Unpopular opinions

ORAS has a better postgame than Emerald.

Because of the Delta Episode, you say?

I wouldn't call it post-game.

(I guess that counts as an Unpopular Opinion: I don't think the Delta Episode is part of the post-game, but rather that the post-game begins when the Delta Episode ends)
Because of the Delta Episode, you say?

I wouldn't call it post-game.

(I guess that counts as an Unpopular Opinion: I don't think the Delta Episode is part of the post-game, but rather that the post-game begins when the Delta Episode ends)
Naw, I consider Delta Episode part of the main game.

I'm mainly talking about the countless number of Pokemon that you can catch once your done with the game. In addition to a bunch of legendaries, each area has at least 2 to 3 new Pokemon to catch, giving the player more reasons to travel the region again. The more convenient trainer's eye also contributes to this to some degree.

Apart from that, most of the reason I consider the postgame better is due to the QOL changes that have been progressing for each passing generation. A much better and more convenient breeding system makes hatching eggs more fun and more rewarding, Secret bases are much easier to find online thanks to QR codes, and simply battling and trading with other people is much more fun thanks to the better online system.
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By the way, from least fave to best:
Original Aqua/Magma < Team Flare < Neo Team Plasma < Team Galactic < Team Plasma Ghetsis < ORAS Aqua/Magma < Team Rocket < Team Skull < That one Plasma Grunt that plays double agent in B2W2 help you.
for me I'm going fave to least fave and it's
1. galactic
2. plasma (neo)
3. plasma (old)
4. johto rocket
5. skull (hated aether foundation personally)
6. oras a/m
7. rse a/m
8. flare (omfg they really sucked)
I think the sneaking mechanic in ORAS should've been introduced during the postgame. When you play through the main story it kinda sucks the fun out of catching Mons when you spend time looking for one with a good Egg move. Getting it in the postgame would give you incentive to revisit routes. And I am really, really against Mons outside the original RS being included before the postgame. When I beat Wallace and was surfing I ran into a Frillish iirc and I was really turned off by the expanded Pokedex being available before postgame.
I missed the Galactic discussion (I was afk for a week, hated being afk) and people seem to think Galactic has no central goal, from what I've read. That's not true, and their central goal is what makes it imo one of the best teams.
You see, the entire team - even the admins - sans Cyrus are believing that they're helping the world. They even made tv ads noting this. They're helping to create energy. Cyrus, however, is playing on their emotions for a very dark goal. He wishes to create a world without soul, one without the weaknesses of mankind. He's willing to lie, he's willing to run entire lives just for it. That makes the team really cool and dark, and is why I love it. (I am biased tho; read my signature and you'll see why. also, I can empathize with being lonely and liking machines more than people)
Also, the theme. The battle theme is unrivaled, especially the brawl mix. i'll add links later.
same here, even if it (might) be a troll post. bibarel is the best hm slave in the series.
I think the sneaking mechanic in ORAS should've been introduced during the postgame. When you play through the main story it kinda sucks the fun out of catching Mons when you spend time looking for one with a good Egg move. Getting it in the postgame would give you incentive to revisit routes. And I am really, really against Mons outside the original RS being included before the postgame. When I beat Wallace and was surfing I ran into a Frillish iirc and I was really turned off by the expanded Pokedex being available before postgame.

While I like the sneaking mechanic (being you got to level the thing up for each Pokemon I don't think its too broken, is grinding for a Pokemon with a certain Egg Move just as bad as grinding a Pokemon's level in general?), I agree with you on the expanded dex. Like I just saved the world and I'm told not much time later that the climate change has caused new Pokemon from other regions to show back up and I can go catch them now or I can just finish the Pokemon League. Well, great it's an option, but I don't see the point. For one, it's the end of the game, I pretty much have my main team together, I'm not going to start from scratch. Two, I still gotta finish the game by beating the Pokemon League, why have an option to prolong it and not keep it as a post game feature? Finally, this more sounds like it should have been a New Game+ feature if you're going to give it as an option during main game.

But, as I said, it's an option which I personally just ignored till post game and went to beat the Pokemon League.


You see, the entire team - even the admins - sans Cyrus are believing that they're helping the world. They even made tv ads noting this. They're helping to create energy. Cyrus, however, is playing on their emotions for a very dark goal. He wishes to create a world without soul, one without the weaknesses of mankind. He's willing to lie, he's willing to run entire lives just for it. That makes the team really cool and dark, and is why I love it.

Isn't this just Cyrus though, rather than the team as a whole? The grunts are mindless fools and its only touched upon at the end of the Galactic plotline that Cyrus may be lying, but in my own opinion it makes it all about Cyrus, rather than the team. It's Cyrus that defines Team Galactic, the admins and grunts have pretty bland personalities. Depending on your own opinion this could be either a good thing or a bad thing. Teams should be more than their leader, if the team is unable to have an identity for itself outside of the leader then, in my own opinion it isn't a good team.

Cyrus has a good character, the team does not.
My unpopular opinion is that I like more the old team skull than the new team skull.
Also, for those who dont know, in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness/Time/Sky, it have an "evil" team calld the Team Skull.
("Evil" is in "" because they are more bullys than anything.)
Old Team Skull is just a Zubat, a Koffing and a Skuntang. Only 3 pokemons.
These 3 are better than the broken rappers of Sun and Moon, in my opinion.
Isn't this just Cyrus though, rather than the team as a whole? The grunts are mindless fools and its only touched upon at the end of the Galactic plotline that Cyrus may be lying, but in my own opinion it makes it all about Cyrus, rather than the team. It's Cyrus that defines Team Galactic, the admins and grunts have pretty bland personalities. Depending on your own opinion this could be either a good thing or a bad thing. Teams should be more than their leader, if the team is unable to have an identity for itself outside of the leader then, in my own opinion it isn't a good team.

Cyrus has a good character, the team does not.
So? It's about him. The team itself is pretty cool - the grunts imo look cool with their uniforms and OMG THAT BATTLE THEME. The admins and grunts aren't supposed to be anything special - what matters is how Cyrus manipulates them, betrays them and uses them for his evil deeds. The team by itself is pretty kickass with the uniform and theme. IMO so long as the team makes the plot line good (well, for a pokémon game lol) then it works. Cyrus worked really well in making the plot mature, and imo it gave DDPt the best plot after BW(2) and maybe SM. Thus, for me, it worked. Tbh, one of the main reasons people seem to hate Galactic was Mt. Coronet. That wasn't that bad. It took me 15 minutes, but I felt nothing.
My unpopular opinion is that I like more the old team skull than the new team skull.
Also, for those who dont know, in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness/Time/Sky, it have an "evil" team calld the Team Skull.
("Evil" is in "" because they are more bullys than anything.)
Old Team Skull is just a Zubat, a Koffing and a Skuntang. Only 3 pokemons.
These 3 are better than the broken rappers of Sun and Moon, in my opinion.
Well, the old team skull is from Mystery Dungeon but the new one is from a mainstream game. They're not very comparable. However, I will agree that the new Team Skull kind of sucked. Broken, "edgy" try hard rappers (I mean, edginess doesn't come from being a try hard, as I myself have found) all being led by some blackmailed dude. I never cared for them, because the personality didn't fit the actual Lusamine plot. Also no Mt. Coronet why?
So? It's about him. The team itself is pretty cool - the grunts imo look cool with their uniforms and OMG THAT BATTLE THEME. The admins and grunts aren't supposed to be anything special - what matters is how Cyrus manipulates them, betrays them and uses them for his evil deeds. The team by itself is pretty kickass with the uniform and theme. IMO so long as the team makes the plot line good (well, for a pokémon game lol) then it works. Cyrus worked really well in making the plot mature, and imo it gave DDPt the best plot after BW(2) and maybe SM. Thus, for me, it worked. Tbh, one of the main reasons people seem to hate Galactic was Mt. Coronet. That wasn't that bad. It took me 15 minutes, but I felt nothing.

Well, the old team skull is from Mystery Dungeon but the new one is from a mainstream game. They're not very comparable. However, I will agree that the new Team Skull kind of sucked. Broken, "edgy" try hard rappers (I mean, edginess doesn't come from being a try hard, as I myself have found) all being led by some blackmailed dude. I never cared for them, because the personality didn't fit the actual Lusamine plot. Also no Mt. Coronet why?
Well, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers has a plot better than Sun and Moon.
But yea, i agree they are not very comparable. One is a real gang, with tons of peoples involved.
The other are just 3 friends that like bullying other pokemons.
So? It's about him. The team itself is pretty cool - the grunts imo look cool with their uniforms and OMG THAT BATTLE THEME. The admins and grunts aren't supposed to be anything special - what matters is how Cyrus manipulates them, betrays them and uses them for his evil deeds. The team by itself is pretty kickass with the uniform and theme. IMO so long as the team makes the plot line good (well, for a pokémon game lol) then it works. Cyrus worked really well in making the plot mature, and imo it gave DDPt the best plot after BW(2) and maybe SM. Thus, for me, it worked. Tbh, one of the main reasons people seem to hate Galactic was Mt. Coronet. That wasn't that bad. It took me 15 minutes, but I felt nothing.

It's just a matter of opinion. I dislike one person shows. I'd rather a villainous team that has merits as a team rather than its leader itself. Cyrus, as a person, is a well built character - the team is not. You can say the admins/grunts "aren't supposed to be anything special" but I disagree. These characters (mostly the admins) don't need to be neglected for the sake of the leader. As for the theme, I'll give you that, it's pretty cool... but the uniform looks a bit ridiculous. The plot itself is decent I just think the team itself could be done better.

Team Skull kind of sucked. Broken, "edgy" try hard rappers (I mean, edginess doesn't come from being a try hard, as I myself have found) all being led by some blackmailed dude. I never cared for them, because the personality didn't fit the actual Lusamine plot.

This is fair but you're not really supposed to take the grunts seriously. They mock and lampshade various traditions in the whole villainous team gimmick and even from the very start of the game are they presented as a joke (Iilma ignoring them). The grunts are more comedic than an actual force to be reckoned with. This makes them rather refreshing in my opinion, but I can see how it could be disliked. As for "some blackmailed dude", it goes a bit beyond that. Lusamine was the only person who seemed to recognize his strength. It's not surprising that Guzma would ally himself with Lusamine/Aether. Team Skull aren't the main bad guys, but that's OK.

Guzma is actually a great leader. He's not the best, but he's far from bad. He's legitimately intimidating, and not someone you'd want to meet (some other leaders were more tame in your presence. Say what you will about their overall ambitions, but Guzma felt more vicious. There were no peaceful meetings with Guzma until Ultra Space, whereas most other leaders have had peaceful encounters with the player (without battling).
The try-hard edginess is intentional. It's part of the characterization...it's not like GF tried to make them worth taking seriously and failed...so I'm not exactly sure what the complaint is.

At least this is better than that person who complained about their language though. Their dialogue is actually really well-done.
The admins and grunts aren't supposed to be anything special - what matters is how Cyrus manipulates them, betrays them and uses them for his evil deeds.

A problem arises from how easy the grunts are to manipulate, though. They are so gullible and childish that Cyrus doesn't come across as a master manipulator. How could he, when any random kid could seemingly order the grunts around without them ever questioning it? Cyrus might as well have had an army of loyal robots, since the stuff he says and does sounds like it wouldn't fool anybody. The grunts falling for the thinly-veiled evil plan comes across as goofy on their part rather than genial on Cyrus' part. Not so much manipulation as a showcase in incompetence from the grunts. This lashes back on Cyrus, he doesn't strike players as a competent villain. He's just a generic evil guy who stumbled upon a horde of underlings who couldn't see his insanity, to the point of breaking suspension of disbelief. Simply put, the grunts are too dumb for Cyrus to appear smart.
^Generic is probably the best way I can describe Cyrus. Having an emotionless leader that wants to craft the world in his image isn't that inspiring of a character. Let's compare Cyrus to another Boss: Giovanni.

Giovanni is a straight up gangster that really depicts what Team Rocket is all about: stealing and making money. It's easy to see that the Rockets are all motivated towards the same cause and can be taken seriously (whips in the Gen 1 sprites too!). He and his cronies take over Silph Co, which is a really ballsy heist. Top it off with the fact that he's the most powerful gym leader in Kanto, too, and doesn't even bother to conceal his identity to the player. To sum it up, Giovanni's actions paint him as a mob boss with big ambition, a strong organization, and an IDGAF attitude. This character is infinitely more successful (and fun) than Cyrus is.

What could improve Cyrus? If his personality could be rewritten in the eventual DP remakes, I think he should be conflicted with his actions (which are unfortunately necessary in his view to achieve his vision).
What could improve Cyrus? If his personality could be rewritten in the eventual DP remakes, I think he should be conflicted with his actions (which are unfortunately necessary in his view to achieve his vision).

Well the main thing about Cyrus was that he had no emotion, he considered them useless so chose not to show any. Now maybe they could play with that, maybe give him sort of a complex where most of the time he's emotionless but every so often he'd have a severe mood swing. If they keep the first "test" battle with him, maybe after the battle they can have him start laughing like a maniac as he finds some comedy of a child being his biggest threat, when he's giving his speech he can become super angry as he got himself worked up with what's wrong with the world (though the grunts confuse it for him being passionate), and then after his plans are thwarted maybe have him fully break down into tears. Pretty much show what could happen to someone who tries to keep their emotions bottled up and isn't too mentally stable.

That all said, I can only imagine that the remakes will probably focus around one or multiple of the new "energy" in the Pokemon World: Infinity Energy (aka Mega Evolution) & Ultra Energy (aka Z-Moves). Note that Arceus does change type to match the basic Z-Crystal its given, so there's some connection.
The real problem with Cyrus and Team Galactic is remake syndrome, in that they are now technically the oldest villain team to not have an update, remake, or take advantage Gamefreak's better skill at crafting plots in pokemon games. And unfortunately it shows.

At the time Cyrus and Galactic were a darkly chilling threat, the darkest in the series yet. Blowing up lakes and subjugating legendary pokemon, and even Cyrus got his moment when he sheds the "emotionless" visage and throws a coniption fit in Platinum's distortion world when it becomes apparent his entire plan was doomed to fail.

But that was years ago, and every plot element introduced in D/P/Pt has been done better by a later game.

So while I agree most of you have a point, it still feels a bit petty to be picking on grandpa just because he's old and outdated.

...but I can't help myself, let's pick on grandpa! Because here's my opinion: Sinnoh's route designs suck. Like, worst in the whole series. SUPER bad level design, a case study in what not to do.

I've done some pretty epic rants about this about a year ago (that I sadly can't find and link to) but here are the main talking points:

1. The route to Snowpoint City is THE WORST ROUTE IN THE ENTIRE SERIES. There are no fly spots, it's full of Ace Trainers, it takes several HM's to get there (since you have to pass through Mt. Coronet for the upteenth time) but no ways to switch pokemon, it's constantly hailing, and there's deep snowbanks that you'll always be sinking into slowing your progress to a crawl.

2. The progression path is linear (unlike parts of Johto, Kanto, and even Hoenn) but also crisscrosses everywhere. So there's few sidepaths and little exploration, but it's also confusing as heck and hard to follow. You'll be running figure 8's around the continent just trying to get to each gym. How in the world did they manage to make it linear AND easy to get lost?

3. Too many HM's. You need to make half your team HM slaves, even when abusing multi-taskers like Bidoof.

4. A bunch of routes are nearly as bad as the route to Snowpoint, to the point that a top-10 list will be mostly comprised of examples from here. Mt. Coronet, the Great Marsh, the Survival area, this was not a region for the faint of heart.

5. Sinnoh's level design sucked so much that the developers double downed and swung to the opposite extreme for the mostly linear, straight forward, and arguably boring routes we see in modern games.
you've officially triggered me. I'm going to respond in your quote, in underline.
...but I can't help myself, let's pick on grandpa! Because here's my opinion: Sinnoh's route designs suck. Like, worst in the whole series. SUPER bad level design, a case study in what not to do.
it's not unova, but it's not bad at all. hoenn was much, MUCH worse, and so was kalos. alola too.

I've done some pretty epic rants about this about a year ago (that I sadly can't find and link to) but here are the main talking points:

1. The route to Snowpoint City is THE WORST ROUTE IN THE ENTIRE SERIES. There are no fly spots, it's full of Ace Trainers, it takes several HM's to get there (since you have to pass through Mt. Coronet for the upteenth time) but no ways to switch pokemon, it's constantly hailing, and there's deep snowbanks that you'll always be sinking into slowing your progress to a crawl.
it's not that bad. git gud, like, actually. it's designed to be hard because it's a snowstorm, for heaven's sake. it's not meant for the faint of heart. it's not the worst route - it's just the hardest, and most realistic imo.
2. The progression path is linear (unlike parts of Johto, Kanto, and even Hoenn) but also crisscrosses everywhere. So there's few sidepaths and little exploration, but it's also confusing as heck and hard to follow. You'll be running figure 8's around the continent just trying to get to each gym. How in the world did they manage to make it linear AND easy to get lost?
it's not that linear. the criss cross lets you catch different pokemon in different places. it's kind of linear but what pokemon you get isn't. your best point though.
3. Too many HM's. You need to make half your team HM slaves, even when abusing multi-taskers like Bidoof.
lol ok and hoenn doesn't? it arguably needs more. there's a reason why people derided the water - as in not a meme. because there were too many hms - moreso than sinnoh.
4. A bunch of routes are nearly as bad as the route to Snowpoint, to the point that a top-10 list will be mostly comprised of examples from here. Mt. Coronet, the Great Marsh, the Survival area, this was not a region for the faint of heart.
OK lol Mt Coronet to me isn't any different to me than mt silver. The great marsh was a frickin safari zone. The survival area was a cool volcano place. It's not meant for the faint of heart - it's meant for people who don't suck and whine all the time.
5. Sinnoh's level design sucked so much that the developers double downed and swung to the opposite extreme for the mostly linear, straight forward, and arguably boring routes we see in modern games.
I found unova's route system to be similar but without the criss cross. It was even better lol.
tl;dr git gud.