-game? I'm asking because I'm seriously considering breeding/modifying Pokemon this gen and play competitively over wifi. Also is rectifying the reason we can get "31 spe IV" HP Fire?
I have a question in regards to bottle caps. I want to know what they exactly do. I know vaguely they rectify IVs and said modified IVs can't be passed down, but does it max out a stat in one go? Also, how easily can you even get this thing in-game? I'm asking because I'm seriously considering breeding/modifying Pokemon this gen and play competitively over wifi. Also is rectifying the reason we can get "31 spe IV" HP Fire?

They do max out stats in one go, but only one stat per regular cap

You can farm them by fishing, but it's inconsistent and boring (and skill-less) you can also try collecting shards or doing festival bullshit but IMO those are grossly inefficient even compared to fishing

Yes because Hidden Powers are based on the pokemon's actual IVs, the caps don't change the IVs, they just increase the stat... kinda like "capping" a tooth, the cap isn't the tooth but it fills the space that a perfect tooth would fill! (heheh metaphor)

Breeding is more sensible in the long run. Save your caps for legends or event mons, and SR those event mons and legends when you can. I plan on saving all of my caps solely for event mons that require specific hidden powers.
I have a question in regards to bottle caps. I want to know what they exactly do. I know vaguely they rectify IVs and said modified IVs can't be passed down, but does it max out a stat in one go? Also, how easily can you even get this thing in-game? I'm asking because I'm seriously considering breeding/modifying Pokemon this gen and play competitively over wifi. Also is rectifying the reason we can get "31 spe IV" HP Fire?

They set the stat value of whatever stat is Hyper Trained to what it would be at an IV of 31, but the actual IV remains unchanged for Hidden Power and breeding. a regular Bottle Cap trains 1 stat and a gold trains all 6. Must be level 100 to use and in postgame. This is the main hangup as leveling to 100 isn't as easy as it was in Gen6.

Gold bottle caps are pretty rare; rank 1 lottery prize in Festival Plaza from a Treasure Hunt stand, or rarely from "valuable item" Poke Pelago expeditions.
Regular bottle caps are a bit easier to come by; rank 2 prize from Treasure Hunt lottery, or randomly from bubbling fishing points, or trade 30 of a same color Red/Blue/Green/Yellow shard to old man in Festival Plaza castle (shards from Poke Pelago). The Steelix house in Seafolk Village is a good place to try and farm. Enter and exit to reset the bubbles.

tl;dr: Always be sending mons out on Pelago expeditions. Try your luck at gold or go more reliable for shards, but it's a time sink either way. You get maybe 3-4 shards per trip and they're usually not the same color. Fishing probably is the most time-efficient method.
Thanks both! and yes I'm planning to only use them on legends/events/shinies.

EDIT: forgot about the level 100 requirement thing. Guess I'll make my first wifi teams not include legends for now.
I am guessing for the technician boost?
But Thief also gets the technician boost and has more PP, and Knock Off does more damage than both if the target has an item (which it will most likely will since Scizor uses Dark type moves to hit the likes of A-Marowak who always holds an item, not to mention Knock Off also removes Shed Shell from Skarm and Celesteela)
So this may not be the most relevant place to ask this (here's hoping ;;; ), but I am about to pick up my Zygarde in-game and basically wanted to ask what the best nature was for the most versatility on all three forms. I assume Adamant is the best since all three forms can use it well...?

Although, it's worth noting that I'm actually not planning to use the 10% form much if at all (its competitive applications interest me but I'm not fond of it's design lol), and the 50% form is probably the one that I'll be using the most. So... in that light, would Impish be better....? (seems like most of 50%'s good sets are defensive)

Also, I have an Adamant 50% Ziggy in Gen 6; do we have any idea whether Zygardes transferred from Pokebank can change form too?

But Thief also gets the technician boost and has more PP, and Knock Off does more damage than both if the target has an item (which it will most likely will since Scizor uses Dark type moves to hit the likes of A-Marowak who always holds an item, not to mention Knock Off also removes Shed Shell from Skarm and Celesteela)
TBH it sounds like you answered your own question, dude-- some people haven't realized that Brutal Swing is 100% inferior for singles, lol.
Maybe people just like how cool the name's move is??
But Thief also gets the technician boost and has more PP, and Knock Off does more damage than both if the target has an item (which it will most likely will since Scizor uses Dark type moves to hit the likes of A-Marowak who always holds an item, not to mention Knock Off also removes Shed Shell from Skarm and Celesteela)

That is true. perhaps the reason is brutal swing hits both in doubles, and there are few moves boosted by Technician that hits both foes. Thats my only guess