(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

It kind of makes me wonder whether Game Freak had planned for a Pokémon with an auto-Room ability at some point:

  • Gen II introduces three types of weather moves, in Gen III we get their corresponding auto-weather abilities.
    • (Gen III introduces Hail, Gen IV gives us Snow Warning)
  • Gen IV gives us a Room move, Gen V adds... uh, two more Rooms.
  • Gen VI introduces Terrains, Gen VII adds auto-Terrain abilities.

True enough, there was only one Room move in the beginning, so it's unclear whether they ever intended "Rooms" to be a battlefield condition similar to weathers and eventually Terrains, but the pattern sort of fits. It's not a strong connection, however, as auto-Screens and auto-Tailwind never happened either. And thank heavens, neither did auto-Hazards.

Again, though, it could just be that they had one look at Trick Room in Doubles and realized what shenanigans one could do with reliable Trick Room, then quickly shelved the plans for an auto-Trick Room ability (and gave Reuniclus Overcoat instead). I wouldn't say auto-Wonder Room or auto-Magic Room would be too broken, though. A Magic Room ability would be sort of like an "everybody gets Klutz!" ability that impedes all sides equally - but the user has the benefit of being able to prepare for it. Auto-Wonder Room would be situationally useful, but not overly broken. In extreme cases such as against Blissey, you'd just change which side of the spectrum she'd completely wall.
Sorry to bring thisback up but corro corro just announced how Ash Hat Pikachus will be distributed. All 7 will be given iout for preordering movie tickets. In Japan. Only. With the Z stone. This may change but it looks like we don'tget Shiny Tapus and Ash Hat Pikachus. Will we get shiny UBs and cover legends uout of Japan? Will we even get Marshadow or the other Magearna? If not I may stop playing (I don't want to but we aren'tgetting anything. If we ddon'teven get Marshadow I'll be sticking to Showdown). Anyways, that's all. Just wanted you guys to know the situation (and hopefully help me bug them until we get better stuff)
Sorry to bring thisback up but corro corro just announced how Ash Hat Pikachus will be distributed. All 7 will be given iout for preordering movie tickets. In Japan. Only. With the Z stone. This may change but it looks like we don'tget Shiny Tapus and Ash Hat Pikachus. Will we get shiny UBs and cover legends uout of Japan? Will we even get Marshadow or the other Magearna? If not I may stop playing (I don't want to but we aren'tgetting anything. If we ddon'teven get Marshadow I'll be sticking to Showdown). Anyways, that's all. Just wanted you guys to know the situation (and hopefully help me bug them until we get better stuff)

You are jumping into conclusions. It's a Movie Pokemon event.

They have always been given out in Japan first, because the movie comes out in Japan first.
Sorry to bring thisback up but corro corro just announced how Ash Hat Pikachus will be distributed. All 7 will be given iout for preordering movie tickets. In Japan. Only. With the Z stone. This may change but it looks like we don'tget Shiny Tapus and Ash Hat Pikachus. Will we get shiny UBs and cover legends uout of Japan? Will we even get Marshadow or the other Magearna? If not I may stop playing (I don't want to but we aren'tgetting anything. If we ddon'teven get Marshadow I'll be sticking to Showdown). Anyways, that's all. Just wanted you guys to know the situation (and hopefully help me bug them until we get better stuff)

... It was only JUST announced. Actually, not even. These are early leaks, in the Pokemon Company eyes this info isn't even released yet (they also like to pretend we don't know about the Ash Hat Pikachu). But eitherway, they haven't even announce the movie over hear yet, I say before we start waving any red flags to at least wait till the 20th movie is being released over here.

Which it will. And we will get the Ash Hat Pikachu event because that's a major event. Shiny Tapu isn't major, it's a bonus gift. Ash Hat Pikachu is considered a special Pokemon which has its own Z-Crystal. We're getting it. Will take some time, but we will get our turn.

Look, I know you're angry about Japan getting exclusive events, but you also got to remember Japan also gets events first before they're released elsewhere. Now you can probably assume what event we may or may not get, but don't jump the gun and immidietely think we're never going to get an announced event if the English site doesn't also announce it right after. Because for all we know, we are getting the Shiny Tapu event, we don't know what they have planned.
... It was only JUST announced. Actually, not even. These are early leaks, in the Pokemon Company eyes this info isn't even released yet (they also like to pretend we don't know about the Ash Hat Pikachu). But eitherway, they haven't even announce the movie over hear yet, I say before we start waving any red flags to at least wait till the 20th movie is being released over here.

Which it will. And we will get the Ash Hat Pikachu event because that's a major event. Shiny Tapu isn't major, it's a bonus gift. Ash Hat Pikachu is considered a special Pokemon which has its own Z-Crystal. We're getting it. Will take some time, but we will get our turn.

Look, I know you're angry about Japan getting exclusive events, but you also got to remember Japan also gets events first before they're released elsewhere. Now you can probably assume what event we may or may not get, but don't jump the gun and immidietely think we're never going to get an announced event if English site doesn't also announce it right after. Because for all we know, we are getting the Shiny Tapu event, we don't know what they have planned.
True. Thats why I said "It may change". I'm merely saying that at the moment, with how its distributed, we may not get it since (at least in huge chunks of the US) the movies don't go to theaters. Anyways, peace

You are jumping into conclusions. It's a Movie Pokemon event.

They have always been given out in Japan first, because the movie comes out in Japan first.
Key word was "It may change". The reason I say we might not is because of 2 things. There hasn't been a movie in theaters in my area since (iirc) the Zoroark movie, and it seems to be the same for large chunks of the US. The second reason is they do tend tokeep good events from us. They may do so here or not give it to us for a year or 2 cuz you know, Pokemon.
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Key word was "It may change". The reason I say we might not is because of 2 things. There hasn't been a movie in theaters in my area since (iirc) the Zoroark movie, and it seems to be the same for large chunks of the US. The second reason is they do tend tokeep good events from us. They may do so here or not give it to us for a year or 2 cuz you know, Pokemon.
That's not the Pokemon Company's fault. Cinemas choose which movies to show, and if they don't see Pokemon as something that will profit them, they simply won't show it, that's just business. You also seem to be trying to combine two matters into one, in that you say that "it looks like we don't get ... Ash Hat Pikachus" because there hasn't been a Pokemon movie in your area (and huge chunks of the US) since the Zoroark one. That's only limited to the cinema in your area, not the entirety of the US. Chances are, they'll show the movie in more populated/bigger cities, so really you can't say you might not get the Ash Pikachu. It's entirely up to you to go watch the movie. The closest cinema to me is an hour and a half away by train, I can't say that they're not giving me the Ash Pikachu because there isn't a cinema in my area, if you want it, you gotta go get it.

In any case, Magearna for Japan was distributed via a QR code on a Ga-Ole disc obtained from watching the movie, but it was just via QR code on the website for the US. Clearly it being distributed here via the movie doesn't equate to it being the same everywhere else in the world. Just be patient, the details will come out soon.

EDIT: I don't mean to make it seem like we're doggy piling on you, just want to tell you why there's no reason to fret about not getting the Ash Pikachus.
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True. Thats why I said "It may change". I'm merely saying that at the moment, with how its distributed, we may not get it since (at least in huge chunks of the US) the movies don't go to theaters. Anyways, peace

Key word was "It may change". The reason I say we might not is because of 2 things. There hasn't been a movie in theaters in my area since (iirc) the Zoroark movie, and it seems to be the same for large chunks of the US. The second reason is they do tend tokeep good events from us. They may do so here or not give it to us for a year or 2 cuz you know, Pokemon.
So have you just ignored that since the zoroark movie we have gotten every movie-tie-in despite most movies not being in theaters since the Deoxsys movie

e: An addendum most every movie-tie in. We get the important ones like the titular pokemon, but the side stuff like pikachu short darkrai and all the hoopa "please god see our movie please" give aways didn't make it over.

Ash-Pikachu is important, has its own z-crystal, is THE movie tie in gift and has a ton of associated merchandise. We will get it.
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The US rarely does theater event tie-ins anyway; we'll probably be seeing the Pikachu like every other movie-based event: via Game Stop serial code, shared code via Wifi, or shared QR code.
I can see it working similar to Japan in America - you have to go to Gamestop to get the code and each week it's active will give you a different Ash-Pikachu. Which this is going to be annoying because so many of us want Indigo League Hat and that will be the first and Gamestop will be annoying with giving the code cards out.
I can see it working similar to Japan in America - you have to go to Gamestop to get the code and each week it's active will give you a different Ash-Pikachu. Which this is going to be annoying because so many of us want Indigo League Hat and that will be the first and Gamestop will be annoying with giving the code cards out.
I can see it being more like how the 20th anniversary mythical giveaway was handled, since there's so many of them. One week/month they give away one through wifi, then the next will be at gamestop, and so on. Then give away the gamestop ones a few months later over wi-fi through trainer club newsletters.
The US rarely does theater event tie-ins anyway; we'll probably be seeing the Pikachu other movie-based event: via Game Stop serial code, shared code via Wifi, or shared QR code.
Someone who noticed that I mentioned it could change. The way we get it (if any) is via some other means. Some people just notice select words. All I was saying is we either get it by alternate means (since we don't get movie events) or not at all (unlikely but Pokemon International is really losing touch with the fans)

So have you just ignored that since the zoroark movie we have gotten every movie-tie-in despite most movies not being in theaters since the Deoxsys movie

e: An addendum most every movie-tie in. We get the important ones like the titular pokemon, but the side stuff like pikachu short darkrai and all the hoopa "please god see our movie please" give aways didn't make it over.

Ash-Pikachu is important, has its own z-crystal, is THE movie tie in gift and has a ton of associated merchandise. We will get it.
If you notice I did mention that it can change. The issue is the movies don't tend to be in theaters in FL and (source is chatting with online friends) doesn't seem to be that way elsewhere in the US (I do have my sources prior to ranting. And if you read closely I do mention that its like that ATM. It may or may not change).
Someone who noticed that I mentioned it could change.
You said that it looks like the US won't be getting it, but it may change. The message I got from that is that you drew your conclusion that the US is not getting shiny Tapus (side note: is Japan getting other shiny Tapus as well?) or Ash Hat Pikachu based on the distribution being available in Japan only by visiting certain stores and purchasing a presale ticket for the upcoming movie respectively (and we know this via leaks, not an official announcement). You then follow up by saying that you said it may not change because of the way it's being distributed, and now you're acknowledging that movie event Pokemon in Japan are usually distributed differently in North America, and the two kinda contradict. I guess what I'm trying to get at is, if you already know that movie event Pokemon are distributed differently in the US, then chances are, more likely than not, you'll also get the Ash Hat Pikachu a different way, rather than not at all, i.e. you already know it's going to change.

Also, is Japan getting shiny UBs and cover legends as well? I'm curious because you do say you have sources but I haven't seen anything about that.
True. Thats why I said "It may change". I'm merely saying that at the moment, with how its distributed, we may not get it since (at least in huge chunks of the US) the movies don't go to theaters. Anyways, peace

Key word was "It may change". The reason I say we might not is because of 2 things. There hasn't been a movie in theaters in my area since (iirc) the Zoroark movie, and it seems to be the same for large chunks of the US. The second reason is they do tend tokeep good events from us. They may do so here or not give it to us for a year or 2 cuz you know, Pokemon.

... What? After Pokemon Heroes none of the Pokemon movies have been in theaters, going straight to TV (either on Cartoon Network or Disney) than DVD/Blu-ray. Like some films after heroes were shown for a limited time in some theaters, but those are special cases. With the Pokemon Sun & Moon anime airing on Disney XD (where the Magearna movie was first shown on December 5, 2016. And, would you look at that, on that exact same date they distributed the serial code to get Magearna via the English Pokemon website! What are the odds?) that's probably where it'll air.

So have you just ignored that since the zoroark movie we have gotten every movie-tie-in despite most movies not being in theaters since the Deoxsys movie

e: An addendum most every movie-tie in. We get the important ones like the titular pokemon, but the side stuff like pikachu short darkrai and all the hoopa "please god see our movie please" give aways didn't make it over.

Ash-Pikachu is important, has its own z-crystal, is THE movie tie in gift and has a ton of associated merchandise. We will get it.

If it's the main event featuring the starring Pokemon of the movie, which Ash Hat Pikachu is since this movie is a retelling of the first Pokemon episode, than we gave gotten it; movie appearing in theaters or not. And with there no other way to get Ash Hat Pikachu or the Pikashium Z they have to, it's not a minor thing like a Shiny Legendary/Mythical (even if it is Shiny locked. Yeah, sucks they do that, but you have/had access to the normal version of that Pokemon so its not major).
Don't quote me on this, but I was always under the impression that only secondary effects with % chances counted.

It doesn't have to be chances.

If it's something the move causes after dealing damage, it's a secondary effect. For example, Power-Up Punch's Attack boost.

That's why Brick Break does not have a secondary effect (happens before damage), Cross Chop doesn't (happens while damaging, and besides, all moves can crit so it wouldn't make sense) and Aerial Ace doesn't either (it merely means the move will always execute), in those cases.

The only exceptions to this rule are effects on the user that are not stat boosts.
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Don't quote me on this, but I was always under the impression that only secondary effects with % chances counted.

Yeah, that seems to be the case. In that case they should look at the Pokemon who get Sheer Force and will in the future and make & give them moves (especially STAB) they can use with Sheer Force. That or extend it to moves with other kind of effects if that's possible.
Yeah, that seems to be the case. In that case they should look at the Pokemon who get Sheer Force and will in the future and make & give them moves (especially STAB) they can use with Sheer Force. That or extend it to moves with other kind of effects if that's possible.
But that would imply that they put thought into the competitive side of things... which they rarely do when designing a Pokemon. ("Hey, Kartana's a super-sharp sword! Let's give it almost every cutting move ever, including Air Cutter and Air Slash! And be sure to make its Attack really high! Air Slash and Air Cutter are Special? Meh. Toss 'em in anyway.")
But that would imply that they put thought into the competitive side of things... which they rarely do when designing a Pokemon. ("Hey, Kartana's a super-sharp sword! Let's give it almost every cutting move ever, including Air Cutter and Air Slash! And be sure to make its Attack really high! Air Slash and Air Cutter are Special? Meh. Toss 'em in anyway.")
Then they did it correctly. The core of the basis for a movepool should always be what actually makes sense conceptually.
But that would imply that they put thought into the competitive side of things... which they rarely do when designing a Pokemon. ("Hey, Kartana's a super-sharp sword! Let's give it almost every cutting move ever, including Air Cutter and Air Slash! And be sure to make its Attack really high! Air Slash and Air Cutter are Special? Meh. Toss 'em in anyway.")

And at the same time it gets Vacuum Wave, Smart Strike (STAB or not, it's a HORN move), Detect and Defog.

At least the latter can be handwave at the fact it could fold like a paper fan, but the others?
Hindsight is 20/20. As hypno28 said, at first the Pokemon's design heavily influences what it learns. But we have seen some decisions done due to how it would affect competitive, positively or negatively, so they do after make decisions for competitive after the fact. They could always create and/or add moves, or even just change their Ability. That's one of the beauties of Pokemon, it's an ever evolving meta with the release of each game giving many Pokemon new tools to play with and one game's major threat/joke can become a joke/major threat with a few additions/removals/changes.

As for Kartana, nowadays GF is being a bit more lenient on the Move's description probably thinking how a Pokemon without that the physiology that move requires would adapt:

Vacuum Wave: Kartana cuts so fast it creates a vacuum pocket. Honestly Kartana learning Vacuum Wave is the least of its problems. Vacuum Wave either needs to be taught to more Special attacker or should be changed to a Physical Move that uses the target's Special Defense (aka a reverse Psyshock).

Smart Strike: Easy enough, it folds it head into a point cone shape.

Detect: The empty space in the middle of its face might as well be an eye. In addition due to how it moves about, riding around on air currents like a piece of paper, I can see it dodging around by doing that (I think we've all had a moment where the wind blew a piece of paper from our hands and we had to go chase & catch it).

Defog: As you said, either folds itself up like a folding fan or spins it body like a circular fan.

Also, Kartana is far from the first Pokemon to get moves it has no reason learning. Even before the Physical-Special Split, Alakazam and Gengar could learn Focus Punch via TM, Body Slam, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Mega Kick, and Mega Punch via Tutor. Not to mention Blissey, who's highest offense stat is Special, levelpool only include Physical attacks.
One thing that annoys me this gen is how Game Freak is (or will) be letting us obtain the Post-bank megas this gen. They could of just made them available as purchasable BT items, but instead, most of them are being given out via Online Competitions or Serial Codes after said Competition. I can see why they did this, so that more players would participate in their competitons for the items. It won't be an issue later in the future, but for now, we will just have to wait.
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With Sun/Moon, a lot of cool stuff was added. However, there's something that has started to bother me, especially since PokéBank was reopened: Pokémon without a dex number. I just can't stand to see that empty space between the name and the nickname. It makes the Pokémon feel...illegitimate to me. The fact that they're not allowed in some Battle Competitions doesn't help, either. They should've just left the National Pokedex In-game, in my opinion.
With Sun/Moon, a lot of cool stuff was added. However, there's something that has started to bother me, especially since PokéBank was reopened: Pokémon without a dex number. I just can't stand to see that empty space between the name and the nickname. It makes the Pokémon feel...illegitimate to me. The fact that they're not allowed in some Battle Competitions doesn't help, either. They should've just left the National Pokedex In-game, in my opinion.
I was so looking forward to how "twisted and vile and KILL KILL KILL" the non-Alolan Mega Evolutions would be depicted, but no, it's not native to Alola so who cares...