Twitter is censoring Trump supporters

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Donald should create his own tweeting platform that can compete with twitter so this can't happen. I'm sure the thought of twitter censoring his supporters is keeping him up late into the night. Maybe that explains why he took so long to do something about Flynn. Busy guy!
Donald should create his own tweeting platform that can compete with twitter so this can't happen. I'm sure the thought of twitter censoring his supporters is keeping him up late into the night. Maybe that explains why he took so long to do something about Flynn. Busy guy!

I take it from your attempt at derailing the thread that you think this is okay.

Do you?
I just find it hilarious whenever trump supporters call other people regressive, like have you checked this guy's positions on various issues? Jerking off the fossil fuel industry, anti-globalisation bullshit, propagating racism, nationalist aids, yeah this guy's definitely not dragging the world backwards or anything
your guy just got elected w/ more or less full support from congress and you're still playing the victimized underdog? grow the fuck up lmao

One, he's not my guy, and two, that's irrelevant. This is not okay to do. I'm not crazy over Trump myself, but it's desperate control-grabs like this that gave him any popularity with the young crowd in the first place. If the left continues down this path, they will lose the next election as well.

I just find it hilarious whenever trump supporters call other people regressive, like have you checked this guy's positions on various issues? Jerking off the fossil fuel industry, anti-globalisation bullshit, propagating racism, nationalist aids, yeah this guy's definitely not dragging the world backwards or anything

I'm not a Trump supporter. I just don't approve of people being smothered out like this. It's childish, and frankly it's also disturbing. It reflects very poorly on the left and lends more credence to the belief that leftism is authoritarianism.

Is smug derision the default tone in this forum?
This is a blatant attempt at distorting reality. This is an authoritative machine refusing to let go of the grasp it has on the population, refusing to accept that these people no longer desire its rule over them, this is the monster in the horror movie that refuses to die. The fact that it doesn't bother any of you, and that you instead shift it onto the Trumpites to get over it, that is evidence of how badly you have been indoctrinated by these dangerous ideals. Why should the Trump supporters have to be the ones to "grow up"? Why can't the regressive left? They are the ones causing this, after all, they have refused to let things go and tirelessly aim to undermine this anomaly that was elected by the people that they feel does not belong. And it's not because of ethical reasons that they seek to destroy this newly appointed figurehead, it's because they're not the ones in control, and they don't much care for that.

Like it or not, in this election the people truly made their voices heard. And whilst Trump is not the best man for the job, neither was that skeleton-dragging war-hawk Clinton. This whole fiasco is all about control, plain and simple. Expanding control over the people, expanding control over the goings-on in foreign countries the US has no business in, that's all this is about. The regressive left does not exist for the people, the regressive left exists for the regressive left
One, he's not my guy, and two, that's irrelevant. This is not okay to do. I'm not crazy over Trump myself, but it's desperate control-grabs like this that gave him any popularity with the young crowd in the first place. If the left continues down this path, they will lose the next election as well.
Trump wasn't too popular with millennials, Clinton actually did significantly better than Trump among younger voters despite the fact tat she's Hillary Clinton.


Anyway, if Trump's not your guy, maybe don't make threads like this one where you blow something way out of proportions (tweets being removed from a thread connected to a Trump tweet, if such a thing even happens all that much, is not very significant and hardly even counts as censorship), making Trump supporters look like the underdog in the process. You'd do best to stop acting as the motherfucker's advocate with this faux-bipartisan bullshit while meanwhile adopting language invented by the so-called alt-right* ("regressive left" is a perfect example of such a term).

I'm not a Trump supporter. I just don't approve of people being smothered out like this. It's childish, and frankly it's also disturbing. It reflects very poorly on the left and lends more credence to the belief that leftism is authoritarianism.
An international multimedia corporation is not and should not be representative of "the left", thinking that a company like Twitter has anything to do with leftism is terribly ignorant and anyone who holds "the left" accountable for the fact that Trump supporters might get "censored" on Twitter probably never had the intention to vote for leftists to begin with.

*"alt-right" itself is a euphemism for neo-fascists, I urge anyone who opposes this group to refrain from using the term if possible
Holy shit the amount of agenda in this thread is ridiculous.

The video from the OP is hot fucking garbage. He spends basically the entire thing saying 'this is a fact' or 'we know [insert 'fact']', but provides next to no evidence for what he's saying. His entire premise is based on the anecdotal evidence of two people - himself and the person whose post he reads. His argument literally boils down to 'I noticed that I didn't see many trump supporters on Twitter, therefore Twitter is censoring Trump supporters'. That is not enough evidence. That's not to say something weird isn't going on there, but gather some legitimate evidence before jumping to such inflammatory conclusions.

It's also pretty apparent from his tone that he supports Trump, which isn't a problem in itself, but definitely opens him up to confirmation bias.

If Twitter actually is censoring Trump supporters, then yes, you have a massive fucking shitstorm on your hands.
This is a blatant attempt at distorting reality. This is an authoritative machine refusing to let go of the grasp it has on the population, refusing to accept that these people no longer desire its rule over them, this is the monster in the horror movie that refuses to die. The fact that it doesn't bother any of you, and that you instead shift it onto the Trumpites to get over it, that is evidence of how badly you have been indoctrinated by these dangerous ideals. Why should the Trump supporters have to be the ones to "grow up"? Why can't the regressive left? They are the ones causing this, after all, they have refused to let things go and tirelessly aim to undermine this anomaly that was elected by the people that they feel does not belong. And it's not because of ethical reasons that they seek to destroy this newly appointed figurehead, it's because they're not the ones in control, and they don't much care for that.

Like it or not, in this election the people truly made their voices heard. And whilst Trump is not the best man for the job, neither was that skeleton-dragging war-hawk Clinton. This whole fiasco is all about control, plain and simple. Expanding control over the people, expanding control over the goings-on in foreign countries the US has no business in, that's all this is about. The regressive left does not exist for the people, the regressive left exists for the regressive left
People don't like not being in control, it's literally just basic human psychology. That means it applies for both sides. The far left and the far right are both doing whatever they can to push their own narrative, because that's what people do. They don't like having their beliefs questions. Even if the left is censoring social media as you're claiming, Trump is attempting to control the media by labeling anything that disagrees with him fake news, and people are buying it. Both sides are in the wrong here, so spouting stuff like 'the regressive left is dragging the country down' is misleading at best.

Minor nit-picks: the people didn't pick Trump. He lost the popular vote. And of course the left is taking trying to destroy him for ethical reasons - everyone assumes their morals are correct, and he disagrees with them, making him inherantly (in their eyes) immoral and necessary to 'destroy'.
I thought the right wanted businesses to be able to deny service to anyone for any reason?

No? Just other people but not them? Oh ok

You say that as if I've ever advocated for such a thing. I haven't.

Trump wasn't too popular with millennials, Clinton actually did significantly better than Trump among younger voters despite the fact tat she's Hillary Clinton.


Anyway, if Trump's not your guy, maybe don't make threads like this one where you blow something way out of proportions (tweets being removed from a thread connected to a Trump tweet, if such a thing even happens all that much, is not very significant and hardly even counts as censorship), making Trump supporters look like the underdog in the process. You'd do best to stop acting as the motherfucker's advocate with this faux-bipartisan bullshit while meanwhile adopting language invented by the so-called alt-right* ("regressive left" is a perfect example of such a term).

An international multimedia corporation is not and should not be representative of "the left", thinking that a company like Twitter has anything to do with leftism is terribly ignorant and anyone who holds "the left" accountable for the fact that Trump supporters might get "censored" on Twitter probably never had the intention to vote for leftists to begin with.

*"alt-right" itself is a euphemism for neo-fascists, I urge anyone who opposes this group to refrain from using the term if possible

37 percent is still a sizeable chunk, hence popular.

I've heard many leftists themselves refer to it as the regressive left, I think you're being pretty silly with that nitpick.

Moreover, you are ignoring alot of the video and the page linked. It wasn't just replies to threads being hidden, and the commenters admitted that this by itself was not unusual, but it was also their direct responses to the POTUS that were being removed, leaving behind a wall of hate.

That international multimedia corporation is seen as a representative whether you like it or not. If you want to change that, you should work on reforming your political party.

The alt right displays hardly a fraction of fascism as the regressive left does
Holy shit the amount of agenda in this thread is ridiculous.

The video from the OP is hot fucking garbage. He spends basically the entire thing saying 'this is a fact' or 'we know [insert 'fact']', but provides next to no evidence for what he's saying. His entire premise is based on the anecdotal evidence of two people - himself and the person whose post he reads. His argument literally boils down to 'I noticed that I didn't see many trump supporters on Twitter, therefore Twitter is censoring Trump supporters'. That is not enough evidence. That's not to say something weird isn't going on there, but gather some legitimate evidence before jumping to such inflammatory conclusions.

It's also pretty apparent from his tone that he supports Trump, which isn't a problem in itself, but definitely opens him up to confirmation bias.

If Twitter actually is censoring Trump supporters, then yes, you have a massive fucking shitstorm on your hands.

People don't like not being in control, it's literally just basic human psychology. That means it applies for both sides. The far left and the far right are both doing whatever they can to push their own narrative, because that's what people do. They don't like having their beliefs questions. Even if the left is censoring social media as you're claiming, Trump is attempting to control the media by labeling anything that disagrees with him fake news, and people are buying it. Both sides are in the wrong here, so spouting stuff like 'the regressive left is dragging the country down' is misleading at best.

Minor nit-picks: the people didn't pick Trump. He lost the popular vote. And of course the left is taking trying to destroy him for ethical reasons - everyone assumes their morals are correct, and he disagrees with them, making him inherantly (in their eyes) immoral and necessary to 'destroy'.

You conveniently ignored the other link I posted which has the source material. How pleasant. I already know how this discussion will turn out, lol

It's not purely exclusive to those two people, if you go down to the comments of either of the links you will see dozens of people saying they have noticed the same thing.

When have I ever implied that the right were also not guilty of their own sins?

And no, the people I'm referring to are not trying to destroy him for ethical reasons. Those people I'm talking about are the Clintons, Obama, and their ilk. As you yourself admitted, they are only interested in regaining power. They don't care whether or not Trump is literally the second coming of Hitler.
The alt right is pushing for an all white America, but twitter deleting a couple tweets (assuming this is true and that none of the tweets violate the terms of service) means all left leaning people are more fascist than the modern white supremacy movement.

Does it hurt being this stupid or are you so used to it that it feels normal?
The alt right is pushing for an all white America, but twitter deleting a couple tweets means all left leaning people are more fascist than the modern white supremacy movement.

Does it hurt being this stupid or are you so used to it that it feels normal?

They're actually not, nor are they all supremacists. People like Richard Spencer simply don't want his people to be bullied in their own country any more and for them to have a place they can feel at home in, like Mexicans have Mexico and the Japanese have Japan. Simple stuff really

Does it hurt being this ignorant or are you so used to it that it feels normal? :]
Rofl he defended Richard Spencer unprompted, unreal. Explains alt-facts like "leftists" calling it the regressive left (no one barring the most bias call them leftists either), or trump being "popular" among millennials. Basically this entire thread.
Rofl he defended Richard Spencer unprompted, unreal. Explains alt-facts like "leftists" calling it the regressive left (no one barring the most bias call them leftists either), or trump being "popular" among millennials. Basically this entire thread.

adjective: popular
liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people or by a particular person or group.

37% is fairly popular. Popular enough to win him the white house along with the rest of the votes he got ;]

Either way, congratulations on "summarizing" the thread and providing absolutely no counter-arguments whatsoever. Your display of awareness has certainly exceeded my expectations, perhaps there's hope for you yet!
That international multimedia corporation is seen as a representative whether you like it or not. If you want to change that, you should work on reforming your political party.
The Democrats aren't my party, and Sanders was trying to reform the party but the DNC didn't want that to happen.

The alt right displays hardly a fraction of fascism as the regressive left does
You're a useful idiot. First of all, what you're calling fascism is simply suppression of the opposition. Although there is no unifying definition of fascism (authoritarianism being the only consistent core element), it can be argued that nationalism, (possibly racist) hierarchy, adoration for or even worship of a "strong leader", and indeed the suppression of opposition are all elements that can be identified as being part of fascism. Second of all, in order to even suppress the opposition, you need to be in a position of power. Liberals (be careful not to equate them to "the left") may be in charge of some social media websites, which gives those particular liberals (that is, the people in charge of those companies, not liberals at large) some power to censor certain people. Nevertheless, Trump supporters overall are free to say whatever the fuck they want and cannot be punished by the government for it, in other words, their freedom of expression as described by the law is completely fine.

Basically, you're kicking the left while it's down and let Trump do whatever the fuck he wants because "well, he was elected!" You must be out of your mind.
The Democrats aren't my party, and Sanders was trying to reform the party but the DNC didn't want that to happen.

I see....My apologies for the slip-up, then

You're a useful idiot. First of all, what you're calling fascism is simply suppression of the opposition. Although there is no unifying definition of fascism (authoritarianism being the only consistent core element), it can be argued that nationalism, (possibly racist) hierarchy, adoration for or even worship of a "strong leader", and indeed the suppression of opposition are all elements that can be identified as being part of fascism. Second of all, in order to even suppress the opposition, you need to be in a position of power. Liberals (be careful not to equate them to "the left") may be in charge of some social media websites, which gives those particular liberals (that is, the people in charge of those companies, not liberals at large) some power to censor certain people. Nevertheless, Trump supporters overall are free to say whatever the fuck they want and cannot be punished by the government for it, in other words, their freedom of expression as described by the law is completely fine.

Basically, you're kicking the left while it's down and let Trump do whatever the fuck he wants because "well, he was elected!" You must be out of your mind.

I didn't say it was full-blown fascism, I said the regressives show those characteristics more than the alt-right, perhaps the biggest one being authoritarianism in its constant attempts to distort reality and demonize dissenters to such extremes. Most of the people who were at some point considered alt-right have also at this point pretty much morphed into a far more mainstream-friendly "alt-lite" due to many people being reluctant to pick up the added baggage of white identity among other things.

Basically what I'm saying is, these white supremacists everyone is quaking over do not make up the majority of Trump voters.
no twitter is blocking assholes violating t&c of their service. it just so happens there is a huge overlap between this group and trump's online support base. (surprise)..... but I can see how it is more convenient to frame it as some insiduous democrat/"sjw" agenda.

the trigger is so real that alt-right literally have created their own twitter clone. it's called gab or some shit.
no twitter is blocking assholes violating t&c of their service. it just so happens there is a huge overlap between this group and trump's online support base. (surprise)..... but I can see how it is more convenient to frame it as some insiduous democrat/"sjw" agenda.

the trigger is so real that alt-right literally have created their own twitter clone. it's called gab or some shit.

Yea, that's totally it, huh. Meanwhile, #killallmen is still a somewhat fairly popular hashtag on that same site and didn't receive much attention from the owners when it was at its peak

Moreover, none of the responding tweets that were in the video were hateful. Not in the least. Go and see them for yourself, this is nothing more than yet another attempt to smother out dissenting opinions by the regressives.
I forgot cherrypicked tweets and base speculation passes for George Orwell material these days. Present something that isn't bait/speculation/Alex Jones.
Go look at the endless blabber of hate that goes on in most of these profiles spew. If anything twitter is still very liberal with their content agenda. Milo Yiannopoulos got like three whole strikes before his permaban, which you will recall happened after he mobilized an entire army of edgy fucktards to spam fat shame, rape threats, and death threats at Leslie Jones' profile. You're going to have to pull up your pants before you start making claims about what constitute hatefulness.

as for #killallmen, do your homework:

If you really wish to understand the phenomenon, then read. And then some more. Your inability to comprehend basic nuance doesn't substitute for an equivalence. I have better things to do than respond to borderline illiterate baitposts. You are still repeating some claims that other people have already taken the time to substantially refute, your lack of engagement or evolution of response to these is discouraging, but I'll hope for the best. bye.
adjective: popular
liked, admired, or enjoyed by many people or by a particular person or group.

37% is fairly popular. Popular enough to win him the white house along with the rest of the votes he got ;]

Either way, congratulations on "summarizing" the thread and providing absolutely no counter-arguments whatsoever. Your display of awareness has certainly exceeded my expectations, perhaps there's hope for you yet!
When there are essentially 2 choices, 37% is not popular (especially since not everyone voting for a candidate likes them).

They're actually not, nor are they all supremacists. People like Richard Spencer simply don't want his people to be bullied in their own country any more and for them to have a place they can feel at home in, like Mexicans have Mexico and the Japanese have Japan. Simple stuff really
When are you and Spency moving back to Europe? Or were you too busy celebrating an oil pipeline violating a US treaty with the Native Americans to remember you are also the descendent of immigrants? The idea that America somehow belongs to white people is both objectively racist and inherently white supremacist.
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I forgot cherrypicked tweets and base speculation passes for George Orwell material these days. Present something that isn't bait/speculation/Alex Jones.
Go look at the endless blabber of hate that goes on in most of these profiles spew. If anything twitter is still very liberal with their content agenda. Milo Yiannopoulos got like three whole strikes before his permaban, which you will recall happened after he mobilized an entire army of edgy fucktards to spam fat shame, rape threats, and death threats at Leslie Jones' profile. You're going to have to pull up your pants before you start making claims about what constitute hatefulness.

as for #killallmen, do your homework:

If you really wish to understand the phenomenon, then read. And then some more. Your inability to comprehend basic nuance doesn't substitute for an equivalence. I have better things to do than respond to borderline illiterate baitposts. You are still repeating some claims that other people have already taken the time to substantially refute, your lack of engagement or evolution of response to these is discouraging, but I'll hope for the best. bye.

Follow your own advice and do your homework, Milo never mobilized his "army" to harass anyone.

Additionally, that very article you linked was guilty of some cherry-picking itself. Here are some more incriminating posts using the hashtag #killallmen

By all means, please do leave. As much fun as I've had effortlessly dismantling nearly every member that has posted here, it is getting rather tedious addressing every single person suffering from a crippling mental disease that has the audacity to rudely barge into a thread and talk down to another person simply because their views do not agree with each other.

When there are essentially 2 choices, 37% is not popular.

When are you and Spency moving back to Europe? Or were you too busy celebrating an oil pipeline violating a US treaty with the Native Americans to remember you are also the descendent of immigrants? The idea that America somehow belongs to white people is both objectively racist and inherently white supremacist.

Trump was popular before the choices were narrowed down, as well, but obviously you've decided to completely forget that detail because it makes you look like a moron.

America's greatest architects were predominantly white, whites should definitely have their fair say in society and rule their people the way they like. I'm Mexican, btw
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